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They stealth too much!

Dodge stealth shouldn't be in the game!

Cloak and dagger does too much damage, it's a skill that does too much at once! stealth damage and vulnerability! anet balance philosophy is suppose to be against that!

Need more reveals in the game!

Condition vomit builds is vomit inducing game play!

They don't need a group port, remove or nerf shadow portal targets to themselves!

My yearly thief complaint thread, go, wherever the complaints winds may take you my old and cherished gw2 complaint!


Now stop bothering me while I go complain about boons. 🤭


edit: 13 rustled thief jimmies so far, you can do better thieves ->

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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44 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

They stealth too much!

Dodge stealth shouldn't be in the game!

Cloak and dagger does too much damage, it's a skill that does too much at once! stealth damage and vulnerability! anet balance philosophy is suppose to be against that!

Need more reveals in the game!

Condition vomit builds is vomit inducing game play!

They don't need a group port, remove or nerf shadow portal targets to themselves!

My yearly thief complaint thread, go, wherever the complaints winds may take you my old and cherished gw2 complaint!


Not stop bothering me while I go complain about boons. 🤭

 Cloak & dagger is fine as it is.

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I agree especially in WvW. Stealth + ridiculous speed + condition removal with one click of the button is OP as hell and thieves also have a lot of access to stealth and mobility on top of that.

There is nothing that you can counter stealth with. I mean you have to be extremely lucky to interrupt it and then they'll still have shadow stepping and other mobility skills and of course more stealth options.

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16 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

They stealth too much!

Dodge stealth shouldn't be in the game!

Cloak and dagger does too much damage, it's a skill that does too much at once! stealth damage and vulnerability! anet balance philosophy is suppose to be against that!

Need more reveals in the game!

Condition vomit builds is vomit inducing game play!

They don't need a group port, remove or nerf shadow portal targets to themselves!

My yearly thief complaint thread, go, wherever the complaints winds may take you my old and cherished gw2 complaint!


Now stop bothering me while I go complain about boons. 🤭


Moaning about cloak & dagger really? Gw 2 Playerbase is really lost sorry. 😂 Git gud then when u die from Cloak & dagger for real.

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16 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Need more reveals in the game!


They don't need a group port, remove or nerf shadow portal targets to themselves!

Re: Group Port. Remember that most abilities are aimed at PvE players. Near-permanent stealth plus portal is a really bad combination for WvW.


Re: Reveals. I concur to some extent, but the obvious problem is the reveal cleanse on Deadeye. What a ridiculous ability! On the extremely rare occasion that a stealth trap catches a thief, they just cleanse the debuff. I bet they can even switch to a Deadeye build using a keybind and then cleanse reveal and then keybind back to their permastealth build (if it's a different one). 


What a mess.

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4 hours ago, EyzKold.8247 said:

Killed a noob stealth thief last nite in front of SMC.  It was funny at the time.  Didn’t know the thief was there.  So, you can kill them…just aoe an area, use pull or gap closer..kill.  However, if a good deadeye gets a hold of you..well..

Well, if only thieves would accomodate us with running away in a straight line. Well, not running at superspeed of course, but walking away. Oh and also if they could just not dodge out of aoe's while they're walking away, I'm sure I will be able to do this.

In the end the combination of stealth, mobility and condition removal is what makes it OP imo.

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20 hours ago, Burial.1958 said:

 Cloak & dagger is fine as it is.


Anyone who thinks dagger offhand/cloak and dagger is the priority issue should take a mandatory crash course on "go play it for yourself and see how many times you die"

Shadow shot is the real offender. Should have at least avg ~1000 damage shaved off, just enough to balance it, not too much to make Teef mains have anuerisms over another nerf

Go fight a mechanist or hammer fire/arcane catalyst on thief without playing specter and tell me how much fun you had

I hate stealth abuse thief as much as anyone here but just as I say for ele, don't knock it til you try it. A lot of Teef mains probably feel forced into stealth builds because of how abysmally survivable the spec is outside of sword core/dd builds which aren't meta anymore anyway.

Of course there are always the teefs who just exist to be annoying little kitten s as well tho

Edited by solemn.9670
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21 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

They stealth too much!

Dodge stealth shouldn't be in the game!

