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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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8 hours ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

It's nice of you to tell me, how long I should take, how well I should be informed about the game, and so on. It's useless, because you're making invalid assumptions. Bye.

I don't know, I would offer to help, but not if you're going to be like that. A single post on this forum would have gotten you all the info you'd have needed to do it. If you don't have the knowledge and you miss a few dailies, while you're learning the game, that's not the end of the world either.  It's also funny because people complained in the old days about dailies they didn't understand too. That much hasn't changed. 

That said, if ytou're the kind of person who doesn't understand something in the game, doesn't look it up, and won't ask about it, i'm not sure why anyone should care that you find the daily hard. In a game where so many are willing to help others, there's no real excuse for finding the daily hard or complex to do if you want to. That's on you. Bye.

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This week I have a Strike Mission weekly. It would be great if GW2 could add more QoL functionality for group finding. The system as it is currently feels really archaic compared to other MMOs that have dungeon joining from anywhere in the world and matchmaking for joining groups easily.

An integrated dungeon feature would benefit all instanced group content: dungeons, raids, fractals, & strike missions. If there was additional customization, we could set up group requests that specify which attributes we want, how many healers, etc. Then just plug it all in and you're good to go from anywhere in the game. Since people generally want their dailies/weeklies to be quick and accessible, this kind of change would be really useful with this new daily system.

Edited by Celtic Lady.3729
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Per the recent update on the direction they're going with on the issue with flexibility in dailies, it seems appropriate to make a post specific to the new information. It is specifically stated that the current plan is to merely add one daily objective to the daily rotation in order to add flexibility. This is especially distressing because it indicates that it's perceived that adding 1 objective to an already extremely limited pool is somehow going to fix the issue flexibility issue that's plaguing the new system. This post will disregard the 1 login daily that's given freely in regards to numerics.

I don't know why it's seen as a step forward to go from 12 available dailies in all game modes to 4 in specific game modes. This does not encourage players to try to game modes as they are going to stick with whatever mode has the objectives that they are most certain they can complete so as to avoid missing a daily cycle. It is not an upgrade to have to choose specific game modes to have your objectives pulled from. The old system was better at exposing new players to other modes because it gave them the option to try other modes to get their daily stuff without risking not being able to complete their stuff by it being either to difficult, or not accessible to them. This risk free ability to try new modes to get dailies does not exist in the new system because you cannot know what the next day's daily cycle will contain. The player cannot know that the next cycle will not contain for example, a difficult to get wvw defender event, or an annoying minidungeon, or vista daily located in a region the player has not progressed to yet. 

Daily objectives are not the place to put skill gates and time gates, these exist in other parts of the game. This area of content should remain easily accessible to encourage frequent logins. 

Again, why not simply let the player have 4 per game mode like before? The previous objectives themselves could have used some updates, but the system itself was by no means broken. 

This design direction MUST be reconsidered. 

Edited by Doctor.1384
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I don't think all 12 dailies are necessary, and are potentially even detrimental to their goal of getting players to do specific things — given that many options, people will (and did) only finish the easiest options while leaving the more interesting ones alone.


That said, I agree that four is not enough. It's a huge improvement over three, don't get me wrong, but I think a happy medium would be six options: three from your chosen game mode(s), plus one each of PvE, PvP, and WvW that appear for all players regardless of choice. That way you always have a little lure to get players into other modes as well as giving them some alternatives if they realize they don't actually care for the options their choice gave them.

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1 hour ago, Celtic Lady.3729 said:

This week I have a Strike Mission weekly. It would be great if GW2 could add more QoL functionality for group finding. The system as it is currently feels really archaic compared to other MMOs that have dungeon joining from anywhere in the world and matchmaking for joining groups easily.

An integrated dungeon feature would benefit all instanced group content: dungeons, raids, fractals, & strike missions. If there was additional customization, we could set up group requests that specify which attributes we want, how many healers, etc. Then just plug it all in and you're good to go from anywhere in the game. Since people generally want their dailies/weeklies to be quick and accessible, this kind of change would be really useful with this new daily system.

Open up lfg go to strike section.

Type in... Shiverpeak pass all welcome for weekly.

Wait for it to fill up and take 8-12m killing golem.

Your welcome.

