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Thief Stealth is Truly OP As You Can Get [Merged]


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On the thief forums there is a lot of thief players going on about how stealth is not OP. It is.

I originally started GW2 1o years ago. Played thief from day 1. I did quit in 2015, but came back 2019.

I, however, did not like the stealth mechanic because it was too god Mode. When I played glass, I built for mobility and very little stealth. When I discovered how fun conditions were, I again played for mobility and not stealth. When they changed the shadow arts tree is when I went to Mesmer, and Engineer.


I have been playing thief again more than the other professions I have, I still refuse to abuse stealth, but I know very well how it works. Let me enlighten non thief players what the professional thief players do not want you to know because:

(1) It takes away the concept of them being skilled.

(2) They do not want to lose the OP'ness of the thief.


Sooooo. Here It Is

(1) Every 3.2 seconds I can hit you for 5k damage. I am only visible for a fraction of a second and almost nothing you can do about it. I say 3.2 seconds as a guestimate, But I can time my hit so I am visible for just a blip on your screen and you take a 5k hit The best thieves you fight do this.

(2) Thieves can hit you AND be in stealth. No Reveal for any amount of time. It is actually part of the game mechanics. No exploit needed. It is a 1 time action though. Any additional attack will reveal the thief, but the original one... The thief stays in stealth. Not a Cloak and Dagger hit. Something much quicker and deadlier to use. They just do not want you to know about it.

(3) Those stealth thieves trait so they actually can stay near 100% initiative.  I can hit you you for 5k+, and repeat every few seconds, stay at near full to full initiative, and stay in stealth so much, that I am only a blip on the screen. How many  people can take that much damage in such a short intervals?

Right now I am on EBG running glass. Less than 14k hitpoints. If I get attacked by a group, I can and will easily escape. If I get into a 1v1 fight, 100% guarantee I will not die. I should win easy enough, but on that rare occasion it looks bad, I can just escape. Even Rangers will stealth more than I will. That is how OP I find it, that I will only use it rarely.

So Do not let thief mains say how stealth is not OP. My point #2 alone negates that, but as a whole. Yeah. Thief with stealth is as OP as you can get.


I wrote this because of all the thieves in the thief forum going on about skill and how stealth is not OP, and that people who complain about it are just whining. No no no. If you hate stealth, you have a very good reason to hate stealth. 


Edited by Jitters.9401
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Sometimes it doesn't even matter if Stealth is OP or not, its because it feels like crap in GW2 to deal with.
I usually main Stealth Mobility classes in other MMOs, because theres the thrill of risk involved.
Most other games Reveal a Thief/Rogue/Assassin upon them being hit by enuf dmg or some kind of criteria.
Most other games punish you for spamming Stealth by introducing tradeoffs on skills and sometimes the Stealth itself.

In GW2, the Stealth just makes it like Silent Surf Fractal CM 33-%, where my enemy is forced to afk on the defensive until I show up again.
Revealed? Dash away like a coward, come back later, why not?
Most roamers these days, most I see are Thieves, Mesmers, then less numbers of Rangers and Willbenders.
Thief is annoying and over-represented because of Stealth, this entire mechanic needs a rework.

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I don't think thief's stealth is OP because when someone build their character that way, they have to have sacrificed something else to be able to stealth 100% of the time. If you want to killed them find out what that is they sacrificed, use it against them. But my advise is don't fight with things you cannot see, they will go away soon enough. I do get sniped and killed when I am not paying attention. I do also notice that noise thief make when they marked me, simply move closer to the squad or be alert, best still, run. I do dislike it, but that is about 1% of my time in WvW where that happens.

To me personally, I don't and can never play a stealth anything toon because it's simply taking up my precious time of getting bags following my awesome commander. Imagine just waiting for unsuspecting players in a map where there are so many other things I can do. Yeah, no, not playing it and not OP

By the way, like I said many times before, don't stand still. Once attacked by stealth thief, annoyed, don't type in team chat to tell people about how "broken" it is, don't do that, no one is suppose to stand still anywhere in WvW, not even when capping a camp or sentry point. 

One should always expect to die in WvW. 




