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So is world restructuring happening aNet?


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I'm trying very hard to not sound overly cynical and jaded when I say this but:

Why would they start giving proper ETA's and stick to them now? They haven't done so for WvW for so many years I've forgotten the last time they did. And the very few times they've even hinted at any ETA's during those years they've been WAY off. So at this point why bother? And even if they did say an ETA, why would anyone believe in that?

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2 hours ago, Swamurabi.7890 said:

You'll only hear from Anet about WR if it's done, usually about a month ahead of release, OR you'll hear that they scrapped it, usually about 2-3 years afterwards.

This. We'll probably get radio silence, for however months, until the feature is pushed out 'early'.

It took them months to tell us there would be no more Betas , which was promised back in June and that the Lead WvW Dev left the company in May. So we're stuck with several more Server Linking cycles, to cope with.

Edited by CrimsonNeon.6712
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26 minutes ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

ok, so you want an unfinished feature that's half functional? there are a lot of games that had a failed release because of that.

At this point, anything is better than the severely un-balanced server populations & constant dead content.

Yes, mix it all up. Make it completely random - as I said, at this point any chance is better than nothing.

Servers are either over stacked, or dead.. There is no inbetween.

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On 10/16/2023 at 1:39 PM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Please don't rush them, I rather they make it perfect before launching it, otherwise just leave it as it is.
Do not go into perma beta phase without alliance UI I seriously do not want to lose any of my guilds over it 
thank you.

Make it perfect?


Have you seen the patches post any update? Completely unrelated things from any update being fixed; stuff that's worked for 10 years... suddenly was broken. 

Just hope that whatever is one day maybe possibly happening with WVW, that it doesn't somehow legally rename you, change your Netflix recommended list and have your car repossessed... even though it was never bought one on credit. 

Would say "joking aside..." but that'd be optimistic 😄

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6 hours ago, Chips.7968 said:

Make it perfect?


Have you seen the patches post any update? Completely unrelated things from any update being fixed; stuff that's worked for 10 years... suddenly was broken. 

Just hope that whatever is one day maybe possibly happening with WVW, that it doesn't somehow legally rename you, change your Netflix recommended list and have your car repossessed... even though it was never bought one on credit. 

Would say "joking aside..." but that'd be optimistic 😄

The difference between me and I guess most people who post here, is, I DO NOT READ THE PATCH NOTES ever, not once, non of my business those notes, that is the Dev's business, my business is playing the game with the players I like most on the server I love most, I do not want to be separated from them if world restructuring cannot keep both my beloved guilds together, it is best they do not launched it half-baked, I do not want to handle anything half baked, I do not know how to make a game, I trust Anet to do it as they are 99% better at it than me. Even though sometime, I have excellent ideas, this is what this forum is for to make the game better for me, and to prevent other players from making it worse. Although lately I do not think I want to give any ideas cos I am Kinda RUDE.

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22 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

The difference between me and I guess most people who post here, is, I DO NOT READ THE PATCH NOTES ever, not once, non of my business those notes, that is the Dev's business, my business is playing the game with the players I like most on the server I love most, I do not want to be separated from them if world restructuring cannot keep both my beloved guilds together, it is best they do not launched it half-baked, I do not want to handle anything half baked, I do not know how to make a game, I trust Anet to do it as they are 99% better at it than me. Even though sometime, I have excellent ideas, this is what this forum is for to make the game better for me, and to prevent other players from making it worse. Although lately I do not think I want to give any ideas cos I am Kinda RUDE.

Well, you mention it being rude, so let me be equally blunt to give you as direct a reply as is possible.

  • The two guilds you love are highly unlikely to together surpass 500 players who want to play WvW together
  • The two guilds can make a third guild together and then all your problems are solved come WR - that goes whether each is WvW-only or PvX
  • If the two guilds have not yet decided to make a third guild together it is up to you to convince them to do so
  • If you are not in a postion to do so - as you are no leader or have no influence over either guild - your opinion does not matter - it's someone else's guild, not yours
  • If you or those guilds are not prepared to (temporarily) devote an additional guild slot to play together, you/they are not committed enough to stay together
  • You/they are then also not committed enough to have an opinion on the matter (at least not an equally valuable one to those who are prepared to commit)
  • The people who have spent years scattered or paying to stay together should not have to suffer those not committed enough to use the free, new options available

It isn't more complicated than that.

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Ngl though, the State of the EU side is quite sad.

Some servers are too stacked with Guilds, Leads and even pugs for not that much 'Fight' content for everyone, because the servers they could be fighting against with that kind of content, are climbing up, due to an increase in their Active population, as it's the end of the summer.

Then on the PPT side, at least FoW and Gandara are quite even rn, RoS/GH is way more active and headed for a couple of weeks in T1 perhaps, but FSP will drop to T5 once again, after 4 months of no Link. I even moved one of my Alts and it was a waste of gems to end up with queues even there, for the content they had.

Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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1 hour ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

Well, you mention it being rude, so let me be equally blunt to give you as direct a reply as is possible.

  • The two guilds you love are highly unlikely to together surpass 500 players who want to play WvW together
  • The two guilds can make a third guild together and then all your problems are solved come WR - that goes whether each is WvW-only or PvX
  • If the two guilds have not yet decided to make a third guild together it is up to you to convince them to do so
  • If you are not in a postion to do so - as you are no leader or have no influence over either guild - your opinion does not matter - it's someone else's guild, not yours
  • If you or those guilds are not prepared to (temporarily) devote an additional guild slot to play together, you/they are not committed enough to stay together
  • You/they are then also not committed enough to have an opinion on the matter (at least not an equally valuable one to those who are prepared to commit)
  • The people who have spent years scattered or paying to stay together should not have to suffer those not committed enough to use the free, new options available

It isn't more complicated than that.

I have been labelled RUDE by people , I sure hope my post wasn't RUDE, because I am not RUDE and NEVER have been RUDE.
No one, literally no one has empty guild slots. The fact that I cannot leave either one of the 2 (actually 3)  guilds is layout below.
I have my own guild with lots of bank spaces which I am not going to leave, one PvE guild who are so kind to me and one of the member port me step by step all the way to the Chalice of Tears, I sure am not going to leave them, 3 WvW guilds all of which I run with at different time of the day. There is literally no adjustment available. 


EDIT:  all 3 WvW Guilds has agreed to be ally. These are players who play with everyday for over many years.  Do  not split us up.

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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49 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:


+1; going ahead with world restructuring and no alliance UI is disaster.

But I thought they'd release world restructuring today actually, with the Halloween patch as it gives time to test it prior to the 'real' holidays in Thanksgiving / Christmas---but pretty glad they didn't.  

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7 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

If you are not in a postion to do so - as you are no leader or have no influence over either guild - your opinion does not matter

rather confusing than what you wrote. and I try to share with you my thoughts on this topic. If my gaming experience of a few years has led me to participate in the content during my free time with two different guilds, we are still talking about my personal gaming experience. the other players or leaders of guild A or guild B don't care at all, they don't even know each other. what weird logic are you using to say that just join guild A with Guild B. they could play on 2 different servers and in two different time slots, which coincide with my free time in wvw. Not everyone else's.

p.s. Often our beliefs or prejudices blind us to even the most obvious or trivial things. Yet we don't see them (myself included) because we are clouded by our beliefs. ✌️

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5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

+1; going ahead with world restructuring and no alliance UI is disaster.

But I thought they'd release world restructuring today actually, with the Halloween patch as it gives time to test it prior to the 'real' holidays in Thanksgiving / Christmas---but pretty glad they didn't.  

I agree, I not sure I agree releasing WR without Alliances is a good idea. It just aids the larger guilds and requires groups to merge versus join which is not the same.

What gave you the impression it might be with the Event release though?

Edit: I think they stated no tests to Alliances this year to address the prior posts saying there would be. That doesn't remove coding options or tests to the bigger WR project, just means no advancement in the Alliance logic. Note: I might be wrong. 

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9 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

what weird logic are you using to say that just join guild A with Guild B. they could play on 2 different servers and in two different time slots

If the two guilds are on different servers then a player would have to be using alts to be playing with both?  In which case you can still play with both after WR.

I am curious how complicated difficult it is for Guild A and Guild B, currently on the same server, to start a new guild, Guild C which both their guild members can join.  Guild members in both A and B with no free guild slots would have to leave one of A and B, but presumably could join again should too much drama happen in C and they want to leave.

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19 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

one PvE guild who are so kind to me and one of the member port me step by step all the way to the Chalice of Tears, I sure am not going to leave them

So everyone else in WvW need to keep dealing with full servers, 2:1 population matchups and paid transfers because you don't want to leave your jumping-puzzle guild?

That sounds like both a reasonable and compelling argument. I'm sure they can hold off on WR a little bit just for that.

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On 10/19/2023 at 5:57 AM, subversiontwo.7501 said:

So everyone else in WvW need to keep dealing with full servers, 2:1 population matchups and paid transfers because you don't want to leave your jumping-puzzle guild?

That sounds like both a reasonable and compelling argument. I'm sure they can hold off on WR a little bit just for that.

WvW has always been a 2 to 1 population, it's 2 servers against one, what you even talking about. If you can't handle 2 vs 1 now, how will you handle 2 vs 1 after WR? 

Don't start churning out incomplete project, Anet, you have never done that. Don't start now, it will be a disaster. Please and Thank you.

PS: did you think every one else should have their game world destroyed cos you want a half-baked WR? 

Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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