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If A SoloQ Player Can't Hit Top 25, Just Throw The Whole Thing Away


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If YOU can prove to me that ANY SoloQ only player can grind out the minimum games and be only 2 - 10 losses by the end of the season, I'll sell my potato PC and start an Onlyfans selling Norn feet pic to Asura's. There's just no way in heck that solo players can be at that level when they're at the mercy of MMR's "averaging the team ratings out to make it fair lel" shenanigans... we all know how well that just doesn't work with the current system in place. It's half the reason how players are manipulating their own mmr matches by queueing after hours, with a low rank-manipulated duo partner, who shows as Bronze but is Plat2 on their main account.

TBH I'm not even mad at these players... the same players who have multiple accounts in the top 25, some of which sell titles to who ever is willing to cough up the $$, on a low populated-yet-casual PvX game. I'm honestly just disappointed in Anet for allowing it to happen....over and over again. No one likes the feeling of being cheated out on a match. I feel that with this game more so than any other game out there.

Keep Unranked, Keep Duo if you want... but add a Solo Rank queue with its own leaderboards. The top 25 will be slightly more sporadic but honestly that's how it should be... everyone fighting for the highest placement while queue dodging each other after hours in hopes for a decent match.... at least I wont feel like I'm being steamrolled by two Meta class Cata players who have class-change advantage... vs my Silver 3 team with latency issues and who also thinks staff Daredevil is making a come back.

Just a thought Anet... just a thought.

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They need to just get rid of any mode that doesn't present 5 man premade play. As much as some people don't want to admit it, it is the ONLY way to eliminate being effected by match manipulation synch queues. They would still try to synch queue 5 man vs. 5 man alts for easy wins, but they COULD NOT synch queue throws into your team with 5 man premade. It would even be easier to queue dodge the people you don't want to play against if they were all huddled into 5 man teams rather than a bunch of seperate duos and solo queue alt synchs.

Leave Unranked, no one is going to cheat in Unranked, no one cares. No one even cares to clout chase in Unranked.

Leave ATs for competitive.

Ranked has become nothing but a platform for win trading & boosting, to promote false clout on stream and to sell accounts. And it will always be this way with duo or solo queue only. The legitimate player community that has supported this game in all fairness without breaking TOS and through honoring good sportsmanship, is absolutely slapped in the face by Arenanet on this.

I'd say as a legit player that, if I can't have the ranked mode, the cheaters who ruined it shouldn't be allowed to have it either.

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Honestly, I would prefer Ranked to only be 5 man pre-made teams as well. You would simply form a group just like you do in literally every other instanced group content in this game. There is no other example of a queue system like sPvP has anywhere else in this game, and with good reason. Things like Fractals, Raids, and Strikes would become a nightmare if I just had to make it work with whatever teammates Anet decided to throw at me.

However, since I am pretty confident that team queue only will never be a thing for Ranked, can we at least get some AT improvements. Not sure what exactly though. I just want to be able to enjoy the experience of an AT more than once every 3 hours. Perhaps any more frequent than that would make it a ghost town though, not sure.

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I say whatever at the 5-man suggestion. The population isn't there to justify it, but if people want it; whatever, so long as it doesn't affect me.

5v1 would affect me. That's boring and stupid.

TeamQ-only is also a dumb suggestion. The PvP community is actually awful and I don't want to join a discord call with some redditor stranger and listen to them sweat over this pretty much dead gamemode. I also don't want to tack on an extra 10-15 minutes to the queue of every match just for the sake of getting rid of the match manipulators. That should not be our burden to bear. It should be Arenanet's responsibility to enforce their own ToS and just ban the karkers. Hardware ID, IP, all known alt accounts, and permanently ban them.


Go ahead with your TeamQ, but do what the OP says and keep a separate SoloQ-only arena with its own separate leaderboard for individual rankings that is easily accessible to everyone queuing ranked. 

Match manipulation and synced queues fall apart without merged queues regardless. DuoQ is the ultimate way for the average nobody to pretend like they're somebody just because they got top rank by abusing the matchmaker in an objectively dead gamemode. It is unfair and uncompetitive and should have never been added back in.

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10 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

5v1 would affect me. That's boring and stupid.

Then queue up with me and 3 other guys. It's just not a difficult or complex thing to do.

If you actually would just try it in even Unranked, you'd see how much more fun it is to play in 5 man teams. Literally every single person I've ever seen start doing 5 man queues, they all say it is more fun. Every single one of them.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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3 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Then queue up with me and 3 other guys. It's just not a difficult or complex thing to do.

