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Please give non WvW Players the Chance to craft Legendary Weapons without forcing People to play it.

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OP, I also do not enjoy PvP, never have in any game except when everyone involved were friends (had some massive rp groups heading into WoW battlegrounds to duke it out, for instance -- I think when I know that everyone involved is a decent person and a fair fighter and not in it for the thrill of wrecking someone's day, it gets more fun).  I still learned to WvW when I had specific goals like the then-new armor skins, and with the tracks set to GoB I got a ton of GoB's just getting those weekly armor chests.

My tips, as a noob at it even after all these years:

Get into the map you prefer, be it home base or the battlegrounds.  Look for a commander tag.  If you don't see one, go to another WvW map.  Join the squad.  If they have a squad message with a Discord link, go to that Discord so you can hear the commander calling out locations and commands.  You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to stay in the Discord after the session unless you like the group enough you want to find them again.  Almost every commander I've found this way in WvW has been super chill and friendly (I am on Tarnished Coast which may contribute to that).  Then stay on the tag.  That's it.  Stay as close to the tag as you can at all times unless the commander says to hold position while they go check on something.  Attack any enemies in range, but don't go running after them unless the commander orders a charge.  You will die and have to run back on occasion; so will the commander and everyone else; it's much less frustrating if you are part of a team getting killed instead of getting mugged while out solo.  Sometimes the commander will call for regrouping at a waypoint or even to go to a different map.  Go the moment they say to go; if you end up in a queue, no worries, you'll get in, or you can find a new tag to join.  When you are ready to stop, or the commander is tagging down, stay in the WvW maps until all your participation drains away.  It's polite to go to one of the sanctums so you aren't using up a slot in the active maps, but not always required.

With all that it still is usually not actively fun (not with the preferences you and I have) but it's not daunting or rage inducing, and it doesn't take very long to get just one GoB.  As a bonus if you do enough of it in a week (reset is on Friday), you get a chest with your choice of ... I think it's called Warlord ... armor skin, you can view those skins in the wardrobe to see if they are enough motivation.  Plus you'll build up the badges you need to spend 30 of at a time (can do it in the guild hall or in the entry area of any WvW map) to knock out fast dailies for your AP, 2 gold, and a potion that advances your WvW reward track that much more when Big Spender is a daily.

PS You will be able to pick up Supply in depots.  You probably should just in case it's helpful but most likely without skill points spent in it you will almost never get any of it used while hammering on siege because skilled up people are building faster than your hammer gets credit.  So don't take the last supply from a depot, probably someone else will use it more effectively and you can just stay alert to incoming attacks when the siege is being built by the skilled folks.

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Birthday boost + enrichment (10% reward track) + XP booster (1 laurel each) + Guild boost to WvW reward track 

This will make it a lot faster

Also if you have candy corn gobbler or one of those other ones, I think those stack too


I sort of started enjoying WvW a bit

I used to feel same as you

Just put on a podcast or smth, it's really not that bad.

Will also help a lot to do the daily each day in WvW.

That way it will probably feel less like a chore

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Also, might not be what you want to hear, but do the warclaw unlock first

Will make it more enjoyable

Unless you really only want 1 legendary, I would do that at least.

Hope you finish it!

And maybe even have some fun, as I surprisingly starting sort of having

You will also get quite a few achievement points if you've never done WvW before, maybe that can be another incentive


If you follow the big zerg, it sort of feels like a meta event. 

You will die, but no one really cares.

You won't see toxicity as much as in PvP

Just respawn and run back

Edited by jokke.6239
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Today I did my dailies in a few minutes, Flipped 2 camps, killed a dolyak while doing it and captured a nearby guard post. That's 1/20th of a GoB right there, in 5 minutes, Got 2 gold for it too. Never saw an enemy player. Enemy players are actually a boon to you, for flipping camps and guard posts back to their side. It's really hardly an inconvenience, sometimes I spend more time just waiting (doing nothing) in PvE for events/bosses to start than it takes me doing dailies in WvW.

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1 hour ago, Donari.5237 said:

stay in the WvW maps until all your participation drains away

This part is optional. If you let your participation evaporate, you'll have to build it up again next time you enter WvW. I always try to leave with maximum participation intact and then I start earning pips as soon as I next join. If you really want to max your earning window, join when the skirmish timer shows a multiple of 5 minutes and leave after a 5 minute tick has just ended.

