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Feedback about money and gold

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HoT and PoF where worth the 100 euro to me. But i want more. It would be more fair if they make gems cheaper. So you can HAVE more for the same money. Sure they want money. But sales wont work, because. Last time they had a sale for 25% off the gold to gems price increased by exactly 25%. That means. There is no sale, except for ppl who buy gems with cash. Or ppl who already had gems. Or rich players with lots of gold. 

I have an good idea. Now, for 2k gems you pay 25 euro and dont get much for it. 1 mount skin and a bag slot. And your 25 euro is gone. 
they better tweak prices. EVERYTHING IRL gets expensive. So if anet is smart they give more gems for your money. 

if they would give me 5000 gems for 25 euro, 2500 gems for 15 euro, 8000 for 35 euro and 12000 for 50 euro. i am sure ppl are going to buy more gems. Then its actually worth it and fair. Then you can get some nice upgrades and skins. And anet earns more money. This is better then a sale because a sale is not for everyone. And then it end up by ppl pay nothing because its too expensive for what you get. 

and ingame gems would get cheaper for those who dont have money irl. AND PLAYERS WHO HAVE MUCH GOLD should be unable to pay gems with gold. This would also be a good idea. To make the game fair for everyone. Players with a high account value and a huge wallet should not be able to buy much gems. Just a cap of 2k gems a week or something. This is more fair because its the poor ppl that keep anet alive. Rich ppl with lots of gold never have to use their wallet. Only for expansions. BUT everyone wants a healthy game. So why must only the poor players spend money on the game? Unfair to me. 

thats what i think. The current prices are crazy and ridiculous. Just for virtual items. Imagine a bag slot. 5 EURO each. a character slot. 10 euro each. 

sure you can stick with old prices and see how it goes. But sometimes things change. The prices in the world changed, so why not ingame. Ppl have prioritys to spend their money on. (Only the very rich or the very addicted ppl will accept the prices) And food is better then virtual items. So imo it would be a smart move to GIVE more for the same money. You have nothing to lose. Its already created the virtual skins. I would say. Test it out.  

looks like a win - win situation to me. 

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It’s to offset the fact that everything can be bought with gold to gems. If there was no conversion, item prices would be lower.

Whilst I agree everything is more expensive than I’d prefer, the current system has worked incredibly well for them over 11 years and they have access to sales data that we do not. 

tldr: it currently works

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this model seems to be the best. this is the only buy to play or freemium or p2w style game ive seen that does not have insane inflation


i just got this game on steam and i was surprised to see most mats were only costing some silvers.

if this was warcraft retail, one mithril ingot would cost 800 gold.

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Yep, the prices in the real world have changed. You're right, of course. They've changed for you. They've changed for me. And guessing they probably changed for Anet too. Electricity has probably gone up for them. Are they still playing the same rent? Salaries are undoubtedly higher than they were. Are we saying that they're going to be paying voice actors less. 

Your suggestion that Anet lower their prices because people don't have money, doesn't necessarily mean Anet will make more money. They might very well make less money. And that means that their bills won't be paid either. Inflation is happening all over the world. At least, here in Australia everything seems to be going up.  I'm not sure why you'd think that when everything is going up, it's good business to start lowering prices, if you have to live in the real world as well.

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1 hour ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:


HoT and PoF where worth the 100 euro to me. But i want more. It would be more fair if they make gems cheaper. So you can HAVE more for the same money. Sure they want money. But sales wont work, because. Last time they had a sale for 25% off the gold to gems price increased by exactly 25%. That means. There is no sale, except for ppl who buy gems with cash. Or ppl who already had gems. Or rich players with lots of gold. 

I have an good idea. Now, for 2k gems you pay 25 euro and dont get much for it. 1 mount skin and a bag slot. And your 25 euro is gone. 
they better tweak prices. EVERYTHING IRL gets expensive. So if anet is smart they give more gems for your money. 

if they would give me 5000 gems for 25 euro, 2500 gems for 15 euro, 8000 for 35 euro and 12000 for 50 euro. i am sure ppl are going to buy more gems. Then its actually worth it and fair. Then you can get some nice upgrades and skins. And anet earns more money. This is better then a sale because a sale is not for everyone. And then it end up by ppl pay nothing because its too expensive for what you get. 

