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Most overpowered builds ever in PvP?


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6 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

-Bunker Chrono in release. (This is what killed esports for gw2)

-Power Herald on release. (You died to a legend swap and ressing players gave glint heal)

-Perma dodge staff thief (beserker amulet can hold a node 1v3 just from spamming jump+staff 3)



i remember herald on release was hybrid, sword shield mace/axe with shiro and mallyx and it was unkillable.

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2 hours ago, ano nimo.3948 said:

In absolute numbers? I doubt. Do you have sources somehow? Since the crazy amount of sustain needs higher dmg, otherwise nothing would die currently. 


what lol

there's a post from back in the day, someone else probably has screenshots they can share too, i never saved many
but things like Sic Em were still a full 40% boost for the ranger, and WI had a 2.21 coefficient compared to the current 25% and 1.36

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Which OP build shook the meta most?

  • Probably Celestial Ele. It was so good that multiple teams (in 2013 - 2016 era) have used dual+ Cele Ele's in their tournaments up until Anet was forced to make a class rule. It otherwise lasted for a loooong time.
  • Cata is #2. It has been OP for multiple seasons in a row and Anet either buffs it or nerf some aspect of the build that is completely irrelevant on why the class is busted... and it isn't just busted by a little... it completely overshadows every other class in the game.
  • (throughout the last 7 years) Firebrand... chronobunker... Revbunker... Herald meta... noob farming Turret Engi... noob farming Flamethrower Engi... Spr War... Specter thief meta.. BS War meta... WB meta for only 3 days... Everything else in comparison feels like a shadow compared to how Ele has impacted this game.
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9 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Which OP build shook the meta most?

  • Probably Celestial Ele. It was so good that multiple teams (in 2013 - 2016 era) have used dual+ Cele Ele's in their tournaments up until Anet was forced to make a class rule. It otherwise lasted for a loooong time.
  • Cata is #2. It has been OP for multiple seasons in a row and Anet either buffs it or nerf some aspect of the build that is completely irrelevant on why the class is busted... and it isn't just busted by a little... it completely overshadows every other class in the game.
  • (throughout the last 7 years) Firebrand... chronobunker... Revbunker... Herald meta... noob farming Turret Engi... noob farming Flamethrower Engi... Spr War... Specter thief meta.. BS War meta... WB meta for only 3 days... Everything else in comparison feels like a shadow compared to how Ele has impacted this game.

tbh nothing has shaped meta more than d/p thief did.

thief has shaped pvp down to the core.

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knights scrapper, perma stab holo, herald having 5 skills that could take at least half your hp, soulbeast doing 10k longbow autos, unkillable perma reset druid, scourge + fb meta, chrono bunk, deadeye perma fury quick 25 might unnerfed rifle 3.

oh and the meta where everyone was running around with perma 25 might and basically every other boon. which ofc led to anet nerfing wars 4k dodge roll instead of dealing with the issue

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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26 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

tbh nothing has shaped meta more than d/p thief did.

thief has shaped pvp down to the core.

That's an excellent point. Though for some reason my dumb guard brain wants to include core bunk support guard to that... but I know that d/p had a larger impact.

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10 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

The first batch of EoD classes were pretty overpowered

Immortal mech, immortal vindi, that power harbinger was insane, it would auto you for 22k in 3 secs.

And like you said mirage at its peak

This I don't agree with. They were pretty strong in certain ways, but could not do it all like Cata does. Power Harb was omegalul but basically oneshot potential, no sustain and no defenses.

Mech was annoying af, but damage was not there, just tanked anyone forever.

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12 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Prior to 2020, all resurrection traits like the one for geyser usto be 7-10%. They’ve all been dropped to 1-3% max or completely removed

Damage was dropped across the board…autos in particular, like thief 1 dagger autos usto hit for 4-5k a piece.

All stuns usto do damage. Bulls charge would Crit for like 6-7k

target caps on some skills were 10 instead of 5

quickness stomping  usto be a thing.

and like mentioned earlier with things like deathly chill applied 3 bleeds per chill application.

And there’s a lot more examples but yea right up to end of PoF damage was pretty insane. That was largely the reason why the 2020 nerf thing happened and why we have cmc to begin with


I was comparing to dmg numbers during core (ofc elites added up too but you still can see dmg increase on core builds even after the feb patch compared to core days).

