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If A SoloQ Player Can't Hit Top 25, Just Throw The Whole Thing Away


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13 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

Last mini season we had the proof that team size q are one programing line away of being fixed. When the 3v3 started you could just q as duo, the issue was fixed within 48 or 72 hours.

Oh ye, I remember and tbh it never seemed all that complicated to do, moreso nobody is willing to commit the effort.

Even though nobody is asking for anything new here or for anything to be removed at all. Just for a Solos mode. It really isn't difficult, nor complicated in the least.


At least it shouldn't be. I suppose it does become more complicated when the SoloQ-hating do-nothings want to come up with an overly complicated and confusing SoloQ mode hardly different from what we have now, or when they try to say we're being unreasonable because some unskilled top charlatan definitely made top of the leaderboards with before at some point in history, and so everyone should strive to be like this one mythical person and we should just ignore that is no competition and people can play at an advantage to others..

It's just loads of undisguised lies and BS. Red-tape bureaucracy invented to create and sustain an illegitimate competitive system without any hope of change.

If anyone ever has any problem with you or anyone else wanting to queue the way you want without it having any effect on them whatsoever, then it's obvious  that they're only arguing because they have something to gain out of it. 

Sycophant - a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

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1 minute ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I've often wondered what it must feel like to pay upwards of a 1000.00 USD for a big title, only to log in and figure out that everyone in the community recognizes that you paid for a title.

It must be absolutely amazing self gratification.

When I even consider the debauched heresy and ego-stroking self-gratification of the wintrading cartel, it makes my body want to projectile vomit.

I've met some truly pigeon-hearted gamers in my time especially when I was like 12 and using the noobtube in cod, but nothing even comes close to the wintrading cartel. They are the bottom of the barrel in all respects.

Ganging up with 'friends' to exploit the matchmaking of a dead game and even going as far to cheat in that medium.


You know what they remind me of?

Have you ever been to a birthday party at like a laser tag place as a kid or something?  There's always that one creepy adult who's somehow there despite being known by nobody. All the young'uns are off shooting lasers at eachother and having a blast, but then you see that creepy adult again and he's tagging kids left and right, having even more 'fun' than they are. Then the birthday is coming to a close, all the kids are gathering around to see who won.

It's little Timmy's big birthday, his mom has the iphone out, all his school pals are singin' happy birthday. It's great. But then someone else takes center stage. Not little Timmy, no. It's that creepy adult again. He's the winner and the center of attention undeniably with his score being more than double everyone else's.

The creep erupts into a round of applause, immeasurably pleased with themself for having conquered such... fierce competition 🤣

And then the concerned parents lead their children away while the crazy person gloats to nobody. So do we abhor and never pity the tryhard.


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2 hours ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

Man I remember when the time to even breach the top 250 was rating 1600, top 100 was 1650 and the rating . 💀

A time before the 5 stacks of [Flask of Blood Whiskey] but dailies gotta get done somehow

The highest rank I ever got was 68 which was exactly 1 spot higher than I wanted to be. I've never forgiven the person who stole rank 69 from me and i've also never seen them again since.


It was dope when there was a real sense of progression and competition. When the top leaderboard spots were closer to all the rest and the top 10 didn't magically have like 1 or 2 hundred more rating than everyone else. Can't forget the 118-2 winrate either, silently discouraging the people who never even see those top DuoQs at 4am to give up even trying.

Anyway i'm prattling. I very nearly wanted there and I must now seek redemption within the confines of the arena. CmC bless you and every stun you inflict on those blasphemous pagans. 

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7 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:


Why do any of that nonsense when you could accomplish all of that within reason by just splitting the queues?

There is no reason; absolutely none at all, for 2 entirely separate arenas to compete... together, yet separately? If i'm reading this right? 


That's because what you're suggesting is impractical and will never be done. Do you have any idea how long queues are at P2-P3? It gets even worse for top players in legend and you will see them take 10 minute qs whether it's solo or duo q. Completely separating their matches will just get rid of duo q'ing altogether because the population doesn't even support it, besides in order to have a 5v5 conquest that's separated from solo q, they would need to make a pre-made 5 man party not duo Q and again there's simply not enough population to have matches that will get you 5v5 pre-mades, what will most likely happen is you will go against the exact same team repeatedly and this gets even worse if you try to add 'ranked' system on it. It is a confusing suggestion for you because you didn't think through of the practicality of separating solo/duo q's because it's not that simple, the only way they can fix this solution is by implementing it a similar way I have suggested or have enough players/population in the game to begin with so this type of issues aren't prevalent.


