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The guardian Nov 29 "preview".


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Usually, the tome pages are only lit while you're in a tome - my speculation is that the tome pages are now shared between books, and recover slowly over time or after doing certain actions (the extra page on triggering F1 passive springs to mind).

Probably doesn't change much for builds that use only one tome, but is a significant hit to the flexibility of quickly flipping through the tomes. Allowing players to make tradeoffs in the moment as to whether they need more damage from F1, a cleanse from F2, or stab from F3 seems like a pretty gameplay to me.

I will be interested to see if the tomes are retaining their original cooldowns, or whether they'll act more like kits or weaponswap and have lower cooldowns, relying on the shared pages as the limiting factor instead. I suspect that the missing weapon is a false lead, as that combined with this nerf to books feels like too much of a nerf to me, but we'll have to wait and see.

I also don't think the signets mean much - since they got reworked/buffed recently I doubt there's any significant change to them.

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It looks like they're taking away weapon swap and depending on what they do to tomes that could either be trivial for healbrand or really mess it up. It is also possibly a nerf for condi and quick variants either way. Since it shows torch/axe it could be taking a damage trait locks you out of swaping, unknown at this point.

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It looks like signets are getting changed in some way , tomes sharing pages, pages are not filled while activating the tome but outside of the tome (ala thief initiative), and maybe no more weapon swap (which is ironic since the previous dev played "axe firebrand" and didn't use that function?). Given how strong firebrand is , it would take a lot to make it unusable in PvE. I just hope it doesn't see a severe nerf to be unusable (see PVP) but allowing for other quickness providers to have a fighting chance.

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I don't think it's losing weapon swap, the Ranger preview had the same thing, on both pictures you can see they are out of combat, so this means it's just one weapon set equiped.
Wouldn't make much sense for them to remove this "mechanic" from Engi and Ele, back when they couldn't even equip a second weapon set to swap when out of combat, and then bring this back for Firebrand only.

At least i hope it's not that, that would kill it completely, the Tomes working like Engi kits, or having shared pages that work like Thief initiative will be enough to make Firebrand be in a very good spot balance, and gameplay wise, that and the number tweaks they will probably do to all tome skills.

Edited by Brandon Uzumaki.1524
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I'm alongside @Zylarth.2807


Pages are now initiative and generated based off passive virtue trigger. You can freely go into each tome as they act like a kit, however, you only have access to five skills (eight if you have AoW traited).  Loremaster probably reworked. Renewed Focus probably either restore pages or just be rendered useless on the Firebrand kit. 


If this is correct: Permeating Wrath stocks shoot way up. Purity of Purpose is in shambles. Homogenization is real. I hope it sucks so this forum can finally see how terrible of a state Guardian is in outside of Firebrand. 

Edited by Falseprophet.1502
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Doesn't no weapon swap nuke cqFB? I don't understand ppl's obession with nuking FB...
It's perfectly fine.
Shared tome pages i can agree with, they provide too much carry potential... and some pugs still refuse to go into t2 and t3 when things go sideways...
Ok, I've ranted... can move on with my life.

PS. Signets could use another rework tbh.

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8 minutes ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

Doesn't no weapon swap nuke cqFB? I don't understand ppl's obession with nuking FB...
It's perfectly fine.
Shared tome pages i can agree with, they provide too much carry potential... and some pugs still refuse to go into t2 and t3 when things go sideways...
Ok, I've ranted... can move on with my life.

PS. Signets could use another rework tbh.

Why should it nuke cqfb? Because of those few usages of scepter 2? Can just camp axe for minor dps loss. 

The only case where this hurts is cele firebrand imo (axe/torch and staff) and maybe hfb. But you can just camp staff and be done with it.

The tome changes are the crucial stuff.

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I'm thinking the same about tome pages change. Looking forward to see how exactly will they adjust FB traits. Who knows, maybe we'll see more than one viable grandmaster trait there.

As for other changes -- maybe signet trait being reworked back into a support option again? Sharing the passive is no cool, so maybe boon support? Something like each signet pulses specific boons on use.

Also, have anybody noticed the crop on the buff bar right above the utilities? Is it possible they're finally fixing it? Cos I'm certainly excited for that!

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I'm going to guess CD removed from Tomes, but shared Page count between all of them, which like Initiative recharges (but probably much slower*). 

Loremaster now increases the Page recharge rate, rather than reducing Tome CD's and retaining Passives (since Tomes have no more CD, passives are retained by default).


This could actually be a really good change, making Tome gameplay much more fluid and less bursty in use - while also limiting support on DPS builds, as a Condi FB blasting Justice in it's rotation won't have any pages for Resolve and Courage for example. 


Loremaster not being mandatory anymore for the retaining of the passives would also make Stoic Demeanor and Quickfire drastically more valid options.

I can easily see condi FB going with Stoic Demeanor instead, while Quickbrand takes Quickfire, and as rota just going into Justice for 4&5 every now and then, more like an Engie Kit, as the global Pages recharge. 

Meanwhile Healbrand sticks with Loremaster for increased Page recharge rate, to utilize the support of Courage and Resolve more.


