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Bullying is back with a vengence


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Not sure why but some servers are very toxic links -- they don't like sharing info or plans with their own teammates, they tell us they are NOT our teammates, and then defame us -- constantly.

Anet, please do something about the real intent of WvW -- which is teamwork -- and not bullying or sniping properties.  Alliances will make this so much worse.

For the health of WvW, please consider releasing the links for good.  It didn't work, you said you would reverse it if it did NOT work and it is NOT working.

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3 hours ago, Rebuke.3176 said:

Not sure why but some servers are very toxic links -- they don't like sharing info or plans with their own teammates, they tell us they are NOT our teammates, and then defame us -- constantly.

Anet, please do something about the real intent of WvW -- which is teamwork -- and not bullying or sniping properties.  Alliances will make this so much worse.

For the health of WvW, please consider releasing the links for good.  It didn't work, you said you would reverse it if it did NOT work and it is NOT working.

here is the answer for this " problem" stop being offended i guess ? like wtf u expect anet to do ? hire a lawyer to sue the "toxic server " ? 

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5 hours ago, Rebuke.3176 said:

Not sure why but some servers are very toxic links -- they don't like sharing info or plans with their own teammates, they tell us they are NOT our teammates, and then defame us -- constantly.

Anet, please do something about the real intent of WvW -- which is teamwork -- and not bullying or sniping properties.  Alliances will make this so much worse.

For the health of WvW, please consider releasing the links for good.  It didn't work, you said you would reverse it if it did NOT work and it is NOT working.

These are weak people IRL, so they have to expend their frustration and aggression in the only way that they can: anonymously on the internet. The game exposes people for who they really are. 

Just feel bad for them and move on with your life. 

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48 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:

How will an alliance, made of selected guilds who agree to play together, be worse than random links?  

Random links are bad enough -- two months of playing with people you don't know, can't get to know and many times are working at cross purposes against your own server -- not to mention the alt map spying where a toon sits at a spot and reports to their home server where the commander is, how many they are and what they are saying.

Alliances?  Yep, could be worse -- elitism is already a thing -- it locks out many in WvW who are bullied because they don't have the 'right' build or the 'right' toon for the tags running -- totally locked out of almost anything useful -- groups ARE WvW but Anet is making it a hatefest, a loot loss compared to fractals and playing with the 'alliances' thing  for years, losing hundreds of people from the game -- whole guilds of 500, just leaving, no new map, no tournaments, and blobbing, yeah, dying is so fun when you are outmatched 35-50.  


So, the bullying aspect is hard enough -- without some cohesion and challenges, like back to tournaments that mattered, loot that no one else had,  WvW won't grow, it will just be the mode to avoid.

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People opting to not play with you is not bullying. Tossing around internet buzz-words to make yourself look like a victim in order to get the attention of authority figures is counterproductive.

Stop being offended. Block exists if you cannot.

Play with people who want to play with you.

Get on with your life

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There are truly fun people out there, fun guilds with funny and interesting raids. There are guilds that will help you get better, and offer advice and even training once or twice a week. Alliances will allow people to play with these good, fun, and funny people. If you haven't raided with any of these guilds, then you are in for a treat. They are anti toxic, and don't encourage it or the people that are it to raid with them. Therefor these fun guilds facilitate an air that helps players work together, and if you are a nice person, there are fun guilds that will let you join them. I wont mention any of these guilds, they know who they are, and when you are linked with them, you will have a great time!

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I can understand the frustration. I don't like my server for the most part (being called kitten, trash or kitten trash is not fun, the discord isn't great either - I guess I'm too old for all the male genitalia kitten emojis).

Thanks to linking I've met people from other servers that are great, helpful, supporting and have amazing commanders. In fact I'm planning to switch to the one I'm linked to. Those guys are awesome. 

Edited by nutri.1385
Censorship makes it hard to explain xD
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15 hours ago, Swagger.1459 said:

How will an alliance, made of selected guilds who agree to play together, be worse than random links?  

It won't be from inside, but it might be from outside. Example alliance is on at it's primetime, hey everyone not in Alliance "Get Off My Lawn" should leave, its our raid time. You why are you here, go 'Insert some random blathering'. 

But as others said, the best motion will be to block, and then stay on map doing your own thing. But could see Alliances creating more drama on maps especially the bigger they are since that's been around since day 1 with larger guilds at times. Hey you get off the map I need more of my people if you want to win this fight. Which all the better after they rage quit since they still lost.

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Is this a serious post? Tossing out the "bully" and "toxic" words to make things sound really drastic is so last decade. Oh and "vengence." Makes it really urgent. (I won't be petty and dunk on the misspell.)

