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Why so Much Asset Reuse Lately?

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12 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Yes u obviously missed it. Log into the game and check  jade bot abilities 

ah right, the "huge powercreep" of.... oh random spammy bonus loot... or..... some additional mount stamina? Oh you surely mean that single use waypoint that disappears when you zone maps, and has 10 minute cooldown 🙂

in case sarcasm didn't punch through the text barrier, you may want to recheck what "powercreep" means.

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1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

for someone so confident in the "huge powercreep of jade bots" you are for sure falling short in providing any specific example for it 🙂

U failed providing any proof that this is not powercreep. All u say is it doesn't count bcs self rezz, vitality bonus, kite boost, mount boost, personal wp, is not a upgrade to what we had before jade bot.

Thats like saying 2% crit chance plus is no power creep. 

If u be honest .... There are situations u would die without jadebot 

U don't agree?


Edited by Balsa.3951
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3 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

U failed providing any proof that this is not powercreep. All u say is it doesn't count bcs self rezz, vitality bonus, kite boost, mount boost is not a upgrade to what we had before jade bot.

Thats like saying 2% crit chance plus is no power creep. 

You made the claim that jade bots on their own "huge powercreep", so sorry, burden of proof is on you.

now since you are still so confident about not presenting a single specific for what makes it so, let us dissect the term you yourself used.

power - in gaming context usually refers to ability to infer digital harm to digital beings. You are "powerfull" when you deal more damage, or deal damage in more efficient matter. Sometimes also used as reference to defencive side of thing - ability to take in more damage and survive.

creep - specifically power creep, is design phenomenon, where "power" of everyone involved increase over the time of the franchise.

Huge - extremely large; enormous.

Now looking at jade bots, there are two thing is can do that could be considered power creep, but only in the defensive manner: the passive vitality boost - which is laughtably small, and the self-revive skill - which is limited to open world and story content, so not applicable in PvP nor in the high end of PvE.

Everything else that jade bots provide is pure utility creep,not power creep. You mount having more stamina or skiff going slightly faster will not increase you "power" in any meaning of the word. Being able to updraft into gliding from smaller highs than previously will also not really do anything to it either.

So looking at Jade Bot,s what you get is miniscule powercreep, and in case you failed to notice, one of the big complaints over here when EoD was launching was how little the bots were actually doing. In reference, the elite specializations and balance passes that arrived with EoD, on their own created more powercreep than jadebots, and that doesn't even get into the broader history of the powercreep within the game. I would be hard presed to find any exaples of lesser powercreep than jadebots in the history of GW2s powercreep, and yet here you are trying to pretend that it deserves to be called "huge".

Your analogy of 2% crit chance increase is not applicable here, because 2% crit chance increase is improportionally greater increase in power, than whole of jade bot package in the first place. Additionaly it is also not applicable because at no point I said there is "no powercreep at all", I was picking on you calling it HUGE powercreep.

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57 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Huge? Where I said it? 

ok, I retraced the conversation, and indeed it was Gorem.8104 not you that originally used the word huge. You only jumped on my response to him, and only implicitelly defended mention of "huge powercreep".


59 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Also since u don't know some runes and food  give stat bonus to crit and power and condo based on vitality

I just crossreferenced wiki, and none of food or utility consumables increase precision based off of vitality. There are utility items that increase power by up to 3% of your vitality. Tier 10 jade bot core provides increase of 235 to the vitality. Which means increase to power stat of 7,05. Which is silly to try to defend as huge increase.

There is weaver trait that converts 13% of vitality into precision, which is probably the strongest gain, which would translate to 30,55 precision increase which would indeed be slightly above 1% critical chance increase. None of the runes increase precision or power based off of vitality, one rune converts 7% of vitality into expertise, which is again tiny increase from the 235 vitality that top grade jade bot provides.

There are more traits that converts vitality into something offensive, with rates of conversion being 13% for strike and boon related attributes (power/precision/ferocity/concentration) and 7% for condition related attributes. in all cases, the impact of tier 10 jade bot core is negligible.

This is my last response to this topic, that I only made because 1. I was accused of lying, 2. There was correction on my part to voice out.