This doesn't completely solve the issue but I'm certain it will lessen it enough that a lot less player will care about it without hurting players who wants to play with friends. Everything is the same only difference is that if you Duo Q any rating you got from it goes to the Duo Q matchmaking rating/leaderboards (where titles are less meaningful/competitive), if you're a solo q'er then you lose less rating for losing against a Duo Q'd team it's not that complex. 

7 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

If anything matchmaking would get even faster for the average SoloQ because DuoQs use an average rating of both players for the sake of matchmaking, so objectively speaking it is harder and takes longer to matchmake for a DuoQ.

I've had enough games including streamers who literally streamed their solo Qs and still took ages to get a 5v5 no Duo Q matches, it would in fact take longer to get Qs if you completely remove Duo Qs in your matches and some people don't even queue unless they are duo'd. You're making a presumption that all Duo Qs have inflated rating therefore, it is making the Queue times slower... this is another topic on its own that I don't wanna write 2 more paragraphs explaining why you're wrong.

7 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

DuoQ is hardly ever used to play with friends. It is used primarily purely for the number's advantage They've always had the options to have fun and even compete with friends in Unranked and ATs respectively.

I agree, and that happens when people care about their rating. That is why their rating needs to be separated and any solo Q'ers shouldn't be punished harshly for losing against it, that's the idea of my suggestion. It is very easy to recommend that you can just separate the 'chess' board for both solo q/duo q but you're not thinking about the practicality of that in GW2. This isn't league of legends (LoL) or Dota 2 where you actually have enough players that does make that viable. Funny thing is, LoL has a similar system to this you can actually Duo Q with someone (if their rating is close enough to yours) and get on matches with people Solo Q'ing and it works, it's not as complicated as you may think.

Edited by Magizen.7842
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5 minutes ago, Magizen.7842 said:

That's because what you're suggesting is impractical and will never be done. Do you have any idea how long queues are at P2-P3? It gets even worse for top players in legend and you will see them take 10 minute qs whether it's solo or duo q.



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44 minutes ago, Magizen.7842 said:

That's because what you're suggesting is impractical and will never be done. Do you have any idea how long queues are at P2-P3? It gets even worse for top players in legend and you will see them take 10 minute qs whether it's solo or duo q. Completely separating their matches will just get rid of duo q'ing altogether because the population doesn't even support it, besides in order to have a 5v5 conquest that's separated from solo q, they would need to make a pre-made 5 man party not duo Q and again there's simply not enough population to have matches that will get you 5v5 pre-mades, what will most likely happen is you will go against the exact same team repeatedly and this gets even worse if you try to add 'ranked' system on it. It is a confusing suggestion for you because you didn't think through of the practicality of separating solo/duo q's because it's not that simple, the only way they can fix this solution is by implementing it a similar way I have suggested or have enough players/population in the game to begin with so this type of issues aren't prevalent.

I used to play at the plat2-plat3 level when the game was SoloQ only. The queue times were actually faster because we didn't have 0-skill DuoQs hiding from and queue dodging eachother and messing with the matchmaking by queuing with someone leagues above or below them.

Ben P, former PvP developer said before he left Anet that 92% of players queuing at any given time for Ranked are doing so as a SoloQ even with the option to DuoQ. The queue times would only be horrendous for the TeamQ option and who the heck cares if TeamQ is waiting forever in queue? Not me. They can go play ATs and breathe some life and population into that mode since that is the competitive mode designed for teams in the first place, and when it comes to DuoQ and playing with a straight advantage to other players, they can just zog off entirely. It's not competitive. It's easy, self-serving, and borderline heretical. I'll add too, that absolutely nobody is impressed and judging by how low the player count is, even remotely interested in that gatekept circle kitten.


Don't tell me it isn't simple to separate the queues either. I am the most close-minded person I know, and I would never seek to overly complicate things. Doubters fail and the certain prevail. I consider it a blessing that my request will never be answered because that means I can pour the time and energy I would have put into ranked into instead smiting the wintrader, the DuoQ, and the redditor. This righteous crusade ends only in my death, the game's death, or SoloQ's freedom. I will be not be tempted

 📖 👺✝️

It is literally just a matter of freeing the SoloQs from the DuoQs by ensuring they never compete together under the same competitive ladder; like, you're half right. A separate leaderboard is good idea, but you need the separate queue to go along with it. DuoQ and SoloQ are two different games. We do not want to compete together. Do what you want with DuoQ and teams, but free SoloQ from them or at least tell us to our face "No, we need you to farm rating off of so that we can gloat about how unquestionably good we are at this dead game." The pride of the cartel would never allow for such honesty.

