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Gyala Delve - Worst Map Ever! [Merged]

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Want to die repeatedly while trying to complete a story chapter? Want to be one-shot repeatedly by a de-buff you cannot remove? Want to finally explore the map and get to where you need to be, then be randomly teleported to the entrance of the map? Then Gyala Delve is the place for you!

I used to enjoy exploring new zones, but recently it's just too much hassle behind time-gated events, with stupid annoying de-buffs preventing progress unless you participate in meta events. Yawn.

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2 minutes ago, Sparetent.9756 said:

Want to die repeatedly while trying to complete a story chapter? Want to be one-shot repeatedly by a de-buff you cannot remove? Want to finally explore the map and get to where you need to be, then be randomly teleported to the entrance of the map? Then Gyala Delve is the place for you!

I used to enjoy exploring new zones, but recently it's just too much hassle behind time-gated events, with stupid annoying de-buffs preventing progress unless you participate in meta events. Yawn.

I didn’t die repeatedly while I did the story. 

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Your opinions are valid but ~ people have been repeatedly asking for more challenging enemies to make up for the power creep (player characters being overwhelmingly too powerful for enemies) Gyala Delves enemies are supposed to pose a challenge but should not be unsurmountable for experienced players. 
If you're currently struggling, it may be an issue with your build, your gear, or your level of experience. I still struggle too sometimes, depending on the class and build. 
https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki offers a lot of different builds for class and scenarios for you to try. 
The new addition to the meta grants you time to explore at your leisure once the end boss is defeated. 
But those enemies are tough, and might take some practice. 
Don't give up!

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I agree on the fact that I would like to explore the map with all of my characters without having to stay afk while reading a book while the other players do all the job to let me to access to every part of the map. I take a spot for nothing as I already did the meta too many times and I don't want to do it furthermore.

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I never liked the idea of a map that requires a the meta event to complete the map. It would have helped if the meta was less repetitive and more fun for me too. It's a fairly linear and repetitive experience. That said, there are definiteliy maps I've liked less.

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If they removed the requirement for the turtle jade reactors to collect orbs the meta would make it be alot better. What causes me so much pain is watching brainlets doing turtle slam over and over again on the haze hearts at the end, turning a already long 3 cycle boss fight into a 5 or 6 cycle.  Or turtle slamming red circle instead of dismounting and clearing the circle that so they can deposit eneegy.

The seige turtle makes the map bad.

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The only gripe I have is that turtles are mandatory to do anything in that map, of the people that are there currently, very few have them (I don't either) making completing the events impossible, I hate that, I gave up, only map in the entire game I won't fully explore.

I had no problems finishing the story, but that's a tiny portion of the entire map.

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There should be an option to move to a non-meta copy of Gyala Delve with everything permanently open to explore and do the story in. Also, no Haze gas aside from the points to interact with for the story.

Exploration and meta events need to be completely split from another.

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18 hours ago, Sparetent.9756 said:

Want to die repeatedly while trying to complete a story chapter? Want to be one-shot repeatedly by a de-buff you cannot remove? Want to finally explore the map and get to where you need to be, then be randomly teleported to the entrance of the map? Then Gyala Delve is the place for you!

Gyala Delve isn’t that different from other maps where there are barriers to exploration. It’s a lot better than HoT/LWS3 maps where areas can be blocked off by one of a whole host of different masteries (e.g. poison gas or piranhas), and areas of a map being locked behind meta completion also aren’t new. Speaking of meta completion, I can understand not wanting to do it, but you downright aren’t paying attention to it at all if the teleports seem random. There’s a timer. Timer reaches 0, map closes a minute later. That applies for both the meta fail timer while it’s running and the hour-long timer after the meta completes. The timer also makes the air filters run out quicker once you get below 10 mins and 5 mins, so it’s worth keeping an eye on.

The meta is also almost as non-time-gated as they come; while the progress is on a timer, the meta itself can be started any time on any new map. It’s not like Covington Keep, a core PoI that can only be reached after the 3-hourly world boss has finished.

If you’re getting one-shot by the de-buff, you aren’t reading any of the tooltips around it, because it’s just a case of buying an air filter from the station (and there’s a free option). If map exploration is something you care about, that does involve learning what the map’s mechanics actually are. And a good chunk of Gyala Delve can actually be explored without the meta; only The Deep and the tunnel areas are tied to mega progress, everything from Excavation Yard down to the Jade Pools can be freely explored with filters.


