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Most Hated Class Tier List

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Vindicator/ Virtuoso/ Mechanist (actually just delete EOD tbh)/ DE/ Scrapper/


Necro (mostly scourge)


Don't mind the rest, also all classes have more than one balance issue in this power creeped and clueless balanced game. Asking for any buff to anything on any class is clearly a crime these days.

Edited by melcor.1094
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I still can't figure out why people hate mesmer so much. I can see why people would dislike staff mesmers, but the end result is the same as any other class going full bunker, it's nothing really special. Someone could share some wisdom with me?

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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@Terrorhuz.4695  Its not me personally, i dont mind fighting mesmers. (unless its virtuoso, then i loose my kitty)

But why most people hate mesmer, is the fact that this whole class is based around visual clutter.  Which is a plain bad design decision.

There is supposed to happen so much on your screen, that you loose track of the real mesmer.


This is completly shite and overwhelming for new players and at the same time very predictable and useless against veterans and very inconsistent when using the class, because you rely on a bad AI that has the tendency to just run into random AoE´s and die.

The idea is cool. Dont get me wrong. But from a competitive designstandpoint the whole concept of that class is 1 major flaw.

Virtuoso tried fixing this, by not having clones, and having bigger tells and clearer animations. But anet quickly realized that mesmer without clones and visual clutter is just... well.... BAD.  So they propped up virt, and that resulted in the most braindead sleeper spec i have ever seen in any game that is solely carried by spamming defenses and boring the enemy to death.


The whole of mesmer only works, because staff is SUUUPER bloated and lame. And when not running staff, you rely on some stealth 1shot-gimmick, where you have to run away or will flap over dead should the enemy survive the burst...which is also unfun for pretty much everyone involved.

I get why people like mesmer.... but when we are honest, that whole thing is 1 big flaw And needs a overhaul in so many areas. Right now mesmer is limited to  Either bunkercondisnooze or a  stealth 1shot-gimmick.  Which is the two things the playerbase hates the most.


And to top it all off, the devs dont understand that class, they dont know where to go with their own class, and they do not know how to balance it properly.... so they did twist and turn the traits and weapons, up until the point where almost nothing makes any sense anymore. 

Just my 2cts.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 hour ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Someone could share some wisdom with me?

mirage up until relatively recently could dodge while in a cc, that's really annoying and made actually punishing them impossible
infinite horizon was busted forever and led to a billion nerfs every patch while mirage still dominated; clones intentionally did not do damage up until that point, only phantasms, IH gave them real damage (mostly via condi)
shatter mes has, at one time or another, been only counterable by a teef
virtuoso is virtuoso and like bladesworn is extremely uninteractive

i think there's plenty of reasons over the game's life time why someone might pick mesmer

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2 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I still can't figure out why people hate mesmer so much. I can see why people would dislike staff mesmers, but the end result is the same as any other class going full bunker, it's nothing really special. Someone could share some wisdom with me?

When mesmers bunker, it's some of the most frustrating and annoying things to deal with.

I'm sure a lot of people remember the old BunkerChrono that turned the game into a race to cap the node first and hold it forever, but even beyond that, mesmer is notorious for being incredibly annoying to deal with.

Mirage on release was one of the most ridiculous specs you could deal with. Elusive Mind used to break stun on activation, which meant it was literally impossible to lock them down with CC and they'd just Juant if you immobilized them. 

Staff Signet Mirage is an abomination that shouldn't have existed.

Virtuoso is Virtuoso; you know how boring it is to deal with.

They've also been responsible for some of the most unfair interactions in the game. A long time ago, Moa used to be 10 seconds and was always cast during Continuum Split and often stealth, which made seeing it impossible and up to prediction, and F5 gave them two chances with a skill that's generally considered a death sentence to be hit with even in its current nerfed version. 

There's a lot more, like the insane visual clutter they bring, and every class has things that people hate about it, but Mesmer has had a unique brand of nonsense over the years.

Edited by CutesySylveon.8290
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49 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

We are aware that most of the mesmer interactions people talk about (bunker chrono, visual vomit mirage, stunbreak on dodge) were removed ages ago, right...?

The class is still a visual vomit: chrono and staff mirage. Previous interactions with the class also contribute to how people feel about it after the fact as well. People still talk about Vanilla Cele Ele, Power Herald during HoT days, PoF Scourge, Trapper DH, Condi Sword DD, etc. Lots of those builds might not be around, but some elements of them that made them issues or hated still persist. 

Mesmer is still a diarrhea of effects on screen, still has one of the most debilitating CCs that has the only enemy transformation effect *along with Engi having a lesser version of it* , and still has the best defensive effect in the game. It's much like thief in that it's annoying to fight even if it's not the most oppressive. Thief even at its lowest point is still hated.

Edited by CutesySylveon.8290
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I must say that I'm struggling to really understand the context that this "ranking" is trying to point out. What kind of hate from whom are we talking about here?

