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We need more information about new Legendary Armor Set and how will be the skin

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Ok, i dont want act like an idiot but WvW and sPvP legendary set clearly has been developed with less effort in terms of aesthetics, the legendary has the same skin of the ascended and the "special" version is just some lights and random tentacles, compared with the PvE raid version they clearly put a less visual quality to keep the "exclusive" status of the raid version.
The question is, they will do the same thing with the new legendary armor set? Or will give us a new decent legendary set with real effects that justify the status of legendary skin?
 If will be another legendary set with no legendary skin like WvW and sPvP we need know now, we cant wait 6 months to decide if we will keep crafting our legendary armor from PvP/WvW or if will more cool wait to craft the new PvE legendary set from open world.

(yeah, i will craft only one legendary armor set per weight)

Can Anet show us what we will be buying with the new expansion or is a hard desire?

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1 hour ago, KarlMarx.5910 said:

Ok, i dont want act like an idiot but WvW and sPvP legendary set clearly has been developed with less effort in terms of aesthetics, the legendary has the same skin of the ascended and the "special" version is just some lights and random tentacles, compared with the PvE raid version they clearly put a less visual quality to keep the "exclusive" status of the raid version.

That's because Anet specifically designed WvW and sPvP Legendary sets for function. People who did WvW and sPvP just wanted a way to make legendary gear so that was the solution that Anet gave us. Anet also specified that they would never make legendary gear as complicated as raid gear so don't expect the new pve legendary to be anything on the level of raid legendary armor. 

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2 minutes ago, Zero.1028 said:

That's because Anet specifically designed WvW and sPvP Legendary sets for function. People who did WvW and sPvP just wanted a way to make legendary gear so that was the solution that Anet gave us. Anet also specified that they would never make legendary gear as complicated as raid gear so don't expect the new pve legendary to be anything on the level of raid legendary armor. 

that's the point, we already got better skins from gem store and black lion chests, that's not about "level of raid legendary armor" because the skin of the raid legendary armor already is in a low level compared with alot of newlest outfits and exclusive BLCs, what we need to know is if they will keep the same philosophy (with no reason) of give us new legendary set with low effort skins like wvw and spvp sets.
5 years ago the raid skin set was in another level in comparision with what was available in the game, currently no one cares about the pieces in general, just the small effect from the chest piece matters.

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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Previously, the Devs stated they would not be making any more animated Legendary Armor sets.  So, if that's what you are hoping for, you may be disappointed. 

And they shouldn’t, the animated skin should stay exclusive to the envoy set. 

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18 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

And they shouldn’t, the animated skin should stay exclusive to the envoy set. 

As a pve casual i agree and i'm ok with that.

I'm first and foremost after the purple stats swapping myself, dont really need animated visuals.

Edited by Dante.1508
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If the OW armor looks good , and not animated it should be released  with each patch (holidays are inluceded)>> one gear  , so people don't have to grind for 20 week ...or having people delibertty boycot (leaving troll portal in key items on the grounds that people must pick up...or people keep asking what what is the requiremnets so the mess it up like the Strikes in PoF)

And then the WvW + PvP armor , should be in the the 6-8week farming radius , if people don't want the skin to change . And for an ongoing farm , if they unlock all 6x skins , each 3-4 months the company could release 1x gear with an "improved looks" (lets say "gloves" first)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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7 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

And they shouldn’t, the animated skin should stay exclusive to the envoy set. 

This is weird, Envoy skin currently just keep special by the chest part, we have alot of better skins by gems and BLC, we will keep the legendary history stopped on the time because the armor crafted killing npcs need be "special"?

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9 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Previously, the Devs stated they would not be making any more animated Legendary Armor sets.  So, if that's what you are hoping for, you may be disappointed. 

Devs said alot of things in the past, including "EoD will be the last expansion", what devs said dont matters, alot of devs has been fired from anet, we are facing a new team with new concepts and the concept of raid to them is dead, they dont care.

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3 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

it should be released  with each patch (holidays are inluceded)>> one gear  , so people don't have to grind for 20 week



So make a set that has the same price and and time requirement as PvP + WvWvW , for people that don't to play PvP .

And if they want to get faster a Legendary set (half the time) , they can try the Raidone


The goalposts go brrrr, who would have expected?! 🤔

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If the 'new Devs' don't care, they are unlikely to create animated Legendary Armor (which took more than 2 years to create last time). 

True, and i'm not talking about that ugly transformer effect from Envoy, honestly i just crafted the Heavy because the Rhino Tank aspect fit with some classes. 
I don't want to see the skin acting like robocop,its just about quality, something well done with efforts. I'm waiting to see how will be the Medium because i have tickets and insights to craft him and Medium is my last one legendary set missing (Heavy from Raid, Light WvW).

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7 hours ago, hash.8462 said:

Only the human male version... I'm curious to see the human female and charr versions.

And what they revealed looks like concept art rather than a screenshot, though finely enough done that I'm not 100% sure it's not a screenshot.  My curiosity matches yours and extends to how they will look in game and how they'll dye.

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People begging for an OW legendary set: "We don't care if it has animated skins it can look like basic armor, we just want it for the stat swapping convenience."

Also people begging for an OW legendary set: "We want it to have special animations and effects that are even better than the sets that require actual effort!!11"

Sure hope nobody hurt themselves shifting the goalpost so fast. 😆

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50 minutes ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

People begging for an OW legendary set: "We don't care if it has animated skins it can look like basic armor, we just want it for the stat swapping convenience."

Also people begging for an OW legendary set: "We want it to have special animations and effects that are even better than the sets that require actual effort!!11"

Sure hope nobody hurt themselves shifting the goalpost so fast. 😆

"actual effort" = Aurora Chestguard Skin

Better than any set needing "actual effort". No one cares actually about that ugly medium/light set from raid bro, what are being discussed here is if new sets will have cool effects, raid set is not the parameter here, we are simply talking about quality for a LEGENDARY skin.

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4 hours ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

People begging for an OW legendary set: "We don't care if it has animated skins it can look like basic armor, we just want it for the stat swapping convenience."

Also people begging for an OW legendary set: "We want it to have special animations and effects that are even better than the sets that require actual effort!!11"

Sure hope nobody hurt themselves shifting the goalpost so fast. 😆

Man, there sure are a lot of people mad about OW getting a legendary set in here. They even use a smiliar rhetoric 😅.


Also, on the legendary armour effects:
Pretty sure it's just some effects in combat.
"A future release will introduce a brand-new set of legendary armor that becomes infused with magic in combat. Essential materials and components for legendary armor collection will be available beginning at launch, so you can build up resources right away!" - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/secrets-of-the-obscure/

Edited by Raknar.4735
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1 hour ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Man, there sure are a lot of people mad about OW getting a legendary set in here. They even use a smiliar rhetoric 😅.

Did they actually confirm its OW? I think its highly likely it will require strikes and maybe fractals since it looks like the support for these 2 modes will continue.

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