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do people go full vendetta mode often in wvw?


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2 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Short answer yes, though if you're in a guild it may be your guild tag someone has a vendetta against, rather than you specifically.

more like  ZEEERRRRRGGGG'D than actually the traditional Kill on sight, if a person looses and gets a vandeta in this game , will call 10 or even way more to kill one that's how lame people are here.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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2 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Short answer yes, though if you're in a guild it may be your guild tag someone has a vendetta against, rather than you specifically.

Agree and it works both ways. Attack a roamer with a group and its fair to say that the roamer might remember that and be bias when choosing targets later on. 😉 But that's part of the fun.

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Naturally. This is the same game mode where people have to put effort to harass you in whispers (and then block you again afterwards) 

But you have to empathize. Salty players often fall into one of two categories that may overlap:

1.) Bad players that don't succeed very much. Look, any victory is a victory, even if it's killing the tower lord. You can't blame them for getting a little intense. These are the types of people that tell you they took your keep when nobody was on. Too bad little of it goes to self-improvement. Which means failure is around the corner for them at every turn and yet another opportunity to get mad.

2.) Egotistical players that may have some skill but they just can't handle dying at all. They usually play as risk averse as possible and are often not seen alone.  This is almost every 4 supports +1 dps group and is usually the dpser that flames their supports for not dying in their stead. Instead of learning from their death or just brushing it off, they instead use this time to flame somebody. These will most certainly stalk you on the map should you kill them. (Or even if they fail to kill you). You probably ruined their Youtube montage.

In general, you will get hilarious accusations like saying you are a condi build when you're a power build (did you know you don't need to invest in condi damage to cripple someone?) Or saying you're a support even though you killed them. Well, I suppose you should just tell them you killed them in full minstrel, yes. So if they're already blurting out that kind of nonsense to you, just imagine what goes on in their head. Actually don't.

That being said, I hate these sorts of BM players on my side too, as they often escalate with the other server, and the other server retaliates and starts like siege burying me. Though to be fair I'd probably siege bury myself too as I like to kite people chasing me into zergs. Sorry. People on my current link are extremely rude to both enemies and allies alike so it's been awful.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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U wanna see a vendetta, find a thief trolling ur teammates and down them on a mirage. I don't kno why but it comes with a 100% whisper guarantee and a stalker for the next half hr. I've downed many thieves on slb,, druid, reaper, willbender and dh and crickets, do it on mirage and ur a bleep....beep........ piece of bleeping bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Been my bleeping experience anyway.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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9 hours ago, Sirvaleen.1379 said:

I'm an Asura, I never feel targeted. Just randomly stepped on.

lol, see that's why we need a racial option to allow a Charr to grab an Asura, throw them on their back and charge into a fight to murderize  the other side. Charr speed and Asura sharkteeth for the win!

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9 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I can't honestly say that I care enough about opposing players as individuals to go after them personally. If you are an obstacle to my goal(s) I will attempt to remove you. Otherwise not.

🙂 If you don't duel, finding players that drop your alt and its build are good reasons to re-seek them so you can test and practice. This is the role that sPvP used to have that is lost. So don't discount that time to practice. The more that you refine your build and its counter builds the better you might do in various size of play, let alone while roaming or in small scale. 2 cents from an alternate view. I understand your overall point of staying focused but that doesn't remove additional options to practice while hunting.

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5 hours ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

Yes they do, lol I cannot name the server lmao. It's a whole server against x server, there's also a player I  nicknamed, the saltiest whisperer, almost everyone has gotten a salty whisper from them at some point.

I admit this is where I have found server links a bit of fun. It opened the view between us versus them. And created some lol conversations. It also added moments where the idea was, no you are not going down, get up and we are getting them or going down together moments.

This is where I worry about the 4 week links. But again I see the coding logic of it. And can understand the options to refine the code pre-beta. These are just opposing aspects to me. It's kind of like when you rub a dog or cat against the grain and they give the look of WTW.

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Yeah I’m avoiding or engaging based on build and player. If i see a player that i know can just delete me, then i try to turn away cause i know i am not good enough.

i eventually kill him when i have enough friends with me (and we try to get a claim or tower or something) but more as in „part and parcel“ of wvw. I’m never jumping over a corpse or whatnot.

generally i pick every fight (except thieves and willbenders). But if i know the other player outskills me (which is not that hard, I’m no pro like 99% of the forum), then there’s no point in doing so.

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9 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

I’m no pro like 99% of the forum

I think you might find about 1% here that might try and claim a title of pro, but you have earned your Forum Wars 2 Badge for the attempt lol. This game within the game is a great place to banter and share when at work, or when you can't see yet or when you might be getting some lunch and would like to be, but aren't in game. 

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

🙂 If you don't duel, finding players that drop your alt and its build are good reasons to re-seek them so you can test and practice. This is the role that sPvP used to have that is lost. So don't discount that time to practice. The more that you refine your build and its counter builds the better you might do in various size of play, let alone while roaming or in small scale. 2 cents from an alternate view. I understand your overall point of staying focused but that doesn't remove additional options to practice while hunting.

I don't really consider duelling to be a vendetta.

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3 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I think you might find about 1% here that might try and claim a title of pro, but you have earned your Forum Wars 2 Badge for the attempt lol. This game within the game is a great place to banter and share when at work, or when you can't see yet or when you might be getting some lunch and would like to be, but aren't in game. 

True but i love forums (and their pvp) in all possible games. And everywhere it’s always the same, I’m thinking that everyone just easily beats cms and is awesome good at the game.

I am not. I’m just average really ^^

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I still remember some yrs back when a mesmer was taunting and using my body as a trampoline for trying to res my teammate. My build wasn't even for fighting so the next time I respawned I swapped to one (can't remember the exact build), b-line to the ojs near south bay.  Scattering and fighting about 1/4 of their  zerg until I found that same mes. 

I did but as soon as I came after him he bailed.  Since I didn't have the cds to chase him, I just went back to fighting the zerg until my tag wiped them. 


Another time was when some flamegun group sniped me. So as soon as I got back up I decided to get disrespectful and unequip all my weapons except a single sword, with all drd physical skills. As soon as I found him I combo'd him in 5sec. 


One last frantic moment is when my team was getting spawn camped. So being on warrior I managed to sneak around behind the keep and open outer/inner keep. Then tagged up and led anyone smart enough to use the opening. My squad took back the keep but for extra measure I broadcasted 'let no one leave alive'. With me being a glass cannon the whole time so I personally made sure of that. 

Most other times sums up to me going Revvy on glass Weaver, roaming around targeting 'x' team. 

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