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Chronomancer is completely broken


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Most likely nobody here is going to agree with me because most people on the forums are probably not playing at the highest level.   But once you get to around plat elo any team that has a power chrono on it can singlehandedly carry the entire game.  Giving them distortion in the patch was a really horrible move.  They are tanky as hell, can use continuum shift to block 4x with shield and double distortion to have literally 30 seconds of invulnerabilty.  They can oneshot you within a tenth of a second without even using continuum shift with minimal setup.  All they have to do is get an illusion up with greatsword and hit 2 - > 3 - > shatter - > mirror images shatter.  If they use continuum shift they can do this 2 times within one second and do over 40 THOUSAND DAMAGE PER TARGET in under a second.  


I guess most people don't think this is a problem because few have the finger dexterity and awareness to pull off these moves.  But like I said once you get in the higher elo every single person is capable of this.  Hell I made a chrono for the hell of it and was easily 1 shotting entire teamfights with 0 setup.   The first game I played in my first shatter combo I wiped the entire team and had done 120k damage before either team had any points.  120k damage just from from a single shatter combo in one second.  In a meta of stupid burst this is the number 1 class having the most broken damage.  Why should a class that can summon illusions and confuse you be able to also kill your entire team in 1 tenth of a second?  There have been times that I perfectly predicted the chrono and ignored his illusions and went straight on him, and in the middle of 1 animation he just pressed LOL SHATTER MIRROR IMAGES SHATTER while running away.  You don't even have to use defensives on chrono because if someone attacks you you can just shatter 2x and oneshot them.  Any class in the game with any amount of toughness dies in ONE HIT.  


And no it's not like I died to one chrono and raged on forums.  I've fought tons of these power chronos since the most recent patch it seems everyone at higher elo is aware of how broken they are.  If I were going to rate stupid damage it would be Power chrono > willbender > whatever the hell revnant build people are playing - > tools holo - > everything else.  I realize Anet probably won't read this and doesn't care about ranked PVP so this is was a waste of 5 minutes but whatever.  


Edited by Kstyle.5829
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Hello. When I last experimented with power chrono, I used MOA as the elite. Mesmer is not my main but when I experienced something similar to what you did, I just rolled a daredevil to return the favor, in-kind. I may not have your mechanical dexterity but pulling off the power chrono combo took me a while to get somewhat effective. I had to use the signet that generates a clone during combat. Also I found that guardians countered this spec in conquest. The elite well has very obvious tells. Im just happy that mesmers are now sorta part of the meta and overall good for diversity. 

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22 minutes ago, Pimsley.3681 said:

Hello. When I last experimented with power chrono, I used MOA as the elite. Mesmer is not my main but when I experienced something similar to what you did, I just rolled a daredevil to return the favor, in-kind. I may not have your mechanical dexterity but pulling off the power chrono combo took me a while to get somewhat effective. I had to use the signet that generates a clone during combat. Also I found that guardians countered this spec in conquest. The elite well has very obvious tells. Im just happy that mesmers are now sorta part of the meta and overall good for diversity. 

Guardians in general counter chrono pretty hard. I think gravity well is a step up from moa though. Especially if you cast contin split just before you place the well so you can use it twice. Way better than moa's long cooldown!

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3 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Guardians in general counter chrono pretty hard. I think gravity well is a step up from moa though. Especially if you cast contin split just before you place the well so you can use it twice. Way better than moa's long cooldown!

Yes thank you. The added distortion and grav well does great in this meta. However, I'm not a mesmer expert and can't completely relate to the OP because I'm just an average casual. I noticed that the Pchronos in my tier die pretty fast. It's ungodly how fast expert mesmers are. 

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On 11/6/2022 at 6:09 AM, Kstyle.5829 said:

They are tanky as hell, can use continuum shift to block 4x with shield  

Factually wrong. Shield4 goes in CD when you finish channeling echo of memory (the second cast), so unless you're able to use BOTH SHIELD4 CHARGES in the same CS, it will go on full CD, with or without CS. In which case you could question the necessity of wasting a 2 clones continuum split just to block.

Your grievances are there because people do not remember what the kitten a chronomancer even is. The moment people remember how conditions work, chronomancers and their literal 0 cleanse are gone.

Just remember: blind, weakness and chilled will kitten chronomancer up, big time. Few conditions with very long duration will get the job done.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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6 hours ago, Kstyle.5829 said:

Most likely nobody here is going to agree with me because most people on the forums are probably not playing at the highest level.   But once you get to around plat elo any team that has a power chrono on it can singlehandedly carry the entire game.  Giving them distortion in the patch was a really horrible move.  They are tanky as hell, can use continuum shift to block 4x with shield and double distortion to have literally 30 seconds of invulnerabilty.  They can oneshot you within a tenth of a second without even using continuum shift with minimal setup.  All they have to do is get an illusion up with greatsword and hit 2 - > 3 - > shatter - > mirror images shatter.  If they use continuum shift they can do this 2 times within one second and do over 40 THOUSAND DAMAGE PER TARGET in under a second.  


