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List of builds that can do 42k+ DPS


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What's the point of this thread?

On 8/25/2023 at 4:52 PM, Furball.1236 said:

I just wanted to share this to help some players with having easy overview of some classes. The goal is not to suggest any particular playstyle of the game

Why not just link snowcrows since that's the go to place for highest dps benchmarks? The website categorises from the highest dps to the lowest.

By the way if anyone that takes these benchmarks serious when talking about balancing, then they're actually dumb. The majority of the player base 99% can't hit those numbers or don't care to hit those numbers.

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7 hours ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

What's the point of this thread?

Why not just link snowcrows since that's the go to place for highest dps benchmarks? The website categorises from the highest dps to the lowest.

By the way if anyone that takes these benchmarks serious when talking about balancing, then they're actually dumb. The majority of the player base 99% can't hit those numbers or don't care to hit those numbers.

Checked snowcrows. Couldn't find any condi deadeye build, not even speaking of one doing almost 50k, so if op would share it with me and it would turn out to be true, than this topic would be of much use for me. ^^

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1 hour ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Checked snowcrows. Couldn't find any condi deadeye build, not even speaking of one doing almost 50k, so if op would share it with me and it would turn out to be true, than this topic would be of much use for me. ^^

My bad. Snowcrows hasn't updated their website in terms of benchmarks.

All the builds except condi deadeye are there, but you just need to check out the build tab and sort through the sections (though you can find condition deadeye in the legacy section).

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1 hour ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

My bad. Snowcrows hasn't updated their website in terms of benchmarks.

All the builds except condi deadeye are there, but you just need to check out the build tab and sort through the sections (though you can find condition deadeye in the legacy section).

Oh, thanks. Haven't thought bout looking in the legacy tab. Kinda wierd tho. I saw they updated most of the builds for thief, and since this condi DE is doing best numbers than all of them (according to op) than shouldn't it be moved to recommended or at least viable ones? Welk, maybe they will soon. I would love to play it. DE is my fav spec and I was kinda sad when anet nerfed normal power dps when they shouldve only nerf quickness DE. 

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8 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Oh, thanks. Haven't thought bout looking in the legacy tab. Kinda wierd tho. I saw they updated most of the builds for thief, and since this condi DE is doing best numbers than all of them (according to op) than shouldn't it be moved to recommended or at least viable ones? Welk, maybe they will soon. I would love to play it. DE is my fav spec and I was kinda sad when anet nerfed normal power dps when they shouldve only nerf quickness DE. 

Keep in mind Snowcrow website is not "the answer" to how to play each build. There are many good players who explore different builds and some of them are not in the Snowcrow discord. Some of those who are in the Snowcrow discord may decide to write articles about the generalized versions of the builds based on Snowcrow Discord and that's what you see on Snowcrow Website.

When I started this thread, Snowcrow's benchmark page was still empty. At this moment, there are actually multiple (more than just the condi DE build) that's shown here but not included in their website.--Check the contents instead of checking the build names.

If you're interested in this new condi DE's build, it's shown in the end of the video (just like all the other videos). I believe they didn't write an article about it because condi DE requires you to have the proper understanding of the malice system and keep close eye on it because of <100% crit chance of the build. Specter does similar performance and is much more simple, thus listed in their website.


I have my own reasons of opening this thread on GW2 forum as I have certain target audience in mind.

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6 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Why are all these DPS numbers always against a golem with all boons on the character?

This rarely every plays out in real situations--need more people running arc and getting actual CM raid / strike numbers.  

That's indeed the problem with how people interpret DPS numbers. Golem is in a very controlled environment and the logs show performance from the top player who can do ~4 times more DPS than 90% of the player base.

As I wrote in the end of my original post, check https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/bossBench for the real fight DPS. This site also provides median DPS and DPS distribution of each elite spec in addition to the very top DPS.

Edited by Furball.1236
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These cries for nerfs because a couple tryhards were able to, either with great practice or great macros, get a bench under conditions that rarely, if ever exist in the actual game.  95% of players cannot get even half of these numbers in game and punishing them with nerfs because of the cries of a fraction of a percent of players is kitten.  If you feel like it's too easy, take off some armor but don't punish regular gamers who are just here to have fun.

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On 9/4/2023 at 2:59 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Why are all these DPS numbers always against a golem with all boons on the character?

This rarely every plays out in real situations--need more people running arc and getting actual CM raid / strike numbers.  

It's called a benchmark for a reason.  It's intended to provide a theoretical maximum for the purpose of comparison.  They also demonstrate a near-perfect rotation so that other players may practice it in order to improve their performance.  Obviously, practical application involves learning how and when to deviate as well as how to get back to the rotation with minimal loss of DPS.  Having a standard metric to work from is helpful toward that end.  

There are sites that track performance across various bosses as well, like GW2 wingman, for example.  