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10 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

This part is optional. If you let your participation evaporate, you'll have to build it up again next time you enter WvW. I always try to leave with maximum participation intact and then I start earning pips as soon as I next join. If you really want to max your earning window, join when the skirmish timer shows a multiple of 5 minutes and leave after a 5 minute tick has just ended.

Whoa!  I said I was a noob and this proves it.  I had -no idea- the participation level carries over, I thought it vanished when you left.  Thank you so much, I will change my methods next time I get around to wvw'ing.

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18 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

I think when I know that everyone involved is a decent person and a fair fighter and not in it for the thrill of wrecking someone's day, it gets more fun).

to my experience very few people are in there to wreck someone's day specifically.

it might help to sometimes remember that people play WvW with very different intentions. and while players do fight each other it rarely is something personal and if it is usually it will be from the losing side not the one wrecking the other player(s day).

lets go for an example on how such a misconception doesn't help:

  • player A wants to flip a camp for their daily.
  • player B wants their keeps walls to upgrade.
  • now if player A goes to a camp supplying the keep player B wants to upgrade, player B could take that personally - for of course player A knows exactly that they want to upgrade the keep and are trying to ruin their day.
  • player B goes to defend the camp and kills player A. now player A could think that player B just wants to wreck their day.
  • if player A now tries the other camp of the keep it wont make the situation better for either.

now some people enjoy little rivalries over a match especially if one sees the other person regularly, but usually it is not worth it to get hung up on a single encounter.  and trying to understand the motivations of the opposing player will make it easier to avoid or seek them, whatever the intention.


Edited by bq pd.2148
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I know it isn't the solution you're looking for, but if you want to minimize your time in WvW just do easy PvE WvW dailies like killing a veteran, capturing a ruin, etc.  The dailies reward potions that grant reward track XP.  You need quite a lot of them (80) to fully complete an entire reward track, but you should be able to get 2-4 potions per day only putting in a few minutes of your time.

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19 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Then stay on the tag.  That's it.  Stay as close to the tag as you can at all times unless the commander says to hold position while they go check on something.  Attack any enemies in range, but don't go running after them unless the commander orders a charge. 

Depending on your build it is better to stay within 600 range or so of the commander or else you may take too much damage  if directly on top of them. You are right about following a charge because being left behind is almost certain death. It is mandatory when attacking an enemy structure.

Of course, you don't want to be further away or else you get picked off. Being isolated is always bad and should be avoided.

It should be known they've modified credit so you get credit for buffing/healing/booning players that kill an enemy so in this case it is best to run pure support (especially minstrel stats if possible) but celestial is possible as well. The goal here is that you have less of a chance of being killed or picked off when in minstrel gear. Then you just put heals directly on the commander.  IMO the only reason to not run support/tank stats if you're only here to farm  would be if you're trying to do things on your own.  Without a tag, or some kind of restricted tag that doesn't take everyone, throwing random party invites increases the chances you'll get credit for things.

The main way of maintaining participation is tagging lords and safely making it to cap circles, so damage or tagging ability isn't really worth going out of your way for.

When you are not placed in a "proper" party in a squad, eg, you just got dumped in with everyone else, it is important to run some kind of invul or teleport skill just so you may leave in case you run into unavoidable damage.

This also helps with

19 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

You will die and have to run back on occasion; so will the commander and everyone else; it's much less frustrating if you are part of a team getting killed instead of getting mugged while out solo. 

In general when running back you don't want to go back alone. It is preferable to follow the rest of the people running back or else you will all get picked off one by one. Of course if you are in full support/tank stats you may simply prove to make you and your server mates too much trouble to gank. In general your average ganker has no contingency plan and often runs when they realize you can't be easily killed and will start to run. Don't follow them though. 

The best way to deal with most enemies is to use line of sight. A lot of skills mess up on slopes, so in general it is good practice to avoid flat land.

And if you do die, don't head out the same way.  This sounds obvious but I've seen many WvW regulars fail to adjust to this.

Some commanders may not be worth following; your goals may not align with theirs. But there's often a pack of green dots, often a group of random people that can do things too.

