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Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta Feedback: Warrior

Rubi Bayer.8493

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It was one of the most interesting weapon to play with ! I enjoyed it :)!


I just wish there were actually magic in it, such as a reference to GW1 Paragon, which were very close to Warriors (even tho Guardian is a mixed of Ritualist/Monk/Paragon thing...)

As a support weapon, I would add an access to a fire field, and a blast finished, so it could actually give might in some interesting ways. So far we only have the longbow that can create fields, and I don't think it would hurt warrior to have access to such a field.
Also there is a way to make an epic animation, bringing back the wings of the Paragon (like the one used by the DragonHunter on their F2 skill), shouting, galvanazing everyone on the battlefield !
Since the #5 is already a very nice heal skill, I would rework the F skill to achieve that fantasy (could still give AoE healing or barrier)

A skill that could actually throw the staff like a spear would be super welcome into that philosophy of a Paragon !

Edited by Neilug.7935
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This is from a pvp standpoint. Warrior staff felt a little off from what it was suppose to do. idk what i can say to help you produce better skill sets on it cause i didnt like the stile of it very much so i didnt play it much. but the staff would be better if it could either do some dps or cc's 

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On 12/3/2023 at 10:45 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Ahhh, yes, having all of two of them does mean that neither is technically unique. Warrior needed a proper support weapon if it was ever to really break into the support role.

Why did you say that? Making it a spear throw weapon will not make it not heal, just make it a support spear throw 😪

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3 hours ago, AquaBR.9250 said:

Why did you say that? Making it a spear throw weapon will not make it not heal, just make it a support spear throw 😪

So "spear", using staff skins, which is thrown in a manner that somehow heals? Not even Paragon tried to justify healing people that way. Pretty sure that approach would have disappointed more people overall. The design they've gone with has a nice dervishy feel, especially when combined with spellbreaker or berserker. 

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Warrior using a staff is a solid choice, especially for support builds. Here are my thoughts on the weapon:

Balanced Strike, Reverse Strike, Inspiring Whirl (staff 1): reduce the cast time of Inspiring Whirl from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds and increase the regeneration duration from 3.25 to 5 seconds.
Valiant Leap (staff 2): make it a blast finisher.
Line Breaker (staff 3): reduce the weakness and cripple duration from 5.25 seconds to 3 seconds and remove the unblockable boon on ally target, the heal, protection, aegis and stun breaker are more than enough.
Snap Pull (staff 4): reduce the number of targets from 5 to 3 and reduce the pull range from 600 to 300.
Defiant Roar (staff 5): reduce the resistance duration from 6.25 seconds to 5 seconds.

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1 hour ago, Josif.2015 said:

Warrior using a staff is a solid choice, especially for support builds. Here are my thoughts on the weapon:

Balanced Strike, Reverse Strike, Inspiring Whirl (staff 1): reduce the cast time of Inspiring Whirl from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds and increase the regeneration duration from 3.25 to 5 seconds.
Valiant Leap (staff 2): make it a blast finisher.
Line Breaker (staff 3): reduce the weakness and cripple duration from 5.25 seconds to 3 seconds and remove the unblockable boon on ally target, the heal, protection, aegis and stun breaker are more than enough.
Snap Pull (staff 4): reduce the number of targets from 5 to 3 and reduce the pull range from 600 to 300.
Defiant Roar (staff 5): reduce the resistance duration from 6.25 seconds to 5 seconds.

Snap Pull needs a longer range, not a shorter one. There really is no use for a 300 range pull.

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With regards to Adrenaline on staff, rather than the +20% boon duration on Defiant Roar, I think having +5 Adrenaline base would be a good way to give Adrenaline gain without needing a coding rework to accommodate adrenaline per heal. Main concern is synergy with Shield Master (+1 adrenaline per block) for PvP/WvW.

16 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Snap Pull needs a longer range, not a shorter one. There really is no use for a 300 range pull

Longer range might be going a bit far (pun not intended), as the staff has decent movement coupled with good sustain. Adding longer range pull to it (especially 5 targets) is getting to the point where it's stacking a lot onto a single weapon that already has a lot, although that hasn't stopped ANet before.

Agreed that if it's changed to 300 Range it might as well be a knockdown/daze/stun (launch I'm hesitant to suggest because it's not the greatest in PvE, although PvP/WvW it's fun). 


