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Expanded Weapon Proficiencies Beta Feedback: Guardian

Rubi Bayer.8493

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As has been said multiple times before, the observation that the symbol being foot-targeted is unsuitable for what is supposed to be a ranged playstyle has been confirmed in testing. There's a lot of damage relying on the enemy being in the symbol. It either needs to be able to be placed on the enemy, or it should be redesigned so no significant damage relies on the enemy being within the symbol (symbol traits require symbols to do damage, but it can be reduced to a token amount and the rest of the kit balanced accordingly, and just make all strikes inflict burning if the guardian is in the symbol).

Skill 5 is just overly fiddly to use. Interesting concept, but there's potentially three button presses required to use the skill (activation, ending the charging, and detonation) where you need to pay close attention to how the skill is progressing in order to get the most out of it (if you want level 1 or 2, you need to fire before it gets to the next level. If you use charge 3, you have to pay attention to where the projectile is to get it to detonate where you want it to). Woe betide anyone who presses the skill to fire, but the server processes it just after the skill fully charged and fired automatically, wasting the whole thing as it explodes three inches in front of the pistol muzzle. That's a lot of player attention overhead to put in one skill in a fairly fast-paced game. I think the 'detonate a moving projectile manually' functionality needs to be seriously reconsidered - such skills have been being progressively removed from the game over time, and as a rule I think the game is better for that. Perhaps the skill could have a ground-target circle that appears when the charging process reaches the final level?

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I agree with what others have said that skill #1 is too bland, and skill #5 too complex. Having the shots alternate between hands would solve the problem with skill #1, and having the projectile explode upon striking a target would solve the problem with skill #5.

I'm also really disappointed that the dual pistol animation from thief isn't used by the Guardian pistols. I was hoping to see that.

I do love the idle animation though. It's almost worth using dual pistols just for that animation. Almost.

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I love that the symbol is not ground-targetable.

I am dealing with 4 ground-targeted skills within a few seconds of burst already (F2 and F3 on WB, then Symbol of Ignition, followed by Purging Flames and Sword of Justice) and a fifth one is too much.

Having the symbol appear under your target as suggested above would satisfy both worlds. 

Edited by Mara.8536
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I enjoyed my time with the pistols a lot.  They feel like they need just a little bit of clean up, but are already very good.

1.)  Symbol of Ignition  as noted above feels bad at the moment dropping at your feet.  I would like it to have a boon as well, but it doesn't really need a boon.

2.)  I found myself rarely using 5 except when I needed CC which I don't think was the intended play style.

3.)  The attack on 2 didn't have great sound or visual feedback.  I don't think the visuals match the current gameplay and at least one person I know didn't realize it was a multi-hit attack you are supposed to hold on.

1.)  Love the visuals on 5, just fantastic.

2.)  Felt good, fun to play and successful in filling the missing nitch.

3.)  Seemed viable as Duel Pistols but also just as main hand or off hand.

I strongly enjoyed the pistols and cannot wait to use them regularly.  They will probably become my favorite ranged weapon for the Guardian.  Seemed good for all elite specs though had the least synergy with Dragonhunter.

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Skill 5 needs to deal damage in competitive gamemodes.

Still hoping one of the skills will be reworked into spinning attack that hits both allies and enemies. Facing enemies all the time isn't that viable in sPvP/WvW.

Edited by Riba.3271
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Has there been any word on the missing Boon for Symbol of Ignition? Or is it intended to not have one - which seems like quite the break from Guardian design conventions, which I'm not exactly a fan of. Symbols pulsing a Boon is a key feature of that skill type. 

Other than that, if a Boon is added to the Symbol, I do like the general concept of placing it at your feet, and then standing in it to gain said boon and empower your attacks/shots through it - although the mechanics of it are maybe a tad needlessly complicated (pulsing Strike Damage baseline, so you still want it in melee/on target, triggering burns only on attacks on target also in Symbol, but then also applying Burns to ranged projectiles shot through it - I feel like there is a much simpler, clearer way of setting this skill concept up). 

