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What’s Your Hottest PvP Take?


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GW2 PvP is bad, but it would be substantially more playable if anet just gave players a simple map editor tool.  I've seen their map editor, and I've seen how poorly they use it.  The GW2 map editor is, in most senses, the same as the Wildstar housing tool (if anyone played that game):  mostly a tool to generate, resize, rotate and position pre-rendered assets.  This is why anet devs--in their crusade to "fix" Skyhammer 14 different times--have to manually, one-by-one pop in the little tiles and shim them together to make a floor or side-wall.  It's also the reason why places like the Silverwastes have rocks that just have THE WORST textures (it's because they just took small rocks and scaled them up like knuckleheads without regards to what that does to texture scaling).

If the combat is going to be a clown show, at least give players the tools to turn the playing field into something other than an increasingly flatter and flatter plane with no real definition or movement tech.  Housing more or less single-handedly held Wildstar back from the brink for about two years straight; I'm sure that a PvP map editor would actually breathe more life into GW2 than just another trash, directionless balance patch.  It'd be super easy, and you'd likely get way more custom game action and even maybe hotjoin with fun maps.  The devs clearly have no time to do anything, so might as well just let people make the maps.  Too easy.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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28 minutes ago, Swagg.9236 said:

The devs clearly have no time to do anything, so might as well just let people make the maps. 

They're more or less doing this already with the ability to choose your ruleset in guild halls.

It's not quite entirely freeform but pretty dang close.

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my hottest take with PvP:

This gamemode has died YEARS ago.  And it hasnt been fun for quite some time now.

The only reason people are still playing is because its a habit by now.          You have been doing it for years.... you are quite good at it.... why quit then?    


i think this is the mentality where the majority of active pvp players are stuck right now.     the other people.... have already quit.

And then you have the occasional people that joined sooomewhere in the last 2 years... probably during Covid lockdown. They got blinded by the fluid combat. Thought its a good game...  not realising all the flaws all around them....  And now they are already too deep into this shitshow...  They were too unexperienced to realize it has died years ago, but have invested too much time by now to just start a new MMO and call that home....  Those are the people that are still passionately posting this forum, suggesting changes and actually engage in balance discussion....   

The veterans....well.... most of them have given up at this point. Atleast they have mentally distanced themselves from the game.  

Compare this forum to lets say 2 or 3 years ago.... its a wasteland man...

Big youtubers...  gone.   big streamers.... gone.      heck they dont even cast the MAT´s at this point...


Most people log in,  kitten around in the FFA for 30 minutes, and then realize what a shitgame this has become and log off to play other games.


Spvp is dead.


correct me if i am wrong.  But i think this is where we are at right now...

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 11/23/2023 at 5:21 PM, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Chat should be disabled.

Only map pings and some pre-defined messages should be allowed. And spamming one of those ad nauseum should be a considered a punishable offense.

People don't even use chat, till they die and blame others lol. 

I agree disable chat pls, but make a predefined message be" There's a snake in my boot" I like to say that when I die.

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On 11/24/2023 at 4:57 AM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Hate to be the guy to say this but reading a lot of these post it's no suprise games pvp has dissolved into what it has.

My hot takes.

1-downstate should be a pve only mechanic, it adds more complexity to pve combat and allows insta rez skills etc to see skillful use but has 0 place in pvp.

2- stealth should be removed if player takes damage from any source, have a stackable 9 sec cap and thief should be revealed if backstab is attempted successfully or not.

3- longbow shouldn't benefit from arrow drop off if no other ranged weapons do as well.

4- hard cc such as knockdown eyc should have a 2 sec grace period to avoid being hard cc chained with 0 counter play if build doesn't have enough stunbreaks and stab to deal with 2 or 3 players unloading their cc's on one player, this would make classes like thief who can disengage from anything via Shadowstep less annoying to people in general because they would feel less gap in disengagement capabilities. This would also benefit wvw and remove the instances where any class but thief, willbender etc can be pulled into zerg continuously with 0 chance of having enough stab or stunbreaks to escape.

5- class u queue with should be locked.

6- duo/team queue should only be enabled in unranked and organized team play like mats etc.


Yeah I agree and definitely am in the minority that downed state is all around bad for PvP. Period. Rez mechanics can work for dead players, and dead respawn times get much shorter for players to get back in the action. 
But apparently most people like this pve gimmick because they think that if they get hand rezzed it’s better for gameplay. What they don’t understand is that most of the time, even with good players, you will not get hand rezzed. Odds are if you’re down and don’t get rezzed by a support skill, you will die.

but whatever the majority has spoken.

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On 11/24/2023 at 10:08 AM, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

have the option to /die if you're bleeding out (maybe just a clickable button somewhere). if you die its an instant respawn. i hate being forced to wait for no reason, makes the game slow and me frustrated. there is no reason for this to be the way it is, someone decided its a good idea but its a horrible idea

I love the idea to allow end it while in downstate, but that requires work from anet so oh well

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  • 1 month later...

