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Old Dailies

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So I've given it a while, but I still must say. I miss the old dailies. they were just 10 times better. I miss waiting for the vet, doing 2 camps. getting the daily JP. You still get some of that but the new dailies are just terrible. Get 10 looted enemies, in a game where lot dropped from enemies isnt really much a thing. Sure its doable, is it fun? Nah, would much more rather get WvW Vet. And sure you can do WvW and PvE. But the dailies are hardly dailies, escort 3 dolyaks, thats a guild mission, not a daily. Again, Im not saying the dailies or weeklies arent doable, Im just saying, the old dailies were just so much more fun. These new dailies and weeklies are more chores then anything, sure the new rewards are amazing, but I'd rather have the old system back.

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I'm gonna share with you a secret. I shouldn't....but I'm gonna. In general, you can complete your dailies all at once just by doing a rift. For Complete a Rift....go complete a rift. 3 combo skills? Do a rift. 3 dodge rolls? Go do a rift. All three in one day? Get it all done at your One Stop Shop at Wal*Rift.

For the other ones...The Ruination. Complete a Renown Heart? Help the Order of Shadows defend against the Forged. Loot ten enemies? You're already killing forged. Need an event? Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan. Just kill 10 enemies? You're already doing that. Need Veterans? It's got them. And for an added bonus if the Weekly is Forged, you're working on that too. And if you happen to get some combination of Kill/Loot, Heart, and Event, you can get them ALL done right there. It's pretty much the perfect nexus to knock out your dailies in a few minutes and go on your way.

The dailies were always chores. Now you can do them in a few minutes. No fuss, no muss, no mess, no problem.

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4 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I'm gonna share with you a secret. I shouldn't....but I'm gonna. In general, you can complete your dailies all at once just by doing a rift. For Complete a Rift....go complete a rift. 3 combo skills? Do a rift. 3 dodge rolls? Go do a rift. All three in one day? Get it all done at your One Stop Shop at Wal*Rift.

For the other ones...The Ruination. Complete a Renown Heart? Help the Order of Shadows defend against the Forged. Loot ten enemies? You're already killing forged. Need an event? Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan. Just kill 10 enemies? You're already doing that. Need Veterans? It's got them. And for an added bonus if the Weekly is Forged, you're working on that too. And if you happen to get some combination of Kill/Loot, Heart, and Event, you can get them ALL done right there. It's pretty much the perfect nexus to knock out your dailies in a few minutes and go on your way.

The dailies were always chores. Now you can do them in a few minutes. No fuss, no muss, no mess, no problem.

You missed the point, as I said above. its not them being doable Im talking about, its that the old ones were just so much more fun. daily JP's getting to do vets. simple, fast, fun things. The whole community got to get together and do.

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I also miss the people waiting on camps and vets to spawn. You could bag a good 5 AFKs without taking a hit that way.

Now it's been replaced with the guys desperately trying to dps the dolyak down while you take them to pound town. It's just not the same.

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I also miss the old dailies. But for me it's less about the dailies themselves.

When I had a choice of twelve dailies across all modes, I did them almost every daily.

But now, only having a handful of pre-selected ones shoved down my throat generates little to no motivation.

Having to go through that disgusting UI to get rid of that annoying red point doesn't exactly increase my motivation either.

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Yeah, i miss going to an overpopulated map trying to find 4 event when everyone is already doing them... fun....

And sometimes, you got that combined with a donjon, mini dungeon or world boss... (Always nice when the wb won't reappear before the reset)

Half of the time, it was kinda depressing to see the daily, and no, i don't want to do WvW or sPvP to have a feasable daily.

Current daily aren't perfect, sure. But they are ten times better then the old ones, which a tended to never do (too annoying), contrary to the new ones.

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Dailies were so much better when I could waste 10 minutes on waiting for the veteran to spawn or hopelessly look at LFG for the daily dungeon seeing noone doing it or joining my group.
The good memories of going to a map to do 4 events and just go to WvW or PvP instead, because I've already spent 10 minutes without doing 4, due to events being scarce and ending quick due to population.
Those times were so much better than now when I could finish my dailies in 1-5 minutes pretty much all the time, like, yesterday I had 3 combos, 3 dodges, a Vista and an Elite enemy, that took me a massive 1 minute including the time spent loading.