Also note that you can be fine at lower levels of participation, though it would naturally be slower.  For pips, you can be level 3 and still get them.  If you're actively playing it'll go up to level 6 from level 3 quickly anyways. But it does suck when it drops below level. 3.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, bq pd.2148 said:

to my experience very few people are in there to wreck someone's day specifically.

it might help to sometimes remember that people play WvW with very different intentions. and while players do fight each other it rarely is something personal and if it is usually it will be from the losing side not the one wrecking the other player(s day).

lets go for an example on how such a misconception doesn't help:

  • player A wants to flip a camp for their daily.
  • player B wants their keeps walls to upgrade.
  • now if player A goes to a camp supplying the keep player B wants to upgrade, player B could take that personally - for of course player A knows exactly that they want to upgrade the keep and are trying to ruin their day.
  • player B goes to defend the camp and kills player A. now player A could think that player B just wants to wreck their day.
  • if player A now tries the other camp of the keep it wont make the situation better for either.

now some people enjoy little rivalries over a match especially if one sees the other person regularly, but usually it is not worth it to get hung up on a single encounter.  and trying to understand the motivations of the opposing player will make it easier to avoid or seek them, whatever the intention.



When I attack someone who is attempting to capture a camp it is nothing personal. If the fight is good we may exchange bows or even message each other to ask about builds or just to say "good fight."

To use an analogy that someone not accustomed to PvP in an MMO might more readily grasp: When I take a swing at the softball in my local park league I am not trying to ruin the day of anyone on the other team.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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GoB aside, no one has mentioned how( excessively) long it takes to get enough skirmish claim tickets for conflux or the pvp equivalent. These are account bound so if you don't like running in circles trying to kill players (pvp) or running around trying to claim spots every 5 minutes (wvw) those 2 leggy rings are torture. I have played gw2 for over 10 years and I actually liked it without the pip system. 

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3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I know it isn't the solution you're looking for, but if you want to minimize your time in WvW just do easy PvE WvW dailies like killing a veteran, capturing a ruin, etc.  The dailies reward potions that grant reward track XP.  You need quite a lot of them (80) to fully complete an entire reward track, but you should be able to get 2-4 potions per day only putting in a few minutes of your time.

Are potions affected by reward track xp boost btw?

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I only do enough WvW to get the battle gift then never bother again, I just find it tedious even with a zerg to follow. It's not tedious to others that's cool = they're different people. Stuff I do like is likely incredibly tedious to them. But if there was another path to the battle gift like maybe going through every single world boss or something like that, I'd do that instead. If not well, I'll pootle about in wvw and listen to podcasts and eat chips and get it over with asap then leave the map to make way for the folk who enjoy to enjoy.

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For "confused" - some folk like me don't enjoy being in WvW as much as others because it turns out some folk have different likes to others.  It's like - some love fishing, some hate it. Some are Meh about it. It doesn't make fishing bad, or the people who love it bad, or the people who hate it bad. Things will never appeal to every player. That's why variety is good. My personal preference for a PVE way to get GoB is not a criticism of the people who love WvW (or its overall value) it's just my personal preference. Stuff I like to do would likely bore the knickers off others. That doesn't make either of us bad people. It's okay. Why not have both paths? Choose how you'll do it, do bits of both, please feel free to ask for clarification I know I don't make myself very clear sometimes.

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On 8/9/2023 at 7:04 PM, KriZZ.9025 said:

Hello Guys, 

I know I know, the big selling Point since GW2 released was WvW. but tbh i REALLY hate it. i cannot stand a minute in there. 

I wish there where the option to Craft Legendarys ( Especialy Gen 2 ) without torture your self in playing a Game Mode you just so deeply dislike. Maybe im just a big exception idk. 

Maybe a Reward Track for PvE to get Stuff from WvW, is possible or something like that. 


Am I the only 1 who just cant stand WvW? 

If Someone has other Ideas, how to reach non WvW Players for the Legendary Crafting. Feel free to Discuss 🙂 



p.s. Could be possible we have to do WvW for the new upcoming Legendary Armor aswell :x

Go kill the Centaurs and Skritt. Take Camps, take down sentrys.  Not hard.  Or follow a Commander and stay on his/her tag and have fun. It is the only reason I play this game. Took me 10 years to touch story stuff. LOL

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On 8/9/2023 at 6:04 AM, KriZZ.9025 said:

Hello Guys, 

I know I know, the big selling Point since GW2 released was WvW. but tbh i REALLY hate it. i cannot stand a minute in there. 

