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earthen rush and burning speed changes


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Yeah this change is just bad. I used the skills for mobility just as much as i did for damage. now mobility and damage both suck. Learning how not to burn off the edge of a cliff or into a dangerous mechanic is something every Tempest player has to do. We don't need any safety rails. 

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Well, this change sucks hard, exactly as I expected.

Anyone know of a playstyle as fun as DD elementalist used to be? Preferably for elementalist, but if not *shrug*

EDIT: I know that second one sounds overly dramatic, but when I play now it feels like I'm constantly walking into a door or something. It's weird and annoying.

Edited by Aulis Vaara.7083
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3 hours ago, Aulis Vaara.7083 said:

Well, this change sucks hard, exactly as I expected.

Anyone know of a playstyle as fun as DD elementalist used to be? Preferably for elementalist, but if not *shrug*

EDIT: I know that second one sounds overly dramatic, but when I play now it feels like I'm constantly walking into a door or something. It's weird and annoying.

65% mara 35% cele antitoxin Sword dagger cleansing agility water231 air222 weaver 322 is quite a lot of fun still, especially with the buff to weave self and air autoattack

Edit: and for the record I don't mind this change as much as I thought I would. Just detarget if you need mobility, otherwise it's ...almost helpful lol

Edited by solemn.9670
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I'm really unhappy with the burning speed change to stop at the target. Previously I loved the flow of the Dagger Elementalist, sliding through the enemy to dodge an attack and cause damage felt great and gave me a lot of mobility as a "clothie". Now it just feels clunky to me, I stop exactly where I dont want to be with an oddly static animation or I fumble with untargetting and retargeting. Even just as someone who plays GW2 mostly for the story missions it sucks to lose a lot of that flow and mobility I loved.

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The changes S.U.C.K.S. HARD, no one asked to be changed, and yet they changed for the good of pve players who doesnt move more than 1m when fighting bosses.

As a WvW player, after casting burning speed, and the oponent kittes, both skills will no longer able do hit, it was nicer before.

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I have been Tempest for 8700 hours. Yup, I've been 8 years being a tempest, it's my favorite class and it's because of the dagger. Now this change makes my life very miserable and it's NOT FUN at all to play it.

Seriously anet, why? I can understand the "not going past the enemy" change, okay, annoying but understandable to a certain degree. But....... WHY, seriously WHY does it needs to rush towards the target now if I am facing another direction? Really?! If I want to flee from combat, to hit 3 enemies at the same time by positioning myself or to move fast in a direction now it's impossible because these skills now go towards your target instead. I've just wiped at gorseval because I was trying to stop an add with 3 from dagger earth but the game made me unable to untarget a kitten wall in that fight (u know, they are really hard to un-target those walls due to hitbox) and my character dashed towards the outside, like... WTF?

Please Anet, revert the change. This change single-handledly breaks all the fun of dagger on elementalist, to the point that I am about to stop playing elementalist after it's changed. It is not fun anymore.

Edited by Elrey.5472
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Dagger changes were gross.

It was already basically a dps loss now even sword weaver or hammer cata has more mobility.

Dagger/Dagger ele should have twice the mobility of willbender. (minus the damage)


Even though I like to tell myself I don't have a main, but I've always had a soft spot for ele as it is my oldest character. Dagger/Dagger ele hasn't been the awesome meta it used to be since it got nerfed very early in gw2s development. With a brief spot when weaver dagger/dagger was meta because of grinding stones. Please make dagger/dagger ele great again.



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9 hours ago, Elrey.5472 said:

I have been Tempest for 8700 hours. Yup, I've been 8 years being a tempest, it's my favorite class and it's because of the dagger. Now this change makes my life very miserable and it's NOT FUN at all to play it.

Seriously anet, why? I can understand the "not going past the enemy" change, okay, annoying but understandable to a certain degree. But....... WHY, seriously WHY does it needs to rush towards the target now if I am facing another direction? Really?! If I want to flee from combat, to hit 3 enemies at the same time by positioning myself or to move fast in a direction now it's impossible because these skills now go towards your target instead. I've just wiped at gorseval because I was trying to stop an add with 3 from dagger earth but the game made me unable to untarget a kitten wall in that fight (u know, they are really hard to un-target those walls due to hitbox) and my character dashed towards the outside, like... WTF?

Please Anet, revert the change. This change single-handledly breaks all the fun of dagger on elementalist, to the point that I am about to stop playing elementalist after it's changed. It is not fun anymore.

Same here. 10 years in game and play tempest in WvW. I am also so miserable. Today I dashed off a cliff because I went sideways. If they really want to keep this change as a QOL then tie it to the melee assist setting. 

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Last night our resident Pug Commander kept losing his kitten. He's been a dagger/dagger Tempest forever and his muscle memory hasn't adjusted yet. I couldn't help but laugh outside and cry on the inside every time he complained about the loss of mobility and ending up in places that our old movement skills wouldn't have put him.

Learn to play (again) issue but why make a change like this in the first place? At least couple it with the melee assist setting so it can be turned off at will.


Dagger/Dagger used to be my favourite weapon set, now I wouldn't even shave with it...

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I see a lot of replies from PvP/WvW players and I'm very happy about that, because at least on the high-end of PvE I'm certain that almost everyone hates this change. If you use to to dash to a target, the fire field does not hit the target and can sometimes be a full hitbox size away. It seems to have been introduced to have players avoid leaping off edges, but now it essentially means it's not even worth using in the first place.

