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10 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Why not just remove them then since they dont matter?

Then we can just got 9 dps and 1 healer where the dps thats hurt just rotate into the healer spot to get toped off.

haha !

The good part about removing the boons , is that the weird gibberish of  the LFG messages (LFG HAM) will go away too

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17 minutes ago, Woof.8246 said:

haha !

The good part about removing the boons , is that the weird gibberish of  the LFG messages (LFG HAM) will go away too

Removing mmorpg's complexity and the need for cooperation not only doesn't really have "good parts" about it, but also goes directly against what is asked in this thread.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

The problem is the lack of hard trinity. Even when you do group content, it feels like you're playing alone, together.

This may be the least true thing I've seen said in this thread.  When you're playing the trinity and you're tanking it's you and the boss.  Healing in most MMOs is looking at little green bars going up and down, your own personal minigame.  Here, everyone is moving it's true. It's harder to see what's going on. But it's less like a minigame and more like a fight.


In this game, the only way you're playing alone in harder end game content is when you're not helping your team. I never feel like I'm playing alone when I do fractals or raid.  Because I'm not limited to one role.  I can help get someone up who's gone down. I can cover for someone who can't make a circle. I can help slow down adds trying to reach the boss, because the guy who was supposed to got frozen.  Nah,  I don't think this is true at all, not even a little.

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

This may be the least true thing I've seen said in this thread.  When you're playing the trinity and you're tanking it's you and the boss.  Healing in most MMOs is looking at little green bars going up and down, your own personal minigame.  Here, everyone is moving it's true. It's harder to see what's going on. But it's less like a minigame and more like a fight.


In this game, the only way you're playing alone in harder end game content is when you're not helping your team. I never feel like I'm playing alone when I do fractals or raid.  Because I'm not limited to one role.  I can help get someone up who's gone down. I can cover for someone who can't make a circle. I can help slow down adds trying to reach the boss, because the guy who was supposed to got frozen.  Nah,  I don't think this is true at all, not even a little.

lmao, we get it, you're a guild leader and have access to the 1% of "harder endgame content" that no one else does. Most normal people just do open world pve, that's what this game stands out for, and in open world pve you are essentially playing on your own in hordes of numbers.

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2 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

lmao, we get it, you're a guild leader and have access to the 1% of "harder endgame content" that no one else does. Most normal people just do open world pve, that's what this game stands out for, and in open world pve you are essentially playing on your own in hordes of numbers.

Yea trinity would not change that in any way what so ever tho.

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6 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

lmao, we get it, you're a guild leader and have access to the 1% of "harder endgame content" that no one else does. Most normal people just do open world pve, that's what this game stands out for, and in open world pve you are essentially playing on your own in hordes of numbers.

And your "most normal people" comes from where? You have any game's population numbers to back this up any game statistic's how many people truly plays end game content? Or is this just your empty words based on rumours from what other people like you are saying about this game? 

Edited by soul.9651
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6 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

lmao, we get it, you're a guild leader and have access to the 1% of "harder endgame content" that no one else does. Most normal people just do open world pve, that's what this game stands out for, and in open world pve you are essentially playing on your own in hordes of numbers.

My wife plays. I've made friends. We do story together. Achievements together. Low level fractals to teach new people. We even do stuff like map complete together sometimes.  Playing with people is a choice. If you don't make that choice, that's on you.

Edit: And guild missions twice a week.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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12 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

This may be the least true thing I've seen said in this thread.  When you're playing the trinity and you're tanking it's you and the boss.  Healing in most MMOs is looking at little green bars going up and down, your own personal minigame.  Here, everyone is moving it's true. It's harder to see what's going on. But it's less like a minigame and more like a fight.


In this game, the only way you're playing alone in harder end game content is when you're not helping your team. I never feel like I'm playing alone when I do fractals or raid.  Because I'm not limited to one role.  I can help get someone up who's gone down. I can cover for someone who can't make a circle. I can help slow down adds trying to reach the boss, because the guy who was supposed to got frozen.  Nah,  I don't think this is true at all, not even a little.

The problem with non-trinity in group play is that it removes dynamics without replacing them with anything.  While watching little green bars is arguably not engaging, it's at least something.  The GW2 version simply removes the ability to apply targeted healing and replaces it with area effect spam.

The purpose of tanking is to add the dynamic of boss control.  You even see GW2 employ this in some of their raid encounters.  Without it, bosses tend to be stationary.  Consider the EoD strikes.  All of the bosses just stand in place so players can attack them, interspersed with movement phases.  In a trinity game, the tank would be responsible for moving the boss into favorable positions while off-tanks could handle other mechanics like picking up adds.  GW2 didn't add anything by removing tanking.  They just removed that dynamic and then tacked it back in in half-assed fashion where it suited them.

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1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

The problem with non-trinity in group play is that it removes dynamics without replacing them with anything.  While watching little green bars is arguably not engaging, it's at least something.  The GW2 version simply removes the ability to apply targeted healing and replaces it with area effect spam.