Simple human nature, but I can't imagine someone just snapping off like that unless you were trying to tell people on links what to do. So maybe, just maybe, it's you that's a little "toxic" because it seems like you want Anet to vindicate your feelings and adjust everything so that everyone plays according to your expectations? By the way, links are not the servant of the hosts, which is precisely how the original post presents.

Maybe stop taking things so personally? People have the right to play how they want, with who they want. WvW is a competitive game mode with varying ways to play it. Nothing is keeping you from doing what you want.

As others have said, use block, or take a break.

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On 2/17/2023 at 2:48 PM, Skynet.7201 said:

Is this a serious post? Tossing out the "bully" and "toxic" words to make things sound really drastic is so last decade. Oh and "vengence." Makes it really urgent. (I won't be petty and dunk on the misspell.)

Simple human nature, but I can't imagine someone just snapping off like that unless you were trying to tell people on links what to do. So maybe, just maybe, it's you that's a little "toxic" because it seems like you want Anet to vindicate your feelings and adjust everything so that everyone plays according to your expectations? By the way, links are not the servant of the hosts, which is precisely how the original post presents.

Maybe stop taking things so personally? People have the right to play how they want, with who they want. WvW is a competitive game mode with varying ways to play it. Nothing is keeping you from doing what you want.

As others have said, use block, or take a break.

Screenshots are forever -- and what many will read here is exactly what is happening in the game -- bullying is only in certain 'modes' -- and even dungeons have bullies who are so 'elite' that they will kick out a 'bad spec' or 'bad profession' according to their biases or hates. 

Anet, bullying is huge in this game, in pvp and in wvw more than any other modes -- and yet it is allowed, Anet seems to have no care about it and no reasonable way to report it.  "Verbal abuse" is one thing -- but whole guilds who bully a SINGLE person -- I've seen it for over a decade now against individuals who don't ascribe to the people who want to lord their wills over a server or group.

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On 2/16/2023 at 10:20 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

People opting to not play with you is not bullying. Tossing around internet buzz-words to make yourself look like a victim in order to get the attention of authority figures is counterproductive.

Stop being offended. Block exists if you cannot.

Play with people who want to play with you.

Get on with your life

I never said people have 'opted not to play with' me.


You many NOT put words that I did not say as words you think I might have 'meant'.

You are seriously one of the issues in this game -- comprehension.

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Let's see.  I see all sorts of interesting remarks over the many years, since launch for WvW.  Nothing that can be done about players or groups that insist on being on their worst behavior.  Although I find that most groups get their mindset into a certain mentality, due in no small part to the actions or words of the people that lead them.  Most behavior comes from the top.  Guild leader, Zerg Driver.  You got them in comms.  And their talking.  Move here, move there.  And then they start giving their input of what a "Bad player" is.  And they also lay down the "facts" of who the "Good players" are.  The good players are the ones that run the meta, that always does every last step and detail of running that meta.  They never run off.  It's expected that if you're in the team, that you are always on the commander.  Scouting and capping is for "Pugs".  And the only good Pug is the Pug that gets off the map when commanded or told to by the Zerg Driver, so he can get his guild on the map.  I do not see Alliances fixing this particular problem.  In fact, I see this compounding the problem, and a lot more arguments on the way. 


As for the bullying, I'm not really affected by it, because after 10 years I finally got to the point that I no longer care about burning my bridges with people. 


The only thing I see as bullying is spawn camping.  I don't really care for it.  I believe expectations are too high, nobody plays WvW for the Capture the Flag component of this aspect of GW2, and show off their expertise by stating how many "bags" they received for reward.  If that's the case, Anet might as well shutdown WvW and just move onto GvG arena's, because that's the only thing people care about nowadays.  In no small part due to the leadership within those guilds that have pushed that mentality.  Once you have a group that thinks this way, they then try to "pressure" everyone else to think the same way.  I see most guilds as no longer caring about the "Team" or "Working Together".  It's now more of a Us vs. Them in what they all believe is "Guild Fun Time".  Getting wiped 15 times in a spawn camp is not my idea of fun.  It doesn't improve the team.  It does effect Morale pretty badly.  But we're told, that this is "Fun".  It's not fun.  I see this as toxic.  Feeding an enemy force, because it seems to increase the enemies morale, instead of your teams, and sometimes it looks like it's being done on purpose to destroy one's own team.


The worst Toxicity I ever saw...that would be when a Commander literally chased the opposing commander across several maps, to specifically destroy his guild/team repeatedly until they stopped playing for that evening.  In the worst case, it caused the opposing team to stop playing for weeks, if not whole months.  That's the worst toxicity I have ever seen in game.

