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willbender absolutely wrecking everyone

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1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Willbender is a super op spec and needs to be nerfed asap. Literally has 0 downsides. Just saw one wreck two people, recover from the damage of two players completely, and continue to roflstomp with 0 skill or effort involved.


The state of the game and all of its Profession are  UTERALLY  T-R-A-S-H.


Guardian Profession-Willbender is one of the better example of  T-R-A-S-H clowning at our faces

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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6 hours ago, Wayne.6253 said:

I find willbender so easy to kill... so nerf also ele??? 😂

Come on, everyday there is a new op class.

The hard truth is that there are those who know how to use their fingers and their heads, and those who don't...

the reason is that willbender only has a huge melee burst going for it. The spec is super glassy most of the time (or it deals no damage) and has barely any cc. Many times the willbender also only has two stunbreaks one of which is JI that gets used regulary for engaging. It's a mostly melee only spec that blows up when you look at it and it gets hardcountered by blocks to wait out the willbender burst and superspeed to simply kite around them.

Also willbenders have very weak sustain.

And ele (mainly catalyst) has plenty of (ranged if scepter) burst by itself aswell as loads of invulnerabilites/blocks and some superspeed. So you have every tool you need to easily deal with willbender.

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Just now, Ferus.3165 said:

the reason is that willbender only has a huge melee burst going for it. The spec is super glassy most of the time (or it deals no damage) and has barely any cc. Many times the willbender also only has two stunbreaks one of which is JI that gets used regulary for engaging. It's a mostly melee only spec that blows up when you look at it and it gets hardcountered by blocks to wait out the willbender burst and superspeed to simply kite around them.

Also willbenders have very weak sustain.

And ele (mainly catalyst) has plenty of (ranged if scepter) burst by itself aswell as loads of invulnerabilites/blocks and some superspeed. So you have every tool you need to easily deal with willbender.

yeah, i m not catalyst because i find it weaker than willbender, but I m scepter weaver and it's so kitten easy kill him 😅

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Cata were definitely op at one point but I think they nerfed them because they seem much less powerful now (not sure that's a good thing, they seem a lot weaker).


This player had the noob armor on, so I'm not inclined to believe that they were skilled or experienced. Seems its a two step process, leap towards enemy, whirling blades. On top of that, there's burn damage. I tried blocking as well as blinking away but they stayed on me, endured my damage burst and downed me and another player. Granted, I don't think the other player played the fight well, they tried to revive me instead of killing the willbender.


I've actually started to like arena better than conquest, because conquest most people don't know how to work together at all.

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Just now, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Cata were definitely op at one point but I think they nerfed them because they seem much less powerful now (not sure that's a good thing, they seem a lot weaker).




the difference between weaver and scepter catalyst is that the first is more tanky and more versatile.

Catalyst il very squishy now, too much.


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2 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Cata were definitely op at one point but I think they nerfed them because they seem much less powerful now (not sure that's a good thing, they seem a lot weaker).


This player had the noob armor on, so I'm not inclined to believe that they were skilled or experienced. Seems its a two step process, leap towards enemy, whirling blades. On top of that, there's burn damage. I tried blocking as well as blinking away but they stayed on me, endured my damage burst and downed me and another player. Granted, I don't think the other player played the fight well, they tried to revive me instead of killing the willbender.


I've actually started to like arena better than conquest, because conquest most people don't know how to work together at all.

There are 2 different situations you can find yourself in when you're facing a willbender

  • WB has stability: land a stun, then kill.
  • WB doesn't have stability: block\dodge\stealth until the stab wears off. When stab is off, land a stun, then kill.

Don't try to trade, you're not going to outdamage a willbender.
Don't try to run, you're not going to outrun a willbender.
Don't try rely on conditions like weakness\blind, guardians don't care.

Just weather the storm, then wombo combo them. They don't have many blocks\evades, so it's just a matter of landing that single skill and making it count.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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12 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

and continue to roflstomp with 0 skill or effort involved

WB is very hard to to be good at. It requires constant aggression and you MUST do more damage than what your are engaging or you die. Based on your post history I am guessing you struggle with a variety of engagements. WB is far from OP right now. GGs. 

