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Roaming Elementalists?

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Good ele players that can mechanically/skillfully rotate through all their skills and utilities literally have more solutions available to the problems u throw at them and more problems to throw back at you vs the solutions u have access to. Add that to having access to Cele gear and they can burst pretty hard but are almost un-killable. Even if u do manage to kill one they simply use downstate to float back into a bear by keep, as they are alway sure to be near one. I live the ele players mentality when called out....  "umm guts....remember those pesky thieves" lmao not fooling anyone.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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Can act confused or disagree all u want, everyone not playing ele clearly sees and has interactions with else's that literally spam all their defensive skills allowing the to shrug off anything u and even  2 others throw at them for far longer than most classes while pressuring most enough to back off lol. It's not like people arnt noticing lol.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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26 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Even if u do manage to kill one they simply use downstate to float back into a bear by keep, as they are alway sure to be near one

As an ele player i sadly always get immob in downed state so no misting away.

but of course a simple condi can’t be a counterplay, i understand.

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14 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Can act confused or disagree all u want, everyone not playing ele clearly sees and has interactions with else's that literally spam all their defensive skills allowing the to shrug off anything u and even  2 others throw at them for far longer than most classes while pressuring most enough to back off lol. It's not like people arnt noticing lol.

So you tried to gank with 3 people an Ele and got destroyed? Also these 4k burst from Cele Ele must hurt badly compared to 11k DE or other 20k+ bursts from stealth of Mesmers, right? 

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Tell me you haven't played ele without telling me you never played ele. It has come to my attention that people on the forums don't actually come here for advice they just come here to cry . Should have known.  Kek tbh the only issue roaming right now period is harb, every other class has some counter that you can easily swap to.

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14 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

sooo lock yourself in fire/arcane with dagger offhand... and clear a couple of condis every 30-40 seconds? 😄 meanwhile busted condi builds bloat you with 6+ condis with a single button... i'm not saying ele is super bad at condi cleanse but your argument was horrible... like "lesser cleansing fire" ? seriously? 40 sec cd in wvw 60 in spvp 😄 you MUST be joking... smothering auras is the only reliable cleanse you listed but for example for fresh air weaver what now? arcane or fire? cuz you can't switch air unless you're playing core ele 😄 no wonder you guys struggle when you make builds like these... 


A couple? There's a lot more condi cleanse than a "couple".

Smothering is not the only reliable one. I already pointed that.

This thread is about celestial, not fresh air. Fresh air is fine, at least requires a brain to operate and are far from unkillable.

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20 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:


A couple? There's a lot more condi cleanse than a "couple".

Smothering is not the only reliable one. I already pointed that.

This thread is about celestial, not fresh air. Fresh air is fine, at least requires a brain to operate and are far from unkillable.

first of all wasting a trait that clears 3 condis once every 60 seconds in spvp 40 in wvw and only under the condition the 3 appear all together i wouldn't call "reliable" if i just spam you with burns that will never activate...

smothering auras is the only reliable condi cleanse and you need to run specific weapons to make the best out of it with transmute aura, if you can't transmute your auras you are missing most of that trait...

"this thread is about celestial" ? interesting, because the title says ele, the first sentence of OP asks about ele... technically his whole opening post is about ele except once single word wondering if it's because of cele or just ele being broken... so i have no idea where you gathered that this post is about cele at all...

also ofc fresh air is "fine", it dies to a spit from a guard npc if it makes a mistake...

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5 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

It's kind of annoying how only working ele builds have always been these button smashing builds. You just smash buttons inside combo fields 24/7 and wear enemy down like some mega lamer.

That been ele for a very long time. Even the burst scpter build is more about wear the enemy down as there realty not an 1 shot build for scpter any more like say an stealth class one shot.

That what realy ends up doing it you can see the ele and mostly ppl know what that ele is going to do there are no real tricks to hid the ele skills. Even class like gurd can "hid" there skills with speed and animations.

Something that has always been odd ele is the one of the honest classes but tends to get the most hate on the wvw forms. You should know why you lose vs an ele and you should know why you won vs an ele. You often do not know what happen vs an stealth base class or an over buffed class like gurd.

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On 1/8/2024 at 9:54 PM, cwb.8275 said:

Tell me you haven't played ele without telling me you never played ele. It has come to my attention that people on the forums don't actually come here for advice they just come here to cry . Should have known.  Kek tbh the only issue roaming right now period is harb, every other class has some counter that you can easily swap to.