44 minutes ago, Magizen.7842 said:

This doesn't completely solve the issue but I'm certain it will lessen it enough that a lot less player will care about it without hurting players who wants to play with friends. Everything is the same only difference is that if you Duo Q any rating you got from it goes to the Duo Q matchmaking rating/leaderboards (where titles are less meaningful/competitive), if you're a solo q'er then you lose less rating for losing against a Duo Q'd team it's not that complex. 

Its entirely nonsensical, but I encourage you to have faith in your own beliefs if nothing else.

44 minutes ago, Magizen.7842 said:

I've had enough games including streamers who literally streamed their solo Qs and still took ages to get a 5v5 no Duo Q matches, it would in fact take longer to get Qs if you completely remove Duo Qs in your matches and some people don't even queue unless they are duo'd. You're making a presumption that all Duo Qs have inflated rating therefore, it is making the Queue times slower... this is another topic on its own that I don't wanna write 2 more paragraphs explaining why you're wrong.

The streamers for PvP are about as reliable a source for informed opinions as Infowars and televangelist preachers.

I have my 10 years of service and absolute faith and certainty on my side. Is that the best the faithless can muster is "I could tell you why you're wrong, but I won't."

Heretics, send your BEST for CmC's sake! 👺

44 minutes ago, Magizen.7842 said:

I agree, and that happens when people care about their rating. That is why their rating needs to be separated and any solo Q'ers shouldn't be punished harshly for losing against it, that's the idea of my suggestion.


44 minutes ago, Magizen.7842 said:

It is very easy to recommend that you can just separate the 'chess' board for both solo q/duo q but you're not thinking about the practicality of that in GW2. This isn't league of legends (LoL) or Dota 2 where you actually have enough players that does make that viable. Funny thing is, LoL has a similar system to this you can actually Duo Q with someone (if their rating is close enough to yours) and get on matches with people Solo Q'ing and it works, it's not as complicated as you may think.

No and I don't care about LoL since that game has always operated under this objectively unfair competitive system.

GW2 on the other hand experienced a miracle in seasons 9-12 though. We got to experience what a fair competitive system is in the form of SoloQ-only. Probably the reason the fake top players hated it so much. It was the equivalent of revolutionary ideas.

This time we are not asking for SoloQ-only; though that still remains an option, but for instead just to exist in some capacity. I will fight for that existence until my account is thoroughly drained of good boy tokens, and I have long since been banned to damnation. My anger will not die with me.

👺🤜⛓️ 𝖋 𝖗 𝖊 𝖊 𝖘 𝖔 𝖑 𝖔 𝖖, 𝖕𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖊 𝖈𝖒𝖈

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17 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

The difference with using lfg vs Anet picking your teammates is that you have more control over who you team up with. If you play a match with some rando from lfg, are you going to play with them again or are you going to block them and never let them join you again? Now what happens when everyone gets tired of this afk player and does the same? In the current system though, that afk player will be forced onto teams with others by Anet all day every day with extremely slim to none chance of ever facing any reprisal for their actions. That is why the solo queue system fosters this kind of behavior. So either use the lfg system and allow players to police up their own groups, or introduce increased moderation into solo queue to stop people from abusing the system.

Except that a pure LFG PvP experience will kill PvP. Why? Because people tend not to regroup with players they think are bad (regardless of whether they are correct or not). This also destroys any hope for a MMR rating. The MMR is bad now, but imagine being placed as a bronze player against the top 20 players. The solution of LFG match making doesn't work here, nor does it make sense. LFG is just a worse system the moment you consider player skill balance.

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6 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Lol. Y’all know the cartel and the inside man be laughing in the private discord at this right?

Good. Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. It is the only fate deserving of the wintrading cartel.

24 minutes ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

You wont end a season with min games and only have 10 losses solo queuing. But that doesn't mean its not possible to solo queue to top 10. Happens all the time.

Remember kids, you won't lose less than 10 times like all those Gods of PvP that DuoQ with eachother at 4am and hog up every spot on the leaderboard.

But somehow you will be able to compete with their near-perfect DuoQ winrate as a SoloQ still, all because some nameless top player did it once before.

