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Useless drops

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24 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:


Am I misreading something? 


Anyways, for now maybe respond to the rest of the post you quoted above. Your constant dodging is getting boring. You keep saying wow does it well/better, but you've quit wow because you weren't getting the drops. Your expectations are unrealistic since you want to keep getting easy drops that will still be rare for others.

WoW is "free to play" if you know how to make that chunk of gold every month, just like how GW2's Gem Shop is actually free rewards if you transfer your gold to gems. Same stuff.

Also I find it amusing that someone would quit WoW due to RNG being RNG, then move onto literally any other MMO. What MMO doesn't do RNG? It's a cornerstone of the MMO genre. RNG keeps people interested in content.

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On 2/7/2024 at 2:53 PM, Quasidivine.2591 said:

 I can count the number of ascended items dropping from a fractal on 1 hand.

This is truly false; ascended items in fractals come in dozens. Every week I get 2 or 3 boxes of ascended weapons or armor dropping for me in fractals, avg of 6 rings daily and like 4 accesories weekly. But you don't even have an account on KPme, which makes me think you don't even have Tier 4, buddy. The high drop rate of ascended items comes from Tier 4 dailies; the lower the tier, the fewer chances. And even if you're Tier 4, you probably haven't even touched a CM, which also has a high probability of ascended drops. Honestly, if you've gotten as few ascended items as you claim in 9 years (of which you've probably played only 1 or 2k hours), doing fractals, it means you haven't done many.

As an example: On the day they released the legendary armory on July 12, 2022, I salvaged over 1800 ascended items live on Twitch, ALL obtained in fractals and raids over 4 years. And I emphasize the live part because my story has evidence, unlike your fictitious magic find tale.


Well bypassing the fact mine has reset 7 times since I started playing there really doesn't seem to be much point into raising it with the extreme costs involved via luck gobbling.

About your story about the "magic find" reset is false. In 11 years, over 24,000 hours of gameplay, being a founder, leader, and officer in many communities, running Discords and formerly community forums with thousands of people discussing Guild Wars 2, never has anyone mentioned a magic find reset.

But you, a "random dude" as you called another player who responded to you, with only 9,000 achievement points (which shows how little you've played the game. Even though you never focus on earning achievements, I don't either; I don't like it. But if you don't do it and play for 9 years and have only that amount, I'm sure you don't have many hours), conveniently had 7 resets that no one else has ever had in this game. No, you're not so special as to be the only one out of 16 million players with just a few hundred hours. Nobody believes your story because it's false. That's it. You're simply upset with the game because in your limited hours, you've hardly got anything you like, and you vent by saying nonsense about the game. I'd also wager that you're not engaging in the necessary content where you could get what you're looking for that isn't "useless drops."

PS: About this "with the extreme costs involved via luck gobbling"

The exact cost is, at current prices, between 10,000 and 10,500 gold by buying and salvaging ectos to go from 0% to 100%. But you also have to consider that, with the number of ectoplasms you have to salvage to achieve this, by salvaging, apart from luck, you would get about 77,000 tier 6 dusts in return, which, after selling them, would give you approximately 9,800 gold after trading post taxes. A cost of between 200 and 700 gold to have your luck at its maximum. That's not even considering that if you use those dusts to make T5 to T6 conversions, it would actually end up giving you approximately 15,500 gold, a huge profit. Therefore, I don't see the high cost anywhere; you literally make money by doing it. And since I know you'll be thinking at this point about commenting something like "but not everyone has 10,000 gold to increase magic find," don't worry, I'll answer it now: You don't need it, you salvage a few ectos, make conversions, sell them, and congratulations, you recover with profits to buy more ectos and salvage them, and so on in a loop until you raise your magic find.

But if you still think it's too much work, don't worry, don't do that, you can recover that cost of between 200 and 700 gold and then some by making a third-generation legendary and selling it, it takes approximately 16 hours. But if you still think about saying something about the cost of making the legendary, wait a moment and I'll answer you: It's not necessary, sell the Gift of Jade Mastery, it's paid 650 gold for it in overflow. There you have it, your luck at its maximum without losing gold or even with profits so that you can make legendaries and not complain because you didn't get ascended items in the 41 fractals you've done.


And about this, the truth is that I don't know anything, but from what I read in the comments, they say you're exaggerating what the news says. Anyway, it doesn't matter, just another demonstration that on the internet, there's evidence for everything. Except for your MF reset that only happened to you and probably to people who are your friends because they won't make you look bad by calling you a liar, but outside your circle, nobody. Unbelievable.

PS2: Don't waste your time replying to me. The truth is, every time I enter the forum, I find someone inventing a story because they're upset with the game, which disgusts me, and I don't come back to the forum for months. So I don't think I'll read your response either. Feel free to make up whatever story you want to try to validate the initial invent; I won't read it, other players will respond to you, but as I said, it's better not to waste your time. Responding to me is like talking to a wall; you won't get anywhere with your words because I won't read them. Good luck, and I hope you get over the anger you have towards the game for making up stories and can enjoy it again like the rest of us do.