Edited by Linken.6345
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I used to do wvw and pve dailies wherever i happened to be at the time. if i got into a wvw map and happened to see a tower being capped i would join in. maybe stay in there and do another daily or two. or i might go do the pve stuff. but it was nice to have variety and options. since i generally don't do wvw, the new daily system has basically made it so i will never enter wvw again. most wvw objectives aren't fun for me, but i didn't mind doing some for a change of pace. since i don't want to be forced to do some of the crappy wvw dailies i won't sign up for that game mode. If, on the other hand, we could pick from the whole pool of dailies i might still do some wvw ones. as it stands now, i never will.

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I feel like the fourth option will solve the problem of being faced with a broken or undesirable choice. It doesn't seem likely to me that two of four options will be broken, so imo this is problem solved . . .

That said, @Entrea Sumatae.7830's idea wouldn't hurt anything either . . .

For @nytro.1362's complaint I'd say it's very possible that part of the goal of the new system may be to redirect players who only went to pvp or wvw for easy dailies away from those modes, which would be to the great delight of players who actually want to be there. So again, this may be problem solved as well . . .

@jason.1083, they announced today that they would be adding a fourth option to give players some flexibility in completing the three required . . .

Edited by Gop.8713
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I agree that plus one is not enough. I'm guessing ANET doesn't want there to be as many dailies as there are weeklies, but...why not add more optional weeklies? It is inherently not open-ended if you need to do 100% of it. I think a good compromise would be six dailies total and an addition of three, maybe four weeklies; same amount of required, of course. My reasoning is: if a player wants only PvE, that doesn't automatically mean they want to do instanced content or a PvP Activity.

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Once we knew that daily overhaul will come I was expecting that only rewards system will change and require us to visit some new place (The Wizard's Tower) to talk to NPCs to set personal goals (a reward track of some sort) or physically open chests after having enough of new currency. I also expected that we get more region specific tasks that would contribute to daily or even have old vanilla objectives from 2012 and that instanced content will be a part of this new system.

What we got instead is a kitten system which clearly limits players ability to select their daily objectives (both on daily pool of tasks and ability to pick task from different game mode which is impossible to change till next reset) and by extension how they spend time playing the game. Not mention that visually panel doesn't fit at all with rest of the game's interface. I suspect that Chinese client code was taken and reimplemented to not feature region specific P2W features - at best, at worst - some new employee baked this during lunch break. Moreover, if you select all Vault objectives the regular achievement objectives won't display as Vault list takes the priority in the sidebar - you need to remove every single stuff in order to see e.g. fractal, strike dailies.

Players want to have a free hand of how they play the game - we don't want to be forced to do what You think is best of us (a sin that is prevalent across all American tech companies nowadays, either big or smaller).

Yesterday's situation when a minidungeon that is obviously designed for smaller number of players was put on the objectives list tells You really need to finally launch public test servers and stop pretending that testing stuff internally among Yourself is enough. It's clearly not. Not after kittening 11 years. Get your kitten together.

Without further ado: changes announced by Ruby in the message from few hours are NOT satisfactory - expanded list of tasks IS needed.

What I personally want to see and perhaps some people will agree with me are:


  • Bringing back the ability of selecting tasks of any game mode without need to wait for server reset - that should also cover weekly objectives.
  • Objectives list should include more tasks and players should be freely able to select what they want. It our time we invest and spend on this game after all so please, don't limit our activity and pretend this is fine.
  • Do not include tasks that involve minidungeons or other tasks that clearly weren't designed to hold continuous stream of players.
  • Pool of tasks should be recheck to ensure that no situation with Valdhertz Crypts would repeat. The minidungeon should be fixed as well.
  • A bugs tracking system should be here already - bugzilla is available for free. This piece of software is only few years older than Arena.
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8 hours ago, Entrea Sumatae.7830 said:

I don't think all 12 dailies are necessary, and are potentially even detrimental to their goal of getting players to do specific things — given that many options, people will (and did) only finish the easiest options while leaving the more interesting ones alone.


That said, I agree that four is not enough. It's a huge improvement over three, don't get me wrong, but I think a happy medium would be six options: three from your chosen game mode(s), plus one each of PvE, PvP, and WvW that appear for all players regardless of choice. That way you always have a little lure to get players into other modes as well as giving them some alternatives if they realize they don't actually care for the options their choice gave them.

I think it should scale to how many game modes you have selected.

One game mode should give 4 or5 choices. Two game modes 6 (3 each) and all three game modes 9 (3 each).

At least for me I could get going for the easy ones in WvW for example and if there were enough battles/groups/zergs that I could participate in I would stick to that mode and complete all 3 dailies from there, else switch to something else.