Edited by SweetPotato.7456
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25 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

This is the deadeye. No other thief build has "tells" to say they are there.

My thief has under 14k hitpoints. Technically I gave away hitpoints, but if you can't catch or hit me, then the reality is I lost nothing.

The thief lost time waiting for prey, they can do that whole day for all I care, If I am careful, they will just disappears 

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Horrible designed mechanic with no counterplay. The worst designed stealth in any game ever. Reveal being an excuse is a joke when its on 6 skills in the game. (ALL of them are niche too)

Thief is the reason most casual but commited GW2 players leave WvW for good.

Edited by Tanuki.4603
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11 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

On the thief forums there is a lot of thief players going on about how stealth is not OP. It is.

I originally started GW2 1o years ago. Played thief from day 1. I did quit in 2015, but came back 2019.

I, however, did not like the stealth mechanic because it was too god Mode. When I played glass, I built for mobility and very little stealth. When I discovered how fun conditions were, I again played for mobility and not stealth. When they changed the shadow arts tree is when I went to Mesmer, and Engineer.


I have been playing thief again more than the other professions I have, I still refuse to abuse stealth, but I know very well how it works. Let me enlighten non thief players what the professional thief players do not want you to know because:

(1) It takes away the concept of them being skilled.

(2) They do not want to lose the OP'ness of the thief.


Sooooo. Here It Is

(1) Every 3.2 seconds I can hit you for 5k damage. I am only visible for a fraction of a second and almost nothing you can do about it. I say 3.2 seconds as a guestimate, But I can time my hit so I am visible for just a blip on your screen and you take a 5k hit The best thieves you fight do this.

(2) Thieves can hit you AND be in stealth. No Reveal for any amount of time. It is actually part of the game mechanics. No exploit needed. It is a 1 time action though. Any additional attack will reveal the thief, but the original one... The thief stays in stealth. Not a Cloak and Dagger hit. Something much quicker and deadlier to use. They just do not want you to know about it.

(3) Those stealth thieves trait so they actually can stay near 100% initiative.  I can hit you you for 5k+, and repeat every few seconds, stay at near full to full initiative, and stay in stealth so much, that I am only a blip on the screen. How many  people can take that much damage in such a short intervals?

Right now I am on EBG running glass. Less than 14k hitpoints. If I get attacked by a group, I can and will easily escape. If I get into a 1v1 fight, 100% guarantee I will not die. I should win easy enough, but on that rare occasion it looks bad, I can just escape. Even Rangers will stealth more than I will. That is how OP I find it, that I will only use it rarely.

So Do not let thief mains say how stealth is not OP. My point #2 alone negates that, but as a whole. Yeah. Thief with stealth is as OP as you can get.


I wrote this because of all the thieves in the thief forum going on about skill and how stealth is not OP, and that people who complain about it are just whining. No no no. If you hate stealth, you have a very good reason to hate stealth. 


Ye i bet you play thief by the amount of non existing mechanics you talk about.There is a little debuff called Reviled it lasts 5sec (not a guess a fact) and it affects your thief every time you exit stealth (when in combat) so perma stealth like you say exist only in your dreams, also every attack you do when in stealth and i mean EVERY attack that hits a target will get you out of stealth and Revile you for 5 sec. Just cuz you hate thief does not give you the right to pose as one just to push your agenda. 

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It still amazes me that ANet put stealth into a game that is designed around active defense. You can get blown up for 30k damage in under a second because you can see it coming and use dodge, invuln, block, blind, etc.

How does invisibility fit into that design? How do you use active defenses against something you can't react to? 

I've played dozens of MMOs and been an avid PvPer since T2A. I've never seen anything as broken as GW2 stealth. 


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It's like going into The Flat Earth Society and tell them that Earth isn't flat or that there's only 2 genders for kitten sapiens species...
Waste of time to argue with stupidity. Log-in, do dailies, log-out.
Anyone with working brain after seeing stealth in this game would immediately either delete it fully or made heavy tradeoff or made real counters.

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Oh god the thief Hater Train started once again. 

12 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

On the thief forums there is a lot of thief players going on about how stealth is not OP. It is.

I originally started GW2 1o years ago. Played thief from day 1. I did quit in 2015, but came back 2019.