The only problem with this design would be the power difference of the Tome skills, making anything but Tome 4&5 (3&5 in Courage) fairly pointless and those too potent. *But maybe Pages do recharge pretty fast, but the Tome skills get appropriate Initiative Page costs per skill. For example, Tome 1 could be adjusted to be a free Auto Attack, while Tome 2&3 cost 1-2 pages each, and Tome 4&5 cost 3-5 Pages. 

Alternatively, the Tome skills itself could get moderate CD increases instead - or maybe a combination of the two.


Renewed Justice might now recharge the Justice Tome skills, instead of the Tome itself.

Renewed Focus could reset all Tome Skills CD's and/or restore all Pages.


What makes me doubt this a little bit though is that Justice is Blind, Wrath of Justice, Inspired Virtue, Virtue of Resolution and Absolute Resolve would require an ICD, and Indomitable Courage a slight functionality change, while the Firebrand Specialisation is equipped.

Although there is precedent in Traits working slightly differently or getting ICD's depending on Specialisation.


The greyed out Weapon swap is very likely just due to no second weapon being equipped - the hot bar shows the character being out of Combat, and even Ele and Engie can swap weapons there.

Edited by Asum.4960
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Seriously considering just trying another MMO.  I started a firebrand recently, after much chagrin at the goofy 'Manifesto'.  I thought surely after the horrendous reception to the august patch notes, then the spectre/scrapper fiasco, these tone deaf geniuses would put the knife away and listen to players who have invested time and effort in builds to improve their gameplay experience.  However, they have doubled down with every 'balance patch' (just a catch word for idiotic nerfs and worthless surface buffs to underpowered/less durable classes. I have seen this design philosophy before....in 'mobile 'gacha' games. You weaken the meta classes prior to a new release, then you have devs 'greedsplain' it as 'balance', or as 'error correction', as if no one has a brain (and many drink the kool-aid as if the devs are somehow 'smart', or believe their vision????  Let me be clear as a scripter and modder, the only reason you ever nerf, is for future sales....'Period'.  When a mistake is found in character creation, most companies immediately address it, (it should be caught in testing but patience is a virtue these teams don't often have), and show clearly that something is bugged or incorrectly implemented and fix it.  Nerfs on characters in single player rpg games are avoided by simply not updating the game. However, paying players only avenue when dev teams continue to behave foolishly, even with paying players in an uproar, if protest fails is to play something else. Holes in roles????? Imagine a car salesman telling you that!  Doubling down after the most severe criticism for a patch the game has ever seen, is what mobile 'gachas' do after boycotts.  Implementation is seemingly the problem, but greed is the underlying root (check the decline of Soulbeast (POF) and the rise of Untamed (EOD)).  It's never for 'balance'. This game is so eclectic, that it doesn't need a lot of overhauls, just polish up what's there prior to any new DLC (no mount zones, pad support, painted on flowers in the OC, invisible walls, etc.....), anyone who has played for any length of time knows there are no humungous variances in classes in this game, just skill level  (the builds are over-wrought, due to over-thought!).  The meta will always shift to easy to play, in a casual leaning environment, as it should. But instead of working on the weaknesses of the game, these devs have decided that goofy fireside chats to explain reseilling you the same gameplay as more difficult is saleable with a wink and a smirk, because they have a 'vision', is insulting.  Dude, it's a freaking game, if you want to add difficulty, build another boss, like other freaking games. If you want to balance classes, add counters, like other freaking games.  It may just be time after this latest mess just to go play anther freaking game....one that's fun without looking over my shoulder wondering when it will be 'balanced'!

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6 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You know. I hate it when something gets killed of but Firebrand being dead would atleast be entertaining to see.

How the game would play without the godking of Elite Specs. Especially WvW.

Reality will unravel, players will have to learn to evade damage... it will be the END.

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The health is just the base health of a level 80 FB. Could be naked, could be wearing Viper's gear. Also the weapon swap might be greyed out due to not having a second weapon equipped.

What I find more interesting is the signets. A FB not using any Mantra's is, well, remarkable. So my guess is that they chose the major trait of Perfect Inscriptions. But a DPS build without Amplified Wrath? And with that elite signet? I mean, this might be the new LI build for all we know. 

I mean, what makes a FB DPS build choose no Mantra of Potence and no Amplified Wrath? That's the most interesting question for me. 

8 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Reality will unravel, players will have to learn to evade damage... it will be the END.

WvW is full of people with roots and kb's/kd's and such. I'm sure you can't evade all of them. But then there's one signet in there that does damage mitigation (both strike and condition damage) and assuming they have slotted the trait Perfect Inscriptions the passive effect of the signets stay even when the active part has been activated. And the elite signet is also a defensive signet. I do hope they make a new version of that one. The current version is just meh.

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Don't know what the change will be and happy to wait. However, I would appreciate if instead of nerfing FB they would elevate the usability of any other elite specs that underperformed. We need rid of using all utilities off cooldown for boon maintenance to make gameplay more reactive. You can maintain your party boon uptime but also heal or port or something else when it is actually relevant without losing that. FB is fun to play because you can adapt to what your party needs. Maintaining quickness but also maybe throwing some condi resistance or CC out there to help out.

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