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24 hr later because still waiting on customer support to answer real tired


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New player - Long time experienced gamer -

I'm trying to get into this but I'm losing patience. I need the pvp build or general build explained because if you look at literally any other game, you open up the build its not a confusing mess. I'd post a picture of elder scrolls online talent spec build thing vses this one if I could upload pictures.  But here only the utility bar is changable, on far left side you have all these different weapon skills looking like actual different abilities that may be slotted. So tired of this never ending migraine over it, I purchased the game and all, & I'm this flustered over this, can't seem to find an answer anywhere via google or youtube video. 1st customer support replies with a link referencing all these different builds - O K. Weapon skills interface really throws me off, and not being able to rearrange the main 1-3 abilities, + where is 4 and 5. I really feel like there should be a page or little thing simply saying oh weapon skills tab - reference how your main abilities change with different weapons if that's basically all there is to it and if you can't change 1-3, wondering where 4 and 5 come into play. ..... IDK where's the guide or note about this basic thing. I understand if you change your attunement or main talent spec..... only then do the 1-3 abilities change.

Edited by Extramilions.4268
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Well you're generally expected to have either a 2-handed weapon or a main-hand and an off-hand (you get two weapon sets per build so you can have both). It kind of looks like you're only equipping a main-hand weapon if all you're seeing is skills 1-3 and blanks in 4 & 5. Maybe this wiki link might help? I suggest also clicking through the "Hero Panel" link from that page too.

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23 minutes ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

New player - Long time experienced gamer -

I'm trying to get into this but I'm losing patience. I need the pvp build or general build explained because if you look at literally any other game, you open up the build its not a confusing mess. I'd post a picture of elder scrolls online talent spec build thing vses this one if I could upload pictures.  But here only the utility bar is changable, on far left side you have all these different weapon skills looking like actual different abilities that may be slotted. So tired of this never ending migraine over it, I purchased the game and all, & I'm this flustered over this, can't seem to find an answer anywhere via google or youtube video. 1st customer support replies with a link referencing all these different builds - O K. Weapon skills interface really throws me off, and not being able to rearrange the main 1-3 abilities, + where is 4 and 5. I really feel like there should be a page or little thing simply saying oh weapon skills tab - reference how your main abilities change with different weapons if that's basically all there is to it and if you can't change 1-3, wondering where 4 and 5 come into play. ..... IDK where's the guide or note about this basic thing. I understand if you change your attunement or main talent spec..... only then do the 1-3 abilities change.

If you mouse over your weapons, even the ones in your inventory, they say "main hand" or "off-hand" or "unusable by your profession/[x weapon] use requires the elite specialization [y]" or whatnot, depending on your class.

Some weapons are two-handed, and they take up all 5 weapon skill slots. Trial and error would show you this. It is genuinely not that difficult, nor is it an issue for customer support. This falls on you to understand.

Go to your hero tab (press H). Go to the Build slot (the icon second from the top in the list). Spend some time clicking around on the icons at the upper left hand corner of that tab. It shows you all of the potential weapons and skills that your class may use, regardless of elite spec.

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33 minutes ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

New player - Long time experienced gamer -

I'm trying to get into this but I'm losing patience. I need the pvp build or general build explained because if you look at literally any other game, you open up the build its not a confusing mess. I'd post a picture of elder scrolls online talent spec build thing vses this one if I could upload pictures.  But here only the utility bar is changable, on far left side you have all these different weapon skills looking like actual different abilities that may be slotted. So tired of this never ending migraine over it, I purchased the game and all, & I'm this flustered over this, can't seem to find an answer anywhere via google or youtube video. 1st customer support replies with a link referencing all these different builds - O K. Weapon skills interface really throws me off, and not being able to rearrange the main 1-3 abilities, + where is 4 and 5. I really feel like there should be a page or little thing simply saying oh weapon skills tab - reference how your main abilities change with different weapons if that's basically all there is to it and if you can't change 1-3, wondering where 4 and 5 come into play. ..... IDK where's the guide or note about this basic thing. I understand if you change your attunement or main talent spec..... only then do the 1-3 abilities change.

You bought everything for the game before even the point of figuring out the difference between one handed/two handed/off hand weapons and you asked CS before asking in game where people would have answered in about 5 seconds you.

I doubt the "long time experienced gamer" part because of that mate.