And from a warrior pov i can tell you that everyone cried about hammer being useless right after feb patch and look where it is now. The dmg is insane you can do with it. Just in a different way. Also warrior got shadowbuffed dmg more than once, i recognised that several times in the last years after feb patch.  

And the feb patch also could not undo what the previous and follow up powercreep did with the dmg. Alone how many traits became baseline in preparation of hot with the traitline rework. So even if a core dmg trait got nerfed from 10 to 3%, the class can now take one trait more than pre hot, so a build will still have 3% more dmg instead 10% more from pre feb patch). As mentioned i don't rly have the data, i am too busy and tbh also too laze to do the research, so i could be wrong but i would bet my both hands that the dmg is still insanely power creeped compared to what it was like 1-2 years after game release.  The feb patch just nerfed dmg more than the sustain (and buffed and shadow buffed it back later again in parts) so the game feels less bursty atm. 

I am not saying they should nerf the dmg as hard as the sustain but the dmg also needs to go down in the process. 

Edited by ano nimo.3948
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18 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Oh yeahh. I remember old chill reaper before the bleeds, where they just made chill itself do dmg. It was 600-800 dmg ticks.

When you fought a guild in WvW that ran like 20 of them and people just imploded from getting to close. 

Fun times. 


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1 hour ago, ano nimo.3948 said:

And from a warrior pov i can tell you that everyone cried about hammer being useless right after feb patch and look where it is now. The dmg is insane you can do with it. Just in a different way. Also warrior got shadowbuffed dmg more than once, i recognised that several times in the last years after feb patch.  

If you're trying to really argue about this still, that's cognitive dissonance. Objectively, the game now, is lower damage, than what it was in the past (the highest, being up to end of POF)

Warrior Hammer is the most blatantly obvious example of skills being stripped of their damage, as a result of 2020. Examples that you asked for a comment earlier.


Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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12 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

what lol

there's a post from back in the day, someone else probably has screenshots they can share too, i never saved many
but things like Sic Em were still a full 40% boost for the ranger, and WI had a 2.21 coefficient compared to the current 25% and 1.36

This reminds me of my friend Harsh Master who usto play in Hotjoins back in the day, clapping people with his 30k one shot Maul build lol!

The dude from this clip : 

He was doing the 1 shot maul thing though for such a long time, way before POF on a Core Build. 

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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17 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Which OP build shook the meta most?

  • Probably Celestial Ele. It was so good that multiple teams (in 2013 - 2016 era) have used dual+ Cele Ele's in their tournaments up until Anet was forced to make a class rule. It otherwise lasted for a loooong time.
  • Cata is #2. It has been OP for multiple seasons in a row and Anet either buffs it or nerf some aspect of the build that is completely irrelevant on why the class is busted... and it isn't just busted by a little... it completely overshadows every other class in the game.
  • (throughout the last 7 years) Firebrand... chronobunker... Revbunker... Herald meta... noob farming Turret Engi... noob farming Flamethrower Engi... Spr War... Specter thief meta.. BS War meta... WB meta for only 3 days... Everything else in comparison feels like a shadow compared to how Ele has impacted this game.

I agree, cele ele from 2015, it even resulted in the permanent nerfing of the boon might game wide from 35 to 30. As far as I know no other class resulted in such a drastic action being taken, the game wide nerfing of a boon accessible to all mostly equally.

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On 7/6/2023 at 7:32 PM, RedAvenged.5217 said:

The problem is not just one build being busted- it’s the fact that a class can be busted on Every build.

this is the problem with ele right now. A new player could probably roll cata with random traits and get to gold.

it’s obnoxious 

it is, i'm actually refusing to play cata out of principle (i only play ele) 

The fix should be that for cata it only gains empowerment from combo fields, not every aura.

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This is just from core GW2:


Cleric buker staff ele with blast finisher on dodge on every attunement

Cele D/D ele

I don't know about the strongest (so many that it's hard to say) but maybe the most impacful at its time: Chronobunker on release.

The old Cele D/D ele was more dominant than current Cata. Current Cata is still pretty OP, mind you.