If you actually would just try it in even Unranked, you'd see how much more fun it is to play in 5 man teams. Literally every single person I've ever seen start doing 5 man queues, they all say it is more fun. Every single one of them.

I've played this game for 10 years bro ofc i've played in team before plenty. It doesn't make the game more fun, you just have more fun cus you're talking to friends, as you would with any experience not exclusive to sPvP.

And I don't see how you don't see after playing the same thing for an equal amount of time that this community is not worth saving. It's full of wintraders, ingrates, redditors, sychophants, and just generally miserable people that have chased out pretty much everyone worth playing with for any other reason other than for a straight advantage in game. The only way you get through it nowadays is through pure hate and vitriol. The only thing to look forward to is this being replaced with some semblance of sportsmanship and competition.


I've got some other gripes with it as well.

For 1 It's easier. Easier = boring.

And not to mention it's tryhardy and more time-consuming for a gamemode that does not deserve either.

Like I said, go on getcha TeamQ, but zog off trying to force me to play it. That time cannot be earned back. Once it is gone, it is just gone and i'm not about to spend it talking to and gaming with self-absorbed psychopaths that refuse to allow SoloQ to exist.

They are only in it for themselves, trying to be the very best with no competition. That is not the type of person I would queue with.

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34 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

And I don't see how you don't see after playing the same thing for an equal amount of time that this community is not worth saving. It's full of wintraders

Yes but with that statement, this is what confuses me as to why you advocate so strongly against 5 man premades.

If the only people left are people who want fair games, then give them the option.

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1 minute ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Yes but with that statement, this is what confuses me as to why you advocate so strongly against 5 man premades.

If the only people left are people who want fair games, then give them the option.

There's a difference between advocating against something and simply not caring for something.

I don't care for TeamQ and I don't care what becomes of it. 

I want to SoloQ.

When the TeamQ purists try to tell me i'm not allowed to SoloQ, that's when I start pointing fingers at all the flaws in what they're trying to advocate. I could not give a 💩less if TeamQ existed as the option for teams in Ranked so long as I can still SoloQ and it is just an option.


And no those aren't the only people left, you know that. The modern PvP population can be split into 4 demographics. This doesn't mean that the gamemode is essentially thriving, as even a barren post-apocalyptic wasteland can contain different groups and factions, but here they are:
(1, The Redditors)The majority(or perhaps vocal minority) of the people left that are so obsessed with the balance of this barely functional and uncompetitive gamemode that they are willing to make death threats and personal insults against anyone who dares disagree with them.

(2, The Lizardmen)The second fantasy race would be the wintrading cartel and all the brown-nosing subs and discord mods that try to give them some degree of relevancy that they so desperately crave. They are depraved and self-absorbed, caring only for themselves and they are largely responsible for PvP being as it is now. You will probably see their faces on the news at some point in the distant future.

(3, The PvE Nomads)These are players that never really stick around, they are merely crossing over temporarily to get some of the many PvP-Exclusive rewards and the usual phrase tends to be "I plan to get my legendaries and get out" Truly the most prudent and humble of PvP-partakers.

(4, The Scarred Veterans)These are PvPers who enjoyed the game before, perhaps a little too much at one point or another, only to become disillusioned a few years later. These players are usually classified by an eagerness for victimhood and their habitual smoking and drinking patterns that develop following the eventual end of their PvP career(and usually Gw2 entirely along with)

I think personally that veterans are the most personable of the PvP bunch, as how miserable they are tends to correlate directly with how much time and money they spent on Gw2's PvP prior.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Then queue up with me and 3 other guys. It's just not a difficult or complex thing to do.

If you actually would just try it in even Unranked, you'd see how much more fun it is to play in 5 man teams. Literally every single person I've ever seen start doing 5 man queues, they all say it is more fun. Every single one of them.

I support just making ranked 5v5 premade only, or having it go back to solo queue only as the serious premade players will play in ATs. Maybe even have a split queue of solo only, and team 5v5 ranked.  I remember the days of mixed queue, and after a certain MMR threshold you start getting matched against full premades, and ESL teams ,I had the experience of running into Astral Authority and guilds like DOLO, Mist Initiative  multiple times as a solo queuer with a potato team in the mixed queue ranked days. those ended up in fat blow out matches. At least solo queue days everyone had to claw their way up like everyone else without having the reliance of needing a good duo queue partner if you wanted to climb higher, you work with what you had, and sometimes had good known players on both teams. 



1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I've played this game for 10 years bro ofc i've played in team before plenty. It doesn't make the game more fun, you just have more fun cus you're talking to friends, as you would with any experience not exclusive to sPvP.