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3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

It's called a benchmark for a reason.  It's intended to provide a theoretical maximum for the purpose of comparison.  They also demonstrate a near-perfect rotation so that other players may practice it in order to improve their performance.  Obviously, practical application involves learning how and when to deviate as well as how to get back to the rotation with minimal loss of DPS.  Having a standard metric to work from is helpful toward that end.  

There are sites that track performance across various bosses as well, like GW2 wingman, for example.  

Ya but it's a benchmark they supposedly no longer balance by, so it's just weird to me. 

If it wasn't a bannable offense could just make a script to do a perfect rotation like is done with speedruns and TAS.  

6 hours ago, Echostorm.9143 said:

These cries for nerfs because a couple tryhards were able to, either with great practice or great macros, get a bench under conditions that rarely, if ever exist in the actual game.  95% of players cannot get even half of these numbers in game and punishing them with nerfs because of the cries of a fraction of a percent of players is kitten.  If you feel like it's too easy, take off some armor but don't punish regular gamers who are just here to have fun.

Yeah, it does beg the question what they actually are balancing around.  If it's not golems, they have to be gathering data somehow and seems like 9/10 groups I see fail because of mechanics and not DPS.  

I guess I agree that most misuse these DPS benchmarks for elitism when if you know perfect rotation and have no awareness you'll be dead and doing 0 DPS--so the balance is in the middle somewhere.  

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On 9/4/2023 at 3:04 PM, Furball.1236 said:

As I wrote in the end of my original post, check https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/bossBench for the real fight DPS. This site also provides median DPS and DPS distribution of each elite spec in addition to the very top DPS.

look at those pathetic numbers... No wonder absolutely no one dares to post videos of themselves fighting a real boss when bragging about their DPS on a static punching bag.

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Alright so a theoretical number of 60k would apparently still be fine judging by the argumentation of some people here because "the majority" of people still cant press their buttons or something. Just wow, why not just say instead that PvE doesnt need balancing because its all about the "fun"? 

I dont need a golem number to see how meta events and any kind of old content gets absolutely demolished. Also boons are a lot more frequent nowadays than years ago. Even self boons because they spread them around a lot in the last patches.

Sorry but are you walking around blind or something? 


Edited by anbujackson.9564
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On 9/3/2023 at 10:08 PM, Stx.4857 said:

A new expansion *just* launched.   Give them some time to balance things.  

Do you remember what some dps specs could do when Path of fire launched?

Eh yes. Those were entirely new specs with no proper testing, so overtuning is expected. Also some were just bugged if i remember correctly. That just leaves weaver.

Do you remember how many personal buffs you needed to even achieve those numbers, not even talking about specific bufffood like sea salad (dmg while moving)? Now compare to today, where there are only boons which are much more common.

Elite spec weapons were absurdly buffed in numbers to improve the specs performance. It should have been obvious that it would buff the other specs from a class quite a bit (greatsword on revenant, sword on elementalist, pistol and torch on necro...).

Even the rune and relic changes should have been clear as day for the devs. They had the old and new numbers for them to be fair. The rest is math.


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12 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

Eh yes. Those were entirely new specs with no proper testing, so overtuning is expected. Also some were just bugged if i remember correctly. That just leaves weaver.

Do you remember how many personal buffs you needed to even achieve those numbers, not even talking about specific bufffood like sea salad (dmg while moving)? Now compare to today, where there are only boons which are much more common.

Elite spec weapons were absurdly buffed in numbers to improve the specs performance. It should have been obvious that it would buff the other specs from a class quite a bit (greatsword on revenant, sword on elementalist, pistol and torch on necro...).

Even the rune and relic changes should have been clear as day for the devs. They had the old and new numbers for them to be fair. The rest is math.


I’m assuming A-Nets plan was to let the imbalance present itself and then fix the issues in a reactionary measure.  I think they had to have known there would be balance issues, and they didn’t implement a balance patch with the expansion.  And yeah a balance is out of whack, but honestly it could have been a lot worse if you think about it.  49k dps is pretty mild considering the chaotic nature of weaponmaster training.  They just need to find a way to bump those specs down to 40ish.  

This whole ordeal will hopefully end up giving us more build diversity because now they are forced to balance weapons against each other and specs against each other.  

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(Previous damage was 46k. It went up 10k damage)

60k dps is coming next patch 


It's either Elementalist Profession or Thief Profession to break the 60k dps mark

(I posted this in this thread. Elementalist Profession 90k dps with Thief Profession 70k dps)



Power-Creep and Toxicity makes a deadly combination....especially with two of the Highest Dps Professions in the game

No amount of nerfs will  fix these Professions unless they are deleted or redesigned or face with the next level of 60k-70k damage

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 9/5/2023 at 12:04 AM, Furball.1236 said:

That's indeed the problem with how people interpret DPS numbers. Golem is in a very controlled environment and the logs show performance from the top player who can do ~4 times more DPS than 90% of the player base.

As I wrote in the end of my original post, check https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/bossBench for the real fight DPS. This site also provides median DPS and DPS distribution of each elite spec in addition to the very top DPS.