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1 hour ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

New player - Long time experienced gamer -

I'm trying to get into this but I'm losing patience. I need the pvp build or general build explained because if you look at literally any other game, you open up the build its not a confusing mess. I'd post a picture of elder scrolls online talent spec build thing vses this one if I could upload pictures.  But here only the utility bar is changable, on far left side you have all these different weapon skills looking like actual different abilities that may be slotted. So tired of this never ending migraine over it, I purchased the game and all, & I'm this flustered over this, can't seem to find an answer anywhere via google or youtube video. 1st customer support replies with a link referencing all these different builds - O K. Weapon skills interface really throws me off, and not being able to rearrange the main 1-3 abilities, + where is 4 and 5. I really feel like there should be a page or little thing simply saying oh weapon skills tab - reference how your main abilities change with different weapons if that's basically all there is to it and if you can't change 1-3, wondering where 4 and 5 come into play. ..... IDK where's the guide or note about this basic thing. I understand if you change your attunement or main talent spec..... only then do the 1-3 abilities change.

heres some help for you:


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3 hours ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

+ where is 4 and 5.  (...) wondering where 4 and 5 come into play.

All you had to do is play the game a little and at level 6 (which is when you unlock offhand weapons and weapon skill 4) you get an information about that.


3 hours ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

- Long time experienced gamer -

This is meaningless. Playing another unrelated game does nothing for you in a completely different, new for you game. Whenever I see people mention anything along the lines of "played mmos for x years!", they fail at basics because they're assuming they'll inevitably just know what does what. And then... they don't. Take it a bit slower (as opposed to jumping into pvp right away) and read what the game tells you along the way.

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First, It's weekend and it's Christmas. That counts fo customer support as well. Just saying.

Second, all the "problems" you describe are basic stuff you learn in the first few hours of playing the game. The game tells you about all this.
So yeah, that's a you problem. You literally want so skip the tutorial and complain that you don't understand anything.

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You know the shortest clearest answer would have simply saying yes the weapon skills window is to be thought of as just a reference - whatever weapon you're using your main abilities 1-3 change to that automatically.  thats all I was looking for a short and sweet confirmation. the fact is no one is simply saying just that, the game isn't saying that anywhere obviously for me to be asking this.  & Still no answer oh hey your actually just unable to move/rearrange the main 1-5 whatever abilities at all ?


This guide doesn't say. I can't just play a game when thrown off by an overwhelming interface combined with some action slots you can customize & others you can't, just seems like poor design.

 I can't be the only one stressing about this. There must be plenty of players not playing gw2 because of this little thing.



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7 minutes ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

You know the shortest clearest answer would have simply saying yes the weapon skills window is to be thought of as just a reference - whatever weapon you're using your main abilities 1-3 change to that automatically.  thats all I was looking for a short and sweet confirmation. the fact is no one is simply saying just that, the game isn't saying that anywhere obviously for me to be asking this.  & Still no answer oh hey your actually just unable to move/rearrange the main 1-5 whatever abilities at all ?


This guide doesn't say. I can't just play a game when thrown off by an overwhelming interface combined with some action slots you can customize & others you can't, just seems like poor design.

 I can't be the only one stressing about this. There must be plenty of players not playing gw2 because of this little thing.

You don't have a single question mark in your OP. If you want a simple answer, first please ask a question. To me your OP looks like just venting, possibly that's why you're getting responses you're getting.

Yes, main hand weapon decides your 1-3 skills, OH weapon 4-5. 2handed is for all 1-5. Once again: try leveling up and read the tips after each level up the game shows you. You're trying to skip the ingame tutorial and then complain that there's no tutorial.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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7 minutes ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

You know the shortest clearest answer would have simply saying yes the weapon skills window is to be thought of as just a reference - whatever weapon you're using your main abilities 1-3 change to that automatically.  thats all I was looking for a short and sweet confirmation. the fact is no one is simply saying just that, the game isn't saying that anywhere obviously for me to be asking this.  & Still no answer oh hey your actually just unable to move/rearrange the main 1-5 whatever abilities at all ?


This guide doesn't say. I can't just play a game when thrown off by an overwhelming interface combined with some action slots you can customize & others you can't, just seems like poor design.

 I can't be the only one stressing about this. There must be plenty of players not playing gw2 because of this little thing.



Level 6, you don't even need to scroll the page. It tells you about these at level 6 in game.

