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Mecha/ Engineer Rifle 1 Spam with multiple Traitprocs and Bot spam.


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21 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Yes brilliant, glad you realize they have 2 other slots to use for stun breaks or cleanse.

There's 3 total slots for everyone, everyone has to make the choice on what to fill those slots with, you're making it sound like they're weak to cc/condi's, sorry but that's what utilities are for and every class has to make that choice. That's not a weakness for the grenade builds.

Nade engi builds in genreal (with some exceptions) tend to struggle with CC and/or condis. This does not mean that they auto-lose to them, just that it's something that you need to be aware of and play around. 

Before resistance got nerfed, the meta Nade Holo build would run rune of Revenant or rune of resistance to get around that weakness


I know it's meme battle, but a lot of people copy off of it, so here's just an example build. Asuming the engi you're fighting ripped their build straight off the site.


Notice the lack of cleanse. What a lot of engis will do instead of cleansing is use Elixir S to wait the condis out, but this doesn't work as well against condis that linger for a long time. (say... vs a Cele tank with expertise) This also means condi builds can pressure them into burning a stunbreak as a pseudo cleanse.

You do get some good value out of Prismatic converter, but this requires set-up so it's not the most reliable. 

Now imagine you replace either the of the elixirs with rocket boots for more mobility... Which core nade engis often do. You're down to 1 stunbreak and no cleanses on your bar. (They can cleanse 1 condi per toolbelt with tools now tho. So that's neat)

Elixir U also is also a valuable offensive tool, and sometimes they will pop it to burst down their target. Which does mean that they'll be down a stunbreak if you survive the assault. 


None of this is to say that Engi auto loses to condis or CC. But it's a weakness that they'll be looking to play around, and smart opponents can use that to their advantage. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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2 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

No they cannot. Scrapper had its super speed duration nerfed to 1.5 seconds per gyro, each gyro has 20+ seconds cooldown.


As sleepwalker said, zephyrite runes and mortar kit. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlFwsYOYp4AIp16B-zhTwwDA-e

Pretty sure you're overcapped with the above build. You don't even need to run Gyroscopic Acceleration and can instead opt for Mass Momentum and still have almost 100% uptime. Mortar Kit swaps give you just shy of 7 seconds on a 10 second ICD for ~70% uptime and Toss Elixir H is just shy of 10 seconds of super speed on a 20 second cooldown. Fill gaps with Toss Elixir U.

Accomplish something similar on holo using Zephyrite Runes, Kinetic Battery, traited Holo Leap, Slick Shoes, etc. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeAUWBbkdwoYp4AYB9YA-zhTwwDA-e



Edited by Recursivision.2367
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5 minutes ago, Recursivision.2367 said:


As sleepwalker said, zephyrite runes and mortar kit. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAIlFwsYOYp4AIp16B-zhTwwDA-e

Pretty sure you're overcapped with the above build. You don't even need to run Gyroscopic Acceleration and can instead opt for Mass Momentum and still have almost 100% uptime. Mortar Kit swaps give you just shy of 7 seconds on a 10 second ICD for ~70% uptime and Toss Elixir H is just shy of 10 seconds of super speed on a 20 second cooldown. Fill gaps with Toss Elixir U.

Accomplish something similar on holo using Zephyrite Runes, Kinetic Battery, traited Holo Leap, Slick Shoes, etc. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeAUWBbkdwoYp4AYB9YA-zhTwwDA-e

Fair enough.

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ok guys, to all those  "its a you/build issue" replies. thats not the problem. i am a 10yrs old veteran player from a very known roaming guild. its not a "me" issue.

the thing that bothers me is that a player just doing 11111111 can pressuring you to a level where other classes have to do skill combinations, stun combos and so on. i dont have any issues with fighting one mechanist or having one in outnumbered situations. still, it should not be strong with the need of just one button. the problem is more when there is more than one mech u face. you just cannot dodge them spaming autoattacks on you +the bot.

and instead of arguing into "its a player issue" you may should try using your logic and argument for the games health. its not heealthy for a game to put out this kind of lazy design.
you guys should just accept that no class should be able to be that much aggressive with no player input than just spaming autoattack and when something fails they just use double rocket boots with golem port.

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Is this post meant to be sarcastic? I mean you couldnt find any of the dozens, or more, threads with (probably) thousands of posts about rifle mech on these forums?