Also, one thing to note: DPS numbers during burn phases. Considering that you mainly need offensive boons and vulnerability (+some other condis if trait requires) these days, the golem settings and DPS aren't even that unrealistic during burns (check the logs on wingman for some top runs and mediocre runs)

To be clear: it's not even unusual for people to do as much at bosses during burns as they do at golem. Power builds can do even more if the burns are short enough to do their opener for big burst. With short phases or if boss cleanses condis whenever it goes invulnerable, condi builds do lose damage but if burns are over 30-45s, most condi builds have enough time to ramp to full DPS.

And as an example, Kitty's recently seen a log of non-benchmarker scourge doing over 45k (end number) at MO (aka. golem boss) and she's personally often within 10% of what she does on golem at bosses during burns. If below that, usually due to mechanic that forces melee build away or due to doing some serious PMA stuff to make the run silkysmooth.

Ofc many bosses have times when they can't be hit and add phases which obviously affects the final target (boss dps) number a lot.

And also to note, big DPS just allow bosses to even be more of a DPS golem if they don't have time for any mechanics to happen. At VG, you can phase before 2nd green. At Gors, you can insta-CC. At MO, there won't be any soldiers. Cairn mightn't port around. At Xera, you don't need to clear sides and only need to move twice (if even that). Adina does only one pillar (so dodge out-in is enough), Ankka won't do big circles, Li doesn't number. And some bosses are golems from get-go.

Though ofc, if you don't do big DPS and/or fail mechs, you indeed can't simply whack the boss to death as they become way more than just golems.

Sorry about long ramble.

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23 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

(Previous damage was 46k. It went up 10k damage)

60k dps is coming next patch 


It's either Elementalist Profession or Thief Profession to break the 60k dps mark

(I posted this in this thread. Elementalist Profession 90k dps with Thief Profession 70k dps)



Power-Creep and Toxicity makes a deadly combination....especially with two of the Highest Dps Professions in the game

No amount of nerfs will  fix these Professions unless they are deleted or redesigned or face with the next level of 60k-70k damage

You do realize this is very unrealistic, the amount of precast, the bloodlust sigil stacks, his on kill food..

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


Not sure what u want to tell us.

That 39.8k dps is overpowered?

On 9/18/2023 at 11:49 PM, Burnfall.9573 said:

(Previous damage was 46k. It went up 10k damage)

60k dps is coming next patch 


It's either Elementalist Profession or Thief Profession to break the 60k dps mark

(I posted this in this thread. Elementalist Profession 90k dps with Thief Profession 70k dps)



Power-Creep and Toxicity makes a deadly combination....especially with two of the Highest Dps Professions in the game

No amount of nerfs will  fix these Professions unless they are deleted or redesigned or face with the next level of 60k-70k damage

And why did i see that just now?

Almost Every class can reach that high numbers With 100 years precast time because almost every class has precast skills and every class has access to bloodlust sigils. Its just that you need 25 kills to get the Max. Stacks. This means the player in the video killed min. 25 golems before the final one. Plus kill food and precasting multiple skills.

But great that you just look at the number without questioning yourself why it is so high. Or why this is not on snowcrows. Nope, you just assume this must be the Ultimate build/class.

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3 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Not sure what u want to tell us.

That 39.8k dps is overpowered?

And why did i see that just now?

Almost Every class can reach that high numbers With 100 years precast time because almost every class has precast skills and every class has access to bloodlust sigils. Its just that you need 25 kills to get the Max. Stacks. This means the player in the video killed min. 25 golems before the final one. Plus kill food and precasting multiple skills.

But great that you just look at the number without questioning yourself why it is so high. Or why this is not on snowcrows. Nope, you just assume this must be the Ultimate build/class.

Nope, I am not assuming anything nor it being the Ultimate build/class because I already know the Ultimate build Professions are and who are immune to no amount of nerfs unless Anet rework/redesign them or better....remove them. From time and time, I would leave hints as to who those Bad Design Professions are, on the forums.

Even non-Bad Design Professions are catching up with Bad Design Professions Power Creep numbers which is a Shame.

Here is the explanation of the video which I posted


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In short, you do not let facts spoil your narrative, because you know better and if reality doesn't agree, you will just try to reject it and replace it with your own.

Hint: in all the years you are repeating your claims, there was not a single class that would be immune to getting  significantly nerfed for extensive periods of time.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/12/2023 at 8:21 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

In short, you do not let facts spoil your narrative, because you know better and if reality doesn't agree, you will just try to reject it and replace it with your own.

Hint: in all the years you are repeating your claims, there was not a single class that would be immune to getting  significantly nerfed for extensive periods of time.

Hammer guardian still does 27-30k almost pressing nothing. Hammer core guardian is a build that was used since the start of raiding. It has protection, 25 stacks of vulnerability, resolution, reliable dps and 2 break stuns and 2 stability skills and when monkey utility is needed, it can swap a skill for reflect, projectile blocks etc. This build has never had problems finding a dead raid boss on its feet. 

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