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An easy and fair solution to the "easier Skyscaler drama". [Merged]

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I  really dont understand why there is drama around this in the first place.

In every mmorpg it's common for old content to become easier to obtain as the game gets older.

The same happened with exploration when they added gliding or the other mounts.
There have been people who surely have done 100% of every single map on foot, falling 5,6 times to get to that PoI or doing some crazy parkour to unlock that vista or begging mesmers to open portarls cos that jumping puzzle was a pain. And ofc NOW people can clear the same vista in 3 seconds with mounts/gliders. I did both and when they introduced mounts, I didn't get angry or offended because "I had to work harder and waste time to do that and now they can do it so easily" .

Pick any other mmorpg:
- Play the game till cap
- clear all the content
- 5 years go by
- new expanstions are released 

and suddenly everything that was much more difficult to obtain 5 years ago becomes easier to clear/obtain 5 years later. It is just normal.
OFC clearing Onixya in 2006/2007 at lvl 60 was harder, but i dont bash people in 2023 cos NOW, several years later they can pretty much oneshot it with auto attacks at lvl 110.We are not even talking about drop rates here.

Did I do that thing when it was harder?! Yes. Am i proud of it? Yes. Then i'm at peace. Why is this not enuf 6 years later?!

ALSO: we don't even know how or how much easier it is to obtain. Is there anyone who can confirm or simply explain in detail the whole new process? No, so why get angry now.





Edited by ilMasa.2546
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I don't have the time or inclination to waste time putting the pieces together for this mount. Even the pointless beetle bug is unnecessarily complicated (annoying quests).
There should be another way to get mounts. Monetization by Anet - absolutely fine.
I'm not the only one who sees it that way...

Edited by methozbbf.1928
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On 7/6/2023 at 8:56 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Exactly.  So, give a title instead.  "Classic Skyscale Lover"


Wait.  Maybe that's not such a grand idea.

I thought about "Classic Skyscale ......" ...but that's probably not a good idea either.

Edit: put dots instead of the word I used. In the end I don't want to get in trouble with the moderation team. 

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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On 7/6/2023 at 4:11 PM, Fearless.3569 said:

That is easy to prove. Just monitor how many people don't have a Skyscales in the game, and ask them why? I still notice that a lot of players don't have a Skyscale yet. 

How would you go about doing this survey? Just because you don't see people using a Skyscale doesn't mean that they do not have one. They may just not be using it for whatever reason at the time. You would need some sort of API that tells you this information in the population. But that is something for Anet to give access too.

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39 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I thought about "Classic Skyscale ......" ...but that's probably not a good idea either.

Edit: put dots instead of the word I used. In the end I don't want to get in trouble with the moderation team. 

Skyscale Savior - cuz you saved them from going extinct.

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8 hours ago, methozbbf.1928 said:

I don't have the time or inclination to waste time putting the pieces together for this mount. Even the pointless beetle bug is unnecessarily complicated (annoying quests).
There should be another way to get mounts. Monetization by Anet - absolutely fine.
I'm not the only one who sees it that way...

Oh if you are able to get online or complain on forums then you definetely have some time to waste 🙂 otherwise you wouldnt even be here

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When the original Skyscale was released, I believe that, it was a time filler.  It was at a time when LW was released every 3 months.  It gave us something to do while waiting.  There were daily cooldowns on items, which they detuned to 2 hours, but it was something to do.  I didn't mind the cooldown detune because I was enjoying the game.

The same happened with the beetle.

I have no issues with an easier way to get it for the expansion.  I wouldn't care if they got all the original unlocks either.

I've had years of use out of both LW mounts and have enjoyed my time with them.

Now, to give an opposing view for balance......

I've been in the Guild Wars franchise for 18 years, in October, so I believe ANet owe me the 3 weights of legendary armour and tokens for the Mystic Toilet to give me legendary weapons for dumping white grade items into it.  If everyone's getting an instant skyscale then I want instant gratification for everything else!


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On 7/14/2023 at 3:08 AM, Gehenna.3625 said:

I thought about "Classic Skyscale ......" ...but that's probably not a good idea either.

Edit: put dots instead of the word I used. In the end I don't want to get in trouble with the moderation team. 

Give them the Title "Heavy Grinder". 

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On 7/6/2023 at 7:32 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I still find it crazy that people actually believe that the skyscale is a grind or an accomplishment. 

The drama is overblown. 


Same and I even have the thing. The biggest accomplishment is waiting for the time gates without going mental.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're adding a new collection to streamline the process of making skyscale more achievable then how are you going to compensate previous skyscale owners? It's not particularly fair that you making it easier to acquire the skyscale now when previous people had sunk a ton of resources and gold into acquiring it.

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Also, lets wait and see how easy it really is.

Streamlining could potentially mean it will be less convoluted but still requiring lots of grind.

From my understanding from watching mr Teapot, he mentioned that skyscale rents will now be useable without having to go to the NPC (correct me if I'm wrong)

So this implies that people will be without the skyscale for a while.

Won't be an easy unlock like getting your raptor in the beginning of PoF


Even so. Extra abilites for Skyscale is good compensation imo. 

I have to test them though to say if they are worthwhile. Hopefully they feel like a big upgrade

So much so that new people will feel the motivation to go for the old skyscale masteries as well

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1 hour ago, LordMadman.5812 said:

If you're adding a new collection to streamline the process of making skyscale more achievable then how are you going to compensate previous skyscale owners? It's not particularly fair that you making it easier to acquire the skyscale now when previous people had sunk a ton of resources and gold into acquiring it.

How long have you had the skyscale? Isn't 4 years of early access + new improved mastery enough for compensation?

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1 hour ago, LordMadman.5812 said:

 It's not fair that I had to sink 100's of gold, time, and resources into getting the skyscale and now it's easier to get.

u know skins for weapons now cost 5g ones they where worth 50g 

u paid more u got it earlier.

years earlier years!

Edited by Balsa.3951
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Same pointless "compensate us" thread like the one that popped up after Seasons of Dragons made getting the LWS4 mats easier. 
Why does everyone demand compensation when something years later becomes easier to access? Be happy that people who do it now can bypass the LWS4 mats with ease and be happy that people in the future might have it even easier.

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58 minutes ago, Peter.3901 said:

Wait until you see what they did with legendary rune owners...

this annoys me more.

but anything arenanet needs to stop the nerfing and dumbing down. 

Be happy indeed. Yeah i'm happy that every time i work for something in this game it gets nerfed to hell.

Just give out free legendaires and have done. 

Edited by Dami.5046
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