The AA is boring, but that's in line with it being a Pistol. Is what it is. The Bleed rather than Burning on it does feel odd and unthematic to me, but I suppose it's good in terms of Relic of the Fractal purposes for solo play or w/e.

The 2, Peacekeeper is a pretty simple albeit functional and fun skill - although it is a really strange decision to not make this work with the Symbol at range as it's not a projectile traveling through it - essentially forcing melee or the use off the Off-Hand Pistol for Hail of Justice to make use of Symbol of Ignition. So especially Pistol MH doesn't feel like a cohesive kit. Maybe Hail of Justice as a skill concept should have been the 2, and Peacekeeper in a form the OH 4. 

Hail of Justice, the OH 4, seems alright. Pretty generic "Unload" (or rather Thief Pistol Sneak Attack), but I don't really have too many thoughts on it, besides it's positioning issue kit-cohesiveness wise mentioned above. Also Bleed being somewhat strange, but same notes as AA on that.

Jurisdiction, the OH 5, is probably the only part of these that I genuinely just don't like. The charging is fine - although quite counterintuitive to a Guardian Condition Damage weapon (which relies on quick attacks for Justice Procs), but the different charge levels having different targeting/projectile behaviors is just clunky - especially having to manually detonate the longest charge level, lest the projectile just flies past the target, doing less than Charge Level 1 or 2 compared to it's opportunity cost. Double tap spamming it isn't fun - not having to do that on Condi Guards anymore with this hopefully providing an alternative to Torch OH 4 was my biggest hope for this kit. 

Imo a (quickly and little thought out but possibly) better implementation with the same skill concepts would be:


1. AA as is I suppose

2. Hail of Justice - a volley of Projectiles to be used in conjunction with

3. Symbol of Ignition, with an added pulsing boon and clearer design over when and what trigger's it's Strike Damage and Burns (maybe just boon pulse passively, but triggering extra strike damage and burns on each projectile shot in or through it)


4. Peacekeeper, burning beam of light, increased CD and effect to reflect it's new positioning

5. Jurisdiction, probably better as just a 1-2 second charge big nuke, Detonating on Target Hit as with current charge level 2, getting rid of charges. 

Also probably would be better as an implosion with a pull. Condi Guard is all about cleaving Targets, getting as many hits out for Justice procs, Permeating Wrath AoE Burns - even the Pistol is all about piercing tightly stacked targets. Scattering Enemies all over the place with this is very counter productive.



Visually, the very pronounced muzzle flashes and smoke effects out of the gun barrel firing upwards into the sky, triggering after the weapon fired and has recoiled up is pretty strange. The muzzle flash staying attached to the pistol as it recoils is an issue with all Pistols I think, but with an effect this big and bright it's extremely noticeable.

I'm guessing the Symbol visual is a placeholder.

Edited by Asum.4960
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Ok, so there is my new post about audio/visuals:

Skill #1:
Visuals: It's fine, just a blue flaming bullet (which is weird in itself as it applies bleed not burn condition but ok).
Audio: Why does it have electric shock sound effect? It has electric shock sound during travel time, and as an afer-hit sound effect. There is literally nothing electric in this weapon yet here it is. Also i dislike the firing sound effect, sounds like i'm shooting balls from an oversized tube instead of small magical pistols shooting burning bullets and emitting rays of light. Should sound more "magical".
Skill #2
Visuals:  It's fine but you should really work on it's pathing. When jumping, changing targets or changing direction of movements the visual effect is freaking out.
Audio: Hate the submarine sound effect, just delete it completely and replace with something worthy. Also it sounds like the audio file is instantly ending at some point and it sounds awful, there should be an ending phase with audio gradually lowering the volume and fading away instead of this instant cut.
Skill #3
Visuals: just a lazy copy paste of basic symbol, you should make it has it's own symbol on the ground like pistols or whatever. Also hate how it is being "casted" by my character just moving it's hand, it it was made so that i shoot at the ground which casts the symbol it would be waaaay cooler and fit the weapon more.
Audio: Just a classical sound effect of casting symbols.
Skill #4
It's basically skill #1 fired in rapid fire so same opinion.
Skill #5
Visuals: I like how it looks, especially symbols showing up on the pistol upon hitting charge levels. But the ball itself is kinda meh. In my opinion the ball should also have rune symbols on it during travel time that would also show at what charge level it is.
Audio: This one actually has the best audio out of all the skills. The charging sound as you hit next levels sounds "magical" and fits the weapon really well. I don't get why Arena Net made this skill sound magical which fits so good yet decided to not make other skills sounds magical at all. Also upon releasing it's the same bad audio effect of skill #1.