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1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

You made the claim that jade bots on their own "huge powercreep", so sorry, burden of proof is on you.

now since you are still so confident about not presenting a single specific for what makes it so, let us dissect the term you yourself used.

power - in gaming context usually refers to ability to infer digital harm to digital beings. You are "powerfull" when you deal more damage, or deal damage in more efficient matter. Sometimes also used as reference to defencive side of thing - ability to take in more damage and survive.

creep - specifically power creep, is design phenomenon, where "power" of everyone involved increase over the time of the franchise.

Huge - extremely large; enormous.

Now looking at jade bots, there are two thing is can do that could be considered power creep, but only in the defensive manner: the passive vitality boost - which is laughtably small, and the self-revive skill - which is limited to open world and story content, so not applicable in PvP nor in the high end of PvE.

Everything else that jade bots provide is pure utility creep,not power creep. You mount having more stamina or skiff going slightly faster will not increase you "power" in any meaning of the word. Being able to updraft into gliding from smaller highs than previously will also not really do anything to it either.

So looking at Jade Bot,s what you get is miniscule powercreep, and in case you failed to notice, one of the big complaints over here when EoD was launching was how little the bots were actually doing. In reference, the elite specializations and balance passes that arrived with EoD, on their own created more powercreep than jadebots, and that doesn't even get into the broader history of the powercreep within the game. I would be hard presed to find any exaples of lesser powercreep than jadebots in the history of GW2s powercreep, and yet here you are trying to pretend that it deserves to be called "huge".

Your analogy of 2% crit chance increase is not applicable here, because 2% crit chance increase is improportionally greater increase in power, than whole of jade bot package in the first place. Additionaly it is also not applicable because at no point I said there is "no powercreep at all", I was picking on you calling it HUGE powercreep.

Jadebots are indeed quite a bit of power creep. Let's look at it

-  235 extra stats, over anyone who doesn't use one or has yet to buy the xpac, albeit not useful to everyone but in the open world solo runs, quite many love it for solo stuff.

In comparison: 

* Infusions: all 18 slots of for infusion can offer: 18*5 = 90 combined extra stats.

* Food and utility: food can offer up to, a combination of two stats, 170 extra stats/utility can offer up to 200 if health is above 90% (both of these are temporary and quite expensive to get, but many are open to everyone).

i.e: (Sentinel / Shaman armor) gear:

* Ascended 2* 1h weapons or 1*2handed weapons both offer= offer at most 250 vitality if it is the only major attribute (same as Jade)

* Ascended 6-piece armors offer 439 vitality if it is the only major attribute (more than half for jade)

So these extra stats are unavailable to people who did not buy last xpac but bought the other xpacs. Almost a  pay to powerup.

But it gets better: Add Full Mastery for the Jade Bot and you have people running around having access to ALL BUFFS for 2 hours (12 secs at least in ech battle) (minus instanced content) 

If this is not power creeping I don't know what is. 





Edited by Wolfyno.2704
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Why? Because they are working their assets off!

. . .

(Meanwhile, in Fields of Ruin, renegade charr are shooting mortars and cannons inside a cave. Not to be outdone, Warmaster Forgal, moments after urging caution, observes the front line of the Ebon Vanguard getting clobbered by the previously mentioned subterranean mortar/cannon fire, and orders a charge. The moral of the story: who needs Elder Dragons? Tyrians are perfectly capable of ruining everything for everybody all by themselves! Thank you, drive through.)

Let me be the first to post a :classic_blink:.

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53 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

Also, guess we might as well ignore all recorded opinions in public fora then

From people who haven't experienced the content they are critiquing? Absolutely, yes. When I come to this forum after SotO release, I will for sure be giving no credence to opinions from players who haven't played SotO when discussing SotO content.

57 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

That might be your perspective.

I didn't particularly care for EoD, not pre-release, not after release. So the *only* reason I bought it was the hope that it was acting as good faith commission that it would be improved. And that is a totally valid layer of expectations that emerges from serialized media,

And my statement wasn't really a "perspective". I'm sure Anet support would gladly help you clear up any misconceptions you might have about what a purchase of their expansions entails.

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Can someone explain to me what reused assets and power creep have to do with each other? Please let us discuss each topic in the right thread.

Regarding the question of this thread: Because it is cheaper of course, but also because whole new assets do not provide that much value compared to other things. Sometimes it also makes sence to reuse certain assets, if they pick up on established story parts and the elements they introduced along those stories, see EoD for example. Maybe there will be a good explanation for it within SotO, maybe not. We will see.

Edited by Drake.4152
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On 8/6/2023 at 5:04 PM, Poormany.4507 said:

Why is there so much blatant asset reuse lately, given that Anet's said they have more people working on GW2?

