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Secrets of the Obscure or Guild Wars 3?

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2 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

Lol. Not really. It's no more deluded than thinking that GW2 is going to survive competing against more modern games indefinitely.

I'm not even in the camp of hoping for GW3. I just look at how far behind GW2 is from the rest of the industry, and see that there is absolutely no way ANet isn't feeling the pressure to make a new game and considering it.

Good thing I never implied that gw2 would survive indefinitely either then.

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On 6/30/2023 at 12:20 PM, Biziut.3594 said:

Wasnt't ANet saying like a thousand times, to calm ppls like you, to not worry about the ending of gw2, becouse they still have many plans for this game.

Anet also planned GW Utopia and we all know how it turned out. Just because they have plans it is not impossible they'll wrap it up before finishing their ideas. Besides, it's not entirely Anet's call, NCSoft says it's over it's over.

WIth how things going right now maybe they'll announce they are working on GW3 in like 5 years.

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On 7/4/2023 at 1:10 AM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Anet also planned GW Utopia and we all know how it turned out. Just because they have plans it is not impossible they'll wrap it up before finishing their ideas. Besides, it's not entirely Anet's call, NCSoft says it's over it's over.

WIth how things going right now maybe they'll announce they are working on GW3 in like 5 years.

You're right. But asking and worrying about it on forums over and over again, most certainly won't change anything. So I'll go with the trust here.

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Considering ANET drags their feet so much when it comes to fixing bugs in core Tyria, personal story, and nearly everything that isn't their current focus, they might as well just drop this game and make a GW3. Then, the lack of bug fixes won't sting so much because GW2 would be considered unsupported.

Seriously. Why have 80% of the game when they only fix a bug with it once every few months? Why update the libraries to be more modern when they can't update the core game that the new people are playing through?

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Well, if I see a GW3 in the future, it's normal for ANET to want to squeeze more out of this game. I would love to see the world of Tyria in the future and see how it has changed, see a more prosperous Orr, see what will happen to the dragon mark, will it remain marked by Aurene's purifying magic or will it disappear. What will be the future of Elona and Cantha, perhaps the sea of jade will disappear due to the extraction of jade.

There will come a time when we travel to the future and for that they need to release gw3, since in GW2 they cannot update the maps as such, since it would ruin the experience of the new ones.

But in the meantime to still enjoy GW2, which still has life and things to get out of it.

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On 6/30/2023 at 7:23 AM, patton the great.7126 said:

When they made this decision back in gw1 it took what 6-7 years for new content in the form of gw2. Be careful what you wish for. 

No, it didnt took them 6-7 years. They announced it on end summer of 2007, thats 5 years, and it was officialy said that they didnt started working in 2007, more like late 2008. So 4 years to be honest.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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Splitting their player base, because not everyone would migrate to GW3, would have the potential to lose the company a lot of money. Killing the sunk cost fallacy for those just hanging on because they are invested in their stable of characters would likely cost them more. At this point I think that announcing the end of GW2 and the future release of GW3 could kill the company.

And I doubt the ability of the current team to pull off something as massive as an entirely new game. I also doubt that the reputation of the studio could drive sufficient sales of an all new game at this point.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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16 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Splitting their player base, because not everyone would migrate to GW3, would have the potential to lose the company a lot of money. Killing the sunk cost fallacy for those just hanging on because they are invested in their stable of characters would likely cost them more. At this point I think that announcing the end of GW2 and the future release of GW3 could kill the company.

And I doubt the ability of the current team to pull off something as massive as an entirely new game. I also doubt that the reputation of the studio could drive sufficient sales of an all new game at this point.

It could. I have been theorizing for years now though that (a) GW2 is just too dated to survive against modern MMOs so they might as well make GW3 and (b) if they did it smartly, they could increase subscriptions to both games with proper crossplay benefits. Like a much more planned and integrated hall of monuments that allows full skin wardrobe transfers and other perks.

The Mists and fractals are already perfectly set up for this. A time jump a few hundred years in the future, and you could see more controlled mist-travel technology. The ability to bring GW2 characters forward in time into select GW3 content or GW3 characters backward in time to select GW2 content. Maybe even at some point remastering GW1 to integrate as well, with GW3 serving as a kind of "hub" for older GW2 and GW1 stuff. Now everything is evergreen, and players have three times the content to enjoy indefinitely.

But this is all highly ambitious and while previously I thought maybe EoD was conserving resources for such a transition, now I just don't think ANet has the drive, funding, or talent to pull something like that off.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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you can never have gw3. we invested so much time and energy into our gw2 wardrobes and characters there would be no point to ever play gw3.

it's like a collectible card game, you can release expansions, but you can't invalidate everyone's collection by releasing a sequel

and no you can't do the runescape 2 thing where your account transfers over. the early days of MMO design are over and the assets would have to be recreated from scratch making an immense amount of dev time for a sequel that wouldn't be profitable

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On 7/3/2023 at 6:03 PM, Batalix.2873 said:

Lol. Not really. It's no more deluded than thinking that GW2 is going to survive competing against more modern games indefinitely.

I'm not even in the camp of hoping for GW3. I just look at how far behind GW2 is from the rest of the industry, and see that there is absolutely no way ANet isn't feeling the pressure to make a new game and considering it.


