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Look I get it, but the Wizard's Vault is really not that bad! Lets compare the rewards...

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Hi! SO much whining going on! But the Wizard's Vault rewards are actually not that bad! (I wish I could make a table...). These two separate lists compare the rewards that were previously available with how much of the same reward you can get now.

Previous log-in rewards (per 28days):

  • Gold: ZERO (well, 2 gold for actually completing the daily rewards, not just logging in, so that is 56g in 28 days if doing the dailies).
  • Permanent 2% gold increase: 1
  • Laurels: 35 (with option of 20 more, but only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Mystic Coins: 20
  • Obsidian Shard: 8 (only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Mystic Clovers: 7 (only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Vision Crystal: 1, if you select it
  • Ascended Crafting Mats: a quaint few, if you select it
  • Luck: 2000
  • Tomes of Knowledge: 10 (with option of getting 6 more, but only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Celebration Boosters: 1
  • Transmutation Charges: 3
  • Crafting Materials: varies -- up to 15 from each tier
  • Exotic Equipment: 1 random piece
  • Chest of Black Lion Goods: 4. Or in other words. meh...

So, you can multiply those values by 2.5 and you get approximately how many rewards you would theoretically get in 2.5 months (~77 days) on the old system.

Now, the NEW system! you ready for this? It's not that bad!

New log-in rewards (what is it, about every 77 days?)

  • Astral Acclaim: 14825 (a crap ton to buy more rewards with!)
  • Gold: 77 just from the daily chest. An additional 90 available via acclaim (for cheap) with "unlimited" more gold available (at higher price).
  • Permanent 1% gold increase: 2 available for total of 2% gold increase (ok, this one is not as good, BUT you can get a whole bunch of actual gold)
  • Laurels: 110 from weekly chest . An additional 150 are available via acclaim.
  • Mystic Coins: 60 via acclaim.
  • Obsidian Shards: 20 via acclaim.
  • Mystic Clovers: 20 via acclaim.
  • Vision Crystals: 4 via acclaim.
  • Ascended Crafting Mats: none. But you can actually buy ascended gear instead!
  • Luck: 3850 from daily chest. 2000 more luck available via acclaim.
  • Tomes of Knowledge: 11 from weekly chest. 35 more available via acclaim.
  • Celebration Boosters: 11 from weekly chest.
  • Transmutation Charges: 30 via acclaim.
  • Crafting Materials: 30 heavy bags via acclaim. That is 90 T6 mats. "unlimited" large bags (10-20 T5 mats per bag).
  • Exotic Equipment: none. shewt. but oh wait! Ascended equipment instead!
  • Chest of Black Lion Goods: none, but that's probably ok. you CAN still buy the items you would otherwise get, such as revive orbs, upgrade extractors, etc. But you probably have plenty now.

If you get all the daily and weekly chests, AND purchase all the extra gold, laurels, mystic coins, mystic clovers, luck, vision crystals, etc with your astral acclaim, you will still have 6445 astral acclaim left over to pick from many other rewards, including mount skins, armor and weapon skins, mastery track progress, emotes, build template and build storage expansions, and legendary starter kits. Guys... this new system is FINE. We're going to be ok.

Sure, there are less activities to do for your dailies. But look at it this way--you get more rewards for doing less!

Edited by Mervil.7461
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If you get all the daily and weekly chests, AND purchase all the extra gold, laurels, mystic coins, mystic clovers, luck, vision crystals, etc with your astral acclaim, you will still have 6445 astral acclaim left over to pick from many other rewards, including mount skins, armor and weapon skins, mastery track progress, emotes, build template and build storage expansions, and legendary starter kits. Guys... this new system is FINE. We're going to be ok.

Sure, there are less activities to do for your dailies. But look at it this way--you get more rewards for doing less!

One of the points of the old system was that you could stop at your 3/3 and just be fine logging in quickly. This new system requires you to do pre-set activities that you have no choices to acquire better rewards, sure, but way more inconvenient conveyance.

GW2 main draw is being a game that respects your time and allows you to play at your pace. This new system is kinda forcing us to play daily quests to catch up to itself, and it reminds me of WoW implementing daily quests. I really don't want to relive my questlog full of blue checkmarks just to achive what i had before, thanks.

