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How hyped are you for the next episode?


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54 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

I don't have a problem with not being excited for the next episode. (...)  The reality is that hype is a grey area and not just a flat 0 or 10 score.

The reality is, that there are people that like GW2 but are not hyped (and maybe do not care) for the next episode. Because there is no definition what number "not hyped" should represent, it usually means "not hyped" = 0.

I do have hope for the next episode that it will be fun and I will play it next tuesday when it is released, but I can not say that I am "hyped" about it.

EDIT: "not being excited" -> "not hyped" -> 0 score.

Edited by Zok.4956
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4 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Did you NOT READ ANYTHING AT ALL? I don't have a problem with not being excited for the next episode. My issue is with the like/dislike dichotomy of social media crazed children. The reality is that hype is a grey area and not just a flat 0 or 10 score.

Then why even ask the question?

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On 11/3/2022 at 3:42 PM, Hindenburg.3415 said:

I am waiting for it.

Having more or less coherent story IN GAME is very good thing.

I remember being very confusing playing it first time.

Like why Lion's Arch is different in the cutscenes ? Why there are references and content "from the future' on maps ?

The story doesn't matter in MMO's, they live and die by repeatable rewarding content. Sacrificing an entire year of content updates to have a story "make sense" is Cyberpunk levels of bad decision making.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

The story doesn't matter in MMO's, they live and die by repeatable rewarding content. Sacrificing an entire year of content updates to have a story "make sense" is Cyberpunk levels of bad decision making.


GW2 already has more content than average player will ever experience. 


And story do matter unless it's B-tier Korean garbage MMO of course.

Sometimes it's even the best part like in SWTOR.


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4 out of 10. If IBS/EoD is the level of quality to expect from GW2's story going forward then I'm just going to stop caring about the story and alt+tab out during the dialogue sections and browse the internet until I unlock the new map. Might only finish the episodes for a mastery point or to unlock a mount collection.

Edited by Valfar.3761
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4/10. It'll be fun for a quick look and that's about it. I did all I wanted to the first time.


Happy that newer players get to experience it. I was busy being a noob and leveling during stuff like Southsun. I know what it's like to experience a character I have no connection with. 😆

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13 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

The story doesn't matter in MMO's, they live and die by repeatable rewarding content. Sacrificing an entire year of content updates to have a story "make sense" is Cyberpunk levels of bad decision making.

For many players, possibly even the casual majority, the story is repeatable rewarding content. Leveling alts for XP and story rewards, doing achivements, and completing the associated maps and so on.


For these players, the lack of LWS1 ruined the game for them and many quit as soon as they finished Personal Story. It became such a big issue that the devs had to go back and re-introduce an entire season and do another New Player Experience (NPE) to stop bleeding out from losing all their new players.


There's still alot more work to do (story mode dungeon streamlining, etc.), not less.


What veteran players don't seem to understand is why parties keep getting harder to fill in LFG, and why alot of content gets abandoned (DRMs and so on), is because of this. People get tired of content after a while and stop doing it, so you always need to be rotating in fresh blood for a sustainable end-game.


That player who quit because of LWS1 being missing might've been a Fractal God a year later.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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5 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

For many players, possibly even the casual majority, the story is repeatable rewarding content. Leveling alts for XP and story rewards, doing achivements, and completing the associated maps and so on.


For these players, the lack of LWS1 ruined the game for them and many quit as soon as they finished Personal Story. It became such a big issue that the devs had to go back and re-introduce an entire season and do another New Player Experience (NPE) to stop bleeding out from losing all their new players.


There's still alot more work to do (story mode dungeon streamlining, etc.), not less.


What veteran players don't seem to understand is why parties keep getting harder to fill in LFG, and why alot of content gets abandoned (DRMs and so on), is because of this. People get tired of content after a while and stop doing it, so you always need to be rotating in fresh blood for a sustainable end-game.


That player who quit because of LWS1 being missing might've been a Fractal God a year later.

I don't think most people who play MMO's actually care about the story in them. It's an extreme minority.

MMO stories are also all really bad. SP games are much better for it.

Any new player I've brought to GW2 has quit due to terrible balance, snails pace updates, and lack of end game. Not a single one quit due to story.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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8 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

I don't think most people who play MMO's actually care about the story in them. It's an extreme minority.

I honestly think you'd be surprised. Especially among the GW2 and FFXIV fanbases.

8 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

MMO stories are also all really bad. SP games are much better for it.

That's because MMOs are stuffed full of cashgrabs from Korea, like the mobile game market is currently. Doesn't mean people can't play the few non-cashgrabs for the plot.

8 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Any new player I've brought to GW2 has quit due to terrible balance, snails pace updates, and lack of end game. Not a single one quit due to story.

Of course, because in the end of the day it is a video game. Video games are first and foremost interactive entertainment media, and if the gameplay is no good, then people don't care to stick around.

This goes not just for MMOs, but every video game in existence.

While stories in video games has increased over the past three decades quite immensely, at the end of the day, a video game is nothing without good interactive (read: gameplay) elements, just as a movie is nothing without good cinematography. People will bother to sit through a kitten movie plot if it has cool action sequences and camera work - as over half of superhero movies proves. People will read through a book with a bad plot if it had interesting wordplay. But people won't sit through a video game with kitten mechanics, a movie with kitten cinematography, or a book with terrible writing regardless of how good the story is.

Because at the end of the day, while story is important to many, being able to experience it comes first.

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On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 PM, Zok.4956 said:

Anet already stated, that my favorite episode "Escape from Lion's Arch" will not be part of this remake

Well, "Escape from Lion's Arch" is included as a story instance. Unfortunately, this doesn't make it as dramatic as it was in the original. But it's better than nothing.


On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 PM, Zok.4956 said:

and the original "Battle for Lion's Arch" involved a lot of chaotic (some say mindless) zerging around.

Yes, it did and it still does in the new public version.😉


On 11/3/2022 at 5:09 PM, Zok.4956 said:

And I hope, that we will somehow be able (maybe in the story, maybe via the secret item) to visit old Lions Arch with the lion statue and the fountain.

Oh yes. My wish has been granted. This is really great. 


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3 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

Well, "Escape from Lion's Arch" is included as a story instance. Unfortunately, this doesn't make it as dramatic as it was in the original. But it's better than nothing.

They also cut out most of the story content, and even oddly removed Canach from the Fort Marriner evacuation scene.

Missing story beats:

  1. Get Lawson Marriner safely to the fort
  2. Protect the lighthouse workers as they flee the city (the ending dialogue is present but easy to miss)
  3. Get the children safely out of Lion's Arch (you can find the sole named orphan as part of a new achievement, but not the escort and dialogue)
  4. Protect the ogres as they flee the city
  5. Protect the racing moas as they escape the city (you can find the moas as part of a new achievement, but not the escort and dialogue) / Defeat the Champion Toxic Wurm Queen
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