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Where is Zojja


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I personally only knew her from Eureka many years ago, and more recently the netflix tudum event interviews, but looking at her imdb i see that she has done a lot more since 2012. So probably too busy with other things acting/voiceacting/podcasts and interviewer for netflix. Could she be replaced by another VA? Ofcourse. But it seems that Taimy is the Golden Child of the writers since LS1.

Edited by ancientoak.4258
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10 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

God, you guys are tense and so self centric.

Just because you don't know some one, doesn't make that some one not famous anymore.

i probably don't know any of your "famous" people either.

she's probably famous in the VA sector, which is completely reasonable.

just like some famous programmers among big tech companies, who you have no idea about, doesn't make them not famous anymore.

let along having detailed wiki page with picture lol

Oh, give me a kittening break, there's nothing "Tense or Self-Centric" about what I said.  Like it or not, Felicia Day just isn't a big name, and I say this as someone that actually DID watch 'The Guild' for a brief time and knew who she was waaay back when Anet released that "Meet The Voices" trailer. I used to follow a lot of the kinds of stuff people like Day would be in, but I'm both self-aware enough and interact with enough people of diverging interests to know that even among internet culture most people probably don't know who Day is, to say nothing about those that don't spend that much time online.  Its unfortunate that this upsets you for some reason, but that's just not my fault or problem.

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On 10/15/2022 at 12:08 AM, pallas.8150 said:

Taimi is horrible - please bring back the OG Asura.

To be honest, I mostly agree with this. 
I don't think Taimi is awful, but the original Asura were far more entertaining. 
Vekk and Gadd were much more memorable with much less screentime. 

The Asura in GW2 feel like a parody. 

Edited by Animism.7530
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I mean...if I were a secret society of Asura censoring and hoarding information on the dragons in order to achieve world domination and the obstinate-yet-brilliant protégé of one of Rata Sum's most beloved geniuses that kept meddling in things they shouldn't be, foiling our nefarious schemes suddenly wound up gravely injured and unconscious in our care — I'd probably steal her away to some hidden location and force her to use her mind to aid our plans for conquest and pretend to all the world that she never fully recovered from her unfortunate brush with an elder dragon.

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  • 6 months later...

I think they should just show Zojja is now bedridden forever if her vegetable state has developed to a serious stage.


Mordremoth attacked her mind after all and that is not easily fixed compared to Logan who had his physical strength attacked which he manage to compensate over the storyline with new armor and weapons.

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Zojja can stay whereever she is. I don't care about her return. Never liked her. Neither in the book nor in game.

Taimi - early on I was a big fan. But at this point, she just annoys me. There is a problem? Taimi has the solution. Something needs to be figured out? Taimi! Taimi is in trouble? Quick, drop everything! We are done for? Don't worry, Taimi will come up with a solution. No matter how far fetched! Taimi here, Taimi there, Taimi everywhere. Taimi ex machina. She can figure out everything, fix every 'machine', outthink everyone. Taimi is Mary Sue. On steroids.

The PC has become nothing but muscle for Taimi. I hate it. Very much so. Once we made choices and decisions. But ever since LW3 we only do what Taimi 'suggests' us to do. Taimi command. We follow. If Taimi has no commands for us, we stumble around aimlessly. 

Screw this! 

So keep Zojja bed ridden AND remove Taimi. Forever. Story could only improve. Until they turn Gorrik into Taimi 2.0.

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People hated Trahearne. But Trahearne treated the PC as an highly intelligent, highly capable person and gave praise all the time. There were several routes to take? Trahearne asked the PC!

Taimi does not ask. She tells us what to do. And in best case we get a half hearted 'well done'. With the undertone of 'now go and be someone's else muscle'.

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On 10/8/2022 at 5:36 AM, Reborn.1738 said:

Zojja was replaced with Taimi. No need for two tech wiz Asura

Wrong. Most Asura are tech wiz by default. Also, we already have two: Gorrick and Taimi. So you're double wrong. Taimi and Zoja also specialize in different fields of study. So you're triple wrong. Got anything else wrong to say?

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On 10/8/2022 at 4:53 AM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

Apparently just being a guest star in major series and one of the most iconic voice actors of all time doesn't make you famous anymore, because you didn't star in a hundred episodes of some bad sitcom.

Eh. Felicia Day does have a career in her own right, but it is nothing in comparison to some of the bigger names on the VA cast list for GW2. To call her too famous for GW2 is utterly laughable.

I think I've just gotten used to her being gone, her absence doesn't bother me anymore. On the other hand, I'd be perfectly fine with a reasonable re-casting of her role, and there's already a very good in-game excuse for such a change.

The real answer is that it's probably not worth the trouble for Anet. Not saying that everyone needs to be happy with the status quo, but that's probably just how it is.

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1 hour ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Eh. Felicia Day does have a career in her own right, but it is nothing in comparison to some of the bigger names on the VA cast list for GW2. To call her too famous for GW2 is utterly laughable.