I guess most people don't think this is a problem because few have the finger dexterity and awareness to pull off these moves.  But like I said once you get in the higher elo every single person is capable of this.  Hell I made a chrono for the hell of it and was easily 1 shotting entire teamfights with 0 setup.   The first game I played in my first shatter combo I wiped the entire team and had done 120k damage before either team had any points.  120k damage just from from a single shatter combo in one second.  In a meta of stupid burst this is the number 1 class having the most broken damage.  Why should a class that can summon illusions and confuse you be able to also kill your entire team in 1 tenth of a second?  There have been times that I perfectly predicted the chrono and ignored his illusions and went straight on him, and in the middle of 1 animation he just pressed LOL SHATTER MIRROR IMAGES SHATTER while running away.  You don't even have to use defensives on chrono because if someone attacks you you can just shatter 2x and oneshot them.  Any class in the game with any amount of toughness dies in ONE HIT.  


And no it's not like I died to one chrono and raged on forums.  I've fought tons of these power chronos since the most recent patch it seems everyone at higher elo is aware of how broken they are.  If I were going to rate stupid damage it would be Power chrono > willbender > whatever the hell revnant build people are playing - > tools holo - > everything else.  I realize Anet probably won't read this and doesn't care about ranked PVP so this is was a waste of 5 minutes but whatever.  


"They can oneshot you within a tenth of a second"

No they can't.

Also, Mirror Images -> shatter can be dodged. It's not instant.

"If I were going to rate stupid damage it would be Power chrono > willbender > whatever the hell revnant build people are playing - > tools holo - > everything else."

Imagine thinking that willbender does more than rev or untamed.

You are just wrong.

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10 hours ago, Kstyle.5829 said:

Most likely nobody here is going to agree with me because most people on the forums are probably not playing at the highest level.   But once you get to around plat elo any team that has a power chrono on it can singlehandedly carry the entire game.  Giving them distortion in the patch was a really horrible move.  They are tanky as hell, can use continuum shift to block 4x with shield and double distortion to have literally 30 seconds of invulnerabilty.  They can oneshot you within a tenth of a second without even using continuum shift with minimal setup.  All they have to do is get an illusion up with greatsword and hit 2 - > 3 - > shatter - > mirror images shatter.  If they use continuum shift they can do this 2 times within one second and do over 40 THOUSAND DAMAGE PER TARGET in under a second.  


I guess most people don't think this is a problem because few have the finger dexterity and awareness to pull off these moves.  But like I said once you get in the higher elo every single person is capable of this.  Hell I made a chrono for the hell of it and was easily 1 shotting entire teamfights with 0 setup.   The first game I played in my first shatter combo I wiped the entire team and had done 120k damage before either team had any points.  120k damage just from from a single shatter combo in one second.  In a meta of stupid burst this is the number 1 class having the most broken damage.  Why should a class that can summon illusions and confuse you be able to also kill your entire team in 1 tenth of a second?  There have been times that I perfectly predicted the chrono and ignored his illusions and went straight on him, and in the middle of 1 animation he just pressed LOL SHATTER MIRROR IMAGES SHATTER while running away.  You don't even have to use defensives on chrono because if someone attacks you you can just shatter 2x and oneshot them.  Any class in the game with any amount of toughness dies in ONE HIT.  


And no it's not like I died to one chrono and raged on forums.  I've fought tons of these power chronos since the most recent patch it seems everyone at higher elo is aware of how broken they are.  If I were going to rate stupid damage it would be Power chrono > willbender > whatever the hell revnant build people are playing - > tools holo - > everything else.  I realize Anet probably won't read this and doesn't care about ranked PVP so this is was a waste of 5 minutes but whatever.  


Oh I’ve seems some untameds played at high level that are spikier than some of your list.  Just play someone named euthez… something or other

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14 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Factually wrong. Shield4 goes in CD when you finish channeling echo of memory (the second cast), so unless you're able to use BOTH SHIELD4 CHARGES in  the same CS, it will go on full CD, with or without CS.

Your grievances are there because people do not remember what the kitten a chronomancer even is. The moment people remember howconditions work, chronomancers and their literal 0 cleanse are gone.

Just remember: blind, weakness and chilled will kitten chronomancer up, big time. Few conditions with very long duration will get the job done.

Chrono is weak to condi?

Lol, not today

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Its only strong because no one knows how to play around the Chronomancer burst. It reminds me of the Necromancer AoE ball, just expend their resources and then they die. The only players that should watch out are ones with a similar burst playstyles. 

If you play something other than a Meta Cheese build then Chronomancer is horrible. I play a Carrion Untamed and I'm easily able to duel them, its the same with Greatsword/Longbow Ranger player. Root them in Greatsword, Pet F3 them with Longbow. Predictable playstyles can easily be countered.

For Chronomancer there biggest weakness is their Clones/Phantasms, they need to connect to be able to follow through with there burst. There are many ways to stall and eliminate Clones/Phantasms and that is all you need to win. The worst thing you can do VS a Mesmer is just stand still, always move and get the high ground. Climb boxes, use movement Skills, dodge anything to waste there Shatters/Greatsword 4. You can even spot there Continuum Split reset point and just camp it.