Cloak and dagger does too much damage, it's a skill that does too much at once! stealth damage and vulnerability! anet balance philosophy is suppose to be against that!

Need more reveals in the game!

Condition vomit builds is vomit inducing game play!

They don't need a group port, remove or nerf shadow portal targets to themselves!

My yearly thief complaint thread, go, wherever the complaints winds may take you my old and cherished gw2 complaint!


Now stop bothering me while I go complain about boons. 🤭



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On 12/19/2022 at 1:55 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

They stealth too much!

Dodge stealth shouldn't be in the game!

Cloak and dagger does too much damage, it's a skill that does too much at once! stealth damage and vulnerability! anet balance philosophy is suppose to be against that!

Need more reveals in the game!

Condition vomit builds is vomit inducing game play!

They don't need a group port, remove or nerf shadow portal targets to themselves!

My yearly thief complaint thread, go, wherever the complaints winds may take you my old and cherished gw2 complaint!


Now stop bothering me while I go complain about boons. 🤭


edit: 6 rustled jimmies so far, you can do better thieves ->

I get why there is dodge stealth but I'm still not cool with it. I think there should have been something there to begin with to strengthen Kneel stance, along with the Elite slot instead of a stealth/reveal counter combo. 

Cloak and Dagger is fine, you gotta be all up in it to land that. It's also one of the more fluid feeling skills and shouldn't be messed with much if at all. Any kit that it's on will have a decent negative anyway. 

I'd rather get rid of the revealed mechanic and scale up or down the opacity of Stealth based on proximity, forcing skill and utility use to set up one shot sequences. Normal stealth would still be solid for masked map travel. I haven't thought that out enough though and would probably be buggy and game breaking somehow but whatever.

Condy clears are a build choice. 

That group port should only work if there's a path or light it up a lot more with some sound to help track it. It's not as lit and as much of a giveaway as mesmer portal. 



Edited by kash.9213
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14 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

DE rifle 2 spam, one of the worse skills in the game.
Just spam that crap like it's auto attack and dodge inbetween, skillful gameplay right there.

Does more damage than the kneel skill.
This is one of those skills that that i think Anet forgot to split between pve and wvw/pvp game modes.


The rifle 2 is actually the only skill that didnt receive massive nerfs after DE was introduced to the game.... all of the skills were as good as the 2 currently is 😄

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6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

The rifle 2 is actually the only skill that didnt receive massive nerfs after DE was introduced to the game.... all of the skills were as good as the 2 currently is 😄

Can someone explain to me how DE/thief mains manage to crit for like 6k per rifle 2 use? When I do it in full zerk scholar rune with a few trait buffs I get like 3.5k maximum lol

Or am I just imagining things/maybe it's just an elementalist main problem

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At least in pvp with crit strikes, it hits for about 3k. It hits for around 2k with shadow arts.

Imo, the spec is both boring to play as and against.

It is too much of a 1 trick pony that is easily countered. There should be more purpose to other skills and spamming 2 shouldn't be a normal thing.

Edited by nuggetjr.6571
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16 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

Can someone explain to me how DE/thief mains manage to crit for like 6k per rifle 2 use? When I do it in full zerk scholar rune with a few trait buffs I get like 3.5k maximum lol

Or am I just imagining things/maybe it's just an elementalist main problem

HAHA its not just a ele thing 😄 My brother is maining DE.

He runs critstrikes/trickery/DE with scholar and ontop is just running 3 big mara pieces and rest bersi. He just has 13k hp but hits like a truck.

 6k rifle 2 is rookie numbers! They can hit higher than that. 😄 The bigges hit i received from him was around the 8k-9k mark and a 19k Backstab.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/22/2022 at 4:19 AM, solemn.9670 said:

Can someone explain to me how DE/thief mains manage to crit for like 6k per rifle 2 use? When I do it in full zerk scholar rune with a few trait buffs I get like 3.5k maximum lol

Or am I just imagining things/maybe it's just an elementalist main problem

We on TC after doing a thorough assessment of your thief gameplay have come to the conclusion that while such numbers may be possible,  you cosplaying oakheart branch as your rifle are bound to get those numbers. So it is definitely an ele problem.


(P.S - I wanted to leave an extra note in Monkey language but i think the forum mod might figure it out and ban me)

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