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Ok, yes. In many regards, the new system is better. However, I think you, and ANet, forgot to take a couple very key (at least to me) things into account. Getting ascended crafting materials was never truly about crafting your basic ascended weapons and armor. There are so many ways to get those ascended weapon and armor chests already in-game: fractals, raids, pvp/wvw reward tracks, etc. It's great that they made it possible for the more casual player to have access to those chests, true. Getting ascended crafting materials made it more possible to craft all the ascended weapons/armor that are NOT included in those chests, such as Heroic Dragonsblood Weapons, all the craftable portions of Legendary precursor crafting, Refined Envoy armor (precursor to legendary armor), etc. All the other ascended gear is easy to get. You're also not taking into account some of the highly valuable items that came in the Chests of Black Lion Goods. Some people do, yes, but is the average player really going to spend gems or real money on Black Lion Salvage Kits, Mystic Forge Stones, or Black Lion Chest Keys? The previous log-in reward system was the ONLY way many of us would ever see those items. If they add ascended crafting mats, mystic forge stones, black lion salvage kits, and black lion chest keys to the new system, I'll stop complaining.

Edited by Musha.4025
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14 minutes ago, OnoGhost.6019 said:

Why does Anet get a pass for choosing an obviously more greedy and predatory reward system over something more generous and accessible?

But the new system...

  1. Gives N+ times more rewards;
  2. Is pretty accessible - you tick a box what dailies you want, and then you do them... (plus theres weeklies that give more AA, so theres less reason to login every day, you can just do weeklies and get most of the rewards...).
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I like the new system. The stuff isn't "priced" astronomically high, so you can easily attain these things pretty quickly, unlike some games where you'd need to farm dailies and weeklies for a year and a half before getting something "worth" it. Now I will say, some people have legitimate gripes, so not everyone is whining. @Musha.4025 made some really good points. I also think that saying the new system "Is complete trash" is wrong also. I think the best thing to do in this situation, would be for Anet to find a way forward that bridges some of the gaps between the old system and the new one. I think the change is good overall, and hope that Anet does the right thing and tweaks it some to suit as many playstyles as possible (within reason obviously).


Just wanted to add my two cents. Back to lurking!

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1 hour ago, Mervil.7461 said:

Sure, there are less activities to do for your dailies. But look at it this way--you get more rewards for doing less!

Em, no. Sure, you get more rewards. But that calculation assumes you're getting all that acclaim in the first place. So, you do get more, for doing more. And having less choice about what you do. Notice, also, that the lower your "completion rate" gets, the worse this comparison becomes.

So, basically, the players that were already at the top of the pyramid get more (but as a result may get more easily burned out). Those that were at lower rungs get less. The gap becomes wider. And player satisfaction from gameplay was apparently not part of the consideration. Heavy farmers will not mind, but most players are not in that category.

Overall, (as often with Anet), the general idea was good, but the actual implementation suffered due to messing up the details. Lot of finetuning and adjustments needed before this system becomes actually good.

Also (but that is my personal, and highly subjective opinion): Oh gods, please, do something about that ugly and crude web ui that got used for Vault. I die inside every time i have to look at it.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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I'm sorry! I don't see why people are upset about playing the game. People don't pay money for GW2 and its expansions to log-in once a day to open a chest. Unless...they do? Which I guess seems to be more likely than I would have imagined. For me, these rewards are great, they're easy, and I'm looking forward to getting all that loot! I went and killed 100 Awakened the other day in Kourna. Was super fast, easy, and kind of fun going back to a meta I haven't done in years (not my favorite meta, but still).

42 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Sure, you get more rewards. But that calculation assumes you're getting all that acclaim in the first place.

Why wouldn't you? Its SUPER easy to "get all that acclaim". And even if you don't get all of it, you can still easily accrue a bunch of it, and still get a whole bunch of Mystic Clovers or Laurels. No, you can't just log-in anymore and log off and get rewarded for it. I don't consider that style of game-play rewarding though; not my cup of tea. I get to play maybe 2-3 times per week, and that's ok with me. When I play, I'm getting better rewards. It usually takes me about 4-5 months to get my next loyalty chest. This is awesome for me!