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21 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

WB is very hard to to be good at. It requires constant aggression and you MUST do more damage than what your are engaging or you die. Based on your post history I am guessing you struggle with a variety of engagements. WB is far from OP right now. GGs. 

I do find that the difference between a good one, and one I stomp is how it leverages the CC's it has.   Also I'm more susceptible to the burn variants.

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1 hour ago, XxsdgxX.8109 said:

OP or not it's still a powercrept version of Herald, which is crazy. Better in just about every way.

Herald is its own flavor of glass cannon. I think they're different enough that they both have a spot. Willbender is better at chase, rewarded less for incoming damage prediction, and has a more stable defense in exchange for lower burst damage. 

Herald is a little worse at chase, but rewarded really heavily for anticipating burst. It has less consistent defense, but it has a higher upfront burst.

Basically one is more mobile but takes longer to kill you, the other is less mobile but can delete you immediately should you misinput. 


This is even more apparent if they fight each other. Willbender has a lot of chase, but its defense is reliant on aegis, which herald can ignore, and its hp pool is low, which means a single well placed phase traversal setup can crumple it like a tin can. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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I do have to say, I find it very funny that they increased the cooldown on Phase Traversal by 140%, reduced Infuse Light time by 33% and then shortly after released Willbender, the beta at least. (And all those nerfs came because of Renegade's reign of terror and the Infuse nerf thanks to condi Herald).

"We want everyone to forget Power Herald. So buy EOD for the evolution of that playstyle."
- Corpo
One of the main reasons I only stick to WvW, because Herald is still somewhat good/fun there if you play it with no mistakes. Even though there are 50 Willbenders for every Herald roaming there (tbh I havent seen a single herald roaming in months years).

But this is sPvP right, alright the ratio is one Power Herald for every 10 Willbenders. Ok.

I'm just very annoyed that CMC is trying to push Renegade and condi rev builds as the only competitive rev things for sPvP.
Meanwhile, Devastation (Power traitline) is one of the most uninspired traitlines in the whole game and Retribution is used by no one. But yes lets keep giving all the dev attention to Sevenshot and condi spam builds.

Power Herald gameplay used to be beautiful, the embodiment of risk/reward.
Nowadays, you are better off dedicating yourself to playing like a thief, doing nothing but fishing for PT + Deathstrike combos and then doing nothing else, because there's just nothing else you are good at, other specs are just better outside of that single trick.
So yes, WB is a way more reliable and complete spec than Power Herald right now. And again, not necessarily calling it OP, as there are worse things than WB at the moment.

Anyway, have fun people, I'll just stick to WvW and try stop being negative here, I shouldn't care as much for this company. We all are supposed to have fun.

Edited by XxsdgxX.8109
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@XxsdgxX.8109 tho I Happy to not see herald and willbender been Meta. Cause simply it would another round of classes that could Kite around Port on ya and dmg the hell out. There allready is Catalyst or scrapper doing this stuff and even this is hard frustrating to Fight as a Warrior that do not Play Spellbraker cause you know? Core warr n Stuff are struggle against meta cause of no cleave dmg but ezy evade/Block/blind/Aegis able burst skills. (Aside of Sword Berserk burst/Spellbraker Dagger burst and longbow burst of course) The Meta rn is full of Builds spaming exactly this self Defence tools while also been able to Made hard Hit AoE skills in Same time. This again leads into a very frustrating Meta. But to be fair maybe thats Just my opinion and your right xd!

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30 minutes ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:


They are the only 2 classes currently out of the top end meta, but they each have builds that are decent and can get you quite far in this game.

  I should probably add Ranger also. Just because a couple of players can get great performance from it in the MAT doesn't mean that is meta...

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As a G3/Plat1 WB main and some one who HAS owned players 1v2... we are honestly one of the worse 1v1 classes around within the meta. In fact we are so bad on sidenodes that it's probably the #1 reason why we're not meta.

Cata/AnyWar/BS/Untamed/Reaper/Harb/Herald/DE/Daredevil/Virtuoso/Chrono/Scrapper/Holo.... these all owns us 1v1 and pretty horrifically sometimes. Not all of these classes are meta and we still get owned 1v1.

The fact OP says a WB 1v2'd them meant it was a higher rated player vs lower rated players who weren't even on meta builds.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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