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Here's my feedback.

Skill 1: Is fine. I have no suggestions.

Skill 2: Is fine. I have no suggestions.

Skill 3: Needs to either be ground targetable (like Scepter 2, Staff 3, and Longbow 4) or just flat out appear on the ground centered on your current target. The duration is also not great (the shortest symbol duration by far out of all of them). If you're worried about too many ignition ticks if it's made a longer duration, then just cap the ignitions to the current max of 16 (4 seconds symbol duration, 1/4 cooldown on ignitions, max possible ignitions = 16)

Skill 4: Honestly found this one to be ok other than it feels underpowered. (Pistol offhand is fighting with torch for condi build use, and with the current numbers possible from Torch 4 alone if you have the trait for the extra flip-skill throw, Pistol 4 + 5's damage just don't cut it)

Skill 5: Very clunky to use. Would recommend hold-to-charge/release to fire, and the projectile should just detonate upon reaching your target. The knockback on level's 1 and 2, while it doesn't scatter the mobs, does push them out of any AoEs you or anyone else may have placed (Basically Ranger Longbow 4 type annoyance). Level 3 charge, the way it outright SCATTERS mobs with a 400 range 360 degree outwards push is Ranger Longbow 4 on steroids. The way level 3 scatters the mobs is also very counter-intuitive to the way guardian in general and pistol in particular are played. aka "oh a nice ball of mobs, let's cleave them with sword/axe/whatever or pierce them in a line with pistol" (Fires lvl 3 skill 5) "Uhhhh, now I can only hit one of them at a time because they're all over the place". If you want Skill 5 to have CC on it, I would suggest swapping the knockback for knockdown, or maybe a short daze on lvls 1 and 2, and a stun on lvl 3.

So aye, mainhand pistol needs the symbol to be tweaked, and offhand pistol feels very underpowered. My general run-around guardian hybrid build does 1.5k more dps with Pistol/Torch than with Pistol/Pistol. I've found myself flat-out ignoring skill 5 completely when I was using offhand pistol because the mob knockback/unpredictable scattering was just plain annoying.

Edited by Alaia Skyhawk.5064
edited to fix a typo
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So i haven't played with pistols for very long and my experience so far is only in wvw:


-Love that pistol 4 is an ammo skill

-love that pistol 4 cripples

-love that pistol 3 and 2 generate a lot of burns really quickly

-love that pistol 2 is a channel that can't be reflected


-pistol 5 seems pretty unimpressive given its cool animation and the charge level bonuses seem counterintuitive. I'll elaborate: 

1. The last charge is the one that does cc, but usually when you want to cc, you want to do so quickly, both in pvp and pve..

2. The knockback is annoying and given that you want enemies to stay in your symbols, knocking them back seems like a pretty bad idea.

3. Most people seem to just be pressing pistol 5 right away and ignoring level 2 and level 3 since it's not worth it to charge.

My suggestions for pistol 5:

1. change the knockback into a knockdown.

2. Put the knockback/knockdown on level 1 charge.

3. Remove burns from level 1 and 2 (or just from level 1) and put them all on level 3, and maybe bump up the burns to  6 stacks or make them last longer.

4. Add bleeding to level 3 charge to make it more enticing.

5. Add multi hit to level 2 and level 3. Make level 2 hit 3 times and level 3 hit 6 times. This way pistol 5 is worth using for traits that require you hit multiple times to get benefit (virtue burns and lethal tempo). 