I just think we can look at this and see some not only good, but great aspects, and not gripe or nitpick those little things like not having ascended mats or having a few less activities to chose from. This is good. And it'll likely even get better with some different rewards next cycle! Who's to say they won't have ascended mats in the next cycle? And the way things are setup, you would likely get more than 2-4 pieces of mats per month.

Edited by Mervil.7461
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2 hours ago, Mervil.7461 said:

Hi! SOOOOOO much whining going on! But the Wizard's Vault rewards are actually not that bad! (I wish I could make a table...). These two separate lists compare the rewards that were previously available with how much of the same reward you can get now.

Previous log-in rewards (per 28days):

  • Gold: ZERO (well, 2 gold for actually completing the daily rewards, not just logging in, so that is 56g in 28 days if doing the dailies).
  • Permanent 2% gold increase: 1
  • Laurels: 35 (with option of 20 more, but only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Mystic Coins: 20
  • Obsidian Shard: 8 (only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Mystic Clovers: 7 (only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Vision Crystal: 1, if you select it
  • Ascended Crafting Mats: a quaint few, if you select it
  • Luck: 2000
  • Tomes of Knowledge: 10 (with option of getting 6 more, but only if you select it from Loyalty Chest)
  • Celebration Boosters: 1
  • Transmutation Charges: 3
  • Crafting Materials: varies -- up to 15 from each tier
  • Exotic Equipment: 1 random piece
  • Chest of Black Lion Goods: 4. Or in other words. meh...

So, you can multiply those values by 2.5 and you get approximately how many rewards you would theoretically get in 2.5 months (~77 days) on the old system.

Now, the NEW system! you ready for this? It's not that bad!

New log-in rewards (what is it, about every 77 days?)

  • Astral Acclaim: 14825 (a crap ton to buy more rewards with!)
  • Gold: 77 just from the daily chest. An additional 90 available via acclaim (for cheap) with "unlimited" more gold available (at higher price).
  • Permanent 1% gold increase: 2 available for total of 2% gold increase (ok, this one is not as good, BUT you can get a whole bunch of actual gold)
  • Laurels: 110 from weekly chest . An additional 150 are available via acclaim.
  • Mystic Coins: 60 via acclaim.
  • Obsidian Shards: 20 via acclaim.
  • Mystic Clovers: 20 via acclaim.
  • Vision Crystals: 4 via acclaim.
  • Ascended Crafting Mats: none. But you can actually buy ascended gear instead!
  • Luck: 3850 from daily chest. 2000 more luck available via acclaim.
  • Tomes of Knowledge: 11 from weekly chest. 35 more available via acclaim.
  • Celebration Boosters: 11 from weekly chest.
  • Transmutation Charges: 30 via acclaim.
  • Crafting Materials: 30 heavy bags via acclaim. That is 90 T6 mats. "unlimited" large bags (10-20 T5 mats per bag).
  • Exotic Equipment: none. shewt. but oh wait! Ascended equipment instead!
  • Chest of Black Lion Goods: none, but that's probably ok. you CAN still buy the items you would otherwise get, such as revive orbs, upgrade extractors, etc. But you probably have plenty now.

If you get all the daily and weekly chests, AND purchase all the extra gold, laurels, mystic coins, mystic clovers, luck, vision crystals, etc with your astral acclaim, you will still have 6445 astral acclaim left over to pick from many other rewards, including mount skins, armor and weapon skins, mastery track progress, emotes, build template and build storage expansions, and legendary starter kits. Guys... this new system is FINE. We're going to be ok.

Sure, there are less activities to do for your dailies. But look at it this way--you get more rewards for doing less!

When a company feels the need to pay me to not enjoy my time in the game they are on the wrong track in my opinion.

I enjoyed doing dailies that I chose before the WV was introduced. I could decide to hunt other players for Invasion Defender, or choose to do events in a PvE zone that I found aesthetically pleasing and engaging, or any number of fun activities. This isnt about getting rewards more easily, I could spend real money on gems for greater gold gain than any other method of acquisition in the game if I wanted to, its about enjoying the process. Getting rewarded for doing cool things in a game is what ticks the box for me, and perhaps others. The new system lessens that. Add in the issues with completing dailies with a group of friends and the fun factor goes down further.


