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QOL: Stop the trolling of Objective Chests and NPCs


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We still have troll players who enjoy ruining other players enjoyment of the game by dropping Black Lion Merchants and other interactive items on Final Chests(Events or Jumping Puzzles) or NPCs like the one for entering Dragon Storm meta.

Please find a way to disallow interactive item placement in the area of Final Reward Chests or NPCs. Just the other day we had a troll place a Black Lion Merchant on the Final Chest at the end of the Kaineng City Jumping Puzzle. It was placed so perfectly that you could not interact with the chest. 

Two Ideas come to mind to stop this:

1. The person's character name is displayed in the chat panel for activities that occur in the area saying what they dropped. This way we can report the trolls to ANET easier and we can remove the trolls from the game faster. I believe you have a rule(terms of service) against this kind of Trolling.

2. Create a interactive no drop area around NPCs and Final Chest areas.

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It's been requested many, many times.  A little perimeter around a chest where novelties can't be placed would be ideal.  I've learned to avoid them, but absolutely hate the boxes.  Had someone drop an aviator box at the Soo-Won meta, with all the chaos you can't see it, and accidentally hit it.  Super annoying.  It's honestly not humorous, just obnoxious.

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Giving them attention for their trolling is the reason they do so. It's easy to work around as mentioned in this topic. Create a keybind for "next ally" and use it. If everyone ignored them, they would stop trolling since it becomes boring. Reactions in map chat and topics like these are what they live and breed for.

Oh and the black lion merchant can be someone with full inventory. If they use a certain buff, it will spawn a merchant if their inventory is full. So that one may not be intentional and no troll was present. 

Edited by Freya.9075
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Just give chests bigger hitbox so the items and portals vanish inside of it.

These mesmer and thiefs dropping portals on the chests are really annoying, too.

specially if you played a jumping puzzle and they port you down again. If you are lucky you catch the portal again, if you are unlucky the portal closes before you can get back in.

gw2 premature community and it gets worse and worse…


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11 hours ago, Freya.9075 said:

Oh and the black lion merchant can be someone with full inventory. If they use a certain buff, it will spawn a merchant if their inventory is full. So that one may not be intentional and no troll was present. 

Agree. Not all spawns are intentional. Although I do take care to spawn merchants out of the way, I've been guilty of placing them in bad spots a couple of times.

13 hours ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Just the other day we had a troll place a Black Lion Merchant on the Final Chest at the end of the Kaineng City Jumping Puzzle. It was placed so perfectly that you could not interact with the chest. 

That may be unitentional especially for those who parked alts at chests. After a while, your inventory will get full particularly for farming alts with very limited bag space. And if you do park several alts there, the last thing you'd want to do is making it hard on yourself as well to farm.


Sometimes. the placements can be in a spot that covers the entire chest such that trying to click the chest, you'll just be wasting your time moving around. Keybinding "Next Ally" is always a good solution.


Edited by Silent.6137
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2 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Agree. Not all spawns are intentional. Although I do take care to spawn merchants out of the way, I've been guilty of placing them in bad spots a couple of times.

That may be unitentional especially for those who parked alts at chests. After a while, your inventory will get full particularly for farming alts with very limited bag space. And if you do park several alts there, the last thing you'd want to do is making it hard on yourself as well to farm.


Sometimes. the placements can be in a spot that covers the entire chest such that trying to click the chest, you'll just be wasting your time moving around. Keybinding "Next Ally" is always a good solution.


This was purposeful. It was placed in the exact place to prevent any access. You couldn't simply step to one side or the other to target the chest. It only vanished after the person left the map after making folks wait many minutes while  they enjoyed the trolling. This kind of activity must be stopped and stopped with the most harsh penalty. Otherwise it will continue. In order to send the right message perma-bans should be implemented. Then the trolls might actually think three times before doing this. The humor is dry on these actions. 

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30 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

This was purposeful. It was placed in the exact place to prevent any access. You couldn't simply step to one side or the other to target the chest. It only vanished after the person left the map after making folks wait many minutes while  they enjoyed the trolling. This kind of activity must be stopped and stopped with the most harsh penalty. Otherwise it will continue. In order to send the right message perma-bans should be implemented. Then the trolls might actually think three times before doing this. The humor is dry on these actions. 

