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I demand my Inquest Mark I Golem back

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It could probably be added as a visual effect similar to a mini. I do not think random spawn of more visual noise is good in WvW especially. The dungeon runes really should not be remotely best in slot, that was a major problem with respect to monk runes and nightmare runes in PvE. It is the same reason why the racial skills are mediocre.

The same thing goes for the Ogre rune rock dog or the Privateer parrots.

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On 8/25/2023 at 7:11 AM, Darves.6798 said:

You took my companion Inquest Mark I Golem from me. Now the game is even more difficult than before. I got used to him, he helped me in the game. He was like a tank, he took aggro from the mobs and I could stand back and shoot the guns. Now he's gone and I'm dying all the time because all the mobs are attacking me. You made the game unplayable for me. Not only did you weaken my character's gear, but you also took my companion. Your worthless relics are supposed to be compensation? I demand the return of my golem companion.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.



I agree i miss my Rockdog as well.

While your at it please return my Flesh reaver you stole from me years ago, i haven't forgotten.


Edited by Dante.1508
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On 8/25/2023 at 7:11 AM, Darves.6798 said:

You took my companion Inquest Mark I Golem from me. Now the game is even more difficult than before. I got used to him, he helped me in the game. He was like a tank, he took aggro from the mobs and I could stand back and shoot the guns. Now he's gone and I'm dying all the time because all the mobs are attacking me. You made the game unplayable for me. Not only did you weaken my character's gear, but you also took my companion. Your worthless relics are supposed to be compensation? I demand the return of my golem companion.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.



Imagine trying to fix something that was never broken in the first place that has worked in game since its launch over a decade ago. 

Why did Anet do this? No one was asking for this. Runes was not a broken system it was a system that worked flawlessly with no bugs that everyone relied on. 
It just, doesn't make any sense to me why they thought Relics would go down well when they were fixing a system that was not broken. 

Edited by Gorem.8104
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Because I play as deadeye thief with two pistols swap two daggers. My character is like glass. Previously, I could stand in the back and shoot while the golem dealt with the mobs. Now everything is attacking me and I'm about to die. So this is a big problem for me. I'm trying to complete the whole story, now I'm in LW2. The game is difficult. And I'm not going to change my character. The game was advertised as casual friendly, "play like you want" so I want to play how I want.

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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1 hour ago, Darves.6798 said:

Because I play as deadeye thief with two pistols swap two daggers. My character is like glass. Previously, I could stand in the back and shoot while the golem dealt with the mobs. Now everything is attacking me and I'm about to die. So this is a big problem for me. I'm trying to complete the whole story, now I'm in LW2. The game is difficult. And I'm not going to change my character. The game was advertised as casual friendly, "play like you want" so I want to play how I want.


To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.


Play how you want doesn't mean succeed how you want. It just means you have the option to play a bad build which the game absolutely allow you to. You can play a full shaman power deadeye with scepter if you want, that is definitely play how you want. It doesn't mean the game will cater you to the point that you can do literally anything and still succeed. What if I want to play a pure water ele and only use water skills because is my RP? I can definitely do that. Would it be a bad build especially if I can't handle it? Yeah. Would people laugh at me because I demand they make it work since I am sticking to my RP build. I mean yeah probably.

tl;dr: Be better or play a tankier build. Play how you want doesn't mean succeed how you want.

Edited by Warscythes.9307
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I don't want to be successful, I want to go through the story. I'm not talking about difficult content, I want to know the plot. Is it so hard to understand that now that my golem has been taken away the game has become much more difficult and once again I'm talking about story quests, not hard content like strikes or fractals. I'm talking about casual content.

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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On 8/25/2023 at 4:47 PM, Darves.6798 said:

Second, I will getting my golem back. Fantastic. When?

At this point, it is mere speculation that the summons from the old Runes might return in future Relics additions.

On 8/26/2023 at 4:04 PM, Liewec.2896 said:

my "main" is an asuran golemancer, even before mechanist came along i themed her around golems.