....and, by the way, whining about other people complaining about a product they paid for is not any better.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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9 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

....and, by the way, whining about other people complaining about a product they paid for is not any better.

Lol!! Let's keep it going 🙂 Whining about people that whine about other people complaining is not better either.
And let the thread degradation commence!

You made some good points, but you lost me on the snark. Didn't really seem to help or further the conversation.

Edited by Mervil.7461
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Being able to pick your prize for the points is more engaging than the prior daily system. That seems like the biggest benefit.

Your comparison is pretty good but it is missing details on both sides. The prior daily system is more than login rewards- we also received chests for each daily we completed containing PvP/WvW pots, karma, mats, map/dungeon currency, mystic coins and other things which we no longer get in the new system. Most of it was loaded in the daily login chest. On the flip side, I like how you tried to cover how many days for each system, but then you stopped short of showing how it compares for the same amount of time-> the new one is roughly comparable for mystic coins and clovers (assuming you take clovers in the chest) with slightly more daily gold at the cheap price (48 gold in 28 days versus 60 gold). The main boon of the new system is the gem store lite items being a mount skin, build template, armor/weapon skins, etc. While the old log in box also could give us mystic salvage kits, mystic forge stones, and very rarely black lion keys! Overall, I think the rewards are a bit better for the new system.

I don't think most people are complaining about the rewards for the new system mostly it is regarding the other issues. One of the biggest problems is the lack of flexibility in the daily option. We used to have 12 options previously even if 2/3rds were in game modes you don't like, you had much more flexibility to do what you wanted. With exactly 3 as a limit, players are also getting dailies for maps they haven't been to yet if they have the expansions meaning they cannot complete them. We shouldn't need to open up the clunky interface, which occasionally doesn't load or pops errors, just to claim each daily. In the prior system, we automatically got the bouncy chests. Obviously if opening one of the bouncy chests pushes you over the AA limit, Anet should prompt with a warning/one-time overage (like when you pick up too many items). Although, I would prefer if they just removed the cap- which I doubt they will since they probably want people to look forward to the next quarter and new skins instead of saving up most of their AA to get them. If you don't have the exact options set as your friends, you don't even necessarily get the same dailies as them anymore. Some of the dailies/weeklies are not so good such as that WvW JP.  Rewards are much more limited in the new interface if you don't have the latest expansion. These issues are all fixable and I hope Anet addresses them.

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Yea, I agree, I actually like this system as now players are MORE in control of daily rewards they want, rather than have to wait for days to get only small amount of laurel every month.

People that hates this thing already don't bother playing the game as all they do is just log in, get reward, log off, they don't even realize this benefit them as well!

This change can be this, do weekly, buy bulks of laruel, log off, come back another week, repeat. More efficient and better than before. 

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32 minutes ago, Mervil.7461 said:

Lol!! Let's keep it going 🙂 Whining about people that whine about other people complaining is not better either.
And let the thread degradation commence!

You made some good points, but you lost me on the snark. Didn't really seem to help or further the conversation.

My apologies if it came across as snark. It was meant to be informative. Even the most well thought out argument, and yours was well reasoned, loses its value if preceded with an insult. Anyone who is unhappy with the changes is going to largely ignore any valid points you make if you start your argument by insulting them.If you had left the jab at others who are less satisfied than yourself out of the post I would agree with your overall point completely. The actual reward system of the WV is fantastic. Even though much of it does not apply to me I can see just how much value it adds to those who fully engage with it....the problem is getting people to give up their agency while keeping them engaged.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Em, no. Sure, you get more rewards. But that calculation assumes you're getting all that acclaim in the first place. So, you do get more, for doing more. And having less choice about what you do. Notice, also, that the lower your "completion rate" gets, the worse this comparison becomes.

So, basically, the players that were already at the top of the pyramid get more (but as a result may get more easily burned out). Those that were at lower rungs get less. The gap becomes wider. And player satisfaction from gameplay was apparently not part of the consideration. Heavy farmers will not mind, but most players are not in that category.

