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CM in the wizard's special tab

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Bro, it's just 250AA... at this point you should have already purchased all the available "gold" things (laurel, 6AA bags, mystic coins, etc..), so why you should really care getting these? If you get the 30AA bag, you will get just 8 gold XD

Edited by Fedexer.2486
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28 minutes ago, Futa.4375 said:

Give it a try first.
I exclusively play solo on GW2, I remember back when you had to complete whatever strike mission for the useless turtle mount I made my own party and we were done in less than 1h30 and three tries. I know that this is CM but it's supposedly the easiest one.

Was it fun? Not really. Did it make me play group content afterwards? No. But I was glad I gave it a try anyway. It's a game.

It's very unlikely that you would have the same experience with CO CM. KO only needs people to finish. There isn't an enrage timer in a KO turtle run and you don't wipe if people don't bring enough CC. You have 10 minutes to kill Dagda in CM. That's an average  of 12k damage for each of the dps and support dps. It's not high for experienced strike players but will be a real problem for regular open world players. I have helped out turtle runs where dps players are doing 6k damage. I have done regular CO runs where most of the dps players are under 12k.

I am not saying that there is a problem sticking the CM into the wizards vault. Just don't expect this to be something that regular open world players will be able to do. Expect a lot more gate keeping in LFG because it will be chaos otherwise.

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So the old gg have data with the weekly events of :

Season 1

WvW event


and now with Convencial + CM Strike 


It would be silly if the pvp ones , outperformed the instanced ones :PPP

(edit: one step closer towards GW1 heroes for instances , where they will not afk :P)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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If, as you say, "most," people are not getting into CM groups then by definition they are, "the community," because they represent the majority. This means that they can form groups as they see fit and are not gatekept from the content. 

All too many people don't seem to understand, or choose to use, the meaning of, so called, "gatekeeping."

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1 hour ago, Graymatter.4723 said:

It's very unlikely that you would have the same experience with CO CM. KO only needs people to finish. There isn't an enrage timer in a KO turtle run and you don't wipe if people don't bring enough CC. You have 10 minutes to kill Dagda in CM. That's an average  of 12k damage for each of the dps and support dps. It's not high for experienced strike players but will be a real problem for regular open world players. I have helped out turtle runs where dps players are doing 6k damage. I have done regular CO runs where most of the dps players are under 12k.

I am not saying that there is a problem sticking the CM into the wizards vault. Just don't expect this to be something that regular open world players will be able to do. Expect a lot more gate keeping in LFG because it will be chaos otherwise.

This is exactly why stuff like this should appear in the WV more regularly. Players will not engage in content that seems hard or structured to them, when there is no incentive to do so.

For a lot of people in the past this was raid legendary armor for raids. Now the reward is AA, something people really like to get for the shiny rewards. So the incentive is there to succeed in the content. This can push players into researching how to win there. It's not too many steps away from players looking up mechanics on websites like hardstuck or snowcrows to look at guides, then maybe look at builds, then maybe trying to work on their build and damage numbers... it has to start somewhere. And those small incentives can be the right push those plkayers need.

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23 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

If, as you say, "most," people are not getting into CM groups then by definition they are, "the community," because they represent the majority. This means that they can form groups as they see fit and are not gatekept from the content. 

All too many people don't seem to understand, or choose to use, the meaning of, so called, "gatekeeping."

It's not that simple. There is a range of skills levels and experience across the player base. Typically, with new instanced content, the more experienced players will attempt that content first. Gradually, the people attempting the content over time will shift towards the less experienced and less knowledgeable players. It's easy for players who have completed more difficult content to say "form your own group" but the player base that they are pulling from is far less experienced than the players that they grouped together with when they first did the content. Lets take AH CM, as an example. I completed that a long time back and can join any AH CM run that I would like. A player who wants to complete a AH CM run now will have a much harder time creating their own group and completing it than what I had when I first completed AH CM.

In that respect, gatekeeping becomes a way that more experienced players block newer players from joining their groups. I am not saying that people shouldn't want an easy run, etc. I am also not saying that people shouldn't gatekeep the groups that they create. I am just saying that people "can form groups" doesn't mean that there is no gatekeeping. Gatekeeping simply means "to control or limit access to something". In this case, it's certainly limiting access to groups.