Also, if you are concerned about revealed then you are depending on stealth, a mechanic that allows you to attack foes who cannot target you. No sympathy from this player who actively advocated for mech nerfs in those forum threads you couldnt find.

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3 minutes ago, patton the great.7126 said:

1 Average played SA deadeye will eat an mech slave alive. Try it, you kill em before their roboslave even knows what happened 

So... You bring another busted spec to deal with a busted spec? Wow, such balance, such gameplay, such skill.
I can also bring 37158651378561387 reflects, doesn't mean the rifle on engineer magically became balanced, not in the slightest, I simply brought special cheese to deal with enemy cheese.

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10 hours ago, Tenga.5867 said:

ok guys, to all those  "its a you/build issue" replies. thats not the problem. i am a 10yrs old veteran player from a very known roaming guild. its not a "me" issue.

Actually, I think you have just shown again that it is a "you" issue. There is a simple way of dealing with groups of rifle mechs and by now any organized roaming squad should know it. If you don't, that's on "you".

As for the rifle mech being a lazy design that is bad for the game, I'd have to disagree with you there. By simplifying the mechanics while at the same time giving the mech a decent punch, Anet has broadened the accessibility of the game. There should be room for both the "git gud" and the "casual" players. The more players there are, the stronger the game is, and the better that is for all of us.

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5 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

So... You bring another busted spec to deal with a busted spec? Wow, such balance, such gameplay, such skill.
I can also bring 37158651378561387 reflects, doesn't mean the rifle on engineer magically became balanced, not in the slightest, I simply brought special cheese to deal with enemy cheese.

There is absolutely nothing broken about SA deadeye. It's fairly easy to kill for most players that have a brain. I'm sighting it as something that the lesser players can try and use to stop the mindless spam of these mech's. 

Edited by patton the great.7126
Not needed
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Each profession has something that's better than it and hard counters it. Ranged burst pressure has always been the hard counter to must cheese builds, just as Melee with tons of blocks is the pressure to ranged. I'm critical of things anet has done in the past especially regarding them gutting Berzerker just before PoF launched, and constantly punishing power mirage for the sins of condi scum. I find no real fault in what they did to engi. I think we can all agree Engi rifle was totally worthless pre-buff. 


You find that very, very rarely do you come across a mech that's played well. Most of the time as with all new and popular specs it attracts the weekend warriors, or loot bags. Chill out take your best spec and go hunting. 


Balance right now is actually in a good spot. 

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4 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

There is absolutely nothing broken about SA deadeye. It's fairly easy to kill for most players that have a brain. I'm sighting it as something that the lesser players can try and use to stop the mindless spam of these mech's. 

I mean, most builds have no way to kill a properly played SA deadeye and even in the worst matchups it's on the deadeye being pressured into making a mistake or over-committing. Otherwise, the deadeye can just disengage and reset the fight if they're ever in trouble. But this is off-topic.

Edited by Recursivision.2367
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5 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

There is absolutely nothing broken about SA deadeye. It's fairly easy to kill for most players that have a brain. I'm sighting it as something that the lesser players can try and use to stop the mindless spam of these mech's. 


If rifle 1 on engie is considered something as broken mindless spam, pistol 5 on thief has been just as broken for 10 kitten years.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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5 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

There is absolutely nothing broken about SA deadeye. It's fairly easy to kill for most players that have a brain. I'm sighting it as something that the lesser players can try and use to stop the mindless spam of these mech's. 

Whole teef is busted since 2012, DE just takes it a step furher. Any teef that dies in WvW can only blame himself for being dumdum. With the amount of tools for disengage you can't die as a teef in any fight unless you want it.
Also "lesser players", I am arrogant sure, but here, take it 👑, you take #1 spot.

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Complain for the right things:

1) Shift Signet needs to be axed to the ground in some form (900 range non-stunbreak port imo with another signet becoming the stunbreak)

2) Disable pet when entering downstate (rangers too), idiotic pressure and rez potential unfair for the other classes. Yes I can deal with it, should it be a thing? No. 

3) Reduce Mech stats by 10% for starters. It scales miserably in large-scale duh, we got rangers saying pets are bad in zergs since forever, but is quite powerful in 5man scenarios and clouds. I'd even say half the mech's stats and give it back it's breakbar if you wanna play it "fair". 

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On 11/3/2022 at 6:25 PM, Kuma.1503 said:

Simple answer. Mechs are the easiest class to deal dps with in WvW, but they are far from the most dangerous build you'll face. 

