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Two instances of being wacked out by game design in <3 months

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At my witts end. 

The UI really needs an overhaul, i scroll and scroll to find the things i need by hovering over them. 
I find the thing i was looking for, a merchant at dragons end. Oh, but i don't have the DLC! 

So the game just takes my gold, and i get no merchant woop woop!

Then, just today, i save up enough laurels after 2 months of casual after-work playtime and buy the ascended accessory for my second earring slot.
But i can't use it! It let me buy something that i can't use.. Why? If i'm only able to equip one of them due to being "Unique" Which - by the way, is not explained in any tooltip! To me unique litterally just seems like some sort of rarity rating buy hey IDK i'm just some old casual so now i've got a useless item! Do i want to continue playing? Likely not! But here is my frustration, take it as constructive feedback and improve your UI - Tooltips before more players suffer from these random nuances. 

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3 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

At my witts end. 

The UI really needs an overhaul, i scroll and scroll to find the things i need by hovering over them. 
I find the thing i was looking for, a merchant at dragons end. Oh, but i don't have the DLC! 

So the game just takes my gold, and i get no merchant woop woop!

Then, just today, i save up enough laurels after 2 months of casual after-work playtime and buy the ascended accessory for my second earring slot.
But i can't use it! It let me buy something that i can't use.. Why? If i'm only able to equip one of them due to being "Unique" Which - by the way, is not explained in any tooltip! To me unique litterally just seems like some sort of rarity rating buy hey IDK i'm just some old casual so now i've got a useless item! Do i want to continue playing? Likely not! But here is my frustration, take it as constructive feedback and improve your UI - Tooltips before more players suffer from these random nuances. 

The answer to all your woes:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page

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3 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

It let me buy something that i can't use.. Why? If i'm only able to equip one of them due to being "Unique"

Ascended gear is account bound, meaning you can move it between characters. So you might buy several versions of a unique item and then distribute them across different characters. It would be very annoying if I could only buy an account bound item on specific characters.

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First off, start using the wiki more especially on things you are unsure of.

As far as unique: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unique

There is also a nifty link to acquiring ascended gear, especially trinkets: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_trinket

There you can find which trinkets are available from which map and for what resource. For example: one of the most popular sources for ascended rings and accessories is Bitterfrost Frontier (LWS3 map 3) and acquiring the Unbound Magic and Winterberries is easy enough (around 40-43 Winterberries per run through the forest there per character per day, which can also be consumed for Unbound Magic if need be).

The same is available for ascended back items as well: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_back_item

As mentioned by others: ascended items are account bound and can be shared/given to another character on your account.

Good Luck.

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2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

May I ask what the first part is about? 

I'm curious. 

What item can a free to play user work on that suddenly needs an expack? 

The OP can't be a free player because free accounts can't post on the forum. It sounds like they don't have End of Dragons, but they do have a paid account of some sort.

I'm not sure what they mean though, I can't think of anywhere in the game you can scroll through a list to find the option to buy a merchant from Dragon's End. All I could think of is an upgrade for the Eye of the North, but there's nothing which requires EoD.

@Invoker.5462 - if you want Anet to act on your feedback you need to give more details. What exactly were you trying to buy? Where were you looking for it (what were you 'scrolling and scrolling' through?) It would probably also be helpful to know which expansions you do have, because things in expansions you don't have are supposed to be locked so you can't even try to buy them, so whatever this is might be linked to the wrong one.

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6 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

i scroll and scroll to find the things i need by hovering over them. 
I find the thing i was looking for, a merchant at dragons end. Oh, but i don't have the DLC! 

So the game just takes my gold, and i get no merchant woop woop!

What exactly is this about?

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2 minutes ago, Invoker.5462 said:
Any purchased services from Lady Camilla on accounts without Path of Fire will not work, as the service NPCs will disappear once you leave the map, wasting the currency. The Hatched Chili and Eternal Ice vendors are an exception

Well, you have your answer then and as such your next step should be to contact Anet support about this. None of us can do anything about this anyways. I also encountered the "unique" matter of ascended trinkets like you did and I did get it fixed by support, so here's hoping. Write two separate tickets for each issue though. That makes things a lot easier going forward.