Overall, (as often with Anet), the general idea was good, but the actual implementation suffered due to messing up the details. Lot of finetuning and adjustments needed before this system becomes actually good.

Also (but that is my personal, and highly subjective opinion): Oh gods, please, do something about that ugly and crude web ui that got used for Vault. I die inside every time i have to look at it.

Let's now not forget when those objectives doesn't register as in defending a camp where you first chase away or kill enemy player, then resurrected Supervisor and there is a countdown  to repel and recap camp. Didn't count as defence achievement or at least Vault still had that as unfinished.

Too many of these objectives are depending on map status or what status World vs World or what type of player that are online when one need to finish up before reset of daily.

In the old system one could always do Vista, take two camps or kill and cap land (NPC), here we now have two WvW and two PvE when we want to be able to do both and PvE this time where Activity which where running around and collect things (Santum Sprint). Not really my cup of tea, so even in PvE there isn't much fun any more to do dailies. No opt out or choice to do things (or even automatically finish up as one play in game mode one like - like gather mats or just interact with a Vista when one already are in Dry Top when it is also on daily) and still keep to get the final reward feels too frustrating.

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It actually isn't that bad, or might not be bad with some massaging. To me it sucks a bit that I can't just run a single PvP match and consistently get 2/3 or 3/3 dailies in 10-15 minutes (assuming I were still playing the game). But the benefits do actually seem to have increased if you actually participate in the daily content.

There is a balancing to be had, and it really depends on what you are prioritizing.

If the aim was to ensure that only players who *participate* in content get daily rewards, then the system is successful. It shuts out the lazy multi-account logins and forces them to actually engage with the game to get any substantial benefit.

However, the tradeoff of this is that undoubtedly the participation in the game will fall off, because a lot of those multi-char/account players will take less interest in a game that rewards them for doing nothing more than logging in. I personally do not care about this; I think that sort of playstyle is kittenous, and I would rather GW2 hit maintenance mode than become an empty grind.

The way this is structure, albeit not perfect, is actually enough that I might play the game again. The other half of the problem remains to be seen, because I still abhor the direction class design has been going this year...

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People seem to have this weird idea that convenience or effortlessness is the intended purpose of a daily system when the purpose is actually to get players playing the game content every day. The fact that so many people are complaining that they now have to actually play the game for half an hour a day to get the daily is proof that the new system is working exactly as intended.

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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8 minutes ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

People seem to have this weird idea that convenience or effortlessness is the intended purpose of a daily system when the purpose is actually to get players playing the game content every day. The fact that so many people are complaining that they now have to actually play the game for half an hour a day to get the daily is proof that the new system is working exactly as intended.

For what its worth, my concerns with the new dailies are that they are less friendly to group play, they remove player choice, and they are (or have been for me so far) easier and less involved that the previous iteration of the system.

Dodge three attacks? 

Capture one camp (instead of two previously)

Kill five guards.

What used to be among the least effort dailies, killing guards, has now been the "hard" one.

My first set of dailies took less than a minute. That is hardly engaging and fun gameplay. 

Then there are weeklies that ask you to identify unid gear. 

So, now I have no option to choose the more interesting and engaging activities for my dailies.

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Besides the daily login items being gone, there's no real issues with the rewards themselves. The fact that I can get started on a Legendary with a precursor and premade Gifts alone makes this very rewarding. The one thing that makes no sense right now is why logging in doesn't give 10 AA, kinda pointless making that lower than the rest if its not gonna give us bonus items.

On the other hand, the activities we have to do are horrendous. What's worse is that everyone gets something different so you can't do em with others and everyone gets progress. The fact that you're also being forced into going to areas you might not be in story wise just makes it even more atrocious for people still going through content.

They could have literally kept the old quest rotations from the old Daily system and it would have been fine

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6 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

People seem to have this weird idea that convenience or effortlessness is the intended purpose of a daily system when the purpose is actually to get players playing the game content every day. The fact that so many people are complaining that they now have to actually play the game for half an hour a day to get the daily is proof that the new system is working exactly as intended.