Edited by Kuya.6495
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I think the pistols would feel more comfy to play if the skills were moved around a bit in this way:

  • Move the pistol 3 skill, [Symbol of Ignition], into the 2nd slot.
  • Move the pistol 4 skill, [Hail of Justice], into the 3rd slot.
  • Move the pistol 2 skill, [Peacekeeper], into the 4th slot.

As it stands, it feels a little bit awkward if you want to play an alternative offhand or main hand because with a different offhand, you can no longer proc the [Symbol of Ignition] unless you're just autoattacking, which has less value because the autoattack is slow compared to the duration of the symbol. If you want to play with an alternative mainhand, then your [Hail of Justice] can no longer benefit from the [Symbol of Ignition]'s burning bonus and it is not a projectile finisher so it can't interact with any fire fields. The current order the skills are in sort of feels like it's anti-buildcraft if someone wanted to run a sword/pistol build or pistol/torch build for example.

An unrelated change I would maybe want to see is that a fully charged [Jurisdiction] should be an arcing shot like the trajectory of a mortar instead of skating along the floor like it currently does. Or even just a straight line shot that goes through the air instead of skating along the ground.

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Not sure where the concept for this one came from, but it is a lot of fun. Very much a glass cannon though. Probably going to be relegated to group content; not a lot of solo potential here.

I have noticed a bug: Skill 5 fails to knock back enemies at less than 300 range.

8/10 overall. Recommend pairing with Dragonhunter.

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Oh I forgot to add even though this isn't feedback about pistol specifically but it's about radiant fire on torch. Right now even if pistol offhand is alright and synergizes with mh pistol, the opportunity cost of not running radiant fire and torch is just too great to pass. Meaning people will likely still forego using offhand pistol for torch. 

Now I don't know if anet wants to keep torch competitive with pistol offhand for condi damage and that's fine. I can see myself using pistol/pistol and pistol/torch. But because of the way radiant fire works, you get punished for switching off torch. 

It would be nice if anet addressed this problem with radiant fire that has, frankly, an annoying rng mechanic to it that sort of ruins the gameplay loop in any condi guardian build. Short term, anet could buff offhand pistol so it's always better than torch and you no longer bother taking radiant fire. But I would also like to see a change to that trait at some point that doesn't force us into only taking torch for condi and doesn't rely on rng.

Edited by Kuya.6495
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quite meh sadly.

tome 1 is useless when you are ranged so you have again melle pistols.

1# could use some burning

2# needs more, like that blue beam adding burning attacks to ppl in your group (ashes ehm ehm)

3# again promoting melle pistols bcs you proc burning  2x while standing in melle. its quite short so you cant burst 2x #4           (4 sec duration can be increased to 6 sec with trait)  also minor gripe is that symbol makes projectiles ORANGE on guardian which have all flames BLUE. 

4# 5 bullets seems too little, 6 would make more sense to proc trait 2x in each burst. add something to make it more interesting  2nd bullet cripple> 3rd bullet chill> 4th bullet slow >5th bullet blind> 6th bullet fear so if something eats whole burst it will get properly punished.

5# is just clunky mess, remove holding button and just make it channeling skill. some boon strip would be nice.


pistols still need some work to be fun and usefull but i hope with some improvements they can be at least viable for no weapon swap meta cfb 😕


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Overall Concept and feeling
++ Feels  Smooth
++ Nice animations
++ Good Condi Damage output. Should be kinda similar to sword + torch right now maybe a bit higher. You might have to keep an eye on this
~ Low Strike Damage, I really hoped this might be an option for ranged power builds as well. I don't think it will see anyplay on power builds tho. Guess we have to wait for scepter rework.
- It feels really dps oriented. I Kinda miss  some setup tooling and defensive tooling, like Blind, Daze, Immob, evade or blocks. The last two might be justified with the current damage output.

