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Does PvP require awareness and prediction or reflexes?


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I have been playing for 10 years and I still have never won a single duel in the free for all arena place.  I get usually hardstuck in about gold elo these days and rely on awareness and game IQ kind of like WoW is more geared towards but I get obliterated every duel.  Most people I fight in the free for all arena kick every single cast I make that is important even the ones only a quarter second.  Now the answer to this is going to decide if I continue playing this or just play a different game, but I not gifted with great reflexes and I don't abuse adderral like is common with many gamers to get that brain stimulation faster. So when people are instantly interupting me in duels on my most important casts, are they just predicting me, or do they know the first milisecond of every single race class combo for every skill in the entire game and know based on your characters hnd movement what your using and in that quarter second decide to interupt you?  If it requires reflexes like that I'm not going to play anymore because that's not something you can get from practice.

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6 minutes ago, rodrigo.5608 said:

none of these options, you just need a build op, and then just walk forward killing everyone.

No it's not that.  I do ok in 5v5 pvp but I can usually only play at night and when I do wvw I get obliterated by ppl and when I go in free for all arena I dont even do  1 damage to people.  It's like every single attack I use thats important is missed or negated.  Its like they spend 18 hours a day on this game to the point their brain forgot how to walk and play sports and 99% of its capacity is just designated to knowing the skill cast times of guild wars.  I don't even touch them.  Any cc I cast is intantly read and avoided or stabilty used during the cast.  Any time I use a strong attack they dodge. Any time I use any coooldowns they run and kite me.  Any heal I cast is instantly kicked eeven quarter second ones b4 they halfway finish casting.  I don't even take anyone below 90% health if 99%.  And then they just CC chain me with stun into immobilize into interrupt and I can't even get out of immobilize that much cuz I'm a scrapper. 

Lost like 20 duels in a row to hammer untamed tonight and then like 20 to a catalyst and then 20 to a d/p daredevil and then a million to a spellbreaker.

I used to play fighting games when I was younger and had fast reflexes but I played so much I was at the point it was just second nature to move and fight and all my brainpower was on reading my opponent.  If guild wars is like that then I guess I can learn if I put time into it but I'm in my mid 30s now and my reflexes are shot bc I used to do boxing for 10 years and I have a lot of concussions and nerve damage.  If you need insane reflexes like a twitchy teenager on adderal then I'm not gonna bother cuz those years are over for me.

Edited by Kstyle.5829
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5 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

This means you are predictable.

If your low hp you have to heal but even if I know it's coming I still can't react to that. I just dodge when I think I'm going to get hit but more often I get hit then dodge afterwards when my hp goes down. They seem to dodge every important attack and cc I throw and interrupt the rest. It really feels to me like that they are like twitching out on stimulants. I used to take adderal when I was younger bc video games cause add so alot of gamers have it but since I got sober I don't have that ability to clearly zone in and react quickly anymore. Most pro gamers just seem all skinny and twitchy like that but I'm old and slow now. When I was a teenager to like 24 on Adderall I played fighting games at a pro level but now that I'm sober my whole metabolism is slower and I'm more rlaxed person . Don't even get my heart rate excited fom gaming maybe I'm just growing out of gaming as a hobby. Probably to old for this kitten 

Edited by Kstyle.5829
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46 minutes ago, Kstyle.5829 said:

If your low hp you have to heal but even if I know it's coming I still can't react to that. I just dodge when I think I'm going to get hit but more often I get hit then dodge afterwards when my hp goes down. They seem to dodge every important attack and cc I throw and interrupt the rest. It really feels to me like that they are like twitching out on stimulants. I used to take adderal when I was younger bc video games cause add so alot of gamers have it but since I got sober I don't have that ability to clearly zone in and react quickly anymore. Most pro gamers just seem all skinny and twitchy like that but I'm old and slow now. When I was a teenager to like 24 on Adderall I played fighting games at a pro level but now that I'm sober my whole metabolism is slower and I'm more rlaxed person . Don't even get my heart rate excited fom gaming maybe I'm just growing out of gaming as a hobby. Probably to old for this kitten 

I would not be to hard on yourself,  i'm 52 and been gaming since 80s, and spends hours a week slaughtering the young and needy 🙂  my tip is play against the meta with a build you enjoy, more fuyn and ut surprises peaple, especially in WVW where they tend to stand like rabbits in a headlight if they are not good.

