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Esports in gw2


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Will esports ever return again?

I know it has been years since gw2 had esports (2016) but considering the restructuring with the new and upcoming changes in WvW and PvP as well as the increased player base, I could imagine esports entering gw2 again.

What do you think?

Edit: thanks for the responses! I was curious how others feel about this and it makes sense from the responses that esports would not be a very viable/good option for gw2:) 

Edited by Heni.7690
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GW2 discussion and the arguable size of its pvp/wvw playerbase increase aside , not everything needs to be esports

Hell, esport's financial bubble has popped recently and isnt going anywhere soon. Stuff like the post pandemic recession; shady sponsors; blizzard stealing hundreds of mils from VC while failing to make an overwatch league (edit : or sequel lol); and the lack of a sustainable economic model (since everything is expected to be free to spectate) have caused / is still causing a big part of the scene to shut down. eg Faze was evaluated at 1bil just a year ago, and sold for a mere 17mil this month.

From what you can see in the industry, esports rhymes with financial suicide unless it comes with a skin casino

Edited by Taclism.2406
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Not with the current state of sPvP. sPvP seems to get very little attention of the studio. After all these years we still only got Conquest and a beta version of Stronghold.
While sPvP is okay as it is, it remains a niche game mode in comparison to the rest of GW2.

GW1 has much better and broader sPvP support. So, a revival of e-sports would suit the old CORPG better. But we all know that the GW1 player base is a shadow of what it once was.

WvW could be a nice target for researching if an organized tournament with first-class commanders and live streams could be feasible or not.

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Personally I'm not interested in watching others play GW2, I'd rather play it myself. If others are into it and if it helps GW2 survive, I wouldn't object though.

EDIT: Hmm, I've never paid any attention to esports myself but from what other folks are saying here, it does seem like this is no longer a particularly viable option at this point.

Edited by Chichimec.9364
Edited to reflect what other posters are saying...
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3 hours ago, Heni.7690 said:

Will esports ever return again?

I know it has been years since gw2 had esports (2016...) but considering the restructuring with the new and upcoming changes in WvW and PvP as well as the increased player base, I could imagine esports entering gw2 again. Personally, I would love to see some professionally organised esports on Twitch again!

What do you think?

That ship has sailed, my friend. It is far and away, no longer visible on the horizon and ANet doesn't have the resources to run their own.

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Esport and MMORPG in general never goes well together. Mainly because it's a visual mess and it's very hard to newcomers to just jump in and watch, get a grasp of what's going on. It's not even specific to GW2. WoW have the exact same problem with their Arena. Only people already actively invested in the game mode can understand what's going on. There's not a lot of space for casual to enjoy it.

Then you add the inability of Anet to do anything with the PvP games mode ... Well 0.1% to see something done with Esport.

Edited by Peanutiz.9146
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12 hours ago, Heni.7690 said:

Will esports ever return again?

I know it has been years since gw2 had esports (2016...) but considering the restructuring with the new and upcoming changes in WvW and PvP as well as the increased player base, I could imagine esports entering gw2 again. Personally, I would love to see some professionally organised esports on Twitch again!

What do you think?




different source quote

"It wasnt the playerbase it was Anet themselves who werent ready to enter esports. The game was designed poorly for esports from the start and had less than half the resources needed to even think about entering esport level gameplay.

Capture the point isnt a great mode for esports because the game doesnt have clear stages of progression where tactics and gameplay change, meaning the mode gets stale very fast. Example: ALL the game is, is fighting on points. It never changes. Compared to LOL or DOTA where you have 3 clear stages, laning, grouping and final push which gives 3 varieties of stragety which can be played around making it much more interesting and varied.

GW2 as an MMO has FAR too many skills and most of these skills are too spammable to be watchable. Almost all epsorts are limited to 5-6 skills (or weapons) as its difficult for spectators, especially those unfamiliar with the game to follow plays that involve chaining endless skills and it loses the wow outplay factor. Keeping it simple makes it clear when a player uses what few tools they have well, and when they use them poorly.

Visual clutter is bad and has only gotten worse.

The game launched without a functioning ladder or league system...Im pretty sure it took them 6+ months to get that working...I mean cmon..

Balancing is done only once every 3 months and often doesnt fix major issues. This is unacceptable for any competitive game. Bimonthly is the industry standard for any game that wants to be part of the esports scene."


dfferent source quote

"ESL closing its GW2 section partway through that period, extremely infrequent and ill-thought balance changes, frustratingly long gaps between League seasons, and problems the Leagues themselves (eg. problematic matchmaking, an exploitable progression system, pip gain being more dependent on number of matches played than on win ratio), all contributed to this bad feeling in the community and the constant bleeding of players."

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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11 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

3 posts?

Do me a favor, go back to WoW with this crap.

"esports" have no place here, THANKFULLY.

Forum post counts have absolutely nothing to do with someone's experience with the game. It doesn't even tell you anything meaningful about their activity on the forum; it can't tell you whether their posts are meaningful or add anything to discussions. According to one of the OPs other posts they have more experience with end-game GW2 than I do. (Possibly because they only post when they have a problem to report and spend more time playing.)

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Given that there are certain games whose entire focus is on competitive play (which translates into esports), it is hard to see how GW2 can really match that when it focuses on so many different things, and the apparent team size for competitive play is quite small.

And many of the top competitive games were designed from the ground up with that in mind, where GW2 primary design seemed to be on OW content.


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