I, however, did not like the stealth mechanic because it was too god Mode. When I played glass, I built for mobility and very little stealth. When I discovered how fun conditions were, I again played for mobility and not stealth. When they changed the shadow arts tree is when I went to Mesmer, and Engineer.


I have been playing thief again more than the other professions I have, I still refuse to abuse stealth, but I know very well how it works. Let me enlighten non thief players what the professional thief players do not want you to know because:

(1) It takes away the concept of them being skilled.

(2) They do not want to lose the OP'ness of the thief.


Sooooo. Here It Is

(1) Every 3.2 seconds I can hit you for 5k damage. I am only visible for a fraction of a second and almost nothing you can do about it. I say 3.2 seconds as a guestimate, But I can time my hit so I am visible for just a blip on your screen and you take a 5k hit The best thieves you fight do this.

(2) Thieves can hit you AND be in stealth. No Reveal for any amount of time. It is actually part of the game mechanics. No exploit needed. It is a 1 time action though. Any additional attack will reveal the thief, but the original one... The thief stays in stealth. Not a Cloak and Dagger hit. Something much quicker and deadlier to use. They just do not want you to know about it.

(3) Those stealth thieves trait so they actually can stay near 100% initiative.  I can hit you you for 5k+, and repeat every few seconds, stay at near full to full initiative, and stay in stealth so much, that I am only a blip on the screen. How many  people can take that much damage in such a short intervals?

Right now I am on EBG running glass. Less than 14k hitpoints. If I get attacked by a group, I can and will easily escape. If I get into a 1v1 fight, 100% guarantee I will not die. I should win easy enough, but on that rare occasion it looks bad, I can just escape. Even Rangers will stealth more than I will. That is how OP I find it, that I will only use it rarely.

So Do not let thief mains say how stealth is not OP. My point #2 alone negates that, but as a whole. Yeah. Thief with stealth is as OP as you can get.


I wrote this because of all the thieves in the thief forum going on about skill and how stealth is not OP, and that people who complain about it are just whining. No no no. If you hate stealth, you have a very good reason to hate stealth. 


What a cool story bro.  Then show some Videos how OP you are with thief. Let's go. 


ps: It is always the thiefs fault. 

Edited by Burial.1958
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The weirdest  is because of mobility a thief can constantly reset the hp bar , which for a class with no CD on their weapon skills makes them simply OP.

stealth with no counter play and high mobility with no cd on weapon skills with a high burst damage. 

It is so kitten stupid… understandable people stops playing the game after trying any pvp mode. 

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4 hours ago, Zevelon.6512 said:

EVERY attack that hits a target will get you out of stealth and Revile you for 5 sec

Revealed effect from attacking lasts 3 seconds in WvW, not 5.
It's 4-6 seconds when the enemy uses certain skills on you and 10 seconds with Rangers Sic 'Em being used.

Better access to revealing skills would help alleviate most players problems with stealth.

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8 minutes ago, Bern.9613 said:

WOW and yet again stealth is op ONLY on thief. Not 1 shot mesmers. Not 1 shot engis. Not zerker rangers. ONLY on thief. Yea got it. L2P

Thief can stack stealth indefinitely and every 3sec, the others can't.

If you die to 1shot mesmers you're the one that l2p:
1 - you actually see mesmers getting into stealth due to lower stealth access and lower mobility, plus mesmers get half of the skill bar on CD to try to oneshot you.
2 - you see a purple greatsword coming in your direction.

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Pick a what you call OP stealth thief, and do a 1v1 vs a willbender and see what happens, tell me who is the GODMODE


A thief is weaker, more squishy and dont have as much cleanses... stealth is the only natural advantage and should never be criticized.

Edited by Axelteas.7192
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I know confuse emotes from thiefs keep coming, but stealth mechanic in this game is absolutely stupid. Opponent just wait your mistake, that is extremely stupid. Also thief can reset fight anytime he/she wants. I know thiefs defend this, becouse they dont want to lose this ability.

There is reason why for example FoW just stacks 3-5 thiefs and camp near borderland spawns. Its easy to farm kills that way.

Edited by Palikka.8249
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