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2 hours ago, KeyOrion.9506 said:

Let's see.  I see all sorts of interesting remarks over the many years, since launch for WvW.  Nothing that can be done about players or groups that insist on being on their worst behavior.  Although I find that most groups get their mindset into a certain mentality, due in no small part to the actions or words of the people that lead them.  Most behavior comes from the top.  Guild leader, Zerg Driver.  You got them in comms.  And their talking.  Move here, move there.  And then they start giving their input of what a "Bad player" is.  And they also lay down the "facts" of who the "Good players" are.  The good players are the ones that run the meta, that always does every last step and detail of running that meta.  They never run off.  It's expected that if you're in the team, that you are always on the commander.  Scouting and capping is for "Pugs".  And the only good Pug is the Pug that gets off the map when commanded or told to by the Zerg Driver, so he can get his guild on the map.  I do not see Alliances fixing this particular problem.  In fact, I see this compounding the problem, and a lot more arguments on the way. 


As for the bullying, I'm not really affected by it, because after 10 years I finally got to the point that I no longer care about burning my bridges with people. 


The only thing I see as bullying is spawn camping.  I don't really care for it.  I believe expectations are too high, nobody plays WvW for the Capture the Flag component of this aspect of GW2, and show off their expertise by stating how many "bags" they received for reward.  If that's the case, Anet might as well shutdown WvW and just move onto GvG arena's, because that's the only thing people care about nowadays.  In no small part due to the leadership within those guilds that have pushed that mentality.  Once you have a group that thinks this way, they then try to "pressure" everyone else to think the same way.  I see most guilds as no longer caring about the "Team" or "Working Together".  It's now more of a Us vs. Them in what they all believe is "Guild Fun Time".  Getting wiped 15 times in a spawn camp is not my idea of fun.  It doesn't improve the team.  It does effect Morale pretty badly.  But we're told, that this is "Fun".  It's not fun.  I see this as toxic.  Feeding an enemy force, because it seems to increase the enemies morale, instead of your teams, and sometimes it looks like it's being done on purpose to destroy one's own team.


The worst Toxicity I ever saw...that would be when a Commander literally chased the opposing commander across several maps, to specifically destroy his guild/team repeatedly until they stopped playing for that evening.  In the worst case, it caused the opposing team to stop playing for weeks, if not whole months.  That's the worst toxicity I have ever seen in game.

Nail meet Hammer. Well said.

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16 hours ago, Rebuke.3176 said:

And even dungeons have bullies who are so 'elite' that they will kick out a 'bad spec' or 'bad profession' according to their biases or hates.

Let's say I want to complete some content in an efficient manner and I do not have time to screen people to see if they are good or not (or maybe, I do not want to waste time on that part). My best chance would be to look for specs/professions that are proven to work, or that I've seen that work. Why would I choose a subpar alternative when I can find exactly what I want and that would give me better chances ?


All game modes transition to playing meta in every game and the reason is simple: people want to reduce the chances of things going wrong while trying to complete content. The solution for people that do not play meta is always the same: make and organize your own groups.


About the bullying issue, just block people and move on, is the whole reason games have that feature.

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10 minutes ago, Kirevey.5079 said:

Let's say I want to complete some content in an efficient manner...

Agreed.  It's respectful of other people's time to show up prepared and ready on something that will help get through the content with little time wasting.  That's always been the irony around claims of elitism.

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On 2/17/2023 at 5:25 AM, Rebuke.3176 said:

Alliances?  Yep, could be worse -- elitism is already a thing -- it locks out many in WvW who are bullied because they don't have the 'right' build or the 'right' toon for the tags running -- totally locked out of almost anything useful -- groups ARE WvW but Anet is making it a hatefest, a loot loss compared to fractals and playing with the 'alliances' thing  for years, losing hundreds of people from the game -- whole guilds of 500, just leaving, no new map, no tournaments, and blobbing, yeah, dying is so fun when you are outmatched 35-50.  


So, the bullying aspect is hard enough -- without some cohesion and challenges, like back to tournaments that mattered, loot that no one else had,  WvW won't grow, it will just be the mode to avoid.

You say these things, but you do realise that the reason people are transfering around under the current system began with players who are unaffiliated with tags and their guilds stacking those servers and following them around when they transfer? Right? The whole server hopping circus is/was just a big stalker train. Tags move to avoid players and players follow those tags. Players who feel like that tag is "their tag", however right.

Similarily, the problem with most concerns voiced against Alliances (here or elsewhere) is that they make it seem like people are entitled to the groups- and content of tags. They see the public tags on their servers as "their tags" without recognising that those tags are other players and the content they create is very much their own content, first and foremost. Your posts here come across as no different.

If you look at it in a negative light, it already is a "hatefest" it is just that who gets the hate, who feels locked out of content or who gets outmatched is just a different set of people. One of the main arguments for Alliances is to make sure that the people who do tag up and provide content are not (or at least less likely to be) the people who feels hated, constricted or forced to work against the grain - as they do the work.

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