Skill 5 - Jurisdiction - Feels kinda bad
++ Nice animations!
--- The knock back is annoying and not helpful at all, you want to stack opponents not push them away from each other. SUGGESTION: Make it a pull in! Maybe even along the line it passes so opponents align nicely for piercing
-- Feels really unrewarding in wvw because you miss the power damage there and a cc with such a long charge time doesnt feel impactful. Often i use it at lowest level to interrupt a single target. You might reduce the cast time to 1,5sec
-- The double hitting of the skill to make it explode early or later feels really bad. Please just let it explode right after passing the target.

Skill 4 - Hail of Justice
++ Feels impactful, thanks to the synergy with the Symbol from Skill 3
-- This skill actually might be on Slot 2, so you have the synergy in one weapon. 
~ You might increase the bleeding to 2 stacks per hit but reduce the overall hits from 5 to 3 for a lesser burn impact.

Skill 3 - Symbol of Ignition - split in two AoEs
++ Impactful and nice synergy and game mechanic, which is rewarding if you play around it
~ I still dont think it feels good that it placed below your self. SUGGESTION: maybe this should be split in 2 aoes. The symbol its self should be placed below the enemy, the effect where you have to shoot through, should be placed at your location

Skill 2 - Peacekeeper - Fine as it is
+++ No Projectiles, so not blocked or reflected
- No Projectiles, leading to no synergy with the symbol from Skill 3. SUGGESTION: As before maybe swap it will skill 4 so the synergy is on one weapon. Alternatively maybe make this an unblockable projectil skill.
- Animation is a bit wierd on moving targets

Skill 1 - Through the Heart - Decent
~ Does the job for an auto attack I guess, didnt expect more or less


Disclaimer: Feedback is mostly from WvW Experience with those weapons

Edited by Nero.7369
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After seeing the teaser video and watching a recording of the live stream, I thought Guardian's Pistols might be fun. Sadly they didn't turn out that way for me.

I liked dropping the Symbol and burning down enemies with ability 4, but that's where the fun ended for me. And the Symbol duration feels too short. It would be better at six or eight seconds.

The beam on ability 2 feels boring to me.

A fully charged Jurisdiction didn't feel impactful enough for the long channel time. Also, please consider segmenting the channel bar, so we can see where which charge is on the bar. The spell circle in the air is pretty, but that may not be enough of an indicator.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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as it stands right now from a wvw perspective the autoattack is extremely lackluster and does pretty much no dmg. It needs the symbol to do any damage.

pistol 2 is alright, it's not a projectile and that is its only redeeming quality because the dmg is also fairly low. Full cele stats with 100% burn duration, condi food and full condi infusions and some might gives you about 4k burn dmg if the entire ability hits an enemy and nothing is cleansed. Also the fact that the beam is not improved by the symbol is pretty sad imo.

The symbol itself is a kitten skill like pretty much all symbols in pvp environment. But this one is placed directly below you on a ranged weapon. And i get why that is done, because that way you can actually use the autoattack and pistol 4 to combo with the symbol, but the symbol itself does pretty much nothing 90% of the time.

I did some duels with some guild mates and bleeding dmg was practically nonexistant. Like less then 5% of the total dmg dealt after the fight and that brings me to pistol 4. Because this skill only does damage in combination with pistol 3 (the symbol) so it inflicts burning as well as bleeding and without the symbol (no burn and only bleed) the damage is very very lackluster.

And pistol 5 sadly is just a small little knockback on a huge cd. Because charging the shot is like screaming at your enemies please use reflect now and charging the shot doesn't actually do anything. If you fully charge it you get two stacks burn out of it in addition to the small knockback... very underwhelming.


All in all i'd say pistol mainhand is mediocre (only because pistol 2 is not a projectile and as such useable in wvw because there is so much reflect going on and because the symbol has such a low casting time) and offhand pistol is sadly quite bad (pistol 4 only does decent damage if combo'd with pistol 3 and pistol 5 is just sad in wvw).

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Pistol 1 is fine.

