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Please Stop Nerfing Stability Access


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In today's update, the cooldown for Epilogue: Unbroken Lines was increased from 25s to 30s. This is another example of many of the recent balance changes reducing access to stability, which is the only defense against the oppressive amounts of CC currently plaguing the game mode.

Other examples include the cooldown increase on scrapper's defense field from 25s to 35s on October 4, and the increased cooldown and lowered ammunition count of firebrand's Mantra of Liberation on that same day.

I know that ANet has talked about spreading stability around to other classes, but thus far that hasn't happened nearly as much as it's needed in order to pull people off the meta classes. Make other classes more appealing, rather than making the meta stab classes less appealing, because it's just making the game mode less and less fun. The amount of CC and insufficient defense against it is turning it into a game mode where there's too many instances of losing because your ability to play is taken away from you.

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Anet realty should of made stab support trait base only (where you had to build in such a way to be able to support your team with stab and not just an chose an given utility skill. Making the support version of stab an build chose as well as an full roll in it self.

Its self stab that should be an utility base chose not an trait base effect or at least making it far easier to get then it is now. Its always was an odd chose that anet nerfed self stab so much but did not nerf support stab in the same way.

I am ok with this but i am still not ok with self stab still mostly unchanged.

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23 hours ago, Overedge.2435 said:

In today's update, the cooldown for Epilogue: Unbroken Lines was increased from 25s to 30s. This is another example of many of the recent balance changes reducing access to stability, which is the only defense against the oppressive amounts of CC currently plaguing the game mode.

Other examples include the cooldown increase on scrapper's defense field from 25s to 35s on October 4, and the increased cooldown and lowered ammunition count of firebrand's Mantra of Liberation on that same day.

I know that ANet has talked about spreading stability around to other classes, but thus far that hasn't happened nearly as much as it's needed in order to pull people off the meta classes. Make other classes more appealing, rather than making the meta stab classes less appealing, because it's just making the game mode less and less fun. The amount of CC and insufficient defense against it is turning it into a game mode where there's too many instances of losing because your ability to play is taken away from you.

Ive pretty much given up and quit. GL all

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The issue with too much CC is that it favours the numerically superior much more than too much free movement. In an ideal world there is balance, but if an ideal can't be upheld there is one very obvious better choice.

The people who have yet to see this either play in a way where they never engage into potentially outnumbered situations (and play things that can avoid them) or play things that can relatively easily disengage from them. The most cowardly of players and hardly the ones to give advice 😏.

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On 12/13/2022 at 11:47 AM, Overedge.2435 said:

In today's update, the cooldown for Epilogue: Unbroken Lines was increased from 25s to 30s. This is another example of many of the recent balance changes reducing access to stability, which is the only defense against the oppressive amounts of CC currently plaguing the game mode.

Other examples include the cooldown increase on scrapper's defense field from 25s to 35s on October 4, and the increased cooldown and lowered ammunition count of firebrand's Mantra of Liberation on that same day.

I know that ANet has talked about spreading stability around to other classes, but thus far that hasn't happened nearly as much as it's needed in order to pull people off the meta classes. Make other classes more appealing, rather than making the meta stab classes less appealing, because it's just making the game mode less and less fun. The amount of CC and insufficient defense against it is turning it into a game mode where there's too many instances of losing because your ability to play is taken away from you.

You can dodge, use active defenses like blind and block, and you can also simply move out of range. Many CC are attached to projectiles and can be reflected, and so on.


Anyway, this happens because for some reason on boons that stack in intensity, boon duration stat increases their duration even though for alot of them the duration is useless. It would be better if for boons like Stability, boon duration (lets call it boon power) would instead increase the number of stacks.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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Not going to lie, would much rather have them increase dmg output or even condi output rather than nerf boons. WvW meta kinda have "sucked" for a while, where numbers are insanely important, compared to around a year ago where a very good 15 man squad genuinely could take down a 30 or even a 40 man group.  Now it is not possible,and a lot of players have left because of this.


The way it is now is just boonblobbing and the way it is going, it seems will just be benificial to clouding, which will just push the whole "2v1" gameplay, not fun either.

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Stability Access and Stability Access on Firebrands are two different issues.

Unbroken Lines has a longer cooldown now but it also costs less pages. Previously, that limited any further skills you use. You are also no longer restricted by the long overall t3 cooldown.

Also it's always been  1 stack of stability. It should have never been anything besides supplementary-- you use it to reduce damage.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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The latest change to Epilogue: Unbroken Lines actually was a buff.  At 3 pages it was pretty expensive and many groups were not even casting it anymore.   Now it is 2 pages at a cost of 5 seconds.  I'd personally like to see cooldowns reworked further to reduce all page costs to just 1.

As it is, FB still has plenty of access to group stability and cant really be substituted due to the sheer number of stability, aegis and stunbreaks it has.  Hallowed ground, Stand your ground, Unbroken  Lines, Mantra of Liberation and Courage Active (w/ virtue trait) should be enough sources.  There's still more nerfs that should be happening down the road once another classes gets access to decent aegis/stability generation.

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