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The first half isn't that bad imo. If you have a jade bot just get a filter. It's not difficult. The walls could be more destructible. It takes forever to get through them. My main gripe about Gyala Delve is the second half. It is too turtle mount centric. The turtle mounts speed and turtle reactor mechanic makes it feel like one big slog.

Some feedback for Anet; in the future don't build a map meta around 1 mechanic that you need a specific mount for. Give players more fun things to do than run around collecting shinys in a unweildly vehicle.

Indirectly dealing damage to a boss by completing events feels unsatisfying. I just wanna smash the boss in the face and occasionally perform a fun mechanic through a boss fight.

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1 hour ago, Manpag.6421 said:

Gyala Delve isn’t that different from other maps where there are barriers to exploration. It’s a lot better than HoT/LWS3 maps where areas can be blocked off by one of a whole host of different masteries (e.g. poison gas or piranhas), and areas of a map being locked behind meta completion also aren’t new. Speaking of meta completion, I can understand not wanting to do it, but you downright aren’t paying attention to it at all if the teleports seem random. There’s a timer. Timer reaches 0, map closes a minute later. That applies for both the meta fail timer while it’s running and the hour-long timer after the meta completes. The timer also makes the air filters run out quicker once you get below 10 mins and 5 mins, so it’s worth keeping an eye on.

The meta is also almost as non-time-gated as they come; while the progress is on a timer, the meta itself can be started any time on any new map. It’s not like Covington Keep, a core PoI that can only be reached after the 3-hourly world boss has finished.

If you’re getting one-shot by the de-buff, you aren’t reading any of the tooltips around it, because it’s just a case of buying an air filter from the station (and there’s a free option). If map exploration is something you care about, that does involve learning what the map’s mechanics actually are. And a good chunk of Gyala Delve can actually be explored without the meta; only The Deep and the tunnel areas are tied to mega progress, everything from Excavation Yard down to the Jade Pools can be freely explored with filters.


This is a good overview.  I like the map, not as much as Drizzlewood for example, and the filters are annoying but not a big deal.  I ran down the first time not understanding what the heck I was doing and quickly found out you need filters.  You will die without them. 

Take time and read and do the story and ask questions on the map if you don't understand.  It's a big meta push like Dragon's Stand.  You can't always just barrel your way through content...or maps.  

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43 minutes ago, HonesltlyX.7164 said:

The turtle mounts speed and turtle reactor mechanic makes it feel like one big slog.

and the terrible control which is probably someone's idea of "realism" but I am pretty sure tortoises can walk around sliding around like they are walking on ice but even if they did they are supposed to be trained tortoises. These are exactly the sort of issues training would aim to remove. Like how they train warhorses not to get freaked out by various sounds and sights that show up on the battlefield.

38 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

the filters are annoying but not a big deal.

Filters seems to be an excuse to have the different types of filters for different buffs. So overall Gyala is attempting to take two useless things(the turtle and research notes) into something more useful. It feels more like they only managed to drag the map down instead.

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21 hours ago, Sparetent.9756 said:

Want to die repeatedly while trying to complete a story chapter? Want to be one-shot repeatedly by a de-buff you cannot remove? Want to finally explore the map and get to where you need to be, then be randomly teleported to the entrance of the map? Then Gyala Delve is the place for you!

I used to enjoy exploring new zones, but recently it's just too much hassle behind time-gated events, with stupid annoying de-buffs preventing progress unless you participate in meta events. Yawn.

free.  filter. buff.  use it.

Unless you're doing the meta itself, then I recommend springing for the bottom option in the list that recharges when you open chests.

Personally, it's my favorite meta in the game right now, if a bit long.

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1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

and the terrible control which is probably someone's idea of "realism" but I am pretty sure tortoises can walk around sliding around like they are walking on ice but even if they did they are supposed to be trained tortoises. These are exactly the sort of issues training would aim to remove. Like how they train warhorses not to get freaked out by various sounds and sights that show up on the battlefield.

The turtle’s walk speed is very realistic, but not in a way you want. To quote the wiki: 

  • If you toggle the walk animation, the speed of the mount is almost the same as the walk speed of real life turtles.[5]
    • The siege turtles walking speed is ~28 in/sec (= ~71.12 cm/sec).