It's time we get the means to turn that ugly mech into a classic golem! 🙂

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6 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I'm talking about story quests, not hard content like strikes or fractals. I'm talking about casual content.

Story content is pretty easy, even as deadeye without golem. But maybe you could try and adjust your build and gear. The token isn’t going to came back very soon. You can either complain here or adapt

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1 hour ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

It's hard copium on my part, but I hope they'll be adding back the 'summon' relics with the expansion of the relic system they mention in one of the quarterly updates. Seems like a no brainer to pad out relics.

I rather hope for some interesting, new and innovative relics instead of these ‘summon’ relics. They are pretty boring. 

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9 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Story content is pretty easy, even as deadeye without golem. But maybe you could try and adjust your build and gear. The token isn’t going to came back very soon. You can either complain here or adapt

What is easy for you may not be easy for me. I can't adapt because my character without a golem companion dies all the time. Besides, I'm the customer, I paid a lot of money for the game, I found a way to play through which I was able to somehow pass the story quests, but now I've been deprived of this way. Sorry, but you're wrong

To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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19 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I don't want to be successful, I want to go through the story. I'm not talking about difficult content, I want to know the plot. Is it so hard to understand that now that my golem has been taken away the game has become much more difficult and once again I'm talking about story quests, not hard content like strikes or fractals. I'm talking about casual content.

To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.


Going through the story means you need to successfully defeat the enemies, a degree of be able to play the game is required. That IS success you are asking for. I am not talking about success in difficult as well but yes even in story. There is a floor of skill required. Just because is story doesn't mean you can beat it just by existing. You have to eventually learn and understand how the game works.

Also just so you know, GW2 is actually not "easy" at least compared to other MMO because you effectively cannot out gear the game. You are absolutely picking the wrong MMO if you expect to literally walk anywhere and succeed however you want. Look at your skills, your most basic defensive ability is a dodge that provides an invul frame for about 0.75 seconds on a 10 second base cd. Do you think a game that expect you to dodge attacks within that timeframe is going to be that easy? Especially since ilvl or gs is not a thing so you can't outgear everything?

Edited by Warscythes.9307
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10 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

What is easy for you may not be easy for me. I can't adapt because my character without a golem companion dies all the time. Besides, I'm the customer, I paid a lot of money for the game, I found a way to play through which I was able to somehow pass the story quests, but now I've been deprived of this way. Sorry, but you're wrong


To the developers, I demand my golem back.




P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.


If your character dies all the time then you are clearly doing something wrong. Maybe look at what your skills do, learn to play your character, check your build and gear. There are many useful sites where you can find the right build for you. Or maybe try ranger, there you have a companion that can rank for you. 

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2 hours ago, Darves.6798 said:

To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

I am sorry but it's hard to not make fun of this situation (especially for me) , you refer yourself as story is casual , yet you complain about the difficulty ... of the story ? sorry i don't want to throw myself flowers over my head , but the story ? really ? think many players will say gw 2 story mode is like a no brainer , and it is supposed to be that way , for every kind of player to enjoy.

You can just change your traitline , i know thief has a solid life steal playstyle with Invigorating Precision , yes you will loose dps , but if you think you can just pew pew trough the game without even moving , well forget it.

Game requires you some adaptation , yes it will need you to rethink your build a bit , maybe switch some stats , will cost you some money , but every mmo has that kind of stuff , and trust me gw 2 is maybe the only mmo who doesnt need you to rebuild ALL your stuff every expac , and is pretty darn casual friendly (also bug friendly ...)

Just take your time , read your traits , learn what possibility the thief has ... also i don't know where you gather the fun staying being a tank afar from mobs and kill them without using any evade or any other game mechanics , just the good basic "you tank i deeps" , personnaly i would be bored in 10 minutes...

Either way i just hope for you they will add those companion again as relics , so you can enjoy your chill play , but i think that not the way to ask ...