The purpose of tanking is to add the dynamic of boss control.  You even see GW2 employ this in some of their raid encounters.  Without it, bosses tend to be stationary.  Consider the EoD strikes.  All of the bosses just stand in place so players can attack them, interspersed with movement phases.  In a trinity game, the tank would be responsible for moving the boss into favorable positions while off-tanks could handle other mechanics like picking up adds.  GW2 didn't add anything by removing tanking.  They just removed that dynamic and then tacked it back in in half-assed fashion where it suited them.

If I had to go back to a hard trinity, I'd quit MMOs altogether. I came here to get away from that nonsense and to me it is nonsense.  I get that you and other people like you enjoy it.  And you have a whole bunch of games to enjoy that terribly restrictive gameplay in.  This game is different. It was advertised as being different. Many of us are here because we wanted different.

I feel like a part of a team when I'm doing hard content, and that's the comment I responded to.  People  who don't feel like part of a team, probably don't get the combat system that well.

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19 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Why not just remove them then since they dont matter?

Then we can just got 9 dps and 1 healer where the dps thats hurt just rotate into the healer spot to get toped off.

You know, between the "boons don't matter" and "boons are capable of doubling or tripling your damage output" is a really massive gap you seem to completely ignore.

Hint: long, long ago, when might generation has been moved from warrior to druid (due to phalanx strength and GotL nerfs), warriors were complaining that banners were all they had left, and this made them useless. And then someone did a calculation that has shown, that if said warrior was only keeping up their 2 banners, and do absolutely nothing beyond that (so, no other boons, and zero damage), it still resulted in overall greater group dps than having a dps player take that slot instead. And those were just 2 banners.

Seriously, the boon effectiveness could be halved, and still they would be important enough to matter (a lot) in practically any demanding content.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Fixed that for you.

You might want to read what has been written first, because that "fix" of yours is definitely not true. I mean, if you think that

On 9/28/2022 at 3:01 AM, Swagger.1459 said:

dungeons, fractals, raids, strikes, world bosses, meta events, spvp, wvw

taken together are up to only 10% of the game, i wonder what you consider that 90% majority... Story and adventures? Jumping puzzles? Definitely not RP though, because that's also a group activity...

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

The problem with non-trinity in group play is that it removes dynamics without replacing them with anything.  While watching little green bars is arguably not engaging, it's at least something.  The GW2 version simply removes the ability to apply targeted healing and replaces it with area effect spam.

The purpose of tanking is to add the dynamic of boss control.  You even see GW2 employ this in some of their raid encounters.  Without it, bosses tend to be stationary.  Consider the EoD strikes.  All of the bosses just stand in place so players can attack them, interspersed with movement phases.  In a trinity game, the tank would be responsible for moving the boss into favorable positions while off-tanks could handle other mechanics like picking up adds.  GW2 didn't add anything by removing tanking.  They just removed that dynamic and then tacked it back in in half-assed fashion where it suited them.

I made a bot for my wow raid tanks because often you had these long tank and spank phases that were super boring. I could just turn it on and free my hand to actually do smth in between. Now I did like tanking because it was responsibility and you set the pace. So here I do agree with you to some extent. 

As for healing. Healed only through 1 expansion. Worst experience ever. Completely dislocated from the game. Literary watch green bar(s) all the time. Gw2 healing is infinitely more engaging because its not healing. Its support + dps + often responsible for mechanics. 

Anyway I dont think it matters, trinity or not. Its all about how mechanics are implemented. Anet can do interesting fight. But NM strikes are kept simple because they are meant to be simple and accesible (no special roles). 

Just dont ever go into classic heal bot role. I actualy like support in this game. 

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You might want to read what has been written first, because that "fix" of yours is definitely not true. I mean, if you think that

taken together are up to only 10% of the game, i wonder what you consider that 90% majority... Story and adventures? Jumping puzzles? Definitely not RP though, because that's also a group activity...

Measure the area of queensdale alone. 

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

...so, you're saying that there are no world bosses and group events in queensdale?

So you're saying all solo activities, events and trash mobs in queensdale don't count because a world boss also spawns in the map once every 2 hours? Are you seriously trying to say, out of all things, queensdale has group events in the amount anywhere near the amount of soloable content? 🙄

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On 9/28/2022 at 6:37 PM, Firebeard.1746 said:


Have you killed Dhuum yet? Just curious if you've done the hard group content while complaining there is none.


Also, which metas are you doing with absolutely no coordination? Alot of metas have points where players need to kill things around the same time, or split up and maintain objectives. Also in some metas, like pinata you can earn more rewards by coordinating with other players doing sub objectives like killing bandits.

I'm also confused what the difference is between 50 man content people can do without coordination in WoW vs Gw2. Just because it was hard back in the day, suddenly gw2 is worse, even if there's not a ton of difference in how players are playing between the two games nowadays?

Dhuum (CM can be challenging) is easy when you learn it. :) I recommed all who are interested with it to try it. :) One of the best raid bosses ever. :) 

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