And I don't see how you don't see after playing the same thing for an equal amount of time that this community is not worth saving. It's full of wintraders, ingrates, redditors, sychophants, and just generally miserable people that have chased out pretty much everyone worth playing with for any other reason other than for a straight advantage in game. The only way you get through it nowadays is through pure hate and vitriol. The only thing to look forward to is this being replaced with some semblance of sportsmanship and competition.


I've got some other gripes with it as well.

For 1 It's easier. Easier = boring.

And not to mention it's tryhardy and more time-consuming for a gamemode that does not deserve either.

Like I said, go on getcha TeamQ, but zog off trying to force me to play it. That time cannot be earned back. Once it is gone, it is just gone and i'm not about to spend it talking to and gaming with self-absorbed psychopaths that refuse to allow SoloQ to exist.

They are only in it for themselves, trying to be the very best with no competition. That is not the type of person I would queue with.

You and me both, 10 year old dinosaur club 👴. This is pretty much my take as well, and a reason why I'm mainly in WvW a lot of the time when I play, and maybe a little bit of FFA arena once in a blue moon.

26 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

And no those aren't the only people left, you know that. The modern PvP population can be split into 4 demographics. This doesn't mean that the gamemode is essentially thriving, as even a barren post-apocalyptic wasteland can contain different groups and factions, but here they are:

This is a very accurate depiction of the factions it's kinda scary. 

There's a ton of PVE nomads I always see in the big community guilds I'm in, that say "Finally [legendary armor piece], I don't ever have to step in this heckscape(Spvp) again, good riddance." I've never seen someone so happy to leave a game mode behind, but I can't blame them honestly.   

Also: @Saiyan.1704 I will never forget how you bumped me out of the top 100 by 1 spot at the end of the season back in the day, on a win as well. 😭

Edited by Lucentfir.7430
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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

They need to just get rid of any mode that doesn't present 5 man premade play. As much as some people don't want to admit it, it is the ONLY way to eliminate being effected by match manipulation synch queues. They would still try to synch queue 5 man vs. 5 man alts for easy wins, but they COULD NOT synch queue throws into your team with 5 man premade. It would even be easier to queue dodge the people you don't want to play against if they were all huddled into 5 man teams rather than a bunch of seperate duos and solo queue alt synchs.

Leave Unranked, no one is going to cheat in Unranked, no one cares. No one even cares to clout chase in Unranked.

Leave ATs for competitive.

Ranked has become nothing but a platform for win trading & boosting, to promote false clout on stream and to sell accounts. And it will always be this way with duo or solo queue only. The legitimate player community that has supported this game in all fairness without breaking TOS and through honoring good sportsmanship, is absolutely slapped in the face by Arenanet on this.

I'd say as a legit player that, if I can't have the ranked mode, the cheaters who ruined it shouldn't be allowed to have it either.

Top teams would dodge each other, also no enough teams. Same team always top. Boring.

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8 minutes ago, Coraline.4173 said:

Top teams would dodge each other, also no enough teams. Same team always top. Boring.

If the top teams dodge each other in a match making system that actually did its job, then they would have insanely long queues or no opponents at all. Also, there are enough teams. How do you think people are playing right now? The only difference is that currently, Anet chooses your team for you. As for the same team always being on top, are you referring to the best team? Why would the best team not be on top? Do you understand how competitive modes are supposed to work?

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18 minutes ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

You and me both, 10 year old dinosaur club 👴. This is pretty much my take as well, and a reason why I'm mainly in WvW a lot of the time when I play, and maybe a little bit of FFA arena once in a blue moon.

Honestly, you were always one of my favorites to Peevepee with. You and a few other glorious anomalies inspire my faith in CmC, and that we might one day free ourselves from this fetid, festering stagnation that has become so commonplace it can be documented without effort in 1 single try.

Thank ye for your labors, kin. The nerf father smiles on them, you know?

18 minutes ago, Lucentfir.7430 said:

This is a very accurate depiction of the factions it's kinda scary. 

There's a ton of PVE nomads I always see in the big community guilds I'm in, that say "Finally [legendary armor piece], I don't ever have to step in this heckscape(Spvp) again, good riddance." I've never seen someone so happy to leave a game mode behind, but I can't blame them honestly.   

In order to truly defeat the wintrader, we must understand the wintrader at some base level. This means you have to understand every PvP demographic and how the wintrading cartel interacts with them.

The PvE Nomad expressing their desire to deliver themselves from this hell is very telling, I think.

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5 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

If the top teams dodge each other in a match making system that actually did its job, then they would have insanely long queues or no opponents at all. Also, there are enough teams. How do you think people are playing right now? The only difference is that currently, Anet chooses your team for you. As for the same team always being on top, are you referring to the best team? Why would the best team not be on top? Do you understand how competitive modes are supposed to work?

