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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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4 minutes ago, jamesg.7128 said:

I had one player on my team LITERALLY asleep. As in using the sleep emote in the middle of the field and doing nothing the whole game. 

I get it that people are being forced into playing to get the daily done (until we get the extra daily this week supposedly) but really...

Then they were lucky to not get kicked since the kick timer on activites are kinda strikt

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afkers/multiboxers don't really bother me. I don't think it's great, but I see it as more of anet's problem than mine. They can decide when it's prevalent enough that it is interfering with the game they want to present . . .

It doesn't bother me when anet tries to 'force' players into less popular content either. Sometimes I've found it burdensome enough that I've chosen to forgo the offered rewards rather than participate. Sometimes I've gritted my teeth and suffered through, and sometimes I've been pleasantly surprised to discover that I actually enjoy this new little niche of the game that I otherwise would not have been exposed to. But regardless of how it impacts me personally, I think it's good for the game when the ppls who do enjoy the less popular content get a little love thrown their way. To me dungeons being left out of the new daily system is a major flaw in this regard, as it was the only opportunity a lot of new players had to get exposure to them . . .

Either way we're supposed to be getting a little more choice coming our way on Tuesday with the introduction of a fourth daily, and even now you can just remove categories if they include content that you really just absolutely hate. I take pvps out of my weeklies bc I'd rather not get the occasional tourney weekly. If you can't find a way to get through dailies in pve, pvp or wvw without throwing your hands up in despair and coming to the forums to insist that the game be adjusted to your personal preferences, perhaps the game isn't the problem . . .

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1 hour ago, Gop.8713 said:

To me dungeons being left out of the new daily system is a major flaw in this regard, as it was the only opportunity a lot of new players had to get exposure to them . . .


Dungeons would have to go in the Weekly section just like fractals/strikes because the world would burn to the ground if people had to group up for that kind of organized and very buggy PvE content. x_x

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I didn't say the daily was hard, I was more adding information to the repetitive nature of what the dailies are.

Now in the old system, every day there was a gather something somewhere, which is also pretty repetitive.  But it seems like there are only 4-6 adventures/JP that the daily system pulls from, and will choose 2-3 of those a week, so those seem a lot more repetitive vs the old system, which had JPs show up less often, but also chose from pretty much every JP in the core game.  So you could go months without seeing a repeat JP.

Fishing is another one of those activities that few people seem to do, and for most players is not part of normal gameplay - I'm sure some fish every day, but I suspect most do not, so having that as a daily is yet another daily making people do content they otherwise would not do.

I don't really mind it, since it is fairly fast to do, though did have to outfit a new character with fishing equipment - unlike other gathering equipment (which lets face it, fishing basically is), there seems to be more tied to the specific character than just a specific gathering tool.


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Yes ofc, dungeons would fit better in weeklies under the new system, where dailies are more for the 'quick and easy' content like activities,  jps and minidungeons. But to my knowledge they have been left out of the new system entirely. They were dailies under the old system however, and the world remains, unburnt . . .

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46 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

Yes ofc, dungeons would fit better in weeklies under the new system, where dailies are more for the 'quick and easy' content like activities,  jps and minidungeons. But to my knowledge they have been left out of the new system entirely. They were dailies under the old system however, and the world remains, unburnt . . .

You know exactly what I mean. Dailies under the old system also had 12(?) dailies to choose from. Right now, we technically have "3," soon to be "4," to choose from. Having a dungeon-dungeon be a daily under the Wizard Vault would lead to more tears than we're already dealing with because of fantastically bugged/bad dailies.

The one weird thing is not having a Daily Dungeon under the "regular" daily achievement system (the one that is Daily Fracs/Strikes/EoD/IBS/LWS4/LWS3), not Wizard Vault. Anet has all but memory-holed the dungeons. It's a bummer because the dungeon stories aren't bad, but the dungeons themselves are a mess.

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No, that wasn't what I thought you meant and now that you've made it clear I find it a very odd way of looking at the new system. Under the old system you did have twelve options to do three, but it was four from each mode, so if you were picking one game mode you'd only have an option of three from four. I think generally ppls either did three from their preferred mode or did more than three, as their regular play carried them through multiple dailies from multiple modes. Tuesday's update should return us to this, with us picking a mode(s) first and then selecting three of the four options from that/those mode(s) . . .

As to the other I'd love to see dungeons given the permadaily treatment like fractals/strikes and the rest. Even without any significant rewards it would at least give new players an opportunity to gather on a set day and see if they could get some lfgs running for the dungeons they wanted . . .

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7 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

Under the old system you did have twelve options to do three, but it was four from each mode, so if you were picking one game mode you'd only have an option of three from four.

But under the old system you had dailies like harvest, crop or mine a resource on a daily basis (super easy #1)
and even if you normally avoid wvw you could do a no brainer like veteran (just camp the spot closest to your spawn with friendly players and do an autohit on the thing when it spawns) (super easy #2)
and then you'd choose something else that's super easy like a vista or maybe do Tequatl and get the 5 events off the list with that.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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Easy strike, the JP and 100 morderm - not a problem. Salvaging is super easy. (Feels pretty odd to have 50 here. If they want to keep the one with the unidentified gear they should swap numbers. 50 there. For salvage the 100.)