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5 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

I agree, cele ele from 2015, it even resulted in the permanent nerfing of the boon might game wide from 35 to 30. As far as I know no other class resulted in such a drastic action being taken, the game wide nerfing of a boon accessible to all mostly equally.

Bunker condi rev got resistance nerfed. It also got damage reduction modifiers to be swapped from additive to multiplicative which it's kind of mind blowing they were additive for as long as they were.

Edited by ArthurDent.9538
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Many ppl mentioned vanilla d/d cele ele. But I think it was actually not that OP before the specialization update. After specialization update, it did get completely out of control, much like cata today that can do everything.

Edited by Exciton.8942
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On 7/7/2023 at 12:58 AM, ArthurDent.9538 said:

In terms of absolute power current cata is kind of low compared to historical top builds especially from pre feb 2020 and even some more recent ones since it feels like 80% of relevant pvp changes are nerfs lately. However current cata is head and shoulders above everything else right now which should be considered as builds don't exist in a vacuum and their "OPness" is contingent on how well the rest of the meta can deal with them.

I dont know, even when there were giga-busted builds you would run 2 of them, maybe 3, as even if they were broken they were niche in its role.
cata does everything so you can easily make 5 cata team and just win 😄

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1 hour ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

I dont know, even when there were giga-busted builds you would run 2 of them, maybe 3, as even if they were broken they were niche in its role.
cata does everything so you can easily make 5 cata team and just win 😄

Imagine throwing 5 catas against Firebrand&Scrouge meta or against double Viper Malyx Revs.

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42 minutes ago, Morwath.9817 said:

Imagine throwing 5 catas against Firebrand&Scrouge meta or against double Viper Malyx Revs.

you would just 1shot them, and bombard them with CC. imagine placing pulsing aoe, and just getting stunned 5 times back to back with shock aura XD.
also this is in comparison to other classes, back when scourge/fb fiesta was a thing the kitten they did was the norm, warrior could throw rock for 16k dmg for example

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Condi Thief was REALLY bad at one point...

The era of 13K Worldly Impacts was a particularly bad one

Cele Condi Renegade from a while back

And Cele Permabunker Weaver from a while back.

Immortal hammer scrappers from a while ago.

Those are what I could remember off the top of my head.


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20 hours ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

Bunker condi rev got resistance nerfed. It also got damage reduction modifiers to be swapped from additive to multiplicative which it's kind of mind blowing they were additive for as long as they were.

Personally I wouldn't give it to condi rev and resistance because very few classes actually had good access to resistance at the time and it was blatantly obvious total immunity to all conditions was broken from day 1 of HoT. It is a solid contender though and I would say high on the list.
What sets cele ele apart for me is might was a boon everyone in the game used, stacked and had access to through combo fields, sigils, traits etc. The build was so busted they had to nerf not just something one class was using or sharing but all classes and thus was a nerf to all as well.
Additive DR is just facepalm, I can't believe it either.

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9 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you would just 1shot them, and bombard them with CC. imagine placing pulsing aoe, and just getting stunned 5 times back to back with shock aura XD.
also this is in comparison to other classes, back when scourge/fb fiesta was a thing the kitten they did was the norm, warrior could throw rock for 16k dmg for example

Scrouge/FB was meta, because it wasn't norm... but imagine all boons on Cata constantly turning into conditions and all conditions applied to enemy team either turned into boons or sent back with Plague Signet 😎. One shotting them? When you've perma weakness, thru barriers and protection? No way.

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In absolute power?  Probably Cele Ele or Chronobunker.  Cele Ele was OP in an era where people were dealing like 15k burst combos and two-shotting each other on glass builds without batting an eye, and this build could still manage to tank 3-4 players at a time and resulted in both an sPvP format change and a literal change to Might as a boon game-wide.

In relative power?  Current cata is up there but I'd still probably say Chronobunker.  Chronobunker literally killed sPvP as a format it was so oppressive, and Cele Ele is only not up there because at least teams started getting smart and bringing a necro to deal with it because defensive boons and cleanses weren't nearly as spammable as they are today.  Shiro Herald is an honorable mention, it was still somewhat vulnerable to a few builds and wasn't a completely immovable object preventing node loss.

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