It doesn't need to be said, it doesn't need to be asked from customer support, because ~10 minutes into the game you're already told about it. If you skip over reading it then don't blame the game.

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57 minutes ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

You know the shortest clearest answer would have simply saying yes the weapon skills window is to be thought of as just a reference - whatever weapon you're using your main abilities 1-3 change to that automatically.  thats all I was looking for a short and sweet confirmation. the fact is no one is simply saying just that, the game isn't saying that anywhere obviously for me to be asking this.  & Still no answer oh hey your actually just unable to move/rearrange the main 1-5 whatever abilities at all ?


This guide doesn't say. I can't just play a game when thrown off by an overwhelming interface combined with some action slots you can customize & others you can't, just seems like poor design.

 I can't be the only one stressing about this. There must be plenty of players not playing gw2 because of this little thing.



To answer you last question plainly no you cant rearange skill 1.-5 at all.

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1 hour ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

You know the shortest clearest answer would have simply saying yes the weapon skills window is to be thought of as just a reference - whatever weapon you're using your main abilities 1-3 change to that automatically.  thats all I was looking for a short and sweet confirmation. the fact is no one is simply saying just that, the game isn't saying that anywhere obviously for me to be asking this.  & Still no answer oh hey your actually just unable to move/rearrange the main 1-5 whatever abilities at all ?


This guide doesn't say. I can't just play a game when thrown off by an overwhelming interface combined with some action slots you can customize & others you can't, just seems like poor design.

 I can't be the only one stressing about this. There must be plenty of players not playing gw2 because of this little thing.



Your first poss was a jumbled mess of a frustrated player who didn't take any time to be clear about the issue. Despite the context clues in the wording, it was not at all like this post that is pretty clear and easy to read. I think I read it twice to try to find the actual question. You shouldn't be stressin'! As you level, the in-game new player guide will pop up to tell you about things (many unlock as you level, some they choose to explicitly tell you about but you already can use, such as waypoints or the trading post or whatever). The main things to know about "builds" and the interface:

  • Your current weapon(s) will determine skills 1-5. Two-handed (e.g., greatsword, rifle) will fill all, while you can wield some combination of one-handers and offhands depending on your class that will fill 1-3 and 4-5.
  • You will choose what skills to use in slots 6 through 10. Note that slot 6 will always be the healing skills, 7-9 one of several utilities, and 10 "elite" skills.
    • Also note that these slots all have those little arrows above them to indicate that they can be swapped out, whereas your professions skills and weapon skills are essentially "locked" to whatever weapon and specialization (talents).
  • You can change the keybinds for all of these slots from the defaults, but you cannot change the order of the slots.
    • Perhaps more relevant -- you cannot change the order of weapon skills. Every guardian with a greatstword, for example, has whirling wrath in slot 2.
  • Many of these will be grayed-out for new characters until they level further.
  • Going underwater gives you a second copy of the bar. You will have one or more underwater weapon equipment spots which, you guessed it, affect slots 1-5. You will need to set 6-10 again, even if you did on land already, as some skills don't work underwater and/or you may want different skills when swimming.


You can also jump to the "PvP lobby" (crossed-sword icon at the top of your screen) to test out weapon combinations and skills and traits that you don't yet have in PvE. If you do this, there should be a vendor that sells basic copies of all weapons, and there are target dummies and stuff you can fight to see animations and playstyle.

Edited by synk.6907
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8 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Fails to figure out tutorial to the point He must vent on forum and contact support. Omagalul. xd

I mean, I'm experienced in getting hit by cars as in the last 20 years I've been hit by 3-4 of them, it's never a good experience, but I'm experienced in it. I guess it's a similiar idea with OP.

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You know this game is free to play for the Core version? Most people, I thought anyway, would play the game for a while knowing there's effectively an unending demo and use that time to figure out the basics of the game first, rather than immediately commit money to it. If you didn't know that, well... now you do!

Anyway, lots of good answers already provided here, so I'll leave you with this tip: find something new in game and not sure what to make of it? Try typing "/wiki [item/skill name]" and that'll open your browser up for you. For example, /wiki Candy Cane will open up a tab in Chrome for me straight to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Candy_Cane.

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Basic skill info

Your profession skills are dictated by what weapon that profession can equip

- If you equip a one hand and an offhand, the one hand skills are 1-3 and the offhand are 4-5

- If you equip a two handed weapon, skills are 1-5.