One per class, why not.

- Warrior: full counter should have double the cooldown. If it's procced, 50% of the cd is refunded, so it goes back to whatever it is right now. A bad spellbreaker deserves a big punishment window. Also, dagger2 and dagger burst need to be more readable in the heat of the fight.
- Revenant: I don't have any hot takes right now. I respect the current iteration of the revenant class.
- Guardian: can it be NOT meta in at least one gamemode for 6 months? It dominates PvE, it dominates WvW blobbing and it's good at small-scale roaming, as far as PvP goes I can't think of any meaningful period where some kind of guardian wasn't at least A tier ever since PoF. I have no clue what makes it so dominant, but guardians make the rules everywhere. Also, spear of justice with the pulsing cripple is kitten.
- Ranger: 1500 range lb is kitten. Should go down to 1200. RED HOT TAKE: Instaport on untamed was unjustifiably removed and I think it deserves to be back
- Thief: RED HOT TAKEthe whole class needs the fattest nerf ever. Not because it's OP -it's currently isn't-, but because its tools are mechanically too strong. Talking about daredevil with 3 better dodges (I'd argue it needs either 2 more powerful dodges or 3 normal dodges, not both), talking about Bound being an uninterruptable leap finisher (I'd like it having damage rather than this... current game isn't shy of "dodges with damage" anyway; hello mirage? hello vindicator? hello engineers with explosive entrance?), talking about Shadow Return going from 15s duration to 6 duration and losing the cleanse entirely, talking about DE stealth on dodge to be entirely removed, talking about Black Powder lasting 2.5s instead of 3s so that permastealthing with SA isn't possible anymore and losing the projectile finisher since that skill is plenty strong already as it is, even without the ranged blind to prevent interrupts. When that is done, I want thief to have its initiative costs reduced (sb4, sb5, staff skills to name some), the ini trait to be made baseline and some of its skill to get some much needed improvement (eg: Scorpion Wire is super fun... but also super slow).... maybe some quickness too? But thief got nuked like this because some of its tools were mechanically impossible to manage. You can only raise initiative costs so much before facing the reality: thief doesn't have a death condition. I'm not talking about "something that kills you if you're incredibly greedy and kitten up for 30 minutes straight", nor about "something that forces you to forfeit the node for 10s to get OOC and back" or "neutering the thief by coordinating 5 people to prevent any meaningful rotation". I'm talking about something with the potential to take a thief and kill them, straight up. There's just too many last-second saves you can perform, and a bunch of those need to be removed.
- Necromancer: unblockable marks is kitten and needs to be removed, no compensation given. Corrupts should be back tho, and I think guardian wouldn't be as dominant as it currently is if its current natural predator wasn't neutered like that.
- Mesmer: permaban any mesmer with staff. Pistol5 needs a proper tell, it has none. Roaming mirage was the healthiest iteration of mesmer and deserves to be back. RED HOT TAKES: chronomancer wells need a flip mechanic (see signature). Chronomancer shatters deserve more diverse and powerful effects, but with cast times, akin to what DH does to core guardian (f1 gives you an explosive-entrance like effects on your next 1-2-3-4 attacks, f2 loses core confusion but pulses condi transfer around you, f3 loses the daze but inflicts 1s-2s-3s-4s of slow+chilled+weakness on your target, f4 gives resistance -to ignore weakness\chilled\immob- but becomes channeled so you can't use it to cover your continuum split burst). Virtuoso should lose core distortion and get back the block on Bladeturn Requiem
- Elementalist: LR weaver was a kittening nightmare in the hands of any capable player and I'm so so glad it's gone.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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12 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

- Guardian: can it be NOT meta in at least one gamemode for 6 months? It dominates PvE, it dominates WvW blobbing and it's good at small-scale roaming, as far as PvP goes I can't think of any meaningful period where some kind of guardian wasn't at least A tier ever since PoF. I have no clue what makes it so dominant, but guardians make the rules everywhere. Also, spear of justice with the pulsing cripple is kitten.
- Necromancer: unblockable marks is kitten and needs to be removed, no compensation given. Corrupts should be back tho, and I think guardian wouldn't be as dominant as it currently is if its current natural predator wasn't neutered like that.

You actually need both corrupts+unblocables to counter any guardian. If they'll bring back corrupts but nerf unblockables it will change nothing in terms of countering guards.

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An unhealthy amount of players need to log out, take a breath, Google some puppies and maybe take a walk outside.


If you are the type of person to type angry offensive messages in chat this is you.


You're obviously not doing so well and you need to take the time to look after yourself

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Engineer throwing grenades "behind shoulders" is weird yeah. But there are other weird mechanics in the game. In WvW I find it odd that people can just spam AoE on top of the walls or even behind it - when attacking an objectives. Makes the game mode really bad when you can ignore the defender's advantage that way. 😄

The thieves I think have some way to port upwards - I think? (But I never tried it. Not sure if all classes can do it.) On some PvP maps where it usually would say ne path to target when you want ot port. But with correct placement I think it works. That is weird.

