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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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1 hour ago, Vintoleth.6170 said:

been a while since i posted on this (page 11?). i was wondering if there has been any info on the loss of pvp & wvw reward track potions that previously came from dailes? 

I've feel that wvw seems to be giving a ton of reward track progress recently, though i could be wrong, i think this is coming from the wood/silver/gold etc chests, but not sure if this was always the case.

however pvp seems to be slower than ever. i know they've added potions to the "lvl 80" chest, but that seems so slow to get, and not give any noticeable amount.

am i missing something that has balanced the loss or reward track pots?

They got rid of the potions for both gamemodes on purpose.

In WvW, they greatly increased the bonus track XP you get from skirmish chests while playing instead. It's actually significantly faster to get reward track XP while playing now than it was before. I really like it. The caveat is that you actually have to play WvW now (whether you do it the boring way of flipping camps or run around with a group) instead of just grabbing Big Spender/Land Claimer when they pop up, and some people are very upset about losing their passive method of getting reward track XP.

As to PvP reward track, I don't know. I avoid sPvP unless I'm really bored and feel like getting raged at by a 12 year old like I'm in a COD lobby again.

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1 hour ago, Vintoleth.6170 said:

been a while since i posted on this (page 11?). i was wondering if there has been any info on the loss of pvp & wvw reward track potions that previously came from dailes? 

I've feel that wvw seems to be giving a ton of reward track progress recently, though i could be wrong, i think this is coming from the wood/silver/gold etc chests, but not sure if this was always the case.

however pvp seems to be slower than ever. i know they've added potions to the "lvl 80" chest, but that seems so slow to get, and not give any noticeable amount.

am i missing something that has balanced the loss or reward track pots?



PvP and WvW Reward Potions Update

Potions of WvW Rewards and Potions of PvP Reward are no longer obtainable by players.

  • Any potions that players currently possess can still be consumed.
  • Recipes for guild hall upgrades requiring the potions have been changed.
  • Instant reward track progress granted through the WvW skirmish reward track has been increased.
  • Instant reward track progress has been added to PvP rank-up chests, starting at rank 30.
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4 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes but the potions in my 1k of each type chest are gone aswell and they shouldent be.

There should be no differance if I opened those chests I earned before the change or not and now there is.

I agree, but that is not the question/comment that Sobx was answering.

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes but the potions in my 1k of each type chest are gone aswell and they shouldent be.

There should be no differance if I opened those chests I earned before the change or not and now there is.

Sure, I agree, but that has nothing to do with the question I quoted and responded to. 😉


Didn't see this response before I answered, but true:

1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I agree, but that is not the question/comment that Sobx was answering.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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It seems like Anet made a decision that they didn't want fast dungeons or JPs on the dailies.  Sort of an odd decision, because there are still a lot of other dailies out there that are really fast (identify/salvage X items, kill X enemies, etc).

The problem with removing the fast JP/mini dungeons is that there are relatively few long ones to choose from.  Under the old system, I'd never park a character at the end of for easy completion next time it shows up, bu in the current system, it seems like Vexas minidungeon, long way around, etc, show up about once a week, and it is tempting to park a character at some of them because I know they will show up soon.  And even when they are not a daily, you can still loot the chest for some minor rewards, so not a total waste.

Not actually sure if one could park a character at the end of Vexas, since that reset, but some of the other ones it is certainly possible to do so.


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On 9/25/2023 at 7:18 PM, Moi.5013 said:

The game is huge, so many events, so many world bosses, so many mini dungeons and jumping puzzles, SO much content.  Why are we doing the same 15-20 things over and over again for our dailies and weeklies.  It's REALLY boring.  Please add more diversity to the dailies and weeklies to make it more fun!

Thank you! I really like the Wizard's Vault but the repetition is getting boring. How many times do I need to dodge, do combos, and break a bar?

39 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

It seems like Anet made a decision that they didn't want fast dungeons or JPs on the dailies...The problem with removing the fast JP/mini dungeons is that there are relatively few long ones to choose from.  Under the old system, I'd never park a character at the end of for easy completion next time it shows up, bu in the current system, it seems like Vexas minidungeon, long way around, etc, show up about once a week, and it is tempting to park a character at some of them because I know they will show up soon...

And thank you. How many times do we need to do the same two mini-dungeons?
I really have been enjoying it when the dailies/weeklies send me back to play things I haven't played in a while. Hunting Jade Mechs in Cantha and the Forged in The Desolation have been fun. The amount of repetition though, like the dodge rolls, the combos, and the same two mini-dungeons is already bad. There is SO much to do this in this game. Can we please have a wider, more interesting variety of dailies and weeklies to keep things fresh?

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1 hour ago, Solvar.7953 said:

It seems like Anet made a decision that they didn't want fast dungeons or JPs on the dailies.  Sort of an odd decision, because there are still a lot of other dailies out there that are really fast (identify/salvage X items, kill X enemies, etc).