Mega destroyer your "have to wait and be online at a certain time" one. The Gyala Delve the annoying one. Though there hopefully (with the weekly harder since everyone might go for this now) a map available where you can jump in near the end or at least in 2nd half. Imagine doing it from the start getting a crash or disconnect and then not being able to get into the same map again on time.

Again here: Why EoD again? Why not an orr temple event, a Verdant Brink meta or something like that? (The eastern meta in Vabbi also would be suited for that. Since that one could need a "push" - needed for certain achievements and people do not do it a lot since the western one is too easy + also giving the daily heroic chest.)

So far it actually seems okay. The 6 can be done easy. Last other 2 (not voiding you from getting the weekly main chest) for only a bit more astral acclaim are probably intended. (That at least 1-2 are annoying.) I just wish they'd put in more different stuff instead of focusing mainly on EoD there a lot.

Vasburg on daily also EoD. I heard it is still bugged sometimes? (Though I rarely saw it bugged after the initial bugs at release. There I guess a port to friend might be possible in the worst case.)

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18 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Mega destroyer your "have to wait and be online at a certain time" one. The Gyala Delve the annoying one. Though there hopefully (with the weekly harder since everyone might go for this now) a map available where you can jump in near the end or at least in 2nd half. Imagine doing it from the start getting a crash or disconnect and then not being able to get into the same map again on time.

The Gyala Delva meta awarded me the weekly at the original ending, which was convenient. Probably not so much for the people who were planning to do the whole thing, many people, me among them, got out when the weekly was done.

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2 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Why not an orr temple event, a Verdant Brink meta or something like that? (The eastern meta in Vabbi also would be suited for that. Since that one could need a "push" - needed for certain achievements and people do not do it a lot since the western one is too easy + also giving the daily heroic chest.)

I got the Maws of Torment (Desolation) this week. That meta is super empty on my usual playing timeframe (EU mid-afternoon). I did once or twice years ago when I was lucky with the map and the commanders, but not a popular meta for sure, it requires a lot of coordination. Well, I'll give a try to the map/LFG this weekend...

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3 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

The Gyala Delva meta awarded me the weekly at the original ending, which was convenient. Probably not so much for the people who were planning to do the whole thing, many people, me among them, got out when the weekly was done.

Yep. I got into GD right as the end meta (part 2) was starting. Jumped in and participated. Did not get credit for the weekly. 😒

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2 hours ago, zistenz.1945 said:

I got the Maws of Torment (Desolation) this week. That meta is super empty on my usual playing timeframe (EU mid-afternoon). I did once or twice years ago when I was lucky with the map and the commanders, but not a popular meta for sure, it requires a lot of coordination. Well, I'll give a try to the map/LFG this weekend...

There is a reason its empty it bugs out alot.

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15 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Got the wvw defense daily and couldnt manage it. defended two towers and a camp, yes i killed players, and didnt count. And i'm too tired to guess-try more.

pls fix wvw defense, or remove that one from the daily. weekly is ok.

I must be the only player on this forum to not have issues with getting defense events count for the wvw dailies. I don't know how that's possible, do people just not understand how to get it? Did those players (including you) consider making replays of what they think should count as defense event participation and then reporting it to anet with that video included?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Anyone else only get 7 weekly objectives this week?

To add some details, this is with only PvE selected and is on an EU account that has HoT and PoF, but not EoD or SotO.
My NA account that has all expansions shows the normal 8 weekly PvE objectives.

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Same here. I have up to PoF, PVE only. All my accounts have 7 weeklies instead of 8.

Also, Maws of Torment is one of the weeklies and it bugged on two attempts, though we were able to work around the 2nd time. I was planning on skipping Svanir since that one's a mindlessly boring HP sponge, but with MoT regularly bugging out...

Anet really needs to fix bugs for old contents and also increase options for dailies and weeklies. I thought 8 weekly choices were barely acceptable, but considering some events are still bugged, they need to add a couple more choices, at least.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I must be the only player on this forum to not have issues with getting defense events count for the wvw dailies. I don't know how that's possible, do people just not understand how to get it? Did those players (including you) consider making replays of what they think should count as defense event participation and then reporting it to anet with that video included?

Why lie about this? Do you think that the dozens and dozens of people that play WvW don't know how to play? That NONE of them understand how the defence process works?

Actually, who am I kidding. We don't know how it works. Because sometimes we do things that should clearly give credit, and it just doesn't. It's broken as kitten, and if you are genuinely trying to say that you get them every time, without fail, then you are at the far, far end of a bell curve, and  should consider buying a lottery ticket.

I do diamond every week. I usually get the tower defence weekly to 1 or 2 out of 8. I've had times when I KNOW for a fact that I've done enough to get credit, and nothing. I've had to drop the WvW dailies, because I can't trust that even playing for an hour or two a day in WvW that I'll be able to do them.  It's a joke.

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A lot of the tasks are improvements. Making miner/lumberer/harvester generalized rather than region-specific is wonderful, you can knock it out while hitting up your guild hall synthesizers.

My big gripe, whether it's a bug that's going to be fixed or a really odd design choice, was making the weekly "kill 100 enemies while under the effects of [food/utility]" requiring you to land the killing blow on an enemy for it to count. It goes against everything the game stands for. "You should always be happy to see another player," resource nodes/XP/loot being shared...now, after all this time, there's suddenly a PVE resource you're in direct competition with other players for, and you find yourself trying to snipe kills. It feels bad, and I hope it gets ironed out soon.

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