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JPs as lege roadblock

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Pure rant. If JPs are easy for you, troll away I guess? I mean, grats, but that's obviously not my experience if I'm posting this rant, huh?

Is there any possible way for leges to be reworked to REMOVE the freaking JP ROADBLOCKS?

I'm now on Ley-Line Run for Nevermore.When will I finish this w/ the required 'silver or better' ranking?


I cannot even get to the 2nd set of flags. I have watched a video. I have freeze-framed through the video to see which buttons to press when.h





Why is something that is such a big part of the game locked behind some stupid mini-game in the first place? Why are JPs made into this insane thing in this freaking game? Like, do I now just have to save up a few thousand gold for something I am literally (checks spreadsheet...) FOUR STEPS away from finishing, & 1 of those steps is just buying recipes in Lion's Arch!

Congrats on finding the thing to make me quit the game. AGAIN. I left for about 10 years back when Arah was this massive insanely difficult roadblock on getting Bifrost. I finally came back & worked my way up past EoD content... & guess I'll be out for another 10 years now.


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Legendaries hardly are a big part of the game. They are just a piece of QoL, a skin and a lot of particle vomit.

If you can't get one, that's fine. You don't need one.

But jump puzzles are part of the experience to get specific legendaries. Don't ask to lessen the experience for everyone, just because you don't like a step.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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46 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

There are a number of JPs that I can't do on my own.  I've been fortunate enough to find help for the really difficult ones.  Try LFG to see if anyone is offering help on whatever JP you're having trouble with.

He's not talking about a jumping puzzle, he's talking about an adventure. It's got jumping puzzle elements but it's considerably different from a jumping puzzle. One of the biggest differences is that no one can port you through it, because it's an adventure.

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4 hours ago, Kavan.3958 said:

Pure rant. If JPs are easy for you, troll away I guess? I mean, grats, but that's obviously not my experience if I'm posting this rant, huh?

Is there any possible way for leges to be reworked to REMOVE the freaking JP ROADBLOCKS?

I'm now on Ley-Line Run for Nevermore.When will I finish this w/ the required 'silver or better' ranking?


I cannot even get to the 2nd set of flags. I have watched a video. I have freeze-framed through the video to see which buttons to press when.h





Why is something that is such a big part of the game locked behind some stupid mini-game in the first place? Why are JPs made into this insane thing in this freaking game? Like, do I now just have to save up a few thousand gold for something I am literally (checks spreadsheet...) FOUR STEPS away from finishing, & 1 of those steps is just buying recipes in Lion's Arch!

Congrats on finding the thing to make me quit the game. AGAIN. I left for about 10 years back when Arah was this massive insanely difficult roadblock on getting Bifrost. I finally came back & worked my way up past EoD content... & guess I'll be out for another 10 years now.


Saving up a few thousand gold won't help you, because you can't buy Nevermore, it's account bound.

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Yep, that one was annoying. It is doable, but you would likely need a lot of repetitions to find the correct path and right places to use skills. The best that can be said about it is that at least it's not Scrap Rifle Field test, Shooting Gallery or (shudder) a Fungus Among Us.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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Ley-Line Run is all about knowing and understanding the special skills and their interactions with the environment.

There are 2 ways to achieve above knowledge: practice and pay attention to what is happening, or watch guide videos.

The entire adventure can be completed with nearly no personal jumping required. Here are a few of them:


Power Surge causes the player to dash forward in a straight line. Dashing into glowing orbs along the path of the adventure, such as the one on the starting platform, will redirect the player to predetermined points.

Go with the Flow breaks stun if the player is hit, though for completing the adventure this is usually not required as much as the other two skills.

Energy Leap fires a projectile which teleports the player on impact, which allows for covering large gaps. The player will be teleported to the location the projectile hits, which may not be the targeted location if an obstruction is in the way. Unlike normal teleportation skills, like Blink, this does not need a valid path to reach the destination.

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Ley-Line_Run

Using above skills at the correct spot (I have underlined the relevant movement aspects) will in most cases teleport your wisp forward making actual finesse and jumping skills irrelevant. As mentioned watch a guide video if need be.