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I would say it is both prediction and reflexes at higher tiers.   Initially when learning it’s about reacting to what you see, later on you start to get use to opponents combos and what they are likely to do and start playing to counter what’s coming.


aAs an example I immediately go into circle and kite mode when facing ng cata’s or sb’s because you know the first is going to vomit ridiculous AOE damage near them and try to stun you in it, the sb you simply can’t tie to toe with either, a good one is just a loss mele.   Other examples are heals, ie. holding off with your interrupt for the coming one your opponent has, or predicting that if you hold off heal g just a bit you can bait their burst.


but yes in 1v1 for the class I play which has no passive defence yoy definitely need reflexes.


 Hey incidentally  I’m 46, but I understand that your boxing is an additional factor.


there are certain classes with certain types of combos that need more or less reflex as well, don’t pick Holo or scrapper… but maybe SB tank is not a bad choice?


also you start to predict the whole flow of fights, like where you could stand to bring the opponent focus on you, when it’s time to back off of a team fight ( hint before your at 10% health).  When someone is likely to go down and whether they’re a loss or you could setup to Rez them.  




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You need both.

Just relying on reflexes won't get you very far if you don't understand both your build and your opponents build, or if you're continualy putting yourself in bad map position. 

Equally, you can have very deep knowledge of all builds and perfect map awareness, but if you can't react quickly then you'll always lose out to those who have just as good knowledge as you and faster reactions.

You don't need crazy reflexes to dodge/interrupt anything with 0.75s cast time or longer, and 0.5s is fairly easy as well if you know the opponents build and are therefore ready expecting them to do x/y/z.

Also, alot of builds just spam out interrupts just by playing, they aren't necessarily specifically aiming to interrupt a particular skill.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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Should also count dodges. Started winning a lot of my duels as a reaper when I was counting peoples dodges. You’d be surprised how many people rando dodge or dodge the wrong things and once you count 2, unload ur burst. If it’s a build that has invulns or some cool-downs, try to count those as well. 

Don’t  wait too long. Some builds rely on the fact that they can cycle their invulns.


By unloading after them spending their dodges, you force them to blow their cooldowns, and that’s when you follow up again counting dodges and unleashing the 2nd burst.

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3 hours ago, Kstyle.5829 said:

I have been playing for 10 years and I still have never won a single duel in the free for all arena place.  I get usually hardstuck in about gold elo these days and rely on awareness and game IQ kind of like WoW is more geared towards but I get obliterated every duel.  Most people I fight in the free for all arena kick every single cast I make that is important even the ones only a quarter second.  Now the answer to this is going to decide if I continue playing this or just play a different game, but I not gifted with great reflexes and I don't abuse adderral like is common with many gamers to get that brain stimulation faster. So when people are instantly interupting me in duels on my most important casts, are they just predicting me, or do they know the first milisecond of every single race class combo for every skill in the entire game and know based on your characters hnd movement what your using and in that quarter second decide to interupt you?  If it requires reflexes like that I'm not going to play anymore because that's not something you can get from practice.

Reacting quickly is obviously important, but there's always an element of anticipation.  For instance, knowing what your opponent can do and how they will react to changing circumstances.  If you pressure them, what cooldowns might they respond with, which ones are they likely to use first and which can be countered?  If you're completely in the dark as to what your opponent will do next and not actively trying to pressure them into making moves you can anticipate, you'll lose a lot of fights even if your reflexes are good.

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Games don't cause ADHD, people with ADHD tend to play games because they provide enough stimulation that things like school work or low skilled work don't provide.

Beyond that there's very few players in this game that pay close attention to what you're doing. There was one guy I was dueling last week that didn't even notice that I swapped elite specializations between duels but was still doing ok because he was playing a catalyst. Indicating that awareness isn't as important as having a solid build and knowing how to get results out of it. Awareness just helps.

Edited by Dr Meta.3158
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54 minutes ago, Zuko.7132 said:

If you can’t react to big attacks and dodge them and your opponent can, then you will lose every 1v1. Just what it is. 

that's kind of what it seems like.  I only play basketball and hockey now I stopped boxing cuz  I kept getting blasted in the face bc my reflexes are shot from taking 100s of concusions.  Idk if its age or just not taking stimulants anymore but  I don't feel stimulated at all when I play now.  Used to be like eyes dialated 2 inchs from my screen reacting immediately and now I just have to play cerebral cuz I can't react to kitten.  By the time I know they are casting at all its to late to interupt so I have to just interupt or dodge when I'm thinking they are going to use something important, but if you need to see a cast and react within a quarter second and that's an important factor I'm just not gonna play anymore. Already quit pretty much all reflex based things in life like fighting games bc I'm losing fine motor coordination and can only do sports that use full body stuff.  I know it's something with my brain cuz the rare occasions I've taken any stimulants like relapsed twice and did cocaine over the last 3 years I was able to play like I used to but otherwise I'm just bored.  I think alot of it is just gaming doesn't stimulate my brain enough anymore so I could learn but I think I've decided I just don't care anymore.  