It's an easy build that lets less skilled players guarantee that they'll always be somewhat of a threat. But that's where its positives end. 

Mechanist is frail, extremely easy to kill when outnumbered, hard countered by projectile hate (which you should have in order to deal with Untamed, Soulbeast, Deadeye, Harbinger, and Virtuoso), hard countered by classes that can easily port on top of it and burst it down, has awful condi cleanse (so celestial bruiser builds have a good matchup into it), and while its mobility is decent, it's not enough to escape or chase down some of the slipperiest builds out there. Burning Shift signet for mobility leaves them vulnerable to stunlocks and condi bombs since they rely on this skill to handle both. 


Essentially, Mechs are just praying you panic or don't know how to handle the pressure, because if you can abuse any of the weaknesses above, Mechs will fall over and die. They can match the damage of some of the more dangerous builds out there, but they lack the stealth, block spam, invuln spam, damage reduction, perma prot, ect. And they dont get much milage out of cele stats compared to other builds. If they fight a cele build they will be pew pewing into a wall with toughness, protection, and plenty of condis to abuse their condi weakness. 

If you have projectile destruction, abuse it. For a thief, smokescreen is your best friend. For ele, spam magnetic aura and they can do pretty much nothing to you, for Harbinger... just run Cele stats and run corrosive poision cloud. Spam condis on them, watch as they panic burn shift signet and then pop elixir of ambition on them and they'll fall over.  For DE... you outrange them, and if you're one of those diabolical people who play it with Shadow arts and Cele stats... then camp them at 1500 range whenever possible (use stealth to reposition if need be). Your rifle has a 300 range advantage on theirs, make use of it if you get the opener on them.  Use sniper's cover in a pinch to just completely shut down their pressure. The mech will be struggling to get in range to do anything to you. You can immobilize spam them to make them burn shift signet. 

Once they're down, stealth stomps pretty much hard counter them because for some reason the wire pull GOES RIGHT THROUGH PEOPLE when they're in stealth. (yes i am salty about this) Stealth also denies their bot from auto attacking you. 

If you don't have stealth, pulsing blind fields, tele stomps, and invuln stomps are all good methods to secure downs. Engis can't physically move their body to outplay it like ele, thief, and mesmer can. If I'm playing ele, I just drop dust storm on the engi to deny their pull, then give myself mag aura so the bot can't touch me.  Just don't play around and have your stomp method planned out ahead of time, and you won't get cheesed by the bot. 


Long story short. Mech is easy to play, but it's not overpowered. I think people get salty about it because it lets people who they perceive as being worse at the game than them kill them. Abuse its weaknesses and the fight becomes 10x easier. 

Edit: It's also hot garbage in zergs so there's that. 

All of this is pretty much accurate

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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Complain for the right things:

1) Shift Signet needs to be axed to the ground in some form (900 range non-stunbreak port imo with another signet becoming the stunbreak)

2) Disable pet when entering downstate (rangers too), idiotic pressure and rez potential unfair for the other classes. Yes I can deal with it, should it be a thing? No. 

3) Reduce Mech stats by 10% for starters. It scales miserably in large-scale duh, we got rangers saying pets are bad in zergs since forever, but is quite powerful in 5man scenarios and clouds. I'd even say half the mech's stats and give it back it's breakbar if you wanna play it "fair". 

I'd not mind if they remove mech totally and distribute that power to player themself that way, mech is not stuck somewhere and losing bunch of dps. Becareful what you wish for 🙂

Edited by Yellow Rainbow.6142
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Just chill. As a wvw mech roamer i can clearly see who has great builds and experience and who is angry kid with barely  viaable traits like you. Mech is extremely squishy and you only need shield to completely negate its dmg. And if your shield reflects thats just bonus points...  Its already nerfed left and right..  You barely can outburst some classes ( im looking at you healbrand..)

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Tired of hearing people complain about auto shoot on engi, and the bot attacks........I mean....EVERYONE can have auto attack on any skills....what logical reason would someone not have their auto attack on? If y'all want to make it harder for yourself, go for it, but I will have auto attack  on my 1 skill for every single one of my characters, but this doesn't mean I am AFK playing....duuh!  And the complaints about the bot attacks.....I don't like being mauled by a ranger's pet....sooo....DOWN WITH RANGER PETS!!  Just joking.  Anet....please don't listen to these people, and leave engi alone. :)

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