EDIT: here is a good in-depth guide video, there are a total of 3 jumps in this, the rest are predetermined or targeted jumps with skills or walking:


Edited by Cyninja.2954
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7 hours ago, Kavan.3958 said:

I cannot even get to the 2nd set of flags. I have watched a video. I have freeze-framed through the video to see which buttons to press when.h

That's one problem here , you just look a video to copy paste what the guy does ,  just read the skills , that's like ppl who just copy paste builds from snowcrow without even comprehending how the traits work or how the build manage to work , comprehension is better than just parroting things , most parrots are idiots who just copy , but some of them are smart because they react to a situation , that's what you should do is comprehend how those skill work.

Also do you have Exalted Markings  mastery unlocked ? because if not your Power Surge (skill 1 from the race) won't work properly.

And remind every checkpoint reload your 3 race skills , so be smart about using them properly , cause between each flag you have only one ammo.

The one think ppl seem to not understand is that Power Surge need to be used for dashing towards shiny marks , if not you ll mostly fall to your death , doing so will make you jump far , and it's actually mandatory to end the adventure

I don't even know why i am writing this, Op has surely already uninstalled the game .. seems to me the kind of person who rant whenever he encounter the slightest difficulty and think everything should be easy , able to be played with one hand or be done in the first atempt ... kind of guy who tryed elden ring for 5 min. and uninstall after encountering the tutorial boss...

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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5 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Ley-Line Run is all about knowing and understanding the special skills and their interactions with the environment.

There are 2 ways to achieve above knowledge: practice and pay attention to what is happening, or watch guide videos.

The entire adventure can be completed with nearly no personal jumping required. Here are a few of them:

- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Ley-Line_Run

Using above skills at the correct spot (I have underlined the relevant movement aspects) will in most cases teleport your wisp forward making actual finesse and jumping skills irrelevant. As mentioned watch a guide video if need be.

EDIT: here is a good in-depth guide video, there are a total of 3 jumps in this, the rest are predetermined or targeted jumps with skills or walking:


From my OP: "I have watched a video. I have freeze-framed through the video to see which buttons to press when."


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6 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Saving up a few thousand gold won't help you, because you can't buy Nevermore, it's account bound.

I thought you could still buy the precursors. Did they remove that pathway?

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5 minutes ago, Kavan.3958 said:

I thought you could still buy the precursors. Did they remove that pathway?

Gen 2 legendaries have always had account-bound precursors, though after the first 4 it's just a bunch of crafting materials that can be bought. Nevermore, H.O.P.E., Astralaria, and Chuka and Champawat have all always required you to go through their full set of achievements as their only crafting method.

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11 minutes ago, Kavan.3958 said:

From my OP: "I have watched a video. I have freeze-framed through the video to see which buttons to press when."


Yeah, but that's obviously not enough. The video shows what that particular player did with the conditions they were in at that time. You have to account for your own conditions (latency, how your computer runs the game, ability, etc.). Also, not all guides will be helpful to everyone. It sometimes helps to look at a few different ones, inbetween practicing and learning the mechanics.

You do have my sympathy. It took me quite a few tries to get silver on that one, and then way more to get gold. It was frustrating. But it is doable.

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I also find Adventures (and JPs) to be generally challenging, and probably don't have Gold on half of them... I remember this one (think I had to do it for Astralaria), and it wasn't easy... requiring many repetitions.  With each successive failure, my simmer turns to boil turns to rage... and I walk away; my return dependent on my commitment. 

In order to try and mitigate these challenges where I know that I will encounter difficulty, is to give myself 30 minutes, after which, I stop.  I start with the understanding that I will remain calm, because in 30 minutes it will be over, and also that I will be unlikely to succeed... this cuts down on the frustration and expectations are lowered.  In most cases for me, there is still an element of luck (or lack of skill, in my case), where I will fall or miss and need to restart.   Maybe it seems like a crazy approach to some, but in most cases I do improve because ultimately through repetition I learn the paths/mechanics to succeed, or I simply luck out an execute a flawless run, and the method doesn't allow my frustrations to mount to the point where it is affecting my game-play. 

Of course, as with improvement in anything, you need to accept that some things just take time, and be willing to make that investment.   

Hang in there and best of luck.

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1 hour ago, Kavan.3958 said:

From my OP: "I have watched a video. I have freeze-framed through the video to see which buttons to press when."


Sure, you watched it. Did you understand what was shown in it though? The video clearly shows that all it takes for gold (not even silver) is pressing a few buttons, moving forward and making 3 jumps.