The problem with removing the fast JP/mini dungeons is that there are relatively few long ones to choose from.  Under the old system, I'd never park a character at the end of for easy completion next time it shows up, bu in the current system, it seems like Vexas minidungeon, long way around, etc, show up about once a week, and it is tempting to park a character at some of them because I know they will show up soon.  And even when they are not a daily, you can still loot the chest for some minor rewards, so not a total waste.

Not actually sure if one could park a character at the end of Vexas, since that reset, but some of the other ones it is certainly possible to do so.


I've parked alts at several locations just because of the repetitive nature of the daily system now. Vexa's isn't possible, no, and I frankly can't be bothered with that place unless someone is willing to get some gold to port me. 

As for the motivation for the list of dailies, it seems to me that whoever was involved with putting that list together looked at a spreadsheet of how frequented specific content has been, and picked the least frequented. They didn't seem to consider that it wasn't frequented for good reasons. Vasburg Armory, for example, isn't terrible, but isn't fun after the first few times (especially because the last runestone is a drop that gives some people grief).

Under the old system, there were days when the daily RNG just wasn't doable for me on a work day because it was too time consuming. Sometimes I just didn't feel like doing 3 of the dailies available. It is nice to have a system now that is easier to complete - please don't change that, Anet! But the lack of variety is definitely causing a loss of interest.

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8 hours ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

They got rid of the potions for both gamemodes on purpose.

In WvW, they greatly increased the bonus track XP you get from skirmish chests while playing instead. It's actually significantly faster to get reward track XP while playing now than it was before. I really like it. The caveat is that you actually have to play WvW now (whether you do it the boring way of flipping camps or run around with a group) instead of just grabbing Big Spender/Land Claimer when they pop up, and some people are very upset about losing their passive method of getting reward track XP.

As to PvP reward track, I don't know. I avoid sPvP unless I'm really bored and feel like getting raged at by a 12 year old like I'm in a COD lobby again.

glad i wasn't going mad. i've completed the heart of maguuma track about 9 times recently in wvw compared to the pvp track only twice so it has been increased a lot in wvw.  and like you said, its better that the rewards are got from actually wvwing.

for pvp however, it still feels very slow and the amount you get from the 80 (dragon) chest feels like nothing especially when now compared to how fast wvw is.

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Would be nice to have some numbers/estimation from the WvW players. I mainly play PvP. And noticed that it is a lot less (the extra from the rank up chest) ... depends on the win rate of course but the normal player should have about 50 percent win rate (win giving more/faster of that old rank progress - towards the next chest). I tried an estimation here:


As for the dailies/weeklies: They feel better now with some changes and the daily having a 5th one available. With a ton more special achievements added I also got the gold essences now. 😄 Soo much astral acclaim evne if you do not get the additinal daily for the 10 extra - just doing your 4 for the big chest. It is okay to miss a bit every now and then. Even without the special (if you do not own SotO) there should be a lot. Got most of the good stuff moving to clovers, mystic coints and gold now.


Edit:  For the potions: Wiki says ... in the wood tier chests already are 5 in total - in WvW. That seems more than PvP (I think you can get them faster than reaching one chest for the 2 from PvP 😄 - even without booster.) Still might take longer than the classic daily. WvW though is balanced (as always - same with the tickets) around making it to the higher tiers. But I think with already going a bit into bronze or the one after that ... for people playing a lot they can get the same amount as with the dailie s + even more (a lot more!) if they get to the higher ranks. (Which is easier for people that get extra pips from high WxP rank.)

PvP does not have this. 4 each day ... 28 in a week ... if I now need about 20 matches to get about 2 (see my estimation from the linked post - not sure if it is correct) I'd need to play 280 matches to ... get to the similar result you get in WvW maybe with reaching bronze/silver tier. They should consider adding those at least into the seasonal reward track chests as well. In PvP. And increasing the numbers from the glory rank chest a lot.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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22 hours ago, Bella Rikka.2387 said:

I've parked alts at several locations just because of the repetitive nature of the daily system now. Vexa's isn't possible, no, and I frankly can't be bothered with that place unless someone is willing to get some gold to port me. 

As for the motivation for the list of dailies, it seems to me that whoever was involved with putting that list together looked at a spreadsheet of how frequented specific content has been, and picked the least frequented. They didn't seem to consider that it wasn't frequented for good reasons. Vasburg Armory, for example, isn't terrible, but isn't fun after the first few times (especially because the last runestone is a drop that gives some people grief).

Under the old system, there were days when the daily RNG just wasn't doable for me on a work day because it was too time consuming. Sometimes I just didn't feel like doing 3 of the dailies available. It is nice to have a system now that is easier to complete - please don't change that, Anet! But the lack of variety is definitely causing a loss of interest.

Hard agree with this. The system for choosing dailies has to be changed, or it will just be the same pattern over and over again. Even more so, now that only 3/4 have to be done, so most everyone will skip the "unpopular/disliked" minidungeon/jumping puzzle. e.g., See the thread about players telling each other to skip Spirit Vestibule from today (It's been like the 4th or 5th time we've gotten this one!). So these content will only continue to be the least frequented, and continue showing up as dailies under the current system unless some change is made to the daily choosing algorithm.