Pistol 2 and 4 should swap around. It makes no sense that the symbol triggers with projectiles but the 2 skill is a laser instead. Clearly it's meant to be used with the rapid-fire move but it's decoupled into separate weapons. Swap these skills around and it will make sense along with my next suggestion.


Pistol 5, as many have pointed out, is weird to use in the way the inputs work. Remove the unnecessary extra button press to detonate at max charge. Also, the knockback is counter intuitive to the weapon's design, as it favors enemies being clumped up. People also generally HATE having enemies spread by CC (have we not learned the lesson from Ranger's longbow and the Blast Gyro?).

My suggestion: Pistol 5 will drag enemies in as it travels along its path, just like elementalists' Warhorn 4 in air attunement, lining them up perfectly for the (now swapped into the 4 skill) piercing laser. This way, you keep a CC for breakbar damage, you don't infuriate your allies, and it makes sense with the weapon's core goals of hiting as many targets as possible while piercing them. 

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In competitive play the two Pistols have some issues by being balanced to be too low damage for a purely offensive set with no utility, no defense, no boons, no evades or mobility skills.

Strike damage is far too low across all the skills in both PvP and WvW, a viable Power build just isn’t possible.

Too much damage is loaded on the Symbol, the same issue all Guardian weapons have as enemies don’t stand around in symbols, at least some weapons have a way to hold enemies or pull them back into a symbol for a moment, the Pistols don’t.

Symbol damage might look good in Excel or against an immobile Golem during some PvE benchmark testing, but they’re awful in actual mobile gameplay.

Strike damage needs to be increased across the board, damage from the Symbol needs to be shifted over to Peacekeeper and Hail of Justice, at least in PvP and WvW with the skill splits.

The auto-attack is so low, piercing isn’t that special when enemies don’t exactly line up and WvW is full of reflects.

Jurisdiction needs more burning added to charge level 1 and 2, the charging bar should be segmented like Adrenaline.

For the 3 charge levels of Jurisdiction I would suggest a change to the CC behaviour:

Level 1 - 1 sec stun, 4s Weakness.

Level 2 - 2 sec stun, 5s Weakness.

Level 3 - 2 sec AoE knockdown and 5s AoE Weakness upon impact or prematurely detonated if pushed again.


The Pistols have no combo finishers? Everything that can be reflected should be a 20% or 100% projectile finisher.
If you don’t want to give us finishers to avoid extra burning damage from fire fields for balance? Ok, then make all of the skills function like Peacekeeper, non-reflectable magic to match their low damage.

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 My main feedback is 3 of the skill that I feel need to be adjusted or fixed.


Skill 2's animation doesn't seem to track the enemy well. It looks like you're flashing a laser pointer everywhere besides the target you aimed it at, so that needs to be adjusted. 


I think the Skill 3 Symbol just doesn't last as long as it could to allow the guardian to combo off of swapped weapons. I'd think maybe 5 or 6 second duration would be a better amount of time to allow for more time to take advantage of it. 


Skill 5 has different levels depending on how long you leave it charging. To me, if you decide to fire the weapon early, I think the cooldown should reduce on the weapon. Full charge shot should take the exact time it has currently to cooldown, but depending on how early you fire it, it has a different cooldowns.  Here's maybe how I'd do it.

Level 1: 12 second cooldown

Level 2: 16 second cooldown

Level 3: 20 second cooldown


I did notice some bugs with Skill 5. At level 3, I'd have shots that just pass through the target and not hit on impact. Other times, the knockback is inconsistent, where at one point an enemy was knocked back towards me instead of away from me, or worse, the knockback doesn't even work or activate. 

Edited by TheMaskedGamer.5708
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- Skill 1, 4 and 5: No Projectile Combo Finisher info in tooltip
- Because of the strong synergy between Skill 3 and 4 the skill 4 should switch position with skill 2.
- Will make scepter as range condition weapon obsolete (like longbow did it as range power weapon). Scepter need a better skill 3 or a good autoattack chain at skill 1 (like all other professions with scepter skills except ele).

Edited by Iustitian.9176
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