I think I've just gotten used to her being gone, her absence doesn't bother me anymore. On the other hand, I'd be perfectly fine with a reasonable re-casting of her role, and there's already a very good in-game excuse for such a change.

The real answer is that it's probably not worth the trouble for Anet. Not saying that everyone needs to be happy with the status quo, but that's probably just how it is.

This is a response to a post that is almost a year old, but I'll bite. It seems awfully strange what people consider "famous" these days; at some point it no longer matters if you grew up seeing or hearing someone?


Meanwhile if someone gets a million subscribes on YouTube everyone knows about them, and people who stream video games are considered "famous", to the point where recently the entire public reputation of Guild Wars 2 hinged on a single prolific streamer playing it.


Maybe I'm just getting old, but this seems a bit backwards.

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1 hour ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

This is a response to a post that is almost a year old, but I'll bite. It seems awfully strange what people consider "famous" these days; at some point it no longer matters if you grew up seeing or hearing someone?


Meanwhile if someone gets a million subscribes on YouTube everyone knows about them, and people who stream video games are considered "famous", to the point where recently the entire public reputation of Guild Wars 2 hinged on a single prolific streamer playing it.


Maybe I'm just getting old, but this seems a bit backwards.

I'm older too (pushing 40). Not old old, but certainly not one of the kids anymore. The fame I referred to regarding other members of the GW2 voice cast is not at all based on the new internet fame you describe.

Jennifer Hale (Queen Jenna, female sylvari character, and others) is one of the biggest names in the English/NA voice acting scene. Nolan North (human male player character, etc.) is a similarly big name in the industry, as is Troy Baker (Logan Thackeray). Steve Blum was long famous for being the voice of Spike Spiegel from the English dub of Cowboy Bebop, and he plays Rytlock, Phlunt, one of the dredge leaders from Thunderhead Peaks, and a ton of other NPCs. Matt Mercer is only slightly less established than the names I just mentioned, of Critical Role fame (Mercer does the male norn player character, the new Canach, and others). Prior to CritRole blowing up, he's probably best known for voicing all incarnations of Chrom from the Fire Emblem series of games, which is an enormous franchise. Fred Tatasciore does Snargle, Kralkatorrik, Deimos, Mad King Thorn and others, and he's another highly established voice actor. Tara Strong (the voice of Scarlet) is another huge name from the industry. Kari Wahlgren is another longtime voice actor in a lot of other media and games as well. The list goes on, so I'll end it here.

And yes, Felicia Day has a lot of credits to her name, but as a voice actor she's nowhere near these other names. For all the things that Anet skimps out on, voice casting is not one of them. Frankly it's extremely impressive to have so many huge names attached to a project that seems to suffer from so little broader attention.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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12 hours ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

But at this point, she just annoys me. There is a problem? Taimi has the solution. Something needs to be figured out? Taimi! Taimi is in trouble? Quick, drop everything! We are done for? Don't worry, Taimi will come up with a solution. No matter how far fetched! Taimi here, Taimi there, Taimi everywhere. Taimi ex machina. She can figure out everything, fix every 'machine', outthink everyone. Taimi is Mary Sue. On steroids.

These kind of outcries have been going on for a while and, initially, I disagreed because they felt hyperbolic.

But not lately, and what's more, the latest Gorrik dialogue even lampshades this oh so heavily:

Gorrik: While I was there, Taimi showed me something exciting: a prototype for a device that she, Joon, and Yao are working on!
Gorrik: It's designed to control the stress responses the demon seems to feast on, then channel that power back at it!
Gorrik: It's based on my research findings. Paired with Yao and Joon's jade tech knowledge, and Taimi's...everything knowledge...
Gorrik: We just might have a solution to our demon problem!

Not only is the solution to the demon problem magically solved off-screen and with zero proper build-up (something criticized about the dual Elder Dragon threat in Season 3 with Omadd's Machine, though I often disagree because the build-up was in active dialogue between the Commander and Taimi in every episode), apparently, but Gorrik outright highlights Taimi's core critical issue that the other "tech wiz" (as @Reborn.1738 put it) do not have.

Every tech wiz has their specific field of focus - and while Gorrik broke out of this a bit too much for my taste in Dragonfall open world with being a sudden expert on ley-lines / diverting ley-lines, Taimi has no "specific field of focus" - she knows everything. Somehow. At first her focus was "Scarlet and Ley-Lines", then it grew to "Dragons", but it quietly kept growing every season, and it really is Taimi's everything.

Zojja's expertise was "Snaff and Dragons".

Taimi's expertise was "Scarlet and Ley-Lines".

Blish's expertise was "portals"

Gorrik's expertise was "insects and organization" and we've been adding on "detective work" with EoD, slow and steadily.

Each character had their own specific field that only marginally touched the others'. But when they wrote Zojja out, they combined her expertise into Taimi's because they needed someone to fill the role, and Taimi learned from Blish and then from Joon later on. And it seems that when there is some need for solution... Taimi figures it out, even if it isn't part of her ever-growing field.... yet.

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