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13 minutes ago, marta.5710 said:


This is my daily today, I just started reaching level 80, I'm rank 194, are you sure this is the right way to be able to do a daily if I don't know a lot of the game?

Just... craft 3 green items, not sure what's the problem here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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44 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Just... craft 3 green items, not sure what's the problem here.

The problem it's that I'm a new player, what's crafting, what's green? this is the problem... I'm sure for you it's easy to just make fun of people instead helping  them, this is the problem.

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1 hour ago, marta.5710 said:

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This is my daily today, I just started reaching level 80, I'm rank 194, are you sure this is the right way to be able to do a daily if I don't know a lot of the game?

Yep, You are right, as a veteran player i can understand your situation, but at the moment the system is new so Arenanet change it often to reach a decent result, it's sad but we have just to wait that they understand the errors and fix them, the problem was the same 10 years ago with monthly, in this case we have a regression compared with the previous daily system, we got back 10 years with all the problems,  but this is normal in my opinion, all the original Arenanet founders are gone and actual devs don't know the consequences of something that was fixed many years ago and they did the same errors:
Cheapest way to get the 40 masterworks crafted for Monthly? - Guild Wars 2 (gamespot.com)
For the moment what you should do is to talk with a master Armorsmith for example, get that crafting ability and just try to craft something of masterwork rarity, the cheapest the better.

Hope this help 🙂

Edited by Otxandra.6093
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23 minutes ago, marta.5710 said:

The problem it's that I'm a new player, what's crafting, what's green? this is the problem... I'm sure for you it's easy to just make fun of people instead helping  them, this is the problem.

Where exactly did he make fun of you? 
You are level 80 and you have 194 mastery points and you don’t know what crafting and green items are, really?
And if you don’t know something you can always ask in map or guild chat, this is an MMO, play together with others and socialize.
I remember when I leveled my first character 11 years ago I did crafting while I was leveling because it gives good xp. 

Edited by vares.8457
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1 hour ago, marta.5710 said:

The problem it's that I'm a new player, what's crafting

You are informed about crafting at level 12:

1 hour ago, marta.5710 said:

what's green? this is the problem...

You got to lvl 80 and never hovered over items to read their description? Items have different color outlines which mean different rarities. "Masterwork" is one of them and they have green outline.

You were also informed about masterwork gear at level 14:

So it's not like the game jumped out at you with these terms without any earlier explanation.

1 hour ago, marta.5710 said:

I'm sure for you it's easy to just make fun of people instead helping  them, this is the problem.

I wasn't making fun of you, I said I'm not sure what the problem here is.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Giving level boosters to people who haven't leveled a character to 80 yet and just started playing literally that same day was a mistake.

4 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

You are level 80 and you have 194 mastery points

Even worse: Looks like 194 AP.  It's not even MP. 😞

My character level 44 F2P account already has 200AP from just running around and doing things in the world, so I have no idea what that dude has been doing.

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4 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Where exactly did he make fun of you? 
You are level 80 and you have 194 mastery points and you don’t know what crafting and green items are, really?

He wrote he is on his way to lvl 80 and I think he has no clue what 194 stand for (probably ap).

But truth be told I dont see a big problem if players under 80 dont complete dailies. The only issue I see is lvl 80 players getting dailies in maps, expansions they didnt visit yet.

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5 hours ago, Otxandra.6093 said:

Yep, You are right, as a veteran player i can understand your situation, but at the moment the system is new so Arenanet change it often to reach a decent result, it's sad but we have just to wait that they understand the errors and fix them, the problem was the same 10 years ago with monthly, in this case we have a regression compared with the previous daily system, we got back 10 years with all the problems,  but this is normal in my opinion, all the original Arenanet founders are gone and actual devs don't know the consequences of something that was fixed many years ago and they did the same errors:
Cheapest way to get the 40 masterworks crafted for Monthly? - Guild Wars 2 (gamespot.com)
For the moment what you should do is to talk with a master Armorsmith for example, get that crafting ability and just try to craft something of masterwork rarity, the cheapest the better.

Hope this help 🙂

Thank You very much, You are one of the few that helped me instead of acting as toxic elitist, i succeeded to finish my daily using a teleport to friend in one of the map that i never discovered and thanks to other players that suggested me this, i was able to do a rift, now i have to start the story to go there since i think many dailies will be there, i would like to end my personal story before but it is what it is, thanks again.

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11 minutes ago, marta.5710 said:

Thank You very much, You are one of the few that helped me instead of acting as toxic elitist, i succeeded to finish my daily using a teleport to friend in one of the map that i never discovered and thanks to other players that suggested me this, i was able to do a rift, now i have to start the story to go there since i think many dailies will be there, i would like to end my personal story before but it is what it is, thanks again.

Don't worry about them, they were in your situation at the time but they have forgotten what it means, I can assure you that the GW2 community is more welcoming and friendly, don't be afraid to ask and simply ignore them.
As Otxandra said this system it's not fixed yet, they don't take in account new players and are tailored more for veterans so it will happen again that You will not be able to do something  so just wait and in the meantime try to do as much dailies as possible, the reward it's good even if the system it's quite bad at the moment, keep it up 😄

Edited by nargilli.6987
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