and ingame gems would get cheaper for those who dont have money irl. AND PLAYERS WHO HAVE MUCH GOLD should be unable to pay gems with gold. This would also be a good idea. To make the game fair for everyone. Players with a high account value and a huge wallet should not be able to buy much gems. Just a cap of 2k gems a week or something. This is more fair because its the poor ppl that keep anet alive. Rich ppl with lots of gold never have to use their wallet. Only for expansions. BUT everyone wants a healthy game. So why must only the poor players spend money on the game? Unfair to me. 

thats what i think. The current prices are crazy and ridiculous. Just for virtual items. Imagine a bag slot. 5 EURO each. a character slot. 10 euro each. 

sure you can stick with old prices and see how it goes. But sometimes things change. The prices in the world changed, so why not ingame. Ppl have prioritys to spend their money on. (Only the very rich or the very addicted ppl will accept the prices) And food is better then virtual items. So imo it would be a smart move to GIVE more for the same money. You have nothing to lose. Its already created the virtual skins. I would say. Test it out.  

looks like a win - win situation to me. 

And this is what your post looks like on my screen: https://i.imgur.com/ZfFVvaA.jpg

When will people finally learn not to preformat text when they post on a forum? There is a reason why the forum has an integrated editor. Your preformatting (dark grey text, small font size) has rendered your post illegible to me and everyone else who uses the dark forum theme.

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Ah i made this post on another topic on this forum and then copied it to a note on iphone and from there i copied it back on a new topic. And yes i use smallest letters. 

but i think i have to stay away from the game. I have money. But i wont spend it on a game that gives nothing in return. If i play endless metas for junk loot. And btw yes mats are cheap. Thats what bothers me. You cant make nice gold without no life grinding. 

i am still searching for a new hobby(nice game) best is a game without much progress. 
i wish i could borrow legendary armor for a few months and just know what it would be and play/test some builds and then i got all i wanted to experience. I still hate that i had no chance to finish raid collection 2. Worked my a55 of for collection one. 
and i also hate that the years i played since 2016 i havent got a single item worth over 1k gold. While every time i see new expensive worth 10k gold items on the trading post. And me. I get only junk loot. Feels like a middlefinger to me for the money i have spend those years. If i think about their greed, makes me furious. 

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Yeah but if everyone got those expensive items, they wouldn’t be worth 1k, or 10k

I take issue with it giving nothing back. I’ve got 11k hours out of it and even during the worst of times, I’ve always gained through achievements, crafted items, selling mats and ultimately fun times. And I’ve never got a single drop worth more than 300g. Everything I got I bought off the tp or I worked for.

I mean it’s just a video game and if you aren’t getting fun out of it, then it’s fine. It happens. Not every game works for everyone

But I’m baffled why you are getting “furious” at perceived greed. They are a business you would expect them to charge what they know people will pay. Other than that, I’m not really seeing them being “greedy”. Better it have high gemstore prices than a subscription. That would be feel like greed I assure you.

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26 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

But i think i have to stay away from the game. I have money. But i wont spend it on a game that gives nothing in return. If i play endless metas for junk loot.

The most rewarding game mode in GW2 is Fractals. If more content would provide such nice loot results, more people would be inclined to play it. Grinding for low amounts of x currency/materials is indeed the most unfun activity in an MMO.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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10 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Yeah but if everyone got those expensive items, they wouldn’t be worth 1k, or 10k

I take issue with it giving nothing back. I’ve got 11k hours out of it and even during the worst of times, I’ve always gained through achievements, crafted items, selling mats and ultimately fun times. And I’ve never got a single drop worth more than 300g. Everything I got I bought off the tp or I worked for.

I mean it’s just a video game and if you aren’t getting fun out of it, then it’s fine. It happens. Not every game works for everyone

But I’m baffled why you are getting “furious” at perceived greed. They are a business you would expect them to charge what they know people will pay. Other than that, I’m not really seeing them being “greedy”. Better it have high gemstore prices than a subscription. That would be feel like greed I assure you.

Its unfair. If you look around ingame you see ppl with expensive infusions. Some have many of them. When i was on facebook there came some ppl that got an chak egg. Someone got 2x a perma contract from a few chests. And i have never been rewarded enough. Some guildy has over 100k and can buy everything. And i work my kitten off for a bit of gold. 

it would be the same when driving your bugatti all day every day through a slum while those ppl have nothing. But this is the most crazy example. 


