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buff renegade


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played all of last season as condi zerk, was like "this is pretty bad lol"
decided to play this one as shortbow renegod cause bows are cool and i don't like pets
it's REALLY bad. like, frustratingly bad even compared to something that's also relatively weak

balance around meta specs isn't horrible, but the gap between the top and the bottom/meta and non-meta feels worse than anything ever did in hot or pof, imo

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I started playing chronomancer back when it was butchered and didn't have self-shatter, nor distortion nor any real alacrity income. Just to get started, I decided to abuse chronophantasma to its fullest extent.

- Rabid amulet for crits + survivability
- Phantasmal Duelist with Duelist's Discipline and Sharper Images; 2s bleeding, but I'm adding Sigil of Agony + Rune of the Krait + Signet of Midnight; now we're on 3.25s bleeding. Combo the projectile finishers with Well of Precognition (chaos field), your pistol4 deals cripple + 15-ish bleed + 3-ish confusion.
- Phantasmal Mage: daze + burning + confusion (baseline) + bleeding (sharper images) + slow (Delayed Reactions) + blind + confusion (Ineptitude if rupts).
- Rune of the Kraittorment + poison + bleeding on Gravity Well. It's also a dark field, you can combo it with The Prestige for AoE blind + confusion (thanks to Ineptitude). TLDR: torch4 into gravity well is a mini-elixir of ambition with bleeding + torment + poison + burning + confusion + blind + slow; unlike the elixir there are no boons , but you're inside a gravity well so you can make something do.

It was pretty kittening bad, but there are some intended mechanics. Core-engi tier: can do a thing which other builds perform much better, but it can do a thing.

Confident in my own abilities, I made a renegade. "I found something in chronomancer when nobody else did, 100% I'll make renegade work"

Boy, was I kittening wrong. It doesn't do anything at all. It felt even worse to play than nerfed chronomancer. The class needs something, and I have no idea what but those F skills are really miserable.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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14 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

needs damage mitigation and lower cd heals. can't sustain and energy costs too high




Easiest thing to play in the game...swap to shortbow and press 1111....3 when energy is up and I see players on it not even bothering to dodge, especially in WvW with cele/trailblazer stats.

Easiest revenant build in the game.....does not deserve any sort of buff...not before it gets scaled up in terms of difficulty

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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9 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:




Easiest thing to play in the game...swap to shortbow and press 1111....3 when energy is up and I see players on it not even bothering to dodge, especially in WvW with cele/trailblazer stats.

Easiest revenant build in the game.....does not deserve any sort of buff...not before it gets scaled up in terms of difficulty

It's strong in wvw, it's nerfed to kitten in pvp, this is the pvp forum, think before you post.

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13 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:




Easiest thing to play in the game...swap to shortbow and press 1111....3 when energy is up and I see players on it not even bothering to dodge, especially in WvW with cele/trailblazer stats.

Easiest revenant build in the game.....does not deserve any sort of buff...not before it gets scaled up in terms of difficulty

 Wvw/PvP has completly diffrent balance....     we are talking about PowerRenegade in pvp....   

You step in and brag about how op CeleRenegade is in WvW and that it doesnt need any buffs.. 



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31 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

 Wvw/PvP has completly diffrent balance....     we are talking about PowerRenegade in pvp....   

You step in and brag about how op CeleRenegade is in WvW and that it doesnt need any buffs.. 



There is a mere 5 energy addtion on the skill that doesn't even apply to the OP between PvP and WvW....listen to your own suggestion and you could do that if not for the bias....

Talking in other threads about what right and what wrong with balance...then "promoting" gameplay options allowing the user to simply sit there, press couple of buttons and accomplish greatness. If you want to talk about skilled gameplay...there is very little left in this game, and at the very least...wise individuals recognize that ...they recognize of being as much of the problem as what they try to whine about.

Acting like a balance guru in one thread than coming here claiming than monkey gameplay renegade  needs buffs? I would be ready to buff power herald...rather than adding anything to monkey renegade builds....unless ofc you gut that OP/broken shortbow 33333  first

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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2 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

There is a mere 5 energy addtion on the skill that doesn't even apply to the OP between PvP and WvW....listen to your own suggestion and you could do that if not for the bias....

Talking in other threads about what right and what wrong with balance...then "promoting" gameplay options allowing the user to simply sit there, press couple of buttons and accomplish greatness. If you want to talk about skilled gameplay...there is very little left in this game, and at the very least...wise individuals recognize that ...they recognize of being as much of the problem as what they try to whine about.

Acting like a balance guru in one thread than coming here claiming than monkey gameplay renegade  needs buffs? I would be ready to buff power herald...rather than adding anything to monkey renegade builds....unless ofc you gut that OP/broken shortbow 33333  first

Theres a big difference between Celerenegade in WvW and Renegade in PvP.

Your literally telling how easy Cele Renegade is to play in WvW. and think your adding something to a discussion thats about PowerRenegade in PvP.

"simply sit there, press couple of buttons and accomplish greatness."

If you really think that Renegade in pvp can do this.... we can stop talking right now, because you dont play pvp at all.

You literally said, that Herald could use a buff, but Renegade is op/broken.....

"would be ready to buff power herald...rather than adding anything to monkey renegade builds....unless ofc you gut that OP/broken shortbow 33333  first"

If that doesnt hint your skilllevel... i dont know what does.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Acting like a balance guru in one thread than coming here claiming than monkey gameplay renegade  needs buffs?

1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

listen to your own suggestion and you could do that if not for the bias....

How you can make these two statements in the same post is beyond me. 

You walk into a pvp forum with biases from WvW and tell other people to check their biases? That's pretty funny.

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3 hours ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

Kinda wish charged mists nerf was something more reasonable than the extreme 60% nerf from 25 energy straight to 10 makes renegade and core rev feel so much more energy starved whereas herald basically can't use the trait and vindi would be questionable.

Reducing energy costs for unpopular weapons could be better idea than forcing people into certain trait.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Renegade PvP balance aside, someone saying that it is fine because Cele Renagod is fine in WvW is missing a very big difference between the two game modes.

  Reveal hidden contents

Celestial doesn't exist in PvP anymore


You are missing the whole point by contrast...

A build that can duel. team fight, support......typically it would be called bad design by common players....but ofc GW2 players would think otherwise....unless is not their profession. There is literally zero difference in CD and mechanics between the pvp version and wvw version for the skills I have linked..and yeah FW didn't cele to win did they? But hey...shame on me for even trying to make sense on the pvp forum, please you lot can keep up with the ranting and delusional talk.

"buff renegade..."...please folks...add as many sad faces to this post as you can..

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A 1 year old video and a video from two patches ago aside, there is a stat delta between the game modes as well as a stat availability delta. In WvW you can leverage those increased stats to greater advantage and do better there and is one of the reasons why some professions can function better in one of the two competitive game modes than the other despite having similar skill/trait splits.

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14 minutes ago, robinoz.3958 said:

As that YEAR OLD video shows, Renegade was pretty decent back then. Changes to mitigation percentage stacking from additive to multiplicative hurt that build in PvP. I played it back then, it was quite good. It simply isn't as strong in this meta


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7 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

No.... I mean should a pure support spec like Druid be viable in 2v2. Renegade has alot of AoE which is useless in most sPvP settings, in WvW though it is amazing. 

WvW isn't sPvP, so WvW balance is irrevelant here. All specs should be re-balanced to have their niche in each game mode.

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