Even though rating is tracked individually and unless someone streams themself playing every game, you couldn't possibly keep track of who SoloQ'd and who didn't, and of course every clout-chasing nobody with a 118-2 W/L is going to say that they SoloQ'd to get there. Okey :classic_rolleyes:

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3 minutes ago, Eurantien.4632 said:

Thought the whole thing was OP saying its just not possible to solo q to top 10. When it is?

We all know good duo queue players playing the best specs (often at weird hours) get insane winrates. But that doesn't mean you can't get to top 10 solo q if you're good.


L2P issue.

Yeah OP, what are you doing man? L2P this dead game, invest literal years into cheating in it so you can show all the friends you made along the way just how good you are.


Nah jk Burn the wintrader, kill the DuoQ 👺


My anger burns bright and my soul is aflame. @Trevor Boyer.6524 How is ranked looking? I am thinking of making a return with the sole intention of cleansing it of sin.

Rating be damned. Justice is CmC's greatest gift and plays no favourites in its deliverance.

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Yeah OP, what are you doing man? L2P this dead game, invest literal years into cheating in it so you can show all the friends you made along the way just how good you are.


Nah jk Burn the wintrader, kill the DuoQ 👺


My anger burns bright and my soul is aflame. @Trevor Boyer.6524 How is ranked looking? I am thinking of making a return with the sole intention of cleansing it of sin.

Rating be damned. Justice is CmC's greatest gift and plays no favourites in its deliverance.

It's beyond bad. When this season ends and I have the 3600 shards I need to build legendary medium armor, I won't be doing ranked anymore. Watch that 3 match demo I posted in here as a link, or just click my sig. Give you an idea of my ranked experience. 

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11 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

It's beyond bad. When this season ends and I have the 3600 shards I need to build legendary medium armor, I won't be doing ranked anymore. Watch that 3 match demo I posted in here as a link, or just click my sig. Give you an idea of my ranked experience. 

Thank you, and good. Unlike the archenemy, I welcome the challenge. Bless-ed are we to have so many heretics to be claimed by redemption.

Do you want to know the best possible counter to queue-dodging? Queue-sniping. I am the hunter and Twitch.tv/guildwars2/directory is my hunting grounds. Maximum CC, maximum disengage, maximum sustain. 

Should the archenemy land on the opposing team, I will not suffer the wintrader, or the DuoQ to move an inch no matter the outcome of the game, no matter the protests from the innocent as innocence proves nothing. I will record every match and literally spam Arenanet's inbox full with every shady clip I capture, regardless of whether they read it or not. 

And if they land on my team I will give it my all and try my best to win 😃😄😁😈

This is my vow. ✝️Spiritus sanctus CmC amen. 🙏


Idk how much time i've have in all honesty, but i'm gonna do it. I hope to at least sabotage 1 wintrader before the 2 weeks is up. Idk where placements will stick me but i'm hoping close to my old rating for the best chance of encountering them cause my old average rating is now a top 25 god-like rating apparently.


EDIT: Btw that clip you posted most have done some good because that guy was banned(supposedly) and yeah looking at the leaderboard they gone from it incase you didn't know.

I guess that's what it takes for action is outright cheats too bad they made it to leggy rating and cheated their way through prolly dozens of games I guess.

It's almost as if you can't trust the top players in this game at all and that they'll do pretty much anything to win 😱

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
faith is the only reason i need
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10 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Thank you, and good. Unlike the archenemy, I welcome the challenge. Bless-ed are we to have so many heretics to be claimed by redemption.

Do you want to know the best possible counter to queue-dodging? Queue-sniping. I am the hunter and Twitch.tv/guildwars2/directory is my hunting grounds. Maximum CC, maximum disengage, maximum sustain. 

Should the archenemy land on the opposing team, I will not suffer the wintrader, or the DuoQ to move an inch no matter the outcome of the game, no matter the protests from the innocent as innocence proves nothing. I will record every match and literally spam Arenanet's inbox full with every shady clip I capture, regardless of whether they read it or not. 

And if they land on my team I will give it my all and try my best to win 😃😄😁😈

This is my vow. ✝️Spiritus sanctus CmC amen. 🙏


Idk how much time i've have in all honesty, but i'm gonna do it. I hope to at least sabotage 1 wintrader before the 2 weeks is up. Idk where placements will stick me but i'm hoping close to my old rating for the best chance of encountering them cause my old average rating is now a top 25 god-like rating apparently.