It's not about getting the players playing the game content every day. It's about getting players playing specific content. The previous system allowed for more freedom of choice. I could play PvE most of the time, but decide to dip in WvW if i felt like it without issue. I could also skip a specific daily i didn't feel like doing and substitute it with a different one - again, even from modes i usually would not visit.

Let's look at it this way - the current situation is annoying for me, with my current average playtime of around 2-3 hours per day, 7 days a week (and me playing extensively a different variety of content), with the time i need to spend on daily/weekly/special activities being highly noticeable, and cutting into the content i'd rather prefer to play. And i am in top few percents of players playtime-wise. On efficiency, where the average is already significantly higher compared to the whole active playerbase. If that's the case, it's going to be far more impactful for pretty much everyone else.

Also, no, if the idea was to make players play the game every day, it's going to fail. Players will not suddenly get more free time they will be able to spend on GW2 just because Anet decided to change the system. If anything, it might get them to not even bother to login on days they do not have time to do full dailies. And it will definitely negatively impact players that played multiple types of content before - because the system is designed in such a way it heavily encourages to pick only a single mode for dailies/weeklies (that, and the removal of reward track potions from WvW and SPvP removes all the incentives from shallow dipping, pushing you into heavy engagement. Or no engagement at all.)

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19 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

because the system is designed in such a way it heavily encourages to pick only a single mode for dailies/weeklies

How so? I and many others have PvE and WvW selected and I am not going to change that because I spend time in both game modes. 

19 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

he removal of reward track potions from WvW and SPvP removes all the incentives from shallow dipping

They had to remove them, if they would put them in the vault you could earn them without even playing WvW or PvP. So the removal makes sense and was the right thing to do, besides that we now get more progress from the chests. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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28 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

How so? I and many others have PvE and WvW selected and I am not going to change that because I spend time in both game modes. 

Since it doesnt even have optional objectives like the weeklies, it basicly pray on your fear of getting something you really, really dont want.

As someone that spends like 90% of the time in WvW well I feel "forced" to pick WvW. Because I dont want to get that dreaded oh go do a PvE jumping puzzle that I have to do in order to complete the daily or go do that strike which I have to do in order to complete the daily.

Before, sometimes when I was really tired/lazy I could look at the dailies and choose. Go do a vista in PvE great only a couple of fast ones in WvW left chances are high at least some of them are quick that will get completed in normal play without stressing.

With the new system, that's impossible. A couple optional dailies would solve that problem enough and let me pick PvE + WvW for example, since then if I get another dreaded WvW objective - do kittening horrible obsidian sanctum - maybe I get to go see a vista in a PvE zone instead. And that would just be lovely. Even more optionals would let me pick sPvP + PvE + WvW. The ultimate selection would of course be the daily popping up with 3 WvW , 3 sPvP and 3 PvE objectives which would be completed and done when 3 in total is done - no gamemode choice even needed.

Whether it's bad design or not is up to you but honestly, I just dont like that aspect of dailies.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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People will learn the love the Wizards Vault once the kinks are worked out. Developers cannot see everything when they launch a system... but the amount of forum/reddit/social media armchair calculating formula driven optimization that is going on with the expansion is insane. Does this hurt people who have multiple accounts yes, but does ANet think getting their players to play the game and not just pick the 3 lowest hanging fruit to get their 2g and move on with their day is not productive. 

2 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

Math is right but also very wrong, you compare systems only with doing the dailies. Now compare both systems with purely log in rewards...and you will see the difference and thats what most people complain about, not actual rewards if doing the dailies.

The problem is, if you do the dailies in the old system, you got 2g plus "stuff", if you do them in Wizards Vault... you get some "stuff" (I am not precise) but you also get currency to buy the things that appear in the login reward, or wait for something better. You go from "We give you stuff on a schedule" to "We let you get currency and you can play when you want and buy what you want whenever you want."

Why should Arenanet support a system where someone goes "I cannot play today, but I must log in, click a button, and log out." that is "unproductive activity" and they want to let people play on their own schedule, not because if you miss a day it just disappears. If you only have one session a week, do the dailies... do the weeklies, and start on the seasonals and you come out farther ahead than someone who just logged in 7 days and played for <5m.

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