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Housing System

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So running thousand things over and over again everyday for you to reach the ultimate goal of this game: QoL improvements or the next big skin, I'd suggest more reasons to just log in and do nothing.

Since everything is layered, what if we implemented a housing system in Guild Wars 2, and not only that, but one where you can place your home everywhere you like apart from event zones and cities, building it up slowly in the course of years with slight benefits. It would be a great way to boost the community, the RP, immersion and create gold/material sinks. Of course, this would require a lot of work. Good luck!

Edited by Nethertale.9301
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3 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

It's waste of resources. Has been suggested and discussed ad nauseam. A simple search will give you an idea of how the argument goes. But since people don't bother searching, I won't bother arguing. That's where the "No" comes in.

Still a good idea.

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7 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

And after implemented with an ANet twist people will be outraged at the time gates, cost, difficulty, or other gamification of the feature.....just like fishing.

A time gate to get a house? What time gate would there be other than grinding enough gold to buy a house? Why would housing need to be locked behind anything other than a gold cost?

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1 minute ago, Doggie.3184 said:

PSO2 just added player housing today and that game is dirt poor and funded by like 3 players.

Wow that's crazy, well I guess there really isn't a good excuse not to at this point. That's great though, PSO2 devs probably really like their player base if they are going to add a really cool feature like this to their game, good on those devs!

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3 hours ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

A time gate to get a house? What time gate would there be other than grinding enough gold to buy a house? Why would housing need to be locked behind anything other than a gold cost?

It is the ANet way. I dont think it would be necessary but I would be shocked if ANet implemented housing without high time gated engagement to extend play time, a heavy lean into the gemstore, and more collections than you can shake a stick at.

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I'm fine with a home system that includes all guild hall decorations. Then adding more decorations that is specific to content so you have to go to that region to get that theme of decos to kit out your home. Some kind of work, but not horrible money sinks.

Investing time into the game makes me want to spend money on it. Not when it requires dumping money to complete.

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There have been plenty of requests over the years. While I was interested in player-housing in GW2 at first, I am now against it. I once ran a small-scale experiment to see how it could work in gw2. My personal (= opinion, NOT FACTS) conclusions were:
- Resource-cost would be very high, all other content would face drastic delays. I also do not think they have the developers skilled for this challenge.
- The game itself is not made for this, you can hook something up but it will never meet the player expectations and the engine has its limits. For example, if you have ever done guildhall-decoration, you have probably come across the object-limit problem. That is not because they want you to suffer. If you stack too many objects into a single location, the client cannot manage it.
- Our player base is very diverse, the amount of people actually attracted to the system would be rather small compared to the effort it takes to implement it. We would need to lure people into housing with achievements and even then, there is no guarantee they would stay for long.

Keep asking for it. Maybe we get an official response one day. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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12 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

And after implemented with an ANet twist people will be outraged at the time gates, cost, difficulty, or other gamification of the feature.....just like fishing.

That... unfortunately is a good argument. Anet is indeed likely to mess that up. This however should not stop us from asking for features, because if we accept this way of thinking, we give up on any improvement to this game.

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Firstly, I'd just like a book cart, in my home instance, so that I can clear out the "library" of books in my storage. 📚

Secondly, I have personal housing.  It's called a Guild Hall.  I can fill it with the gains from my ventures around Tyria.  I can fill it with crafted  stuffs.....if I could be bothered levelling my scribing.  It's also got storage for my materials overflow.

Why would I want a house when I have a, pretty, large "estate" to play in? 🥴

It's also a gold and materials sink!  Woohoo!! 😆


Edited by Marshall Sed.8643
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