- if you play an elementalist, the skills will change based on your attunement to a particular type of magic (changed via pressing F1-4). Eg weapon skills for a staff will be different on fire than on earth

These cannot be moved. But you can have two sets of weapons to switch between at a button press (eg switch between axe main hand and shield off hand in one slot and hammer two hand in another slot)


Your utility skills on the right side are as follows and are also dependant on your profession or your race. They are changeable at any time out of combat 

6 = a choice from any selectable heal skill

7, 8, 9 = any utility skill, in any order.

0 = elite skill. These are long cool down, bigger impact skills


You can view everything including your skills and set your traits (passive skills to aid your build coherency) from the character panel (press H on the keyboard)


Your pvp build will differ from your pve build and will need setting up separately in the pvp area of the game (it saves and remembers automatically what you set)


Hope that helps with the basics 

Edited by Randulf.7614
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Like how much people got to be in defensive hostile mode.FF ppl just too quick to jump down throats. Advertise like sure jump into pvp right away , long before lvl 6 for that info to be revealed.  Not everyone plays games the same way. Developers should take this as a hint to make it less confusing when - Extramillions - is all top google results and I'm telling you it's literally the only game with a little misleading confusing ui. It's called just have a less confusing ui ' if you just take a look at it' vses everything else there's no reason for it.There's a lot of games out there. I'm actively learning game design too 10 hrs+ a week w/ a teacher, not just some random player of games telling you this, I could blame the game, it's a very minor thing not a big deal with the shape other games are in lately. - Expect a better rocket league in the making and more.

So those that were actually helpful thanks I could've done without the rest and the tedious sifting thru the unnecessary comments

4 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Level 6, you don't even need to scroll the page. It tells you about these at level 6 in game.

It doesn't need to be said, it doesn't need to be asked from customer support, because ~10 minutes into the game you're already told about it. If you skip over reading it then don't blame the game.


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8 hours ago, Extramilions.4268 said:

You know the shortest clearest answer would have simply saying yes the weapon skills window is to be thought of as just a reference - whatever weapon you're using your main abilities 1-3 change to that automatically.  thats all I was looking for a short and sweet confirmation. the fact is no one is simply saying just that, the game isn't saying that anywhere obviously for me to be asking this.  & Still no answer oh hey your actually just unable to move/rearrange the main 1-5 whatever abilities at all ?


This guide doesn't say. I can't just play a game when thrown off by an overwhelming interface combined with some action slots you can customize & others you can't, just seems like poor design.

 I can't be the only one stressing about this. There must be plenty of players not playing gw2 because of this little thing.



you clearly haven't read the guide very well, as it says on Part 3


Equipping New Weapons

Every profession can choose from a variety of weapons. The first five skills on your bar are your weapon skills and change only when you equip a different weapon.


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I would recommend you play the game to at least lvl 40ish before you jump into pvp. Well I in truth I would recommend to play to 80 and some more because the character build system is quite complex and the combat system is not the easiest and needs some adjusting because its semi action and quite fast. But at least play so much that the game will introduce all systems.

The skills go like this though:

1-5 weapon skills and change depending on you equipped weapon(s). Available weapon choices depend on your class & elite specialization. You can have 2 weapon setups which you can swap in combat and thus change your 1-5 skills in combat. Elementalist and engineer can't weapon swap in combat but have other mechanics to fill that gap.

6-0 skills are utility skills, you can choose those out of many available outside of combat. The unique case here is Revenant on which utility skills are dependant on your legend of choice and you can equip 2 legends and swap between them thus also swapping utility skill sets in combat.

Skills F1-F5 are class / elite specialization dependent and really vary between classes. On a warrior these also change depending on your weapon of choice. 

Since you are interested in spvp early. Spvp has normalised stats so your gear quality doesnt matter. You have to equip your weapons. Any quality and lvl of weapons will do, stats dont matter. You can equip lvl 1 grey weapons and it will be the same as lvl 80 legendary weapons. Instead of armour and trinkets pvp uses just one piece of gear which is pvp amulet which you can choose freely. If you go to your equipment tab there is an icon I think in top left and you can switch from your normal gear view to pvp amulet view. If you go to pvp lobby (there is a button in the top left UI which will teleport you there) I think amulet shouold be the default view.

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