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2 hours ago, Josif.2015 said:

Warrior using a staff is a solid choice, especially for support builds. Here are my thoughts on the weapon:

Balanced Strike, Reverse Strike, Inspiring Whirl (staff 1): reduce the cast time of Inspiring Whirl from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds and increase the regeneration duration from 3.25 to 5 seconds.
Valiant Leap (staff 2): make it a blast finisher.
Line Breaker (staff 3): reduce the weakness and cripple duration from 5.25 seconds to 3 seconds and remove the unblockable boon on ally target, the heal, protection, aegis and stun breaker are more than enough.
Snap Pull (staff 4): reduce the number of targets from 5 to 3 and reduce the pull range from 600 to 300.
Defiant Roar (staff 5): reduce the resistance duration from 6.25 seconds to 5 seconds.

Here we go again lol...

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2 hours ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

With regards to Adrenaline on staff, rather than the +20% boon duration on Defiant Roar, I think having +5 Adrenaline base would be a good way to give Adrenaline gain without needing a coding rework to accommodate adrenaline per heal. Main concern is synergy with Shield Master (+1 adrenaline per block) for PvP/WvW.

Longer range might be going a bit far (pun not intended), as the staff has decent movement coupled with good sustain. Adding longer range pull to it (especially 5 targets) is getting to the point where it's stacking a lot onto a single weapon that already has a lot, although that hasn't stopped ANet before.

Agreed that if it's changed to 300 Range it might as well be a knockdown/daze/stun (launch I'm hesitant to suggest because it's not the greatest in PvE, although PvP/WvW it's fun). 


Warrior needs a decent pull. 600 range isn't really enough, 900 range is what it needs.

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I've just made a video with my main impressions about the viability in WvW zergs meta for warrior staff support. Overall, right now for me is a solid no-go.

I have added some ideas that I thought would improve its viability in wvw, in case anyone finds it inspirational. Cheers.



Edited by Xacafu.2941
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Warrior since original beta and never post, but I played a lot during the beta with staff and liked the direction.  The bugs and trait ideas have already been gone over so mostly limiting ideas to each staff skill. 

Balanced strike, Reverse strike, Inspiring whirl (autos):

Instead of regen on Inspiring whirl, make it heal for a static amount (500ish).  Regen is already on the bursts no need for both.

Also make Inspiring whirl a whirl finisher.

Valiant Leap #2:

Only change would be a leap finisher, this is the best skill on the kit currently. 

Line Breaker #3:

Where to start....no one likes the ally targeting especially on a melee spec, or the slow buggy 1200 "dash" that misses most of the time.  I can see ally targeting on a range weapon but not here.   I'd rather it just be one enemy target skill but having all the boons, heal, damage, unblockable, stun break, and debuffs would be too much on one skill as is.  If combined lower the heal and damage numbers some as well as the unblockable and stun break.  I'd like to see the cd lowered to 15secs in wvw as well.

Just some possibilities below
   *At the very least, give the warrior the buffs and heal if no target is selected, or if/when it misses your intended ally target.  Also as others have stated do not use rush's animation, ever.

   *Since it has a nice trail while running to your target, make the buffs and heal affect allies you pass through.  Better yet since it leaves a trail already have it act like scourge "trail of anguish" skill.

   *With only skills 2 and 3 doing damage, the damage needs to stay on line breaker somehow.

Snap Pull #4:

Two suggestions would be either increase the range to 900 if left as is, but better yet have it pull downed players and push enemies away at the same time.  This would be a great support ability.

Bullet Catcher/Defiant Roar #5:

Aside from the block canceling bug, the only changes here I'd suggest is to have defiant roar happen automatically after blocking.  It may as well since you only have about 1 second to cast defiant roar.  Make it a full block like shield is and not even have the flipover.


Increase the block duration to 3 seconds and have it a full block like shield, heal allies per attack blocked with a 1 sec cooldown and get rid of the flip over all together.

If left as is leave the flip over skill up for 3-4 seconds so you can time the heal better.  Also, have inspiring focus activate when defiant roar activates, not during the block phase.

Path to Victory (core burst):

No changes, leave the regen here but increase the duration

Rampart Splitter (zerk burst):

Only change here I'd like would be a daze instead of immobilize as well as a 2stack 2second burn.  As is, the core burst is almost equal in damage, weakens, and heals for much more.

Just my overall thoughts as a mostly wvw'er but it was pretty fun to use on core, zerker, and sb for sure.


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21 hours ago, Xacafu.2941 said:

I've just made a video with my main impressions about the viability in WvW zergs meta for warrior staff support. Overall, right now for me is a solid no-go.

I have added some ideas that I thought would improve its viability in wvw, in case anyone finds it inspirational. Cheers.