If there is only 4 teams that u cant predict outcome:



Yes, they would wait 2hours if needed.

Also because there would not be enough teams, u would play vs same one over and over until u would get bored of getting farmed.

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1 minute ago, Junno.4031 said:

At this point delete ranked, nothing good breeds out of it. If people want their competitive team stacked 5v5 stuff that's what ATs are for at the end of the day. 

“Thats not good enough explanation. I don’t WANT to understand so i will keep posting on forum.”

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12 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Honestly, you were always one of my favorites to Peevepee with. You and a few other glorious anomalies inspire my faith in CmC, and that we might one day free ourselves from this fetid, festering stagnation that has become so commonplace it can be documented without effort in 1 single try.

Thank ye for your labors, kin. The nerf father smiles on them, you know?

In order to truly defeat the wintrader, we must understand the wintrader at some base level. This means you have to understand every PvP demographic and how the wintrading cartel interacts with them.

The PvE Nomad expressing their desire to deliver themselves from this hell is very telling, I think.

❤️ 🙏

Some PVE nomads that retain the taste for blood sometimes form a pact with each other and head into WvW to sate their bloodlust. It's nice to see posting screenshots in the discord of them capping SMC and talking about fights they had with other groups. 

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42 minutes ago, Coraline.4173 said:

If there is only 4 teams that u cant predict outcome:



Yes, they would wait 2hours if needed.

Also because there would not be enough teams, u would play vs same one over and over until u would get bored of getting farmed.

The only way there will not be enough teams is if everyone just left PvP. If the players are still there, then the population is exactly the same as it is now, and thus there are enough players to fill just as many 5v5 matches. The only difference is that instead of Anet picking the teams, the players pick the teams just like they do in literally every other group instanced aspect of this game. Not sure what part of this you are not able to comprehend.

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2 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

The only way there will not be enough teams is if everyone just left PvP. If the players are still there, then the population is exactly the same as it is now, and thus there are enough players to fill just as many 5v5 matches. The only difference is that instead of Anet picking the teams, the players pick the teams just like they do in literally every other group instanced aspect of this game. Not sure what part of this you are not able to comprehend.

Because bad players will really find a team good idea. Id party up with 4 P3+ friends, win 50 games 500-0 straight and then uninstall. Would u enjoy losing 500-0? Boring. Winning everything 500-0 is boring as well.


U will look for team in lfg or what?

Edited by Coraline.4173
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I don't know what anyone is talking about. Win trading is a very small part of the community (like one discord group)

I solo que and have gotten into Platinum a few times, in the US that means the top 200 players. Honest you need to play alot to even get close, so most of the time I sit in gold 3.

I also play the most off meta build out there, Condition Untamed. When anyone want to argue with me, I just say I'm gold 3 and they basically shut up. I mean they can try and say I'm playing bad or have the wrong build but my rank proves it works.

PS: I'm having a break for the rest of a season, untill Warrior is fixed. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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38 minutes ago, Engal.6359 said:

I hit top 25 this season on Druid, it's totally possible if you're good and can deal with the kitten that is ranked.

Anyone can grind the initial 15 or 25 games and either hit top25 or be within top 50 but maintaining that rank solely Solo is nigh impossible. You're literally against players who are pros at manipulating matchmaking. How I that fun for you or anyone? Highest I've gotten was top 27 but that was at the start of the season when I was getting +20 for a single win. Grinding out games is gambling, for you and everyone else.

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5 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I don't know what anyone is talking about. Win trading is a very small part of the community (like one discord group)

I solo que and have gotten into Platinum a few times, in the US that means the top 200 players. Honest you need to play alot to even get close, so most of the time I sit in gold 3.

I also play the most off meta build out there, Condition Untamed. When anyone want to argue with me, I just say I'm gold 3 and they basically shut up. I mean they can try and say I'm playing bad or have the wrong build but my rank proves it works.

PS: I'm having a break for the rest of a season, untill Warrior is fixed. 

I've been top 250 for 5 straight seasons, while occasionally hitting top 100 but that's all about game grinding... not everyone is a PvP no-lifer bot like myself lol (currently sitting at over 560 games played  hitting Plat over and over again)

All of that is besides the point though. I'm talking about rating manipulation; players deliberately causing unfair matches. You're right that it's a small group of players but it's a small population as well... they literally effect 20% of the leaderboards lol.

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8 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I'm not calling you a liar, but is this not your blasphemous work? 