4 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

...I have been theorizing for years now though that (a) GW2 is just too dated to survive against modern MMOs so they might as well make GW3...

Hmm, apparently there are some in the gaming world who think GW2 is still good. This article about the Best Tab-Targeting MMORPGs to Play in 2023 published yesterday, has this to say about GW2...


"Guild Wars 2 is known for its large-scale battles, and it is one of the most fun MMOs I have ever played...The game has tons of content that you can try out for free and we recommend giving the core game a try. It is one of those few games that feel rewarding even if you have very little time in your day to commit to an MMO, and coming back to it is always fun...


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They are not the only ones in the gaming world with nice things to say about GW2. This article, about the 9 best paid & free MMORPGs to play (2023) published 2 days ago, says this about GW2...


Our pick for the best free MMORPG that you can play in 2023 is Guild Wars 2, as it is still an incredible experience over ten years after its initial release. While there are some paid elements within the game, you can play Guild Wars 2 for free, forever, with only minimal restrictions on your account.

This makes it ideal for anyone wanting a new MMO to dive into, or to jump into the genre for the first time in general. It very much follows the fantasy setting that has remained so popular, with a stunning and unique art style that still shines graphically despite its age.

With an engaging combat system and so much for you to get up to in-game, you will find it difficult to become bored of Guild Wars 2. What's more, the community remains incredibly strong to this day, too, so you will have no fears of feeling alone within the vast world of Tyria.

Now, to be perfectly clear, as a WvW main, I'm very aware that there are issues with this game. Both in WvW and in PVE Anet has done things that I'm critical of. However, I am still very much into this game and have been playing it for hours every day over the last five and a half years. During that whole time there have been a multitude of doom and gloomers on this forum predicting the imminent demise of GW2 but it's still going strong and clearly I am not the only one who thinks so.

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On 6/30/2023 at 5:29 PM, Cronospere.8143 said:

There is no point in gw history devs made any indication they werent done with gw2. Its been clear for years that they were very excited telling new stories in the gw2 world after the dragon cycle. 

P.s. to be clear, if gw3 would happen i would have serious doubts if i would continue in gw world. 

Devs didn't made any indication but around 2019 we knew they were done with GW2 and were working on a new game, it was NCSoft that forced them to work in GW2. What followed up was massive layoffs and the founding of ManaWorks.

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On 7/8/2023 at 5:26 AM, Izzy.2951 said:

No, it didnt took them 6-7 years. They announced it on end summer of 2007, thats 5 years, and it was officialy said that they didnt started working in 2007, more like late 2008. So 4 years to be honest.

Actually it's 6 years they started the development mid 2006, but it was announced to the public they were working on Guild Wars 2.
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2#:~:text=Guild Wars 2 began development,tests throughout March and April.

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On 6/30/2023 at 6:57 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

If they can’t handle a bigger expac, why would anyone hope a new, full mmo?

  This. If someone does not believe they can do a good job on GW2, why would they thing the'd do a better job on gw3 - especially considering they'd have less resources for that, because all their income comes from GW2 and they'd have to stop working on that title to start developing a sequel, which would massively tank their revenue.

On 7/5/2023 at 9:19 AM, Smoky.5348 said:

Considering ANET drags their feet so much when it comes to fixing bugs in core Tyria, personal story, and nearly everything that isn't their current focus, they might as well just drop this game and make a GW3. Then, the lack of bug fixes won't sting so much because GW2 would be considered unsupported.

See above. If you think the amount of work being done on GW3 would magically become better, you are naive. If they could do better, they'd have already been doing better.

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

  This. If someone does not believe they can do a good job on GW2, why would they thing the'd do a better job on gw3 - especially considering they'd have less resources for that, because all their income comes from GW2 and they'd have to stop working on that title to start developing a sequel, which would massively tank their revenue.

See above. If you think the amount of work being done on GW3 would magically become better, you are naive. If they could do better, they'd have already been doing better.

Unfortunately true, honestly I'd prefer Anet changed their business model if it meant better quality and fleshed out expacs and mechanics. Maybe remove the Gold > Gems conversions, or sell the new mini expansions at full price. 

I know these sound horrible but if they meant Anet could have the staff and the founding to be back to pre IBS quality I'd take them. 

And even if they did I don't think there's a need for GW3. The game, although a bit crowded with some types of content, is fine as it is. They're not in a state to work on GW3 atm anyway. 

Edited by jason.1083
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6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

  This. If someone does not believe they can do a good job on GW2, why would they thing the'd do a better job on gw3 - especially considering they'd have less resources for that, because all their income comes from GW2 and they'd have to stop working on that title to start developing a sequel, which would massively tank their revenue.

See above. If you think the amount of work being done on GW3 would magically become better, you are naive. If they could do better, they'd have already been doing better.

You are correct that we are not assured GW3 would be quality and that if GW2 were a direct indication of that then it would be unlikely.

However, since we do not know to what extent GW2's lack of resources is inversely proportional to how much has been diverted to other projects, and whether or not one of those projects is itself GW3, we really cannot presume that GW3 is definitely going to be bad.

Although I still think it is a reasonable conclusion that even if GW3 is fairly solidly developed and improves on a lot of GW2's issues, it is still just as much at risk of being mismanaged and run into the ground within a couple of expansions, just like GW2's actual healthy lifespan was approximately 2012-2019.

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