EDIT: Btw that clip you posted most have done some good because that guy was banned(supposedly) and yeah looking at the leaderboard they gone from it incase you didn't know.

I guess that's what it takes for action is outright cheats too bad they made it to leggy rating and cheated their way through prolly dozens of games I guess.

It's almost as if you can't trust the top players in this game at all and that they'll do pretty much anything to win 😱

Here it is again for anyone who didn't review this: GW2 PvP Rigged? pt 1 - Twitch It's important in conjunction with this post.

Did you watch the 40 minute clip of the 3 matches?

Summary, incase you did not:

  1. First match I get a blowout loss. If you watch this match, 90% of the points contributed to my team come from me alone holding far. You can see my team doing absolutely nothing. They don't even threaten decaps. This match has suspicious flow because it starts out fine and the game feels normal. But you can see at the end of the match on the flow chart, where it shows my team start out fine and then suddenly drop off into a flatline. It was like they realized "oh we have too high of a chance to win so we have to throw very hard to make sure we don't" and at one point during the match they all simultaneously seem to forget how to walk to nodes and begin repeatedly walking into farm. It's like they dropped from G3 rating down to S3 all simultaneously at the same time, even though at the beginning of the match, you can clearly see that they seem to be a bit superior in combat to the opponents. You never see progress drop off into flatline on the chart unless a team actually full AFKs. What's important to note is that htey aren't AFKing, but rather choosing to feed. That doesn't make sense outside of throwing.
  2. Second match I get a lopsided win that is actually so lopsided that I could have AFK'd and my team still would have won. Clearly in this match, I have landed on the good side of a the throw as indicated by the players in-game who are strangely walking to my home node repeatedly in an ant trail, seemingly not even attempting to use their heal skills or stun breaks when attacked.
  3. Third match is the same thing as the first match, my team starts out fine and the game feels normal, then at a certain point in the match which is again reflected in the end-game flow chart on the graph, there is a point where my team's progress literally flatlines all of a sudden. Again, it's as if 3+ players on my team simultaneously at a certain point in the match, completely stop trying. Again, my team isn't AFK at all, no one is sitting in the spawn. But for some strange reason at that point in the match where the flatline begins, their visual mechanical skill levels all dropped simultaneously from like G3 down to S3 and they start getting farmed like deer in Queensdale. Again, that doesn't make sense outside of coordinated throwing.

I hope people are paying attention because this is an elaborate detailed breakdown of how to spot throwing. I see too many people here in this forum who get matches just like this but then say things like: "I've never seen win trading". And I'm always thinking: "Do you even know what to look for?" and the answer is that they don't know the game well enough to be able to understand that the flow of these matches are all messed up and don't make any sense. If they had played this game since year 1 and remembered what real matches looked like before the throw epidemic, or even now if they were currently running ATs where there isn't synch queuing, they would understand that typically a match flow begins and ends in the same way 95% of the time. What I mean is let's say a P1 with some G3s goes against a full bottom Plat team in an AT. This match flow will like look like: 20 to 15 - 40 to 30 - 80 to 60 - 160 to 120 - 320 to 240 - ect ect - and maybe one of the teams snags an objective like tranquility to tilt the momentum of the match which could result in either team winning, but unless you're talking big clutch objective plays like that, the flow of matches rarely rarely ever suddenly changes with such volatility from general rotations. This is because player's skill levels stay consistent. This is reflected in the chart graph at the end of real matches when you see a red and blue line progress that stays somewhat evenly on their paths, with small changes in those trajectories based on who made a clutch play at a given time. But YOU DO NOT see sudden flatlining in real matches unless one team actually AFKs. Even a P+ team against an all welcome Gold team, will still see consistency in the chart graph, a flow like: 50 to 0 - 100 to 20 - 200 to 40 - 400 to 80 - 500 to 100. YOU DO NOT see situations in real matches where it looks like: 20 to 20 - 50 to 40 - 100 to 80 - 150 to 120 - 155 to 200 - 175 to 400 - 180 to 500 <- That is garbage sand bagging & throw moves.