Edited by Mell.4873
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9 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Chrono is weak to condi?

Lol, not today

Crab, with all due respect, you have 0 idea what you're talking about. GS plays with literally 0 condition cleanse; it's not a figure of speech, that's all the condi cleanse you get on GS mesmer

- Sigil of Cleansing. Assuming they play it; they may not.
- Well of Eternity. Assuming they play it, but it's rare; they usually go with Signet of the Ether to restore shield 4.
- The Prestige, if you play torch (chronomancers don't do this, as it means not playing shield and thus losing half of your GM trait).

And that is it. 2 of those 3 options don't see any kind of play. You're literally left with sigil of cleansing and nothing else, and that happens by design. Normal classes get cleanse from traits, but mesmer doesn't have any of that outside inspiration and chaos (both of which aren't played by gs chrono). On top of that: healing skills will not cleanse anything, the only utility that cleanses anything is Mantra of Resolve, which doesn't see any kind of play due to how chrono is designed (your utility bar is locked; you need Blink, Signet of Illusions and Mirror Images). That's how it works. You leave a glass cannon freecasting for one minute and somehow it ends up farming kills, it's on you.

There's plenty of options to face it. Take a DH, land Spear of Justice once and the chrono will die; take a herald and port on the chrono, a single Deathstrike can remove up to 50% of the chronomancer's HP (sometimes more); take some untamed and perform the port combo wombo, it will oneshot the chronomancer (since it has either 15k or 18k HP but no prot ever), take a deadeye and just spam Skirmisher's Shot, they will be unable to cleanse the cripple and 3\4 hits are their whole HP bar. Or go daredevil and wear them down slowly, Cluster Bomb will slowly but surely destroy any mesmer.

Sure as hell, if your strategy is sitting on a node with prot and barrier because it has always worked, bad news for you, it's time you learn to dodge because facetanking everything shouldn't even have been a thing to begin with.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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in Such a discussion its alway important to stick to 1 build and 1 build only.

I see this alot, when talking about a certain profession, peopel always put all the benefits that a profession could possibly have, into one, imaginary build.

This thread is about Burstchronomancer. Burstchronomancer has literally 0 cleanse.  While Crab is speaking about the bunkerbuild with inspiration which indeed has alot of cleanse, but that damage of this build is lacking.

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16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

in Such a discussion its alway important to stick to 1 build and 1 build only.

I see this alot, when talking about a certain profession, peopel always put all the benefits that a profession could possibly have, into one, imaginary build.

This thread is about Burstchronomancer. Burstchronomancer has literally 0 cleanse.  While Crab is speaking about the bunkerbuild with inspiration which indeed has alot of cleanse.

The bunker build plays chaos\illusions, not inspiration. That build too has no cleanse outside Well of Eternity, since Chaotic Potency competes with the only cleanse on Auspicious Anguish. You can see that from yourself, since duels between chronobunkers do not end in a stalemate: both are condi, hence both wear each other down.

Chaos\inspiration being unkillable has been a long standing thing on mesmer, it's not just on chronomancer; I'd argue that investing 2 traitlines in survivability should grant you survivability, but probably staff clones provide damage too when it should have none. But once again; it's a feature on mesmer as a whole. Those 2 traitlines grants so many defensives you would survive even without a third traitline; this setup makes you able to bunker on chrono, but also on mirage and also on core and also on virtuoso.

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22 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

The bunker build plays chaos\illusions, not inspiration. That build too has no cleanse outside Well of Eternity, since Chaotic Potency competes with the only cleanse on Auspicious Anguish. You can see that from yourself, since duels between chronobunkers do not end in a stalemate: both are condi, hence both wear each other down.

Chaos\inspiration being unkillable has been a long standing thing on mesmer, it's not just on chronomancer; I'd argue that investing 2 traitlines in survivability should grant you survivability, but probably staff clones provide damage too when it should have none. But once again; it's a feature on mesmer as a whole. Those 2 traitlines grants so many defensives you would survive even without a third traitline; this setup makes you able to bunker on chrono, but also on mirage and also on core and also on virtuoso.

i know i know.

The only Chrono/mesmerbuild that has meaningfull cleanse is  with inspiration, but at that point your a bunker and MILES away from "oneshotting" people.

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On 11/6/2022 at 11:20 AM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Factually wrong. Shield4 goes in CD when you finish channeling echo of memory (the second cast), so unless you're able to use BOTH SHIELD4 CHARGES in  the same CS, it will go on full CD, with or without CS.

Your grievances are there because people do not remember what the kitten a chronomancer even is. The moment people remember howconditions work, chronomancers and their literal 0 cleanse are gone.

Just remember: blind, weakness and chilled will kitten chronomancer up, big time. Few conditions with very long duration will get the job done.

Chrono w a supp like tempest w fire traitline+ earth shield stomps hard. 

Edit.: i dont call for nerfs moreover i like how it adds utiliy to the team due to its double grab. I like game-changing skills w high cd and its counter play. 

Edited by NotFound.7813
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