If they opened the chest and their inventory got full, the merchant would spawn right where the chest is. This is a common issue with this specific merchant. 

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15 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

If they opened the chest and their inventory got full, the merchant would spawn right where the chest is. This is a common issue with this specific merchant. 

Sorry, it was a Black Lion TRADING post, not a standard merchant. That has to be placed personally.

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22 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Sorry, it was a Black Lion TRADING post, not a standard merchant. That has to be placed personally.

Still doesn't eliminate the possibility of accidently placing them in a bad location.

At Drizzlewood for the Material donations when I run out of mats, and at Myung-Hee when I realized I'm missing a couple of statuettes, I have to make sure I remember to run to the side before clicking on the Trading Post Express.  At chests for farming alts, it can be the same. You're selling drops on TP and decided to collect your gold without thinking where it'll spawn.

It's too easy to place blame but not all spawns are intentionally malicious.

For the person to be so precise, he'll have to know the exact location to spawn it. If it was a troll, he will probably stay a long time just to be very effective.

Edited by Silent.6137
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Good lord, am I the only one who finds the Aviator Box and Bobblehead Factory a little funny even if I'm on the receiving end? Keep in mind too the whole reason someone will place it is to get a reaction out of people, like the Chaos Gods in Warhammer, they feed off your emotion and reactions, ignore it, brush it off , and go about your day and the people who do this will "starve", a la the Chaos Gods I mentioned. Sure while its fun to me it can be a bit annoying at the same time, but it's not annoying to the point I'd write a forum post about them!

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2 hours ago, SamuelW.2685 said:

Good lord, am I the only one who finds the Aviator Box and Bobblehead Factory a little funny even if I'm on the receiving end?

Nope, and I'd like to bet that ANet actively support such light mischief.

The Aviator box wouldn't exist if that weren't the case. The fact that it activates on interaction without a confirmation dialogue only serves to further illustrate this.


And I get massive delight out of using a chest transformation potion and sitting in starter areas with my character Magnificent Chest 😄



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2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Nope, and I'd like to bet that ANet actively support such light mischief.

The Aviator box wouldn't exist if that weren't the case. The fact that it activates on interaction without a confirmation dialogue only serves to further illustrate this.


And I get massive delight out of using a chest transformation potion and sitting in starter areas with my character Magnificent Chest 😄



Well, it did start out as an April Fool's Day prank, so that makes sense.

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7 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I think the better question is why you have to still manually loot chests. I guess it makes sense for the ones that require keys, but otherwise it's just an annoyance.

You have to manually loot end of puzzle chests, and even the chest in Tangled Depths(if you are not close enough after the last Chak Gherent is killed.

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17 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I think the better question is why you have to still manually loot chests. I guess it makes sense for the ones that require keys, but otherwise it's just an annoyance.

Probably for the same stupid reason that the chests from completing a daily would just drop on the ground. I think that was back in the beta. Supposedly because people enjoy opening chests.


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3 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Probably for the same stupid reason that the chests from completing a daily would just drop on the ground. I think that was back in the beta. Supposedly because people enjoy opening chests.


The particular chests in this thread are not auto loot.  They are, in particular, the end of the jumping puzzle in Kaineng. Puzzle chests have NEVER been auto loot. The Chak Gherent can be if you are in the area when the meta finishes. But if you aren't you have to actually run up to it and loot it.

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26 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

The particular chests in this thread are not auto loot.  They are, in particular, the end of the jumping puzzle in Kaineng. Puzzle chests have NEVER been auto loot. The Chak Gherent can be if you are in the area when the meta finishes. But if you aren't you have to actually run up to it and loot it.

EoD metas all have additional chests around the main one that needs to be looted manually

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5 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Supposedly because people enjoy opening chests.

Many players are impressed by the chests, caches, pods, etc. at many of the maps. They seem to think they're making more gph. Only problem is most of the loots are of very low value items.  This is particularly true of HoT maps. But players like to farm them. And tbh, I really do enjoy opening those non-autolootable chests as well. It just make me feel as if I'm making tons of gold, although I know better.

1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

EoD metas all have additional chests around the main one that needs to be looted manually

Same as for Drizzlewood meta.

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