Anet moves 100 devs to work on a new game

One year later Anet hires 2 more people to work on GW2

They announce that they increased the size of the GW2 team. Maybe they even doubled it.

That's roughly what happened, of course the numbers are made up.

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11 hours ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Anet moves 100 devs to work on a new game

One year later Anet hires 2 more people to work on GW2

They announce that they increased the size of the GW2 team. Maybe they even doubled it.

That's roughly what happened, of course the numbers are made up.

I believe their exact words were "growing the team - largely in content and system design." Not animation or environments. 

Just what we need. More systems 😩


43 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

Nah, pretty much the whole comment is made up.

Post is satirical but based in truth. I believe the spring 2023 update blogpost was the first indication we have received that the gw2 team has grown since the mass layoffs of IBS. Would be happy to see otherwise. 

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On 8/10/2023 at 3:17 PM, mandala.8507 said:

And to get ahead of the doom-posting in here, according to the GW2 youtube channel, this video just features the Skywatch Archipelago map, which is the one featuring a lot of the asset reuse. We don't know what the Amnytas map will look like. It's just one map with intentionally reused assets from across Tyria, dudes. Let's take a breath. 😅

And here's the video for Amnytas, now that we have it:

The assets here are looking quite fresh.

And you're telling me I get to explore this gorgeous map while listening to this equally gorgeous track free of all the doomers who won't be buying SotO? Say less, Arenanet.

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1 hour ago, mandala.8507 said:

And here's the video for Amnytas, now that we have it:

The assets here are looking quite fresh.

And you're telling me I get to explore this gorgeous map while listening to this equally gorgeous track free of all the doomers who won't be buying SotO? Say less, Arenanet.

So its a big city map or what?

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For a bit of trivia and perspective, according to this post on GameFAQs, the original install size for the game was around 17 GB. My current install is 65.4 GB, almost four times the size. So... we've certainly received a lot of new assets over the years, for relatively low cost. We can probably expect more new stuff with the expansion, especially after the influx of cash after launch, and hopefully with their new "release model".


Reusing assets is generally also not a bad thing when done skillfully, considering it saves on disk space, and development time and money that could be used for more significant things. Personally, I hope they add some nice new combat animations.

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On 8/12/2023 at 8:44 AM, Chronardis.4028 said:

Have you ever played WoW or ESO? Because they both reuse skeletons and assets in every expansion. Reusing assets creatively is what literally every major MMO does. 

Mate they use assets from previous games.

When I played WoW for a bit in 2011 all the skill icons were from warcraft 3

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On 8/11/2023 at 9:56 PM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

What is that "huge powercreep" of jade bots again? must have missed a memo, or dozen....

Ahem, what? Did you even read my comment at all? 
They want to put in horizontal power creep in every which way possible, how exactly is extra health for everyone, which is already an objective buff, not power creep?, especially for classes designed with low health in mind? And that is not even mentioning the fact that it was a Requirement to use Jade bot buffs in the final meta zone, you were forced to pick up the defence and attack buffs provided in the area for many groups. And then they made these buffs effect the entire games open area zones, how exactly is every single class in the entire game having access to every single boon at the start of every single fight not creep? 

If it was just extra movement options, fine, but the stuff it can do did and has made us all stronger in combat. Especially as evidenced by the fact that the final zone had it as a requirement to be used. Choosing to not use it means you are choosing to play with less stats. 
I feel the only reason there was not as much uproar about this fact is just showing how dead this game has become after their expansion releases which has only hurt the game not helped. 

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On 8/12/2023 at 10:22 AM, mandala.8507 said:

That is absolutely not what your dollars did. Your dollars were exchanged in a transaction to play End of Dragons. Period. End of story. 

I mean, if someone tried to tell me pizza was gross without ever eating a pizza, and then said that the advertisements for pizza didn't impress them, and so they had every right to judge it by its presentation alone, I would absolutely ignore that person's opinion.

ur example is flawed

taste is subjective

lets fix ur example

if someone tells me the new photo camera from xx

only has 12 megapixel resolution and 1 cardslot also uses the same old autofocus system like the old model and cost even more than other better cameras. I would not buy. 

sometimes u can judge information in numbers.

ps there is a more realistic chance the money one spend on a product does not time travel and pays for past expense...

Edited by Balsa.3951
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