Right now I have to completely cut off WvW from the dailies list as I dread the stupid "take part in an objective defense" daily that it took me about 2 hours to complete a few days ago as I could not get credit for it even after a solid 12-15 timer counts. If I had more choices I would have surely completed something else in WvW in the meantime and avoided the frustration.

And why should I miss out of the chance to do my dailies with friends and guild mates, if they make a group to go into WvW and I have selected PvE and PvP as my dailies, needing a daily reset to select WvW as an option and do them in a friendly group having fun (I can join them and play but I would need to leave to complete my dailies at some point). It is also limiting because I may get back from work and say "Hey lets' do some PvP only to find out I had selected PvE only the previous day. This sucks major b@lls!

Edited by gousgou.5438
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POV of the new guy, who is just past LS1 and doesn't want to get the story spoiled just to to be able to get the daily "chores" done.

The old login rewards were just passive stuff I collected until I came to a point where I realised what I could do with them. Very nice that I got rewards that eventually became useful. Took me a while to discover the dailies, at that time 2 gold were still a lot of money, but not as much that I would go very far out of may way to do those 3 dailies.

The new combined login+daily system has a lot of nifty rewards, that seem unreachable just with the 5 login points, so doing dailes is more of a must than before, at the same time it's far more unlikely that I get 3 easy dailies, that don't distract me too much from the story and exploration a new player is wont to do.

And here's the crux: the PvE tasks aim at veteran players that need a bit of motivation to get up and do something, but the rewards seem to mainly aim at newish players. Sure there is the legendary kit and mats, but what's an ascended weapon for a vet? A Build Storage Expansion? A bunch of Laurels?

I have played enough grindy MMOs to see that most rewards seem kinda meh for vets, and once they have the stuff worth their time, they will go back standing around chatting and waiting for groupfinder pops. Meanwhile the newbies are getting burned out trying to earn the AA for all those juicy but high hanging fruits.

Edited by Tanis.4135
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1 minute ago, mariugo.4856 said:

Just give back all the dailies, new system is nonsense and no one likes it.

I do like it. I don’t really see a difference between the new and the old dailies. I finish them just as quickly. 
We will get more options soon. 

Edited by vares.8457
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If they were to give you access to all of the dailies for the 3 types, don't expect to get the same 3 dailies you'd normally get for picking 1 of the types. What would happen is they'd give you the normal 3 dailies for 1 of the types, then only give you the more time consuming dailies for the other 2. The point of this implementation is to pick what you actually play, not what's the easiest to complete.

Alternatively, they could weight the dailies and put a cap on how much astral can be earned from them. For example, viewing a vista is now 5 points, whereas a mini dungeon is 20. There could be as many dailies as they wanted.

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On 8/27/2023 at 11:51 PM, Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:

I love this on forms: Vecta.3475
Posted Thursday at 07:02 AM
This is my first forum post. After the SotO release this week, I felt compelled to criticize one change that I do not understand nor agree with. Why was the daily achievements system changed? The new daily achievements system is flawed and inferior to the old daily achievements in every way that I have considered.
First off, I'm not referring to the changes to the daily login rewards system. Personally I am neutral on the removal of the daily login rewards. I understand ArenaNet's rationale for removing it. What I cannot comprehend however, is why ANet decided to also remove a good, working daily achievements system, and replace it with a worse one at the same time. There are several issues to be had with SotO, but the changes for the worse to the daily achievements are the most glaringly obvious to me.
The old daily achievements system was objectively better than the current SotO equivalent. The old daily achievements: 1) Already aligned with ANet's goal of rewarding active player participation, as there was no passive daily achievement reward for simply logging in. 2) Provided player choice with four options per game mode, so that players could choose the content that they enjoy. This choice of options was completely curtailed in the new system, which is a serious problem. 3) Were unobtrusive and intuitive, requiring no additional actions from players once a reward was earned. An elegant design compared to the cumbersome new system. 4) Provided some useful reward chests upon completion. Now replaced with nothing equivalent. 5) Encouraged better group participation, which is a good thing in an MMO. The new daily rewards system introduced in SotO fails at every one of these criteria.
In the quest to remove the contentious daily login rewards, ANet allowed the daily achievements to be caught up in the conflagration and removed it as well.
The current SotO daily achievements are an over-engineered, immersion-breaking design that is coupled to a budget storefront with worse UI and UX. This change should not be acceptable to players. The overall problem that I have not seen discussed by other forum posts is staring me in the face.
SotO added a new currency, Astral Acclaim to provide a means of purchasing the important items that were previously primarily gained via the daily login rewards. ANet decided to tie this AA currency to daily achievements, which inexplicably seems to limit their own options. Be that as it may, the core problem is that we do not need any new daily achievements or new storefront to support the new AA currency. Since the dawn of GW2, there has always been a solution. Vendors.
The Wizard's Vault UI is not needed. Keep the new rewards system, but remove the WV and use currency vendors like every other non-gem currency in the game.
Astral Acclaim should be earned as any other in-game currency, and spent at AA currency vendors throughout the game world. The SotO expansion-only items would only be purchasable at AA vendors in the SotO maps, while the rest of the core game items would be purchasable at AA vendors in all regions. The currency vendor model is perfectly fine for this new currency. The UI and UX of buying and selling at vendors is seamless, understood and intuitive to players since the game launched. Not to mention that its also immersive and fun to buy and sell things at merchants, if you enjoy the lore aspect of the game.
Replacing the currency vendor model with a poorly designed, budget storefront is disappointing and probably cost ANet too much time to develop, when an existing system was readily available that does it better and faster.
The only change that was needed to allow the old daily achievements to support the new Astral Acclaim currency , was to add AA rewards to the pre-existing daily achievement rewards. Limit the number to completed dailies that award AA to 3 or 4 or whatever is needed, and add the new AA currency vendors to the game world. Simple, efficient and intuitive.
The new daily achievements with the Wizards Vault is an objectively worse design for the reasons stated. Extrapolate the WV concept to future expansions. Where does it end? How many budget storefronts will we need? It won't work. Do not follow that path. The idea to allow player freedom to earn and spend AA on items including Mystic Coins, Laurels, and Clovers is good and laudable, but the execution of the idea was poor.
Please ArenaNet, consider this alternative. Bring back the old daily achievements with Astral Acclaim currency added as a new reward alongside the previous daily achievement rewards. Do not fall for the sunk cost fallacy. ANet, there is still time to recover from this stumble before it becomes a fall.

This whole post is a mess. Tweaking vendors over and over again is way more of a hassle than having a specific part of the UI for the vault. Plus it would require players to track down and run around looking for vendors, wondering where the hell they could buy their rewards (and possibly missing stuff by ignoring their existence). Not Simple, not efficient and not intuitive!

The design of the vault is similar to the in game store, but they did not want to bake it into the store's tabs as it could be confused with the gem items and people would cry "Pay to Win is here 11!!!!111!!1!"

The game store UI though is a bit better (at least it allows for previews on most if not all items). And claiming the rewards should come automatically in a bouncing container as almost every other track/achievement reward (make an astral chest graphic so we recognize it's as a daily chest please).

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Just open up all the game modes all the time. I'm fine with that even if its only 3 per mode. Give pve players 4 or 9 for all I care (because I think many players only do pve and they should have more choice). But just let me play the mode I feel like playing for the day/week without pre planning a day before and also finish the daily in that mode. Oh and remove all the strange wvw quests, I now dread to choose wvw because we have a JP in there (not that I dislike JP, but I dont play wvw to do JPs), escort dolly which is just sad and defence events which they nerfed to the ground recently and if you're unlucky, you just never get it and you can't really help it.

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2 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Why not just go to the zone? What's stopping you? 

The story, if I wanted to do it in order. Though I think over the past week, and after the discussion on this thread, that maybe the gameplay mechanics I'd be missing out on are worth more than playing the story in some kind of contiguous order, and it's better to just bounce around between xpacs gathering what I need regardless of where I am storywise. Because even if I were to teleport to friend, I'd still need achievements and other stuff to unlock some of the things Anet wants me to do.

I think a hangup for me when I made this thread was that I had just come back from maining FF14  for a few years, where the story and how you experience it is something that was really important to the devs, so transitioning back here where they aren't as concerned about it kind of threw me off a bit. I think I was too focused on that rather than the actual gameplay. I'm going to focus more on unlocking zones in the xpacs a bit more quickly for now and not paying as much attention to the story, and that should help a lot with enjoying some of the new features more.

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Idk... i thought that it was just bugged or something and that it would be a no brainer to have choice. But nope. I mean 1 more will help... but come on. Give us more. Like at least 6 choices. How many times were there a few dailys I didn't want to do. I loved having the choice to just skip them and do others.

Also I don't get why we can't have more choice when we choose all 3 categories. I never play pvp, but I sometimes did when there were good dailys. Now I haven't choosen pvp, because I don't want to be forced to do them.

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