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I won a 1v1 roaming on a shrine, will i get problems?


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I found a mechanist on a ruin i went on him and killed him really fast shattering clones on him like he was some chicken waiting to be killed.

Now he is threatening me to have his whole guild report me?


What did i do wrong?

Should i explain him how chronomancer works? idk


On a more serious note, having 300 people report me from the same guild will i get problems?


Edit: I should have said moa instead of chicken to fit the mesmer lore.


Edited by Sven.7201
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i think you will not get problems for killing someone in WvW even if lots of ppl report you. Anet doesn't ban just for fun. Its maybe not the nicest behaviour to kill ppl who just want to finish their dailys at the ruins or veteran mob and don't want to fight, but there are no anet rules against killing them.

Edited by crazycookie.3247
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If you have to fight someone over a ruin can be debated, but it is a PvP environment, so you have to be expecting to get attacked.

Will you be banned for killing an enraged, salty person? Hell no. He can ask his whole server to report and nothing will happen (unless he has a screen shot of you map breaking under the surface of the map 😂)

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12 hours ago, Sven.7201 said:


I found a mechanist on a ruin i went on him and killed him really fast shattering clones on him like he was some chicken waiting to be killed.

Now he is threatening me to have his whole guild report me?


What did i do wrong?

Should i explain him how chronomancer works? idk


On a more serious note, having 300 people report me from the same guild will i get problems?


Edit: I should have said moa instead of chicken to fit the mesmer lore.


Good on you for not naming them to avoid issues. Save your screen shot in cases of repels issues but wouldn't expect that and more likely the windbag that made the statements would get their guild banned after easy research showed they weren't around at the time of the event so lol on the paper tiger attempt. If it wouldn't violate name and shame would say share so we could help you hunt said guild, but no, you are good. So report and block is the best course.

I have had guild disputes between how able to say nice fights and you live in a basement impact whether there should be options to whisper the other side. To me any whispers should be among friends to block that kind of thing. I agree I count coup when they rage and do so but, it shouldn't be a thing. 

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We had a situation killing someone on a DBL monument, he whispered that we where going to die because apparently some of his buddies where on the way.

It was a certain well know speed capping guild and went just about as well for them as you can expect in the fight.

Whispers can really just be ignored. The only usefull whispers come from salty thieves because then you know you REALLY pissed them off and can laugh every time you think about it for at least a week.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Reports in this game aren't actioned automatically, no matter how many there are. Getting huge numbers of reports about one person in a short space of time might get someone from Anet to look at it more quickly (if only so they can clear out a whole bunch in one go) but they're not going to punish someone just because players tell them to.

Most likely they were lying and trying to scare you with random threats but never actually did it.

Oddly enough that's not exclusively online behaviour, when I worked in retail we'd often have people threatening to report us to our head office or Trading Standards for stupid things like products being out of stock or their inability to read a sign and I know for a fact the vast majority never did, even when I gave them the phone number, because we were told when the company received a complaint, even if they decided not to act on it. Most of the time I think they were hoping the threat would make me panic and give in to whatever they wanted to appease them, but I usually couldn't do that even if I wanted to.

In the unlikely event they actually did get their entire guild to report you the most likely outcomes are that Anet will ignore it or the person who instigated it will get a temporary ban for abusing the report function.

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Yes you will get in trouble.

Get your gw2 affairs in order.

Buy whatever stuff you need off the store immediately before you lose access.

Finish your skirmish track and weeklies this week asap.

Update your will on who can haz your stuff.

If it's your guild, then move your stuff from bank to guild bank immediately, to avoid the death taxes.

If you have a guild hall, make sure to place a tombstone with a farewell message so you are not forgotten, and also instructions to your guildmates on how to get revenge on that mechanist.

One way to think about, is flooding the profession forums on ways to get the mechanist nerfed should do the trick.

Happy trails.

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No, something similar happened to me and it's probably the same person lol that threatened to mass report a guildie. They killed them like 10 more times and am still here.  I also tagged them after hearing about this and am still here. What you should do is report them for harassment


Also, I asked ChatGPT about this lately. Here's what they think

Someone killed me in World vs World. Should I report them?

No, killing other players is a normal and expected part of World vs World gameplay in many games. Players engage in combat with one another in order to capture objectives, defend their own territory, and gain points for their team.
If the other player is using exploits, hacks, or cheats to gain an unfair advantage, then that would be a valid reason to report them. Similarly, if the other player is engaging in toxic behavior, such as harassment or discrimination, then that would also be a valid reason to report them.

However, if the other player is simply engaging in normal gameplay and killing other players in the process, then reporting them would not be appropriate. It is important to understand the rules and expectations of the game mode you are playing, and to use the reporting system judiciously to address genuine issues of cheating or toxic behavior.


Now to be fair many players in this game are braindead so you are better off talking to a bot for more sense


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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What i would do is i would probably hunt him down and give him a round two. People who message whine in pvp setting that you killed them are the funniest people to troll and also the most baffling ones they are probably like my friend i had in school who always got extremely mad if he was taken out in game of original worms to a point where he was throwing chairs and stuff.

These people never understand that their whining will only make their whisper targets hunt them more.

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12 hours ago, Sven.7201 said:

Thanks everyone for your answers it puts my mind at ease.


I was being such a good guy, explaining to him how to win against me.


Thanks again!

Good hunting to you! If issues continue, just return and give us all a riddle to solve and we can come and visit and say, Oh Hai! with you.

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