What's important to point out about the footage I provided, is that the flow of all 3 of those matches is the same suspicious type of flow, indicating obvious throwing. In match 1 and in match 3, the same throw flow happens, where my team starts out fine and is even winning, and then ALL OF A SUDDEN my teammate's just simultaneously drop in performance value to such a degree that they become absolutely useless to the point that I am suddenly 1v5 and the chart/graph shows a sudden flatline in my team's progress. This isn't even from objective momentum shifts or any clutch rotations, it's just sudden simultaneous drop in skill level. This is not something that happens in real matches where every player is trying. And then in match 2, I'm on the good side of it but it's the same flow. I even note in the video, it feels strange to me that the enemy players aren't even trying to dodge roll or use their heal skills. It's like they were letting us win. There was only one player in that match who was visibly new, the Revenant. I can see him actually trying to heal and still play, as he misused his ports trying to attack people in no port spots which he clearly had limitations in his knowledge of the game, but HE WAS PUSHING BUTTONS that's the thing. You can see him fumbling while manically using skills. The other ones are just seriously walking in and feeding, as if they were avoiding skill use. Even new players who are at least trying, push their buttons man and try to do stuff.

The last thing I'd like to note, and I did go over this at the end of the footage, is when I open my contacts list and scroll through all of the known veterans who were online queueing at the time, and I point out how I NEVER see them in my games. I've gone over this in several streams now in past seasons over the course of hundreds of games. Dude I seriously never see anyone in my games anymore. It's as if I were toggled in server functions into some kind "Control Group B", away from the rest of the known NA player base, and all my game are full of weird accounts that no one has ever seen before or that you rarely ever see twice and never see again, with the exception of frequently having certain known & already exposed throw accounts in my games. I'm not joking around about this, anyone who has followed my stream would remember me pointing this out with video evidence of the phenomena over hundreds of matches. I don't see you in my ranked games. I very very very rarely ever see the people we know in my games. The only person I see in my games, which strangely happens somewhat often, is Saiyan. Something is really wrong with it. I don't know what's going on here, but I do notice that the people who seem to be in these "Control Group B" games, are the ones who are like perpetually locked into the G2 G3 experience. Then I notice all of these players who I never see in my games, are riding all up into 1500-1550 range, even though I know for absolute inarguable fact from meeting them in ATs, that older players like myself or Saiyan, are much stronger than they are. So why are they never in our games and what games are they in that is allowing them to gradually ride around in 1500-1550 margins all season?

Even you may think this is somewhat conspiracy, even I do sometimes, but over the years I've learned that the suspicious patterns I notice and point out, always end up getting exposed eventually, and are linked to match manipulations. I have no idea how it's being done, but I'm calling it now dude, this has gone beyond classic win trading. These queues are somehow segregated lately. Some accounts are being allowed to play more normally and others are being used as throw fodder. I hope someone like the satan guy has the means to dig in and find out what's going on there, because I'm telling you it is.

Maybe it's as simple as the total games played function within the algorithm sorting? I don't know but there is definitely visible segregation happening.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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I wouldn't say pvp is rigged for anyone in any specific way, the good players do have a tendency of back and forth pming prior to match start though and don't necessarily play to the best of their abilities, I have seen this take place many times. I think it's more of an "I don't really care about this game" attitude moreso than a direct "I'm gonna boost my homie to r1 attitude." However. 







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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Here it is again for anyone who didn't review this: GW2 PvP Rigged? pt 1 - Twitch It's important in conjunction with this post.

Did you watch the 40 minute clip of the 3 matches?

Summary, incase you did not:

  1. First match I get a blowout loss. If you watch this match, 90% of the points contributed to my team come from me alone holding far. You can see my team doing absolutely nothing. They don't even threaten decaps. This match has suspicious flow because it starts out fine and the game feels normal. But you can see at the end of the match on the flow chart, where it shows my team start out fine and then suddenly drop off into a flatline. It was like they realized "oh we have too high of a chance to win so we have to throw very hard to make sure we don't" and at one point during the match they all simultaneously seem to forget how to walk to nodes and begin repeatedly walking into farm. It's like they dropped from G3 rating down to S3 all simultaneously at the same time, even though at the beginning of the match, you can clearly see that they seem to be a bit superior in combat to the opponents. You never see progress drop off into flatline on the chart unless a team actually full AFKs. What's important to note is that htey aren't AFKing, but rather choosing to feed. That doesn't make sense outside of throwing.
  2. Second match I get a lopsided win that is actually so lopsided that I could have AFK'd and my team still would have won. Clearly in this match, I have landed on the good side of a the throw as indicated by the players in-game who are strangely walking to my home node repeatedly in an ant trail, seemingly not even attempting to use their heal skills or stun breaks when attacked.
  3. Third match is the same thing as the first match, my team starts out fine and the game feels normal, then at a certain point in the match which is again reflected in the end-game flow chart on the graph, there is a point where my team's progress literally flatlines all of a sudden. Again, it's as if 3+ players on my team simultaneously at a certain point in the match, completely stop trying. Again, my team isn't AFK at all, no one is sitting in the spawn. But for some strange reason at that point in the match where the flatline begins, their visual mechanical skill levels all dropped simultaneously from like G3 down to S3 and they start getting farmed like deer in Queensdale. Again, that doesn't make sense outside of coordinated throwing.