Also with the "any rude reference will be reported blablabla..." your asking yourself for the whip 😆

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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13 minutes ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

Going through the story means you need to successfully defeat the enemies, a degree of be able to play the game is required. That IS success you are asking for. I am not talking about success in difficult as well but yes even in story. There is a floor of skill required. Just because is story doesn't mean you can beat it just by existing. You have to eventually learn and understand how the game works.

Also just so you know, GW2 is actually not "easy" at least compared to other MMO because you effectively cannot out gear the game. You are absolutely picking the wrong MMO if you expect to literally walk anywhere and succeed however you want. Look at your skills, your most basic defensive ability is a dodge that provides an invul frame for about 0.75 seconds on a 10 second base cd. Do you think a game that expect you to dodge attacks within that timeframe is going to be that easy? Especially since ilvl or gs is not a thing so you can't outgear everything?

There are two possibilities, either you are wrong or I was deceived. The game is advertised by everyone as casual friendly, "play like you want" That's why I want to play the way I want and I want to complete the story.

I reported that you insulted me.

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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1 minute ago, Darves.6798 said:

The game is advertised by everyone as casual friendly, "play like you want" That's why I want to play the way I want and I want to complete the story.


The game still is very casual friendly. You can complete the story even without your Golem rune. You can play how you want but you can’t play using a rune that’s not in the game anymore. 


3 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:


I reported that you insulted me.

He is not wrong though, you are now complaining for days about it and demanding things, in a not very friendly way. The mature way would be to look how you can adapt to this new situation. Find a build that works for you, do some testing and try new options how you can play the game. 

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Dude ... take a chill pill seriously , where do you see an insult in Warscythe post ? what kind of person are you posting in a forum ordering things like a queen , like the world owe you everything , you can report me if you want , like i care , but you ask yourself to be maked fun off .

"I have a question for anet , do you even plan to get the summon back in any way in the game , i personnaly miss my golem , i am a casual chill player and i was used to let it tank for me , chill in the game trough storyline without any trouble , now i admit i have many struggles to get past some points , i just ask if you have the intention to put it back and if it possible to have a +- timing , ty."

See , no Karen behavior , just a polite sentence you should have sent to anet , you can copy paste if you want ... but in this forum you just look like a fully entitled kid , and i really mean it !

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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11 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Dude ... take a chill pill seriously , where do you see an insult in Warscythe post ? what kind of person are you posting in a forum ordering things like a queen , like the world owe you everything , you can report me if you want , like i care , but you ask yourself to be maked fun off .

"I have a question for anet , do you even plan to get the summon back in any way in the game , i personnaly miss my golem , i am a casual chill player and i was used to let it tank for me , chill in the game trough storyline without any trouble , now i admit i have many struggles to get past some points , i just ask if you have the intention to put it back and if it possible to have a +- timing , ty."

See , no Karen behavior , just a polite sentence you should have sent to anet , you can copy paste if you want ... but in this forum you just look like a fully entitled kid , and i really mean it !

I see some people have trouble understanding simple things. I bought a game that was supposed to be casual friendly. I found a way to play through which I was able to somehow pass the story missions. I'm not interested in other content, I want to play the story, but now without the golem I'm still dying. How am I supposed to adapt? Something I had was taken from me, don't you understand? I'll give you an example, someone takes your car and you adopt, you'll walk now, you ask him politely if he's going to give it back to you and thank him again, that's your advice.

To the developers, I demand my golem back.

P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.

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4 minutes ago, Darves.6798 said:

I see some people have trouble understanding simple things. I bought a game that was supposed to be casual friendly. I found a way to play through which I was able to somehow pass the story missions. I'm not interested in other content, I want to play the story, but now without the golem I'm still dying. How am I supposed to adapt? Something I had was taken from me, don't you understand? I'll give you an example, someone takes your car and you adopt, you'll walk now, you ask him politely if he's going to give it back to you and thank him again, that's your advice.


To the developers, I demand my golem back.


P.S. To other players, especially tryhards, I do not wish to be insulted in any way in the comments. Any rude reference to me in a comment will be reported as harassment.


Your dema ... suggestion is totally valid

Your attitude is a very bad way of getting your point accross

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