This is the dumbest kind of argument ever as it implies that people are unable to critique something unless they do it themselves. In which case there would be almost no critics of any kind. Please use proper arguments, instead of, just trolling.

My initial post was genuine and you've only responded with trolling that implies that you're superior and anyone who complains is inferior. It's the dismissive "git gud" of anyone who realises subconsciously that there's an issue and their benefitting from that issue is in their conscious mind is "because they are particularly skilled and has nothing to do with unfair advantages at all."

If you genuinely want to contribute then come up with specific ways that can counter an Elementalist because right now it seems that Elementalists can use a general build to take on everything while others need a highly specialised build to take on Elementalists in which case they'll be fodder for other general builds since they'll lack tools. Going, "What about these, they're a problem too!" is disingenuous as the question is about Elementalists. I already know what the issue with Thieves is and how it could be solved once and for all, which I've elaborated on in other posts. I can only imagine the issue with Harb and I'd guess it's a numbers thing. The reality remains that Thieves and Elementalists are four different specs each that are all issues of varying degrees and Harb is only one class.

Edited by Malus.2184
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There is no general build.  Do you really think roamers dont edit builds depending on the situation? There is no argument , your wrong. Ele has counters, ele has weaknesses, I could have been nice, but from the original post ,  and my original reply you dont want to understand you just want to w key a ele and win. Thief is fine 🙂 , again you don't want advice, you want people to agree with you, and that's not going to happen

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18 minutes ago, cwb.8275 said:

If you actually spent time playing ele or thief you would know how punishing those classes are to play . 

may i introduce you to signet tempest?   facetanking 3 people was never this ez.

Debating that Ele is fine in WvW... is... well... 


But when we are honest, alomst every profession has 1 build that is just wayyy over the top....   

And when we are super honest, we realize that anet has NEVER balanced for roaming....   so aslong as Eles are not 1v50ing whole zergs, nothing will ever change.


HARBINGER IS STILL ON DAY 1 EoD RELEASE STATE....   let that sink in.        Thats how little they care about roaming balance.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 1/7/2024 at 8:55 AM, Malus.2184 said:

How do you defeat roaming Elementalists? They seem to have great mobility, great survivability, and great damage. It's like, they have everything and the kitchen sink while everyone else has to choose two of the three. 

What's this an issue of? Celestial? Or is it the Elemental Attunements that give them all of this?

I'm sorry that you ran into me or another (rare) competent ele in wvw roaming.

In my experience 90% of ele players in wvw are just free bags. Most play tempest, and very badly. Most of the cata players try to use fire arcane scepter focus builds and fail miserably at doing so effectively.

You ran into the 1% and are making a thread as if every ele is like that. This is why #ITSNOTOKWHENELEDOESIT. It's ok when any other class can do it, but if elementalist can, IT MUST BE NERFED!!!!!!! immediately!!!

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

may i introduce you to signet tempest?   facetanking 3 people was never this ez.

Debating that Ele is fine in WvW... is... well... 


But when we are honest, alomst every profession has 1 build that is just wayyy over the top....   

And when we are super honest, we realize that anet has NEVER balanced for roaming....   so aslong as Eles are not 1v50ing whole zergs, nothing will ever change.


HARBINGER IS STILL ON DAY 1 EoD RELEASE STATE....   let that sink in.        Thats how little they care about roaming balance.

Signet tempest isn't even that good, you're just 1v3ing bad players. Can do this on any build

Yes it's a decent build but they nerfed it into oblivion and it's not as good as you want it to sound lol

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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

HARBINGER IS STILL ON DAY 1 EoD RELEASE STATE....   let that sink in.        Thats how little they care about roaming balance.

Actually it's received buffs, as with the CDR on elixirs being baked in, you can now take septic corruption for whatever that other one is called for more DPS 🙃
and the buffs to the death magic tree have helped a lot, too

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18 minutes ago, solemn.9670 said:

I'm sorry that you ran into me or another (rare) competent ele in wvw roaming.

In my experience 90% of ele players in wvw are just free bags. Most play tempest, and very badly. Most of the cata players try to use fire arcane scepter focus builds and fail miserably at doing so effectively.

You ran into the 1% and are making a thread as if every ele is like that. This is why #ITSNOTOKWHENELEDOESIT. It's ok when any other class can do it, but if elementalist can, IT MUST BE NERFED!!!!!!! immediately!!!