I hope people are paying attention because this is an elaborate detailed breakdown of how to spot throwing. I see too many people here in this forum who get matches just like this but then say things like: "I've never seen win trading". And I'm always thinking: "Do you even know what to look for?" and the answer is that they don't know the game well enough to be able to understand that the flow of these matches are all messed up and don't make any sense. If they had played this game since year 1 and remembered what real matches looked like before the throw epidemic, or even now if they were currently running ATs where there isn't synch queuing, they would understand that typically a match flow begins and ends in the same way 95% of the time. What I mean is let's say a P1 with some G3s goes against a full bottom Plat team in an AT. This match flow will like look like: 20 to 15 - 40 to 30 - 80 to 60 - 160 to 120 - 320 to 240 - ect ect - and maybe one of the teams snags an objective like tranquility to tilt the momentum of the match which could result in either team winning, but unless you're talking big clutch objective plays like that, the flow of matches rarely rarely ever suddenly changes with such volatility from general rotations. This is because player's skill levels stay consistent. This is reflected in the chart graph at the end of real matches when you see a red and blue line progress that stays somewhat evenly on their paths, with small changes in those trajectories based on who made a clutch play at a given time. But YOU DO NOT see sudden flatlining in real matches unless one team actually AFKs. Even a P+ team against an all welcome Gold team, will still see consistency in the chart graph, a flow like: 50 to 0 - 100 to 20 - 200 to 40 - 400 to 80 - 500 to 100. YOU DO NOT see situations in real matches where it looks like: 20 to 20 - 50 to 40 - 100 to 80 - 150 to 120 - 155 to 200 - 175 to 400 - 180 to 500 <- That is garbage sand bagging & throw moves.

What's important to point out about the footage I provided, is that the flow of all 3 of those matches is the same suspicious type of flow, indicating obvious throwing. In match 1 and in match 3, the same throw flow happens, where my team starts out fine and is even winning, and then ALL OF A SUDDEN my teammate's just simultaneously drop in performance value to such a degree that they become absolutely useless to the point that I am suddenly 1v5 and the chart/graph shows a sudden flatline in my team's progress. This isn't even from objective momentum shifts or any clutch rotations, it's just sudden simultaneous drop in skill level. This is not something that happens in real matches where every player is trying. And then in match 2, I'm on the good side of it but it's the same flow. I even note in the video, it feels strange to me that the enemy players aren't even trying to dodge roll or use their heal skills. It's like they were letting us win. There was only one player in that match who was visibly new, the Revenant. I can see him actually trying to heal and still play, as he misused his ports trying to attack people in no port spots which he clearly had limitations in his knowledge of the game, but HE WAS PUSHING BUTTONS that's the thing. You can see him fumbling while manically using skills. The other ones are just seriously walking in and feeding, as if they were avoiding skill use. Even new players who are at least trying, push their buttons man and try to do stuff.

The last thing I'd like to note, and I did go over this at the end of the footage, is when I open my contacts list and scroll through all of the known veterans who were online queueing at the time, and I point out how I NEVER see them in my games. I've gone over this in several streams now in past seasons over the course of hundreds of games. Dude I seriously never see anyone in my games anymore. It's as if I were toggled in server functions into some kind "Control Group B", away from the rest of the known NA player base, and all my game are full of weird accounts that no one has ever seen before or that you rarely ever see twice and never see again, with the exception of frequently having certain known & already exposed throw accounts in my games. I'm not joking around about this, anyone who has followed my stream would remember me pointing this out with video evidence of the phenomena over hundreds of matches. I don't see you in my ranked games. I very very very rarely ever see the people we know in my games. The only person I see in my games, which strangely happens somewhat often, is Saiyan. Something is really wrong with it. I don't know what's going on here, but I do notice that the people who seem to be in these "Control Group B" games, are the ones who are like perpetually locked into the G2 G3 experience. Then I notice all of these players who I never see in my games, are riding all up into 1500-1550 range, even though I know for absolute inarguable fact from meeting them in ATs, that older players like myself or Saiyan, are much stronger than they are. So why are they never in our games and what games are they in that is allowing them to gradually ride around in 1500-1550 margins all season?