I wish there where the option to Craft Legendarys ( Especialy Gen 2 ) without torture your self in playing a Game Mode you just so deeply dislike. Maybe im just a big exception idk. 

Maybe a Reward Track for PvE to get Stuff from WvW, is possible or something like that. 


Am I the only 1 who just cant stand WvW? 

If Someone has other Ideas, how to reach non WvW Players for the Legendary Crafting. Feel free to Discuss 🙂 



p.s. Could be possible we have to do WvW for the new upcoming Legendary Armor aswell :x

Soooo here's the problem.

There are a *lot* of people on the flip side of the coin from you. There are players who despise PvE so much that they pretty much exclusively play this game for either PvP or WvW (or a mix of both). Enter in the fact that every single legendary weapon requires you to play PvE to some extent, and yet somehow these players who hate PvE so much are still going out completing their legendaries. Gen 2 legends are an even bigger standout since you can't just buy them from someone, and on top of the usual map completions you also have to grind a bunch of account bound currencies for them.

And then you have your Gift of Battle, which as others have pointed out requires the utmost minimum effort in WvW to actually get. If you don't like normal WvW activities, the game isn't forcing you to do them. You can run around slapping guards and completing the easy dailies on a regular basis, and it won't take more than 15 minutes of your day if you don't want it to.

Point being, you got the easy end of the stick. Crafting legendaries has always been something for fully dedicated players since the game's inception. If you aren't able to fully dedicate, grind for gold and buy a Gen 1 or Gen 3. If you desperately want a Gen 2, you're gonna have to suck it up like everyone else who takes the time to do all the steps even if they don't enjoy every aspect.

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A rationale of 'WvWers have to suffer, to other players should also suffer' is not the best game design in my mind.  Ideally, no players should suffer through content they don't want to play.

I'm still of the opinion that Gifts of Battle and Gifts of Exploration should be tradeable - this, PvE players could buy the GoB, WvW could buy the GoE, and everyone would be happier.

For legendaries, perhaps some annoyance is that a fair amount of PvE work is needed for most of them (GoE, dungeon tokens or other PvE bits), but there is just a singular bit that needs WvW (GoB).  If there were 5 bits that required WvW, then I wonder if folks would be less likely to complain.

I've figured out the ways to farm WvW, so GoB isn't really an issue for me, but given the choice, I'd rather not farm WvW in the first place.


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58 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

A rationale of 'WvWers have to suffer, to other players should also suffer' is not the best game design in my mind.  Ideally, no players should suffer through content they don't want to play.

I'm still of the opinion that Gifts of Battle and Gifts of Exploration should be tradeable - this, PvE players could buy the GoB, WvW could buy the GoE, and everyone would be happier.

For legendaries, perhaps some annoyance is that a fair amount of PvE work is needed for most of them (GoE, dungeon tokens or other PvE bits), but there is just a singular bit that needs WvW (GoB).  If there were 5 bits that required WvW, then I wonder if folks would be less likely to complain.

I've figured out the ways to farm WvW, so GoB isn't really an issue for me, but given the choice, I'd rather not farm WvW in the first place.


Noone's suffering for GoB. 

GoB is not obtainable PvE, but WvW players need to dip into PvE a lot more for everything else for Legendary weapons than you'd need to drop into WvW. Yet I have not seen a single complaint that WvW-ers need an alternative for the PvE stuff. Only the repeated "I don't want to spend a few hours in WvW, give me GoB in PvE" threads.

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And nobody has to suffer because with the exception of gen 2s, they can just be bought. If someone wants to pigeonhole themselves that deeply, that's their issue. Just farm gold in your desired game mode. I made a gen 2.5 because I wanted to make use of HoT mats and didn't want to do collections. If I did a main gen 2 and complained about doing collections, then that should be my fault for not planning ahead and picking a legendary that doesn't match my playstyle.

Btw,  you can buy box of WvW supplies from the guild vendor for commendations on world rank dailies to get the potion without doing any WvW at all. Probably doesn't take you all the way though technically possible to complete without doing any wvw at all.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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