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11 hours ago, Padrion.7382 said:

I might do so if:

a) this was a free to play game and not a full price buy to play game


b) The items were somewhat reasonably priced.

A skin for example should be 10 cents max, everything above is just plain ridiculous. If players are willing pay the same amount of cash for 3 lame skins as for an expansion full of real content, why would developers bother to put out real content? And don't get me started with items like black lion keys. Those should be 5 cent for a bundle of hundred.

FFXIV is subscription + have to buy game/expacs, and then skins/emotes are $5-20+ each, and you can buy instant story skips/job level boosts for another $20+ each. I think almost all of those things are character bound? I don't remember. There are also the character appearance change things that are ~$10 each. So far as I know, can't exchange gil->money to buy from the shop either, so you have to pull out your shiny credit card. Heck, certain mounts are only available from the store and tend to be $12 for single character unlocks and $20+ for account wide.

GW2 skins and other nonsense are a steal compared to FFXIV, but the weebs are gonna weeb.

GW2 doesn't have P2W and has to fund their game somehow. B2P won't do that alone.


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Alrighty here it is:

I understand people like cool drops. They want to do the thing and get a cool item. It's one of the perks of Raids and Fractals. For metas that include map/expansion exclusive exotic weapons and armor, I think these are good inclusions as occasional finds for players.

But here's the thing: If you're looking to get rich off of a loot drop, then it needs to be extremely rare. If it's rare, then you probably won't get one yourself, and you'll be left in the same position of complaining that you haven't been lucky enough to have one. If it isn't super rare and the market becomes oversaturated with them, like most exotic drops are now, then you'll probably get one or more, but complain that the exotics aren't worth anything anymore and consider them junk. You just can't have both unfortunately.

But at the end of the day, I think if you're looking for regular interesting drops from this game, I think you're just going to continue to be disappointed, because Arenanet decided on a different style of economy: junk loot that can be easily turned into gold which you can spend on whatever you want. As much as a precursor drop sounds cool, I'd rather have enough gold to buy the one I want instead of getting the underwater one that dropped for me that was worth next to nothing at the time. If you're looking for that consistent dopamine rush of sweet sweet loot, I think you're in the wrong place.

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20 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:


Am I misreading something? 


Anyways, for now maybe respond to the rest of the post you quoted above. Your constant dodging is getting boring. You keep saying wow does it well/better, but you've quit wow because you weren't getting the drops. Your expectations are unrealistic since you want to keep getting easy drops that will still be rare for others.

Yes i see i typed that. Srry. And with a few days i mean weeks. If you solo some mythic raids there is some really good gold drop. If you grind 2 weeks of the 60 days play time you can maybe buy a wow token. Also if you solo raids for mounts you get some gold. 

and yes mmo is about rng. But there is a difference with actual getting something and never get something worth gold. 

i dont play mmo anymore. I logged in for lunar but annual is too annoying. Slowly i skip everything and then quit.  Not easy if you build something nice. And guildwars 2 has also good things i didnt mention

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On 2/7/2024 at 10:25 AM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

The "junk items" have been around forever so those aren't going anywhere, and at least they can be vendored for a few pennies. The bag-in-a-box-in-a-sack-in-a-pack thing is annoying, true, but pretty sure we're stuck with it. At least it can keep you from overflowing your inventory when picking up lootz.

Many can't be sold---all you can do is junk them.  SO much worthless garbage that Anet says  are a reward.  LMAO

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On 2/17/2024 at 2:24 PM, Omega.6801 said:

I don't check on other games that have the SAME model as GW2, i.e. you buy the base game at full price, expansions at maybe half of that, the rest is QoL purchases (Skins, Convenience, no power or the likes). Can you give some price comparisons?

look at the sims, 20 euro for a accesoires pack and 40 for an expansion pack, but they are often on discount and look how many skins (objects you get for your money) sure the sims games stay high priced, but after years the base game is free like gw2 is. but no restrictions.

i took a break from this forum and will do more often. 

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5 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

look at the sims, 20 euro for a accesoires pack and 40 for an expansion pack, but they are often on discount and look how many skins (objects you get for your money) sure the sims games stay high priced, but after years the base game is free like gw2 is. but no restrictions.

i took a break from this forum and will do more often. 

That's hard to compare. Sure 40 euro gets you 300 skins for a sims game but that's like hairstyles, skirts, staircases, styles of lawn and so on. I mean yeah, some things, like a dress can be compared to an outfit for example. But what is the GW2 equivalent of a floor tile? What is the sims highschool years equivalent of a mount skin?

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