Even you may think this is somewhat conspiracy, even I do sometimes, but over the years I've learned that the suspicious patterns I notice and point out, always end up getting exposed eventually, and are linked to match manipulations. I have no idea how it's being done, but I'm calling it now dude, this has gone beyond classic win trading. These queues are somehow segregated lately. Some accounts are being allowed to play more normally and others are being used as throw fodder. I hope someone like the satan guy has the means to dig in and find out what's going on there, because I'm telling you it is.

Maybe it's as simple as the total games played function within the algorithm sorting? I don't know but there is definitely visible segregation happening.

I don’t see any reason why, if players are deciding balance in private discord with developers, there couldn’t be some decision making ensuring that certain undesirables are being set to certain brackets or rating ranges. I mean at the end of the day what does that involve? Checking the authentication state of a certain player? Some SQL?


Its definitely conspiracy to the max but who is going to know? Nobody is going to see their codebase.


Or it’s just people on 15 alt accounts ensuring you stay in a particular bracket. Now that blocking removes you from people’s friends list you can hide your matches. Of course this won’t apply if you hop on an alt account and have a handy list of usernames.


I won’t say it’s always a wintrade with the behavior you mentioned as sometimes it’s probably just snowballing tilt but it does get pretty crazy seeing people 2v4 only for you to show up to help even the odds and they suddenly get smashed after holding the cap for 5 minutes. 

Of course, this system can also be cheesed if people change their display name regularly which I’ve seen happen more and more frequently over the past couple years. Difficult to keep a list when people keep changing their account name. Seems odd because I was pretty sure you have to submit a ticket to support and give a reason right? We’re talking like every 3 months for some players. Really strange.


Teamwork makes the dream work!

Edited by Bast.7253
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30 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

Of course, this system can also be cheesed if people change their display name regularly which I’ve seen happen more and more frequently over the past couple years. Difficult to keep a list when people keep changing their account name. Seems odd because I was pretty sure you have to submit a ticket to support and give a reason right? We’re talking like every 3 months for some players. Really strange.

That's actually a really good point. The one time I tried to change my account name, Arenanet told me "This is something we don't do unless there is a very good reason for it, but in my case of my account using my real name, they'd let me do it." They however warned me that changing your account name comes with odd bugs like "bank space being deleted and never being able to access it again, so this is at my own risk". I decided not to take that risk.

But what you pointed out here is odd now that you bring it to my attention. There are A LOT of people changing account names regularly. I mean I very frequently see names I've never seen before popping up who have like nearly 30k APs and they perform at least bottom tier veteran level. These are not new players.

I find this very strange considering what Arenanet told me about account name changing.

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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

That's actually a really good point. The one time I tried to change my account name, Arenanet told me "This is something we don't do unless there is a very good reason for it, but in my case of my account using my real name, they'd let me do it." They however warned me that changing your account name comes with odd bugs like "bank space being deleted and never being able to access it again, so this is at my own risk". I decided not to take that risk.

But what you pointed out here is odd now that you bring it to my attention. There are A LOT of people changing account names regularly. I mean I very frequently see names I've never seen before popping up who have like nearly 30k APs and they perform at least bottom tier veteran level. These are not new players.

I find this very strange considering what Arenanet told me about account name changing.

I changed it once a few years ago for the same reason and didn’t have any issues. Might be worth the risk.


Don’t want the cartel finding creative ways to harass you on social media but then again being a streamer it might work to your advantage. 

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On 2/1/2023 at 10:42 AM, Zombiesbum.3502 said:

Except that a pure LFG PvP experience will kill PvP. Why? Because people tend not to regroup with players they think are bad (regardless of whether they are correct or not). This also destroys any hope for a MMR rating. The MMR is bad now, but imagine being placed as a bronze player against the top 20 players. The solution of LFG match making doesn't work here, nor does it make sense. LFG is just a worse system the moment you consider player skill balance.

Well that part is based on speculation and not actual facts, and thus up for debate. But given the community in question here, that is why I gave up on that long ago and instead advocate for a solo queue with increased oversight and moderation from Anet. That is highly unlikely to happen as well though.

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