There was nothing blasphemous about that. It was simply an idea that was disliked by the majority and therefore could not work. 


8 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

"Solo Queue staying" could mean a lot of things when spoken by the faithless. To be allowed to simply go on existing in this miserable state of be is not an act of benevolence, but one of contempt.

Spoken by the faithless? Is this some sort of religion now? Just because I have no other solution for solo queue does not mean I hold any contempt for solo queue players. Solo queue is in a really bad spot right now and I simply do not have a solution for it. The current format is exactly what fosters the incredible amount of toxicity that currently plagues it. The only way that someone who is known for constantly botting, afk'ing, trolling, or berating other teammates could ever find other players to accept them on their team is if that team had no control over it. This is how the current system works. In a team queue that formed groups using lfg, these toxic players would eventually find their selves blocked by many people and would not be willingly accepted onto teams, thus eliminating this overly toxic portion of the PvP player base. 

However, the issue with that is the majority of the player base simply wants a solo queue system that allows them to quickly spam games back to back. They also want this in a ranked mode with a leaderboard in place, and they are willing to sacrifice some loss in the quality of matches in order to have all of this. So based on that, solo ranked queue has to stay. Also, we know that a split queue system cannot exist due to the population. The majority of players have already shown that given an option that is quick and easy with lower match quality, and an option that requires a bit more work but with higher match quality, they are going to go with the fast and easy option. 

Now a bit of a disclaimer, there isn't anything wrong with them taking the fast and easy option. That is simply a preference that is held by the majority of GW2 players. In fact, in any game or aspect of life, people will often opt for the faster and easier way of doing something so long as the price paid for that convenience is not too steep. The price being paid here is the facilitation of toxic players and the decline in match quality. Also note that match quality is subjective, and my comparison is based on the general quality of matches I have experienced in solo queue vs automated tournaments. There are of course great matches to be had in solo queue, just as there are horrible matches to be had in ATs. Generally speaking however, matches between what feels to be two coordinated and evenly matched teams happen far more prominently in ATs. 

Now, since solo ranked queue must stay and split queues cannot exist, my primary focus for an enjoyable PvP experience with friends is ATs. The major downside to ATs however is that you can only play in them once every 3 hours. This makes it difficult for people trying to find a time in a possibly limited schedule that they can all play together, and even if they do manage to all find a AT time that works for them, it is so short live that is essentially like getting together to do Fractal dailies then logging off for the day. ATs cannot run constanly though, because if it essentially becomes a team queue then we run into the problem of split queues again. What would be nice is if ATs could at least run every hour or so while being able to provide enough of an incentive for people to participate in hourly tournaments. The fact that ATs are not always available is what allows them to exist alongside solo queue, and I think it is a great idea considering the team queue population is so small. I also see plenty of groups forming in chat and lfg simply to participate for the 5 gold, and possibly more if they make it higher. In my time playing ATs, I have never ran into one of these participation groups that did not try to win. They do not simply join for the 5 gold and afk, they join knowing they will get at least 5 gold for participating, and then put in an effort to obtain more by lasting longer in the tournament. So the system in place for ATs has some solid groundwork, it just needs more refining.


As for the solo queue, if it is going to be a solo queue then it needs to be just that, a solo queue. Honestly, even though I enjoy being able to play a game mode that I like with my friends, having a duo queue inside the solo queue does not make much sense and does facilitate the match manipulation that currently exists. I do not know the best solutions to improve the quality of solo queue in its current state, but some good first steps would be to remove duo queue and increase Anet oversight in the game mode. As I've stated, the solo queue format allows toxic players to run rampant if there is no proper moderation in place. I'm sure everyone has run into these toxic players and despite numerous reports, they are still there ruining matches for people every day. If Anet were capable of dedicating some people to moderating ranked PvP to ensure people are not abusing the solo queue, then that would do a lot of good for the game mode. Sadly, I'm not too confident on how feasible such a task would actually be for the Anet staff. 

7 hours ago, Coraline.4173 said:

Because bad players will really find a team good idea. Id party up with 4 P3+ friends, win 50 games 500-0 straight and then uninstall. Would u enjoy losing 500-0? Boring. Winning everything 500-0 is boring as well.


U will look for team in lfg or what?

We already do this in ATs with no issue and have great matches. If you enjoy solo queue there is nothing wrong with that, but making up silly things about team queue is kind of ridiculous. Go play ATs some time if you ever get curious as to how it all works.

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I don't understand this system anyway sometime s i win games while playing a class I barely know and other times I play the best game of my life with my main but loose.

The matchmaking fluctuate extremely, I barely get a feeling of self-improvement. Or should  say not at all

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