Most of the junk dailies are gone with WV, except for Activity.

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9 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

its that the old ones were just so much more fun

10 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

I miss waiting for the vet, doing 2 camps

Semi afking for 10 minutes to tag a vet is more fun? Two camps instead of 1 camp is somehow supposed to be a big "fun" factor too?

I don't get it.

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Not seeing lack of community helping each other....it's really the same, except people are more actively participating in some dailies and there aren't so many piled up on one map or spot.   People still help at jumping puzzles and I even see players in many WvW dailies making sure to slow a little so everyone can tag.  

You still have dailies for veterans or elites.  You still have jumping puzzles.  You still flip camps, sometimes for weeklies 👀.  It's just not the exact same mix every single day ....and that's a good thing.  

As mentioned, most days the dailies overlap.  So you get two or three for one, like doing a rift.   I frequently do all my dailies in a few minutes in WvW, even the PvE ones.  

So other than being able to sit for 15 minutes and wait for a vet, port to a daily jp, or flip two camps instead of one (seriously, how is that better???), and general lack of wanting to play...how is the old system better?  


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   I hear ya OP, and emphasize with your view on the dailies. It can get quite repetitive, and certainly not generally fun compared to how the dailies used to be (at least for some). However, consider this....

   The Wizard's Vault was introduced with the new expansion, and relatively speaking, that makes it still very, very new. As such, I expect that more (e.g: different) content will be added to it eventually, if not "soon". Especially seeing the powers that be have a newfound focus on the game now, as noted by their proposed new game schedule. So if that is true (we will have to see if it is or not), then I have at least some faith that even the Wizard's Vault's daily content will be added to eventually. Heck, maybe even with some of the dailies that used to be with the old system. 🙂 So while you have some good points, I would just suggest having patience and see what happens in, say, a year's time. If nothing is added to it to make it more varied, then yeah, something should be done about it "fast". If not... 🙂

   But then again, that's only my two cents here... 😉

Edited by BjorJlen.9674
Dang speling errors lol (yes... "speling" was a joke :P)
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12 hours ago, Ashlin.3708 said:

These new dailies and weeklies are more chores then anything, sure the new rewards are amazing, but I'd rather have the old system back

Hm, the task selection (so far I strongly hope) is just ridiculous arbitrary small. I think this is unfinished work.

I don“t want the old system back, but I want hundreds of new tasks (including many of the old) added, such that the repetitiveness of the small amount of currently included tasks goes away.

  • Why does it only include a small amount of JP's and mini-puzzles? (and why are the WvW JPs repeated so often? I even had do 1 WvW and 1 PvE JP in the task list of one week)
  • Why are map/region specific tasks generalized to do it somewhere
  • Why is "The Battle for the Jade Sea" the only meta I got as task so far?
  • ,,,,

I also wonder why I get now (since 1-2 weeks) quite often 3 wvw and 1 pve task as daily instead of 2+2?

Edited by Dayra.7405
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I just dont like we dont have all modes (pve/pvp/wvw) available and have to lock myself to 1 or 2 for a day/week, in advance. I dont have enough playtime to do all 3 in a day.  I usually lock 2 so its at least doable and often just ignore dailies since they are not really rewarding compared to weeklies.

As for the tasks, they were always boring and lazy. They might as well scrap dailies and just keep weeklies. Those are more engaging.

And yeah some are very uninspired. Dodge 3 times (you dont even have to dodge an attack, just spam dodge in combat), escort dolyak, identify 10 pieces of gear. 

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52 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Hm, the task selection (so far I strongly hope) is just ridiculous arbitrary small. I think this is unfinished work.

I don“t want the old system back, but I want hundreds of new tasks (including many of the old) added, such that the repetitiveness of the small amount of currently included tasks goes away.

Many of the old PvE dailies are present as PvE weeklies in WV. Bounties, World Bosses, Jumping Puzzles, event completions, we can add resource gathering to it as well. Event completion went from 4 on a specific map to 10 anywhere making it less annoying. Resource Gathering is also not bound to map, worst case is being required to use a certain tool type.