  • Is it some perceived "hate" from the devs? Everybody believe that the devs hate their main profession.
  • Is it a population issue? People often believe that if a profession have a low representation when they play, it mean that the playerbase hate this profession.
  • Is it feedback from the chatbox where toxic players spit their poison? I mean... They are trolls, I'm not sure one can count that as genuine feedback.
  • Is it the genuine feelings of the OP about those professions? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
  • Is it from the perspective of fighting against or playing said profession? I feel like this is a relevant question.
  • ... etc.
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  • All guardian Flavors Dragonhunter, Willbender and Core Support Guardian- hopefully they nerf them in the next path altho dragonhunters have been present in every single game for the last 3 months
  • Soulbeast and Druid
  • Recently I encounter a lot of Catalists and Weavers that make life absolute hell. We cannot kill them for 20-30 sec 2vs1 while we are both almost dead.

    People that hate thief just cannot play the game 😞 It super useless in the current 5man zerg meta - just camp mid and send out 2-3 ppl to capture the point closest to the base. Stonks. Worst case scenario the people mid need to stall. But dont worry guardians Druids are plenty they have no problem stalling 5man even
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8 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I still can't figure out why people hate mesmer so much. I can see why people would dislike staff mesmers, but the end result is the same as any other class going full bunker, it's nothing really special. Someone could share some wisdom with me?

I think its (a few instances of) annoying design.

I was fighting a power virt friend in a duel on melee zerk, evaded bladesongs, tracked properly, landed a cc in between the aegis procs and had to stand there and watch them be distorted for the whole animation lock.

I was fighting another mes friend on a weird staff build. Landed a cc in between all the visual clutter, while counting blinks cd. Shatter 2 put so much confusion on me while they were cced that I had to stop attacking and let them reset, because staff clones camp and only come into cleave range while shattering. -I- got punished for their misplay.

I don't think its very unbalanced in the grand scheme of things, but a couple of setups feel like the punishment you take is not for misplaying against them, but for interacting with them at all. Which, I'd add, I find especially backwards since these same builds offer next to zero team support. 

The only playstyle for mes I like fighting is nuke core mes (or n:uke chrono), and those happen to also be good for plus one.  The others are kind of annoying, which I concede is probably my bias talking, but I've fought other builds/classes where my opponent was markedly better than me and still enjoyed it, so I think my personal hangup is that they can just continue to dps you/retroactively correct misjudgements through situations that would cause a playstyle shift in most other classes, often by very nature of the design of their defensives.

I don't think its overpowered, I just kind of bristle dealing with it. I don't even have any suggestions on anything needing to be changed, I'm willing to just say I'm personally annoyed with them and make that a character trait at this point. 


I can see why people would dislike staff mesmers,


Yeah its mostly this tbh.


We are aware that most of the mesmer interactions people talk about (bunker chrono, visual vomit mirage, stunbreak on dodge) were removed ages ago, right...?

Yeah, but vestiges of what made the builds frustrating still linger. Again, am VERY glad they're not ridiculously balanced still.


bunker chrono

This is either back or replaced by shield virt. Idk which lmao

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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My list is really different when it comes to professions and especs. If I take into account all the builds I played over the past few years (meta, good or just for fun). I think I would have this list.

  • Mesmer : I have seen too many tank / cc builds. I often feel like I am not doing anything or that I am not allowed to play which is why I place it above.
  • Engineer  / Ele : I find those 2 professions having a good combination of mobility, burst and decent sustain. Rewarding you say? Maybe? but also harder to deal with.  
  • War / Rev: Hit and miss. For war I did not like the super tanky 1V1 builds but 'usually' enjoy seeing them in tf or on more offensive builds. Rev has some more specialized builds on herald but sometimes feel really loaded (like vindicator...)
  • Guard / Thief: Tankyness vs evasiveness. Both are fine when they do not bring high damage. (willbender…)
  • Ranger / Necro: in general I find them more predictable.

When it comes to specialization I do not like those who have boosted dodge mechanics or too many loaded mechanics. I am not going to cover all of them so let’s just go with the most hated:

  • Willbender / Vindicator / Mirage 
Edited by aymnad.9023
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  1. Deadeye (Untouchable/Insane Damage/Limited Counterplay)
  2. Power Shatter Chronomacer (Too Much Instant Cast Actions/Insane Damage)
  3. Bladesworn (Shield Master/Barrier Spam)
  4. Druid  (Insane sustain/CC Spam)
  5. Any kind of unkillable bunker that deals good to great damage. (e.g. DM Harbs, Hammer Catas, Cele Zerker, Cele Untamed, Cele/Bunker Virt, Any Salvation Rev)
Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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Pre-EoD there was this barrier scrapper build which only bots played. Sometimes you had 2 or even 3 bots in a single game. The cool thing was that these bots were unkillable and would camp far. They had some funny lines and were better supports than actual players.







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