As one of the other 99% of the eles i can agree. I fail to find my magical „i win“ button.


/e i know i am struggling sometimes and that’s okay. I take it as a chance to learn and get better over time.

Edited by CafPow.1542
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This^ , you won't ever get better at the game if your always winning, always look for players that can kill you fast , and fight them non stop, you will improve.  Ask questions to the players that kill you.  All my years playing only one build screws me and thats power sword sword herald, does that mean the build is broken? No , it doesn't.  Just means I dont know how to fight the build , which is a skill issue.  Everytime ele becomes overpowered it gets nerfed down instantly,  meanwhile guardian and necro get buffed to the extreme. Ele has the ability to counter most builds yes, but to do that we have to sacrifice something else which means we can get countered by something else because we didn't bring a extra stunbreak or cleanse or reflect.  It's a matter of figuring out someone's build and adjusting or changing yours. You can pretty much guess most peoples builds by looking at what weapons or food or tool tip buffs.  Thats a skill you learn after awhile. Ele is far from over powered.  Again condis that include chill and confusion, chain cc, hell even burn based builds like burn guard or condi scepter ele can punish d/d ele, high burst damage. Just make a second build not hard to get exotics these days. 

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So... a thread about how ele is unkillable yet pretty much everyone seems to agree the issue is cele ele... I wonder if perhaps the issue is not ele... but celestial stats? Perhaps we should set up a celestial thread in wvw... wait...

Like most EoD specs, cata is a little overtuned, but outside cele builds is still very much killable.

Otherwise, the counterplay to roaming ele very much depends on the spec/build. That's not really any different to any other class though.


Edited by Exzen.2976
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I believe the best reply to these threads is the tagline that a forum vet once had many years ago which read:

"Nerf your class, buff mine"

It's like a diabolical circle of complaints as you read the threads flowing into one another: Eles want thief nerfed>Thief wants WB nerfed>Ranger wants Engineer nerfed (or anything with reflect)>Guardian wants Chrono nerfed>Warrior wants ele nerfed.....etc

Given the poor state that WvW balance is apparently in, it's clear Anet don't take these threads in to consideration when making their adjustments. Probably for the best.

Still, it makes for amusing reading on a wet, cold afternoon.

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10 hours ago, Exzen.2976 said:

So... a thread about how ele is unkillable yet pretty much everyone seems to agree the issue is cele ele... I wonder if perhaps the issue is not ele... but celestial stats? Perhaps we should set up a celestial thread in wvw... wait...

Like most EoD specs, cata is a little overtuned, but outside cele builds is still very much killable.

Otherwise, the counterplay to roaming ele very much depends on the spec/build. That's not really any different to any other class though.


Kitten core cele Ele killing everyone!!111
It's not the stats, it's the e-speces that are powercreeped~ It's funny how most of people miss that, but hey, that would mean your precious busted thing needs to be shaved and we can't have that now~

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15 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

I'm sorry that you ran into me or another (rare) competent ele in wvw roaming.

In my experience 90% of ele players in wvw are just free bags. Most play tempest, and very badly. Most of the cata players try to use fire arcane scepter focus builds and fail miserably at doing so effectively.

You ran into the 1% and are making a thread as if every ele is like that. This is why #ITSNOTOKWHENELEDOESIT. It's ok when any other class can do it, but if elementalist can, IT MUST BE NERFED!!!!!!! immediately!!!

If the skill floor and skill ceiling are that different then Elementalists should be nerfed so the ceiling was lowered and buffed in a way so that the floor was raised. This sort of difference is bad for the health of any competitive play.

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15 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

All this text when you could just admit that you've never been good at roaming in wvw on ele and don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Takes one sentence.

"I'll just completely misconstrue your post and then lie about the implied content in my misconstruction. Your earlier post more than implies this as it states that "only one percent is that good." A formulation that completely goes against the implied statement of this post that I got pasted by just a regularly skilled on.

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On 1/8/2024 at 3:54 PM, cwb.8275 said:

Kek tbh the only issue roaming right now period is harb, every other class has some counter that you can easily swap to.

I admit I was really trying to stay out of this.

Even Harb has its counters if we all want to be honest. Are they strong, yes, are various Eles, yes. Are lots of other builds yes. Do they all have counters? 


Is there one to rule them all currently?


2 cents.

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