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So your solution is to punish the players who have lots of gold and discount it for the perceived poor players.  How do you know the rich player hasn't saved for 11 years so they can buy that infusion or living world season, or the poor player is that way because they continuously spend and gamble it on black lion chests?  How do you distinguish between someone who had a lucky drop and sold it vs. someone who swiped a card?  

Play the game for fun.  If it's not fun, why do you play.  Compared to price of groceries, the game is really cheap.  


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1 minute ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Its unfair. If you look around ingame you see ppl with expensive infusions. Some have many of them. When i was on facebook there came some ppl that got an chak egg. Someone got 2x a perma contract from a few chests. And i have never been rewarded enough. Some guildy has over 100k and can buy everything. And i work my kitten off for a bit of gold. 

it would be the same when driving your bugatti all day every day through a slum while those ppl have nothing. But this is the most crazy example. 


It’s incredibly rare to see infusions (thankfully), but they wouldn’t be rare or expensive if everyone got them and it wouldn’t feel like a reward anymore.

Then complaints would be onto a different item. Also, some people tend to lie about their drops using fake chat codes etc in order to wind other players up.
There is an argument that there could be guaranteed stop after say 100 attempts, but then it mean lower value and less prestige - two things you seem to want here. 

One of the reasons they added the Wizards Vault was to improve rewards and improve gold acquisition. I’ve gained hundreds of gold since Soto spellings mats, buying gold as daily/weekly rewards and running various metas/strikes.

Some people also get gold by playing the trading post and generating thousands by flipping even the most basic goods over and over. I couldn’t think of anything more dull, but it gets them tens of thousands of gold over time. Some people just buy gems with their credit card and hoard gold.

We have got a lot of content for a very low price since 2012. The game is nowhere near perfect, but I value the fun I get out of it more than the loot. If I want a pretty item, to be honest I’ll just sell everything I gain from metas and quickly build up gold and buy it.

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It's been many months - how have you still not figured out how expensive drops work. They are expensive because they don't drop often. This is turning into yet another "I wish I could win the lottery" thread. Congrats, don't we all - the amount of money you've spent on the game doesn't make a difference, and it shouldn't.

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1 minute ago, SuavePuppy.2809 said:

It's been many months - how have you still not figured out how expensive drops work. They are expensive because they don't drop often. This is turning into yet another "I wish I could win the lottery" thread. Congrats, don't we all - the amount of money you've spent on the game doesn't make a difference, and it shouldn't.

I understand it. But they seem to be a mythe. Its just greed. I wont accept it. 

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1 hour ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

I understand it. But they seem to be a mythe. Its just greed. I wont accept it. 

You might question the design decision that made rare drops.  But if you are upset that some people can get rare drops when you don't get them, keep in mind that they are desirable and valuable precisely because of that low drop rate.  If they dropped like sand grains on a beach, you wouldn't be all that excited about having them, right?  Which means that yes, some people just won't ever get one.  I've been playing almost nonstop since the 2012 launch.  The only infusion I've ever had drop is one or two of the ones from Halloween that go for under 30 gold.  I opened a ton of bl chests during the years I was saving for a permanent hair stylist, and yep, ended up paying my 1700 gold or so for it on a bid because nothing that valuable ever dropped for me.  I've had maybe three precursor drops in all that time, all of them under 50 gold in value at the time they dropped (I know I had the mace drop twice, I forget what the other was).

Meanwhile a guildie got his permanent bank express in the last year just a few months after he joined the game.  Did I grumble at his fortune? Nope, I was very happy for him and remain happy for him whenever he mentions the joy of using it.

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18 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

and ingame gems would get cheaper for those who dont have money irl. AND PLAYERS WHO HAVE MUCH GOLD should be unable to pay gems with gold. This would also be a good idea. To make the game fair for everyone. Players with a high account value and a huge wallet should not be able to buy much gems. Just a cap of 2k gems a week or something. This is more fair because its the poor ppl that keep anet alive. Rich ppl with lots of gold never have to use their wallet. Only for expansions. BUT everyone wants a healthy game. So why must only the poor players spend money on the game? Unfair to me.

I think you misunderstand how gem conversion works. The gems that the players with lots of gold buy have to come from somewhere, they are sold by the players with a lot of real world cash. The whole system is designed to reduce real money trading, and Anet gets to pocket that cash.