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31 minutes ago, jozze.9532 said:

This is exactly why stuff like this should appear in the WV more regularly. Players will not engage in content that seems hard or structured to them, when there is no incentive to do so.

For a lot of people in the past this was raid legendary armor for raids. Now the reward is AA, something people really like to get for the shiny rewards. So the incentive is there to succeed in the content. This can push players into researching how to win there. It's not too many steps away from players looking up mechanics on websites like hardstuck or snowcrows to look at guides, then maybe look at builds, then maybe trying to work on their build and damage numbers... it has to start somewhere. And those small incentives can be the right push those plkayers need.

This CM may seem very easy to experienced players, but can turn into a real clownfiesta with just a bit too many of sub-average puggers. And the people that will "try it out" due to this Vault special will be even lower than that. It's not going to end nicely at all.

So, what will be the result? Some people will get interested and decide to try it out. Their experience will be painful at best. They will end up thinking it was a bad idea, and will be less likely to go for this content later, when they will be better prepared for it. Sure, some will pass that hurdle, but it will be those that would have eventually moved to Raids/Strike CMs anyway.

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Arena Net has come out multiple times saying they do not favor one type of player over another (PVP, WVW) (Open World) (Forced Group Content) are all equal in Arena Nets eyes/bottom line.


Developers tend to try an funnel their player base to parts of the game that are not being played/utilized/ small amount of the player base are playing, to try and bring the numbers up by adding incentives to play that content.

I am curious if this is an indication that bots may be added to forced group content so folks that don't want to deal with the "drama" that is in forced group content can attempt it at their own pace.


Life is interesting.


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23 minutes ago, jozze.9532 said:

This is exactly why stuff like this should appear in the WV more regularly. Players will not engage in content that seems hard or structured to them, when there is no incentive to do so.

For a lot of people in the past this was raid legendary armor for raids. Now the reward is AA, something people really like to get for the shiny rewards. So the incentive is there to succeed in the content. This can push players into researching how to win there. It's not too many steps away from players looking up mechanics on websites like hardstuck or snowcrows to look at guides, then maybe look at builds, then maybe trying to work on their build and damage numbers... it has to start somewhere. And those small incentives can be the right push those plkayers need.

There is nothing in the game that tells people what gear they should be using for regular strikes, let alone CM's. There isn't anything in game that tells people what they should be doing in instanced content. If you want people to join more serious instanced content, then the game should push them in the right direction. If I create a group tonight saying "CO CM, anyone allowed" in the training LFG, what gear will the players who join that group have? What build will they have? If the game wants people to do this content, then the game needs to give them guidance on how to do the content and how to prepare for the content. A person joining will only find out when someone calls them out.

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7 hours ago, Aurora.9347 said:

Why.... most players have trouble getting into cm's, the communities gate keeps this crappy content locked un heavy requirements not having any chances to get in, so why put it in the special of the wizards vault... unbelievable, cm gives higher rewards already... it's supposed to be a stepping stone when a person has gotten a fair share of experience how many new players that recently reached end game are actually going to do the cm... ah screw it not like i'm playing the game much lately...

The level of entitlement... as if you're owed an objective that you can complete easily. How dare they try to incentivize players into harder content with the equivalent of... not even 8 gold's worth of AA. I suggest you get a grip and touch some grass.

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6 hours ago, Kiki.9450 said:

I imagine it's a bit of an experiment. If they offer AA as a reward for doing the CM, how many more players will they see doing the CM for that AA? What about after the AA is claimed/no longer available? If the numbers look good to them, maybe Anet can justify more work on harder content again.

Yep, I'm 100% sure this is the reason why they're doing it. Unfortunately, I doubt it will work. 😕 Much of the player base already seems to have solidified their opinion on whether content is fun/not fun (in a similar vein, I know a lot of PvE players, includer endgame raiders and such, who say they will absolutely not touch PvP even during this bonus event), and barring some sort of drastic re-pivot (like enabling Emboldened for raids/strikes at all times, and allowing it to work in both normal and CM), I think it's too little, too late for raids and strikes.