The rest of the movement quirks are the the result of them moving unnaturally fast for something their size and weight/strapping a jet pack to it. The turtle has an extremely steep learning curve to get the most out of it, like toggling walk in the air to land precisely without sliding, managing endurance/start height for efficient flight, and generally trying to take advantage of its weight/momentum where you can and mitigate it where it’s detrimental.

It can be really fun with a lot of practice — it’s now my go-to mount for general travel — but forcing people to use it if they really hate it isn’t a great move on ANet’s part.

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23 hours ago, Sparetent.9756 said:

Want to die repeatedly while trying to complete a story chapter? Want to be one-shot repeatedly by a de-buff you cannot remove? Want to finally explore the map and get to where you need to be, then be randomly teleported to the entrance of the map? Then Gyala Delve is the place for you!

I can't really say I had these issues there, so it might suggest the map itself isn't at fault here. The turtle meta though, I sure am not a fan of it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 7/4/2023 at 9:49 PM, Sparetent.9756 said:

Want to die repeatedly while trying to complete a story chapter? Want to be one-shot repeatedly by a de-buff you cannot remove? Want to finally explore the map and get to where you need to be, then be randomly teleported to the entrance of the map? Then Gyala Delve is the place for you!

I used to enjoy exploring new zones, but recently it's just too much hassle behind time-gated events, with stupid annoying de-buffs preventing progress unless you participate in meta events. Yawn.

The only grudge I have against Gyala Delve is how it flooded us with unidentified gear (my main source of income) and the prices got nuked.

Overall as a map is not that bad, if you know your builds and what their limits are you should be able to survive. Granted you pick up the filter, obviously. I'm not gonna get into the turtle thing, because I agree that it's a bit excessive but it's a long talk and it's off topic. 

Regarding the forced meta, I think it's normal to be that way for a map that's literally a meta. Because that's the case here, Map = Meta. So if you want map, you will get meta. I get that some people don't like them much, but I really can't imagine it being that much of a hassle to do all of these metas at least once, they're good loot, and a nice way to bring people together without actually needing them to cooperate fully, good for both social and solo players. 

Also the teleporting to the entrance is a running theme for all of the maps that are entirely focused in a meta event, been that way basically forever. 

In conclusion I'd just suggest you actually give the meta a go, don't try to rush to the story/exploration parts without realizing what the hell is going on around you and ofcourse, learn your limits and avoid engagements that you can't win. 

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I like when they experiment, but maybe it should be left to trying 1-2 new things a map and really fleshing them out. Gyala tried like 17 different new things and the map comes off ridiculously overly complicated and half-baked because of it. Like if they wanted to make a research note dump they could have made a whole system for permanently upgrading air filters that allows for some metroidvania style exploration, or if they wanted to make a turtle focused map they could have really gone deep with it and let them do more than spam 1 on walls and pick up orbs. Pretty area though, definitely felt better visually and closer to the quality of PoF and HoT maps than the rest of EoD imo.

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Second half of map unlocking that further extends a meta makes me want to abandon it the second I get all the AP. Make a good complete meta on launch or focus on doing map stuff with separate event chains. Maps like Lake Doric, Domain of Istan, Sandswept Isles, Dragonfall, and Grothmar Valley has stuff for everyone.

Enough of updates fully dedicated to metas that appears to already be dying out.

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11 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

I like when they experiment, but maybe it should be left to trying 1-2 new things a map and really fleshing them out. Gyala tried like 17 different new things and the map comes off ridiculously overly complicated and half-baked because of it. Like if they wanted to make a research note dump they could have made a whole system for permanently upgrading air filters that allows for some metroidvania style exploration, or if they wanted to make a turtle focused map they could have really gone deep with it and let them do more than spam 1 on walls and pick up orbs. Pretty area though, definitely felt better visually and closer to the quality of PoF and HoT maps than the rest of EoD imo.

17? They tried to make turtle and research notes relevant and they got inspired by WvW PvDoor. What were the other 14 things?

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  • 4 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, quake.9023 said:

my eyes vomiting blood trying to complete the ap on that boss fight, its soo long n dreadful especially after a loooong meta....nty. once done with ap, never goin near again. vomit.

Wow yeah that doesn't sound fun, I wonder why something like that would have been added to the game?😕

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