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I'm lost - what do people want from GW2?


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And none of it could even be considered grind. 

Tiktok Generation.  👀

They don't have the attention span to play games anymore. 

I have to play the game beyond surface level to get rewards? 😡😡😡😡😡


I bought the expack, so why do I need to play the game to get the best loot???? 

WTF 😡😡😡😡😡😡


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Using one of your examples, gift of battle, this is obtainable only through WvW. Now a player like myself who is terrible in any form of PvP goes in and starts ruining it for people who actually are good and want to do well in WvW. So while I'm understanding they want players to go in different game modes, when they only do it for one item. It can be frustrating for everyone. I don't mind the effort, but I do mind dragging everyone else down with me...

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2 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Using one of your examples, gift of battle, this is obtainable only through WvW. Now a player like myself who is terrible in any form of PvP goes in and starts ruining it for people who actually are good and want to do well in WvW. So while I'm understanding they want players to go in different game modes, when they only do it for one item. It can be frustrating for everyone. I don't mind the effort, but I do mind dragging everyone else down with me...

What is it you think you would do in WvW that would ruin anyone else's experience?
Is there a risk that when I play PvE I will ruin it for you?

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17 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Using one of your examples, gift of battle, this is obtainable only through WvW. Now a player like myself who is terrible in any form of PvP goes in and starts ruining it for people who actually are good and want to do well in WvW. So while I'm understanding they want players to go in different game modes, when they only do it for one item. It can be frustrating for everyone. I don't mind the effort, but I do mind dragging everyone else down with me...

I'm not a fan of pvp either but your comments about WvW sound like you haven't played it. I'm not sure you can drag other players down. I haven't been there since before the expansion but I heard they reduced the reward track experience so you can actually earn a GoB quicker than before - either way, it would only take you about 8 hours (iirc) of barely participating in pvp in WvW to earn a GoB. It's really not "that" bad

Edited by Jianyu.7065
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I've seen so many posts throughout the existence of this game complaining about things being too difficult (not counting physical handicaps here). Maybe that's made me jaded but I can't see anything positive in these posts anymore. It's the people who want a participation trophy for just being in the game, people who want the jackpot just for buying a lottery ticket, the TikTok generation expecting everything be handed to them. I don't see it as anything else but pure entitlement anymore. It doesn't help that the arguments these people present (if any at all) either point to a case of cognitive dissonance or a complete misunderstanding of how things work. Or they are completely based on personal experience and therefore have no bearing on anyone else or the game itself, for that matter. Another thing I don't understand is this "Why force people to..." complaint. It's a freaking game. Nobody is forcing you to do anything in game, or even play the game, except yourself. I read these complaints and seriously wonder why those people are even still here. If I shared their opinion I would have quit the game a long time ago. There are always more fish in the sea. No game is worth the frustration over every little thing they don't like, but they still torment themselves with it and then lay the blame at other people's feet. I wish they'd just take a good look in the mirror before they post their drivel, but that would imply a measure of self-awareness they often seem to lack.

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41 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

personally i want more fun endless tonics, open world content, dungeons like the classic ones we had at release,

more armour sets (i like skimpy armours but variety is good, so give us a mix!) preferably available in game as either drops, rewards or just sold by a vendor.

I, for one, can certainly get behind there being more dungeons. Mini dungeons, while a good idea on paper, are not fun when there are many players in them. There should be one dungeon in every zone themed around that zone or the meta in that zone.

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43 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

What is it you think you would do in WvW that would ruin anyone else's experience?
Is there a risk that when I play PvE I will ruin it for you?

When I have been in WvW to get gift of battle, I have seen people in map chat complain about "PvE plebs not knowing what they are doing. They should stick to PvE" a few times. I am not saying this makes PvE players ruin anyone's experience, but it could make PvE players who are not experienced in the game mode question what they are doing wrong. And assume they do infact ruin something for the WvW players. I don't think I am ruining other players experience, but I do know I am a walking one hit wonder lootbag for the enemies we have. I'm one of the ambient creature of WvW! Wether kills apply to the server point or what it is, I do not know. If so, I do indeed drag my team down 😅

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An important thing to remember is that the ppls who are happily playing the game don't come to the forums to complain about it . . .

Of those that do, I think the common theme is that ppls want to feel like they are making progress, and, importantly, that they are making progress at an above average rate. So they want the warclaw now bc they see other ppls on it and feel like they're behind, they want their leggy armor now bc ppls who play other modes already have theirs, etc. It's not rational, but I think it's a pretty natural part of the human psyche . . .

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1 hour ago, costepj.5120 said:

What is it you think you would do in WvW that would ruin anyone else's experience?
Is there a risk that when I play PvE I will ruin it for you?

Remember all the hate directed at the Dragon's End fishers from the players trying to do DE meta in the first month of EoD expansion? Now, consider how bad it would have been if only one instance of DE could exist, and everyone not able to fit on it would have to queue.

Therein lies your answer.

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Queuing is a fact of life in WvW. Having said that, I'm on a T1 server (supposedly high WvW population) and there's few hours in the week when all borders have a queue. Hating someone because you can't join a map is a very abstract thing; you might be frustrated at not being able to join your guildies occasionally, but there's no way to direct that at anyone in game.

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What do people want? Everything and its opposite
It probably wouldnt be this nebulous if gw2's direction that a bit more defined than a vague "casual friendly". Some take that term as "you can afk for years and come back, your stuff won't be obselete". Others will say it means they can press 1 during a meta,  afk because their kid is crying, and come back to a victory screen.  Community is fragmented in content they play and opinions.

Also lol at the couple tiktok mentions,  got a nice "old man yells at cloud" vibe. Why would kids have any interest in a low-ish popularity, aging game, with the average player being twice or thrice older than they are

Edited by Taclism.2406
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1 hour ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

I've seen so many posts throughout the existence of this game complaining about things being too difficult (not counting physical handicaps here). Maybe that's made me jaded but I can't see anything positive in these posts anymore. It's the people who want a participation trophy for just being in the game, people who want the jackpot just for buying a lottery ticket, the TikTok generation expecting everything be handed to them. I don't see it as anything else but pure entitlement anymore. It doesn't help that the arguments these people present (if any at all) either point to a case of cognitive dissonance or a complete misunderstanding of how things work. Or they are completely based on personal experience and therefore have no bearing on anyone else or the game itself, for that matter. Another thing I don't understand is this "Why force people to..." complaint. It's a freaking game. Nobody is forcing you to do anything in game, or even play the game, except yourself. I read these complaints and seriously wonder why those people are even still here. If I shared their opinion I would have quit the game a long time ago. There are always more fish in the sea. No game is worth the frustration over every little thing they don't like, but they still torment themselves with it and then lay the blame at other people's feet. I wish they'd just take a good look in the mirror before they post their drivel, but that would imply a measure of self-awareness they often seem to lack.

My God. So much this. Can I quote this to any entitled whining I find? Pretty please! xddd

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9 minutes ago, Padrion.7382 said:

I don't get it either: legendaries are not needed for anything else but to show off. And if they are easy to obtain you can't really show them off anymore...

Existence of WvW and SPvP legendary armor sets (which don't have any unique skins and as such cannot be used to show off), and the fact that at least some players go for them show that your base assumption is flawed.

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I understand the want and need to implement legendary armour into pve as alternative game mode but yeah the idea was that it would come with a greater material and time cost.  Though this attitude of wanting instant satisfaction/reward or not wanting to put the effort into what is required has also been present it seems to be more noticeable these days.

Edited by Dibit.6259
Posted before I had finished writing
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