I've played ele a lot in open world even if it isn't my "main" class and this is a really bad change for casual players as well. Being able to use that mobility and evade to get away from bad situations is really important, and having to detarget to get that back is extremely unfortunate.

In short, this is a bad change for every single game mode and player and I'm sure the devs are going to follow up on that.

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This evening I put my staff and scepter away and took dagger/dagger for a spin after a very long time. It is terrible.

At 160-200 ping skill shotting Burning Speed and Fire Grab were challenging enough because you had to lead an extra margin due to desynch.  After these changes it verges on unplayable. The fire trail never hits, the splash damage is a toss up. The skill duration is the same regardless of distance. Fire grab still hits the same since it wasn't changed and was used as a baseline for comparison. The same thing applies to Earth Leap with an extra helping of shite because the end of the animation stops forward motion.

Dagger/Dagger has gone from fluid to stuttering. Detargeting and retargeting in the middle of a big chaotic push is practically impossible.

Why would you do this and think it's a good change? Whoever approved this should not be allowed to make further decisions about the well-being of your game.

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What would have been great is to make those skills little aoe target , like druid 3 staff , you go where you want , max range or somewhere between and the direction you need, it would just loose like 1/4 sec of reactivity for the players who have the habit to play with it.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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This is stupid change for experienced and elite eles, but welcomed for new ele players. 


I am one of those whos life become worse in wvw with this. Thank to catalyst block even if I mistakenly charge to someone or a group i can block and teleport out, with tempest and weaver you can cry cause you are already dead. 

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I'll put my vote in the "this is bad, please revert" camp. The flow of combat with dagger mainhand is completely thrown off with this change, and you lose out on the pass-through damage (which is a rather large part of the power budget for these skills).


I hate to seem... elitist, I guess, but any talk of "this was to help people not whoosh in to bad" is a skill issue.

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i have started trying to detarget to use this and that just turns into a disaster too. without detargeting you end up blazing INTO danger. how does this change help anyone. new or old players. now if you are trying to run away from something and you use either of these abilities it turns you around and sends you right into the mechanic you were trying to avoid. 


had a player go down state in sunqua peak last night. i wasn't going to get there running, so i hit burning speed out of habbit. it turned me 90 degrees to the left and sent me into the water tornado where i couldn't get back out. 


this change helps no one. i am with everyone else, why was this change made? who was complaining loud enough that it was even considered? all this change does is make people not want to use dagger on elementalist anymore. i guess if that was the goal, congrats.

Edit: the fire trail you leave with fire dagger 3 becomes worthless in its current state. now if you are in melee range of your target you get nothing. before you could zip through the target to hit adds and other mobs but in its current state the fire trail doesn't even reach your main target sometimes. obviously this has to be changed somehow. 

If anet is completely unwilling to revert this change, then how about a little bit of a rework. using the ability once starts it, using the ability again stops it. I really don't understand why it was changed in the first place, but if it was to protect all the low intensity players out there, this would allow them to start it and stop it before their target if they wanted. the rest of us could play it as we always have. might as well not even have a fire trail if you are going to stop before it even touches the target though.

Edited by nytro.1362
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It looks like this change was made with raids/strikes in mind. In instanced PVE the dash could be a problem in some places cause it could ruin your positioning. For WvW and Spvp it is an unnecessary change. No ele was asking for this change in wvw/spvp and I don't recall ever seen someone deeming the dash op and asking for a nerf. 


It sucks that  Anet once again is ruining a skill for wvw/spvp in favor of raids, their golden child. 

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On 2/24/2023 at 1:28 AM, Edu.6984 said:

It looks like this change was made with raids/strikes in mind. In instanced PVE the dash could be a problem in some places cause it could ruin your positioning. For WvW and Spvp it is an unnecessary change. No ele was asking for this change in wvw/spvp and I don't recall ever seen someone deeming the dash op and asking for a nerf. 


It sucks that  Anet once again is ruining a skill for wvw/spvp in favor of raids, their golden child. 

Unfortunately you're wrong. This change is a flat nerf to high end PvE like some other peoples already pointed out (Even the most casual PvE elementalist would be aware of that much). Skills in PvE are usually used more for damage than for defense and this change strip an important damage part of the most used of those 2 skills: burning speed.

This mindset that some annoying change are done with PvE in mind is toxic as 95% of the time it is not true. If it's not a "PvE only" change you can be garanteed that it's either with "all gamemodes" in mind or the specific gamemode listed in the update in mind.

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2 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Unfortunately you're wrong. This change is a flat nerf to high end PvE like some other peoples already pointed out (Even the most casual PvE elementalist would be aware of that much). Skills in PvE are usually used more for damage than for defense and this change strip an important damage part of the most used of those 2 skills: burning speed.

This mindset that some annoying change are done with PvE in mind is toxic as 95% of the time it is not true. If it's not a "PvE only" change you can be garanteed that it's either with "all gamemodes" in mind or the specific gamemode listed in the update in mind.


I disagree and think you are the one wrong here. Pve is not just about the "high end" 1%. People that are so high end you can detarget, use the skill and target again to get the full movement. For the casual player, which is the vast majority of the game, stopping at the enemy make the skill simpler and easier to use. Specially in fractals, where there is a lot more platform jumping, this change will avoid people dashing and falling to death when using the skill. The casual pve player doesn't even have a dps meter and won't possibly notice losing some dmg, but they will notice that they don't have to fear dashing to their death.


While they have used splits for cooldowns, durations, dmg, mostly numbers only changes, etc, you don't see them using complete different animation and movement for different game modes. It would be really weird for a skill to do a dash in wvw and stop at target in other game modes.




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