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We need some new gear stat sets.

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2 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Just curious if someone can tell me which if any builds use Grieving as their optimal dps set? I always thought it looks really strong for a power build with built-in condis. But when I tried it on ele which I thought to be a great candidate on it (cause a lot of the power skills have burning on it and it gets free burn duration + runes of baltha) it always turned out worse than pure power or pure condi - though that may be due to lack of skill in power rotations on my end.

Grieving feels like something only Firebrand could make it work, and even then I’d question if it’s even “optimal”. It only works because it can achieve 100% burn duration on its F1 skills through traits alone and Balth rune, leaving the Sigil slots still completely free like a normal build.

Comparably to Ele, Ele needs a Smoldering sigil to achieve only 90% burn duration, which could have been something else in a normal Viper’s build that brings more DPS (an Earth sigil to trigger Fractal relic more frequently, for example). Also relying on Burning alone for condi Ele is bad gameplay, since the damage of a typical condi Ele build is split between Burning and Bleeding. 


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6 minutes ago, ZephidelGRS.9520 said:

Grieving feels like something only Firebrand could make it work, and even then I’d question if it’s even “optimal”. It only works because it can achieve 100% burn duration on its F1 skills through traits alone and Balth rune, leaving the Sigil slots still completely free like a normal build.

Comparably to Ele, Ele needs a Smoldering sigil to achieve only 90% burn duration, which could have been something else in a normal Viper’s build that brings more DPS (an Earth sigil to trigger Fractal relic more frequently, for example). Also relying on Burning alone for condi Ele is bad gameplay, since the damage of a typical condi Ele build is split between Burning and Bleeding. 


I wouldn't call it bad gameplay to focus on burning. It's not optimal for dps of course, but depending on the player it may be a good choice to go for a low intensity build. A lesser skilled player with lower apm may end up pulling more dps with a low intensity build that lets them focus more on the fight mechanics than running a more involved build and doing more mistakes. But that's kinda opinion based and offtopic anyhow, so I'll leave it at that ^^

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On 3/25/2024 at 6:26 AM, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

I keep asking for negative stat-combos. Higher positive improvements in return for weaker other stats:

Blood Berserker
+ Power
+ Ferocity
- Vitality

Frenzy Berserker
+ Power
+ Precision
- Vitality

Lethal Force
+ Precision
+ Ferocity
- Toughness
- Vitality

+ Condition Damage
+ Expertise
- Vitality
- Toughness

Doom (inverted celestial)
+ power
- all other attributes

Lucky Dice
- vitality
- toughness
+ all other attributes

+ Vitality
+ Toughness
- Power
- Precision
- Condition Damage
- Expertise

+ Concentration
- Expertise

Could be a fun idea.

Maybe test it out by limiting it to a specific trinket first or chest piece only.  Then expand the slots over time until that breaking limit.

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I would love to see

Major: Power | Expertise

Minor: Precision | Ferocity.

Call it Dark Templar.

I'd also like to see a version that is precision major and Expertise minor.

There are power builds that still rely on soft condis like cripple, vuln, and immobilize that would thrive under such a stat set.

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On 3/24/2024 at 11:23 AM, firedragon.8953 said:

Did someone say single attribute armor?
I'll take toughness please. Yes, just toughness.
We can call it Pacifist

I wouldn’t mind going full heal power on my supports.

I think the idea is kinda cool but maybe a bit too niche… stats rely a bit to heavily on other stats to be effective so makes it kinda tough to sign onto 

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Good call , i think i would not be  harsh work to add new stats.

As i play a lot of healer i really kind of like the idea of an offensiv healer , like power/précision major and healing/concentration minor , same kind for a condi version of it 

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On 3/24/2024 at 1:53 AM, StraightPath.3972 said:

There are certain niche builds (or e-specs) that could really use the love from tailored gear stat sets.
Here are my suggestions:

  • Retributor - Power + Precision major, healing power + ferocity minor.
    A power stat set for dps healers.
    Possible users: Vindicator (he needs a dps healer gear set badly), Healer warriors

based. AND BASED. I've wanted this for heal warrior since there are really no competitive choices for a warrior heal and dps build apart from berserker. 
how about a dps + support stat without the unnecessary stats of celestial or too supportive stats like ritualist?

condition damage

healing power
condition damage

healing power

(the 3rd one would be good if you had access to precision from traits or high crit chance from modified boons like fury or resolution).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to see 5-6 stat combos. Specifically something like:




or marauders toughness edition (demolishers of PvP):


Edited by SeTect.5918
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41 minutes ago, hash.8462 said:

Is called Demolisher and is already in game (but only for PvP)...

By the way, I'd like it too.

Yeah I know, tho its kinda dumb its for pvp only. Condi gets to use stuff like trailblazers and for power its like "no toughness for you".

Condi is far ahead when it comes to solo play in open world while almost all power builds deal too low damage or have too low defense when it comes to soloing champs or legendaries while for condi its just like go get trailblazers or cele and you good to solo almost everything.
Its time for power to get some good stats in PvE imo.

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Being able to play an offensive healer , YES ! idc about some plague doctor stuff , the vitality there is a waste 

Power/healing/précsion/concentration and condi/healing/expertise/concentration plz , also could add a new set of runes like focused on a specific boon like firebrand runes does.

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I would say yes and no.

If minstrels get removed to fix the balance and concentration "hammered"  cause permanent boons carries and a lot mostly outside pve  I can imagine similar stats to be introduced.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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