This is the EXACT process it takes to complete this on gold:

1. press skill 1 before moving, this will immediately trigger the first mark

2. walk forward a few steps, through the gate, to be in range for step 3 (pay attention to where you are aiming skill 3, this is an aimed teleport)

3. use skill 3 to teleport over, then walk forward towards the next gate

4.  right before the next gate, carefully jump over the gap (this is the first actual jump needed) and pass through the gate

5. walk over to the other side until the end of the half-pipe, then use skill 1 into the next mark

6. walk forward towards the next gate (the video uses skill 3 but that is not necessary)

7. aim for the corresponding middle platform with skill 3, you will get teleport there

8. use skill 1 into the next mark, which will again automatically jump you forward

9. walk forward towards the next gate, jump over the small gap and pass the gate

10. use skill 3 again to teleport to the top of the next section, then use skill 1 into the last mark which will automatically jump you to the end


That is literally it. There is at best 4-5 interactions here. Don't press movement buttons while using skills, use the corresponding skill as shown in the video or explained up top and this adventure completes with gold. This is one of, if not the easiest adventures in HoT since it is nearly completely scripted and automated.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Scrap Rifle Field test

They really need to fix that broken mushroom in this one. As it is, I feel like the only way to get gold is perfect play and luck. Yuck.

My only actual issue with these weapons is that they can't be earned purely through PvE or competitive play. Forcing players to do WvW for a Gift of Battle or forcing players to do "mind-numbingly boring" PvE for a Gift of Exploration feels kind of bad. People should be able to stick to what they like to achieve what it is they want to achieve. That said, if they were to make competitive-only legendary weapons and PvE-only legendary weapons, this would be fine.

But that's just like, my opinion, man, and the reason I won't be running around with any legendary weapons for the time being.

To the topic of the thread specifically: practice makes perfect. It's the only way forward.

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Anyone ready to tell him that the Gift of Maguuma Mastery for Nevermore requires you to have the Gliding, Itzel, Nuhoch, and Exalted mastery lines completely done, which means farming Adventures for mastery points because I don't think you get enough from other sources? :x

I used Tekkit's trails in Taco to get through the adventures (plus watching the vids), and it is still a combination of luck/skill/git gud to beat some of these (I never did finish Bug in the Branches). There might be a less problematic content creator who's made a version of the trails by now, but who knows. I haven't touched adventures in yearssssss.

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Complaining that you need to do game's content for a legendary and then ranting that this is totally "THE reason to quit the game" is so weird. You're going for a legendary journey to complete the journey, if you just want a leggy, buy gen 1. If you don't want to, you don't need legendaries for anything.

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13 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

Anyone ready to tell him that the Gift of Maguuma Mastery for Nevermore requires you to have the Gliding, Itzel, Nuhoch, and Exalted mastery lines completely done, which means farming Adventures for mastery points because I don't think you get enough from other sources?

I think that with the surplus of mastery points from season 3, one can skip many of the points from adventures and still unlock all the masteries.

At least I don't remember doing many adventures.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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35 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I think that with the surplus of mastery points from season 3, one can skip many of the points from adventures and still unlock all the masteries.

At least I don't remember doing many adventures.

I had to, even with season 3 T_T Though season 3 helped a ton because I probably would have lost my mind if I'd had to get gold in more of the adventures. LOOKING AT YOU, FALLEN MASK ONE.

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4 minutes ago, QueenKeriti.5176 said:

I had to, even with season 3 T_T Though season 3 helped a ton because I probably would have lost my mind if I'd had to get gold in more of the adventures. LOOKING AT YOU, FALLEN MASK ONE.

I didn't mean you need to do no adventures at all.

But you may do less adventures and still unlock all masteries.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I didn't mean you need to do no adventures at all.

But you may do less adventures and still unlock all masteries.

No, no, I knew what you meant, and I apologize if I didn't convey it well.

OP is just still going to have to do at least some adventures, which is what I was meaning, and, if he's already having such a bad time with one of the "easier" ones, he's about to learn real hard why the Gift of Maguuma Mastery drains your sanity. :( 

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It seems that per Wiki, unlocking/completing all HoT masteries requires 144 out of 198 possible points... There are 15 adventures, for which I believe you get MP each for both Silver and Gold... 

So, while I think some of the Silver-tiered masteries are easier than some of the non-Adventure based masteries, technically I don't think you have to do any Adventure-based masteries at all... 

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