I will put a summary of the main points made in the video for those who cannot see or access it. Its mainly for support warrior builds in WvW zerg meta.

#2 Valiant Leap:


- Adding some CC would be pretty nice.

#3 Line Breaker:

- Remove target and rush animation, put selectable area.

- Provide blast fields.

#4 Snap Pull:

Increase range to +900

- Change from cone to more wide area pull.

#5 Bullet Catcher/Defiant Roar:

- Fix the animation because sometimes it stops/cancels

- Not feeling strong skill in terms of what it gives to the group being 20s cd.

- Should give some of the main BIG BOONS (Stab, resis, alac, quick, protec) and not reso. 

- The first Bullet Catcher could drop a blast field and Defiant roar could be a blast finisher or adrenaline generator. 

#Burst skill Path to Victory

- Feels kinda weak overall in terms of support, only good healing + regen which is meh.

- Would be nice if it provides BIG BOONS (stab, resis, protec, quick...) + big CC stun + BLAST FINISHER. It's the best skill on warrior weaponsets, make it noticiable please as in other weapons already is.



- Right now other supp clases do better and more, so no place for this class to play support on zerg meta in WvW. 

- Idea: Would be nice to make some weapon skill SHOUTS to have big sinergy with vigorous shouts, which is the main source of support healing warrior.

- Need to rework traits to make it playable in many specializations such as spellbreaker which is dead right now. Need to create sinergies in terms of ADRENALINE & GIVEN SUPPORT/ BOONS.

- Idea: Receive adrenaline per X cleanses done or per X boons shared in spellbreaker.

- No big CC + No blast finisher + No blast field generator. Need those all to make it playable and worth. 

- No relevant boonsharing. This is a real pain. If we want to make it meta right now need to give BIG BOONS (superspeed, stab, resis, alac, quick, protec) and in a more spammy way like other support classes, not fury&might&regen which are meh.


Make it great please!!!!

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If they add hard more hard cc on staff or give blasts to synergize with cleanses and karakosa, Im afraid the raw healing and ability of the skills will be nerfed, which is honestly the only redeeming virtue of it so far. 

I personally would not ask for any stability on staff. The issues with stab game wide are apparent and Banner of tactics is a perfect utility skill (ideally your FB in WvW will not leave you without stab, so you can take BoD for defense synergy and a solid source of regen for healing), which means you can remove the regen from the burst as many have said. 

Not to mention that the block should not grant a boon duration increase while it blocks. I'll say it again. The Roar being a shout skill may allow for some good synergy that justifies it's cooldown. Even if it remains as plain resolution, I don't mind, tho some prot or resi would be great as additions. The fact that it would be a shout could really allow you to take a banner and not feel the impact of not running On My Mark for supplementary healing (I find more value out of any of the 2 support banners, esp when we run the trait/elite anyway). 

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On 12/4/2023 at 1:07 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Go use it in game. Its shorter than 3.75s.


Oh, you're right. Seems like it applies before discipline does, and then discipline lowers the CD by a further 4s, as opposed to the other way around. Interesting...

But regardless, the point still stands. Relic of Warrior desyncs weapon swap modifiers. Would be great to have it work cleanly with other classes too, like ranger quickdraw, rev, traits, sigils, etc, let alone the class it shares it's name with. Has a lot of potential to be build-defining on a number of classes.

Edited by Aamu.3952
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On 11/29/2023 at 7:48 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

Staff 3 is just a variant of Rush, which is tied with Hundred Blades for the worst weapon ability on Warrior. You should have taken Revenant's Phantom Onslaught as its base.

And if you get around to fixing this, can you finally also fix Rush? It's unfathomable that you let it fester for over a decade and even publicly joked about it.

Also, the leap needs to be longer. It's range should be at least 900.

Bullet Catcher being interrupted by auto-attacks should not be a thing.

Despite these glaring problems, Warrior's Staff ended up being the second-most fun weapon for me, being just a bit behind Ranger's Maces. But that says more about the other weapons than it says about Staff.

Agree 100% - Including the last sentence about Warrior Staff & Ranger Maces.  Definitely the top two on fun factor for me as well.

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10 hours ago, Crimthan.9308 said:

Agree 100% - Including the last sentence about Warrior Staff & Ranger Maces.  Definitely the top two on fun factor for me as well.

I think it's a situation where ArenaNet's tendency to be less imaginative with warrior has actually worked in its favour. The other weapons are all, to a greater or lesser extent, built around some sort of gimmick, while warrior staff seems to just be a solid design that works.

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