And the weirdest thing is when PBAOE can miss when you are blind lol. (Imagine if we had this the same way in real life - if someone launched a nuclear missile and you could blind him before the missile hits and then it would miss. :D)

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On 11/28/2023 at 2:28 AM, Swagg.9236 said:

GW2 PvP is bad, but it would be substantially more playable if anet just gave players a simple map editor tool.  I've seen their map editor, and I've seen how poorly they use it.  The GW2 map editor is, in most senses, the same as the Wildstar housing tool (if anyone played that game):  mostly a tool to generate, resize, rotate and position pre-rendered assets.  This is why anet devs--in their crusade to "fix" Skyhammer 14 different times--have to manually, one-by-one pop in the little tiles and shim them together to make a floor or side-wall.  It's also the reason why places like the Silverwastes have rocks that just have THE WORST textures (it's because they just took small rocks and scaled them up like knuckleheads without regards to what that does to texture scaling).

If the combat is going to be a clown show, at least give players the tools to turn the playing field into something other than an increasingly flatter and flatter plane with no real definition or movement tech.  Housing more or less single-handedly held Wildstar back from the brink for about two years straight; I'm sure that a PvP map editor would actually breathe more life into GW2 than just another trash, directionless balance patch.  It'd be super easy, and you'd likely get way more custom game action and even maybe hotjoin with fun maps.  The devs clearly have no time to do anything, so might as well just let people make the maps.  Too easy.

Oh lord, I can see the giant sausage and meatball maps already, or maps with objects arranged to spell out slurs or all manner of obscenities. Don't try to convince me otherwise, it's exactly what would happen. 😂

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3 minutes ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Oh lord, I can see the giant sausage and meatball maps already, or maps with objects arranged to spell out slurs or all manner of obscenities. Don't try to convince me otherwise, it's exactly what would happen. 😂

or like City of heroes. We've given you the tools to create your own interesting stories, Player base makes mostly farms

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On 11/23/2023 at 11:39 AM, gmmg.9210 said:

Mine is that any minion/pet/clone is bad design for this mode. It’s not only hard to design good control for pets as a user, but they cheapen the feeling of losing in fights. They also can be hit by other players to proc special effects (for example interrupts granting stab). If the ranger dodges something like this it doesn’t matter cuz the pet is is always dumb.

Pathfinding is another issue. They never act fast enough and take forever to move around terrain.

Basically pets /minions/clones cheapen the flavor of combat.


What they should’ve done in my opinion is make pets just animated skills without pathfinding. And tie in some mist lore so they basically use portals from the mists to attack the enemy (Literally what Camelot Unchained is doing for this exact reason). That way, as long as you’re in range, the pet attacks as an animated skill. Not a janky follower that has to move to the right place to use its abilities.

What are Y’all’s?

Edit: Actually tbh my hottest take is that they should just scrap pve and only make wvw/pvp game for GW3. It'll never happen but one can dream xD

Edited December 1, 2023 by gmmg.9210

My hot take (with a few exceptions) is that the forums represent a very disillusioned vocal minority of people who on this pvp forum want to pvp, but not interact in a team based game while they do it, and are primarily concerned with their own comfort instead of skill - and that more than 50% of the posts come from people who have no actual clue what their doing. That by and large - if historically since the inception of the forums if everything thats ever been suggested on here - *the opposite was instead done* the game would be in a better place. This game is (specifically this mode) is a putrid corpse of its formal self. As time goes on the takes get weirder, and the game gets worse.

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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When I did spvp, (before I quit after getting my legie) I would be ranked low silver, high bronze, amongst other less skilled players. Getting to ranked was pure awful because in unranked you would get matched with 5 man teams that look at you like this and then kill you in less than 2 seconds. (I know, I counted while locked in cc) I thought to myself "at least in ranked I fight people similar to me." BUT NO, the matchmaking system. I get matchmade with diamond players more times than I have fingers when I should be ranked with less. 75% of the time when I get wins the enemy has 1,2 or even 3 afkers. One even wrote explicit things on the map. Other times I would go to mid (when most of my team is at far) with 1 or 2 other players and then get killed by a core staff necro. The worst part being as my two allies lay around me defeated is that he still had half shroud to boot. The meta followed me like death and his whistle from Puss in boots the last wish. D/D weavers with barrier, one shot harbingers, DHs with pulls, bladesworn oneshot builds, cc lockdown druids, Mechanists when they could still get every single top stat in the match, and others.

My hot take about spvp: spvp is bad for the soul and will likely cause death by heart attacks. I am glad I no longer need to do it anymore.

Gw2 is a OW game, there are many, many, many other games that do pvp better.

Edited by Infinity.2876
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