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There are builds that do not fall under meta nor would you be recommended them by most players trying to help you. These builds work well in bridging the gap of skill between you and the opponent enough to prevent them from taking advantage of you so easily. They work not as well in accomplishing most PvP tasks but if you are consistently a liability in 1v1 situations (100% of the time according to you) then I would recommend them to you. It could be the 10 second difference where you may be dead or alive when backup arrives, or you having held the point in neutral long enough to win. 

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On 1/1/2023 at 7:21 AM, Kstyle.5829 said:

I have been playing for 10 years and I still have never won a single duel in the free for all arena place.  I get usually hardstuck in about gold elo these days and rely on awareness and game IQ kind of like WoW is more geared towards but I get obliterated every duel.  Most people I fight in the free for all arena kick every single cast I make that is important even the ones only a quarter second.  Now the answer to this is going to decide if I continue playing this or just play a different game, but I not gifted with great reflexes and I don't abuse adderral like is common with many gamers to get that brain stimulation faster. So when people are instantly interupting me in duels on my most important casts, are they just predicting me, or do they know the first milisecond of every single race class combo for every skill in the entire game and know based on your characters hnd movement what your using and in that quarter second decide to interupt you?  If it requires reflexes like that I'm not going to play anymore because that's not something you can get from practice.

  • Free for all arena is mostly flat and open.  It excessively benefits ranged attacks and teleports.  Line of sight is so open and obvious that people have their rotations primed at all times.
  • GW2 isn't so much based on reactions or predictions as it is utterly dominated by skill bar rotations.  Rotations in GW2 often insulate attackers from risk and oppress defenders with chain stuns that far exceed the average time to kill.  Generally, in the arena area, the first person to initiate has a massive outright advantage unless the defender has an obscene amount of instant/passive defenses which can chain to outlast an enemy rotation.  To that effect, reactions matter, but still, it shouldn't be that much because most of these defensive measures are generally instant and protracted.
  • Across reactions, predictions and rotations, I'd say that the average GW2 PvP encounter is split sort of along the lines of 15% reaction / 5% prediction / 80% rotation.

Diagnosis:  You're either EXTREMELY broken or you're just using a build that doesn't really compete with the meta trash which turns open terrain into runescape.  I'd err on the side of the latter, but you know you best, I guess.


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On 1/1/2023 at 2:21 PM, Kstyle.5829 said:

I have been playing for 10 years and I still have never won a single duel in the free for all arena place.  I get usually hardstuck in about gold elo these days and rely on awareness and game IQ kind of like WoW is more geared towards but I get obliterated every duel.  Most people I fight in the free for all arena kick every single cast I make that is important even the ones only a quarter second.  Now the answer to this is going to decide if I continue playing this or just play a different game, but I not gifted with great reflexes and I don't abuse adderral like is common with many gamers to get that brain stimulation faster. So when people are instantly interupting me in duels on my most important casts, are they just predicting me, or do they know the first milisecond of every single race class combo for every skill in the entire game and know based on your characters hnd movement what your using and in that quarter second decide to interupt you?  If it requires reflexes like that I'm not going to play anymore because that's not something you can get from practice.

How to instantly start winning 1v1s:


You need to understand that not every build is made to win 1v1s. There is builds that will be better in 1v1, some roam better, some are teamfighters.

If your goal is to win 1v1s, you should play a build that is designed to do so.

Dont expect to win 1v1´s on builds that are not tailored for it.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 1/3/2023 at 12:04 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

How to instantly start winning 1v1s:


You need to understand that not every build is made to win 1v1s. There is builds that will be better in 1v1, some roam better, some are teamfighters.

If your goal is to win 1v1s, you should play a build that is designed to do so.

Dont expect to win 1v1´s on builds that are not tailored for it.

yeah I know that man I played for almost 10 years I mean even on duelist builds I suck

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Well sorry, didnt imagine someone putting in a decade into a video game, wouldnt have won a singel 1v1....

you said you didnt win a single one, so i thought your a new player....

If you want i can pass you my signettempest build, it will carry even the biggest apes(like me ❤️).



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