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4 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Many of the old PvE dailies are present as PvE weeklies in WV. Bounties, World Bosses, Jumping Puzzles, event completions

Yes. the categories are there, but I always get the same 3-4 JPs/Mini-Puzzles over and over again.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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2 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Yes. the categories are there, but I always get the same 3 JPs/Mini-Puzzles, never one of the others

If you're talking about mini dungeons it's because there are 4 possible minidungeons, 3 of them are easy, 1 is easy to ignore. If you're talking about JPs I'm going to call BS on you getting the exact same 3 out of 22 on weeklies.

You're talking about repetitiveness not even my alt without Soto can experience.

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Hey, it's the weekly "New Dailies suck" thread!

While I did personally find the old dailies to be much easier and less time-consuming than the current ones, I don't see Anet even considering going back to the old system, as the WV encourages more active gameplay and (controversially) encourages players to go to underplayed content (i.e., Spirit Vestibule - See weekly "Spirit Vestibule sucks" thread to be posted soon), which is good for the game's health. In the old system, you could pretty much view 1 vista and gather 5 resources in Core maps, and wait for a vet to spawn or capture an empty patrol point in WvW to get 2 gold in < 5 minutes, which I'm guessing is what a large portion of the playerbase did. No active gameplay or interacting with others involved at all.

What I see as most likely is them adding more variety to the objectives, as players, including myself, have requested so that we're not getting the same few tasks over and over again.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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1 hour ago, Poormany.4507 said:

Hey, it's the weekly "New Dailies suck" thread!

While I did personally find the old dailies to be much easier and less time-consuming than the current ones, I don't see Anet even considering going back to the old system, as the WV encourages more active gameplay and (controversially) encourages players to go to underplayed content (i.e., Spirit Vestibule - See weekly "Spirit Vestibule sucks" thread to be posted soon), which is good for the game's health. In the old system, you could pretty much view 1 vista and gather 5 resources in Core maps, and wait for a vet to spawn or capture an empty patrol point in WvW to get 2 gold in < 5 minutes, which I'm guessing is what a large portion of the playerbase did. No active gameplay or interacting with others involved at all.

What I see as most likely is them adding more variety to the objectives, as players, including myself, have requested so that we're not getting the same few tasks over and over again.

Hey look, my thoughts exactly, put here before I got to this thread. ❤️ 

The only things that I feel like I need to add is the usual "why is the Activity a PvE daily?" and the less-mentioned "why no more Adventures? :(" If anything, this was a chance to incorporate PoF (and LWS4?) Adventures and races into the daily mix. Maybe with a later WV refresh...

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59 minutes ago, Kiki.9450 said:

Hey look, my thoughts exactly, put here before I got to this thread. ❤️ 

The only things that I feel like I need to add is the usual "why is the Activity a PvE daily?" and the less-mentioned "why no more Adventures? :(" If anything, this was a chance to incorporate PoF (and LWS4?) Adventures and races into the daily mix. Maybe with a later WV refresh...

Why not do an activity/adventure/or race?  I am kind of tired of crab toss lol. 

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12 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Why not do an activity/adventure/or race?  I am kind of tired of crab toss lol. 

You could try getting the fishing rod and pull the other players instead of going for the crab.

That may blow fresh winds into your crab toss experience.


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The worst part of the activities for me is joining a game late so there's no point in competing at all. Crab Toss with someone already at 100 points, Keg Brawl starting with a big point deficit, Sanctum Sprint actually telling you you'll be running for no reward because you were late. I usually compete when I'm in a fresh game, but joining late it is just a waste of time.

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44 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

You could try getting the fishing rod and pull the other players instead of going for the crab.

That may blow fresh winds into your crab toss experience.


Lol I've randomly just started picking up the things out of the crates to do exactly that.   Just fishing for players....whacking randoms with a plank....blowing the conch just for fun.  It helps lol, I was so happy I had southsun survival a couple of days ago.

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37 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

The worst part of the activities for me is joining a game late so there's no point in competing at all. Crab Toss with someone already at 100 points, Keg Brawl starting with a big point deficit, Sanctum Sprint actually telling you you'll be running for no reward because you were late. I usually compete when I'm in a fresh game, but joining late it is just a waste of time.

But you still get credit for those for WV....maybe not sanctum sprint, guessing you have to cross the finish line.

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