  • The exchange has a supply of both Gems and Gold. When you trade to the exchange you influence the supply of each. The exchange rate is relative to current supply of each. The price changes geometrically as one pool empties creating a better exchange rate for the low supplied currency.

If you were to artificially limit the amount of gems players could purchase with gold you would completely break the exchange. The amount of gems being sold for gold would bottom out the market price, as the number of gems leaving the exchange would be limited while the amount of gems being sold into it would not.

Edited by Remus Darkblight.1673
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17 hours ago, SuavePuppy.2809 said:

It's been many months - how have you still not figured out how expensive drops work. They are expensive because they don't drop often. This is turning into yet another "I wish I could win the lottery" thread. Congrats, don't we all - the amount of money you've spent on the game doesn't make a difference, and it shouldn't.

Ahh, see? Because I couldn't read the OP, I wasn't even aware of the exact issue. I thought this was about unrewarding PvE content in terms of making gold.

Of course rare stuff should remain rare, otherwise what's the point, right? 😉

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22 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:


HoT and PoF where worth the 100 euro to me. But i want more. It would be more fair if they make gems cheaper. So you can HAVE more for the same money. Sure they want money. But sales wont work, because. Last time they had a sale for 25% off the gold to gems price increased by exactly 25%. That means. There is no sale, except for ppl who buy gems with cash. Or ppl who already had gems. Or rich players with lots of gold. 

I have an good idea. Now, for 2k gems you pay 25 euro and dont get much for it. 1 mount skin and a bag slot. And your 25 euro is gone. 
they better tweak prices. EVERYTHING IRL gets expensive. So if anet is smart they give more gems for your money. 

if they would give me 5000 gems for 25 euro, 2500 gems for 15 euro, 8000 for 35 euro and 12000 for 50 euro. i am sure ppl are going to buy more gems. Then its actually worth it and fair. Then you can get some nice upgrades and skins. And anet earns more money. This is better then a sale because a sale is not for everyone. And then it end up by ppl pay nothing because its too expensive for what you get. 

and ingame gems would get cheaper for those who dont have money irl. AND PLAYERS WHO HAVE MUCH GOLD should be unable to pay gems with gold. This would also be a good idea. To make the game fair for everyone. Players with a high account value and a huge wallet should not be able to buy much gems. Just a cap of 2k gems a week or something. This is more fair because its the poor ppl that keep anet alive. Rich ppl with lots of gold never have to use their wallet. Only for expansions. BUT everyone wants a healthy game. So why must only the poor players spend money on the game? Unfair to me. 

thats what i think. The current prices are crazy and ridiculous. Just for virtual items. Imagine a bag slot. 5 EURO each. a character slot. 10 euro each. 

sure you can stick with old prices and see how it goes. But sometimes things change. The prices in the world changed, so why not ingame. Ppl have prioritys to spend their money on. (Only the very rich or the very addicted ppl will accept the prices) And food is better then virtual items. So imo it would be a smart move to GIVE more for the same money. You have nothing to lose. Its already created the virtual skins. I would say. Test it out.  

looks like a win - win situation to me. 

You're trying to appeal to corporate entities and bots on here, you will get no support. This is why you are seeing "players" advocate for higher priced items or acting like its GREAT! lol, very believable.  Apparently gw2 has the strangest consumers on the planet that advocate in favor of all changes/decisions made about the game, and encourage higher prices on goods from anet.  But they totally don't own stock or work for the company and you're totally talking to legit players.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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22 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

I have an good idea. Now, for 2k gems you pay 25 euro and dont get much for it. 1 mount skin and a bag slot. And your 25 euro is gone. 
they better tweak prices. EVERYTHING IRL gets expensive. So if anet is smart they give more gems for your money. 

Wait, you're seriously saying that "everything else is getting expensive so this one particular company should make what they're selling cheaper"? How does that make any sense?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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19 minutes ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

You're trying to appeal to corporate entities and bots on here, you will get no support. This is why you are seeing "players" advocate for higher priced items or acting like its GREAT! lol, very believable.  Apparently gw2 has the strangest consumers on the planet that advocate in favor of all changes/decisions made about the game, and encourage higher prices on goods from anet.  But they totally don't own stock or work for the company and you're totally talking to legit players.

I thought you wanted legendaries to stay valuable. Can't have it both ways. Your responses are starting to look like an AI that lost the plot.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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