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Not all content can be for everyone all the time.
It's just 250AA. If you don't want to do it, don't. Simple.
If you are meaning to try, now's the time. Remember LFG has a Training section for strikes.

If you've been somewhat doing your dailies/weeklies, you don't even have any valuable stuff to buy from the vault at the moment. There's not even enough meat for all the salt some people are pouring all over this.

Edited by firedragon.8953
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11 minutes ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

The funny thing is, non-SoTO T3s can sometimes not count for that task, at least the 5 I did this week for Straits of Devastation didnt, yet last weeks was fine.

Had that issue a few times as well, really annoying.

On topic: I do not see this as a serious issue. As others have mentioned before, this was actually requested. We had a couple of ideas how to make it possible, they went for the simplest solution.

The 'loot' from the Wizard's Vault is self-selected anyway. You pick what you want to have. Opposite to most other achievement-related complaints of the past, you do not miss real content if you skip that task. There is no skin locked behind this task, you do not even get additional AP for completing it. It is like having a few gold more or less.

I think I will miss those 250 AA and probably even the 250 from the T3 rifts, if they are as buggy as last time.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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2 hours ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

The funny thing is, non-SoTO T3s can sometimes not count for that task, at least the 5 I did this week for Straits of Devastation didnt, yet last weeks was fine.

Also, flavor of preferred popcorn, anyone?

It's kinda like when you need to defeat a legendary enemy bur Karka doesn't count.

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6 hours ago, Graymatter.4723 said:

There is nothing in the game that tells people what gear they should be using for regular strikes, let alone CM's. There isn't anything in game that tells people what they should be doing in instanced content. If you want people to join more serious instanced content, then the game should push them in the right direction. If I create a group tonight saying "CO CM, anyone allowed" in the training LFG, what gear will the players who join that group have? What build will they have? If the game wants people to do this content, then the game needs to give them guidance on how to do the content and how to prepare for the content. A person joining will only find out when someone calls them out.

Stats are not explained, but let's go with what makes sense: Players figured out on release that if you want to do the most dps, that you:

  • crit cap your build
  • increase your crit dmg
  • increase your power dmg

That was way back in the day. Nowaday a player interested in doing more dmg only has to google: "dmg build gw2" and instantly find metabattle raid builds as well as snowcrows builds and hardstuck builds. If an encounter fails, because the time runs out, since the dmg is to low... that should trigger players to start googling.

All the resources are at their finger tips. If they don't even put that little effort into the game, then the content is not for them. If at no point in time, they ever even think about how to improve or ask players how to improve or google how to improve, than they never will find their way into that content and no one should force them to. But players who will have that little push from their gaming experience will start engaging with resources more.

I agree that all that information would be better in game, but let's not pretend that getting that information with only a basic google seach is in any way a big barrier.

EDIT: One mayor caveat: people might not get told by the game that they are doing bad, but if i want to join endgame content i should always start with myself first. If the content fails i will look at my own performance first. I will look if my build makes sense by looking at existing dps builds, just to make sure, that it was not my fault. You can still perform bad even with a dps build, but then you actively have to not attack and really ignore the information you got with the build you might have looked up. And if you fail a mechanic in the encounter, that should push you towards looking up the encounter and making sure, that you have at least a basic understanding. And after that it's just trying again and again.

Also this might spark players to look into PvX communities, that run that content all the time.

Edited by jozze.9532
Additional information and considerations
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Okay then. Go do your T3 boring rift Hunting while other ppl do the CM.

Gatekeeping? the only person gatekeeping anything is yourself.
I wanted to get into raids so i did my part and used google and got better and did trainings(yes trainings, organised outside LFG).
I practised my rotation so my damage was better than avarege.
Seems like you don't want to put any effort in, but get all the reward... thats not how it works.


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This is new level of low,

What do you think the raiders have to say about all these special/PVE thingies as well? 


Finally there is something however minor it is that is actually considered "special" , Im really trying to not be toxic man but gt gud and move on what the hell...

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