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You can also make your duplicate accessory equippable by changing it in the Forge so it's the same one but upgraded.  The wiki has details on how.  Just don't upgrade both exactly the same way.

Edited by Donari.5237
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5 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

You can also make your duplicate accessory equippable by changing it in the Forge so it's the same one but upgraded.  The wiki has details on how.  Just don't upgrade both exactly the same way.

Unfortunately, you can't do that with trinkets and back items.

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8 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

You can also make your duplicate accessory equippable by changing it in the Forge so it's the same one but upgraded.  The wiki has details on how.  Just don't upgrade both exactly the same way.

Only rings can do that, not the earrings(accessories). :(

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14 minutes ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

Unfortunately, you can't do that with trinkets and back items.

I know referring to the wiki is the Solution to All Problems but it's still annoying how arbitrary and inconsistent this is.

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Sorry to have misstated it.  I have only needed to reforge ascended gear a few times over the past decade.  It's easy enough to give the duplicate to an alt, or to keep accruing laurels, or to use exotic.  If you must have ascended due to doing fractals, then you will get the accessories you need over time just from doing fractals as I understand it.  They are cleverly designed to allow self-contained bootstrapping.

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11 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

The OP can't be a free player because free accounts can't post on the forum. It sounds like they don't have End of Dragons, but they do have a paid account of some sort.

I'm not sure what they mean though, I can't think of anywhere in the game you can scroll through a list to find the option to buy a merchant from Dragon's End. All I could think of is an upgrade for the Eye of the North, but there's nothing which requires EoD.

@Invoker.5462 - if you want Anet to act on your feedback you need to give more details. What exactly were you trying to buy? Where were you looking for it (what were you 'scrolling and scrolling' through?) It would probably also be helpful to know which expansions you do have, because things in expansions you don't have are supposed to be locked so you can't even try to buy them, so whatever this is might be linked to the wrong one.

Weird thing is they do (or did) seem to have EoD, unless I've absolutely lost my mind, which is highly probable. Today's been a really long day, and I'm still not done. 😭

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16 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

The UI really needs an overhaul, i scroll and scroll to find the things i need by hovering over them.

Du you have actual examples?


17 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

I find the thing i was looking for, a merchant at dragons end. Oh, but i don't have the DLC! 

Where did you find "the thing"? What's the context?...


17 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

Then, just today, i save up enough laurels after 2 months of casual after-work playtime and buy the ascended accessory for my second earring slot.
But i can't use it! It let me buy something that i can't use.. Why?

Because ascended items are account bound. You can use them on any character of your account.
Buying an item for another account is not that uncommon.

With that said, any game let's you buy stuff you can't use or already have.
No game keeps track on what items you already bought, what items are equiped, what's in your bank etc. and decides whether you are allowed to buy something (again) or not.
On other words, the game is not in charge of controling what you buy, You are.
If you buy something you can't use, it's your own fault.


17 hours ago, Invoker.5462 said:

If i'm only able to equip one of them due to being "Unique" Which - by the way, is not explained in any tooltip! To me unique litterally just seems like some sort of rarity rating buy hey IDK i'm just some old casual so now i've got a useless item!

Tbf, the "unique" state is indeed not explained anywhere.

However, the game never says it's a "sort of rarity rating".

While it's absolutely understandable that you didn't know what "unique" mean due to the lack of further information, you buying the item anyways without informing further is kinda questionable. It makes the bad purchase partly your fault.

You saw the "Unique" state, but you said to yourself "it's a rarity" with no absolutely no base.
Apparently you also haven't bothered at all to ask somebody about it. A short "What does Unique mean" in map chat and people would have given you all needed information.
Alternatively to asking, you also could have used the wiki.
You literally bought something without bothering to check what it actually is.


As others already said, contact support and ask for a refund of the item. Usually they are pretty accommodating in such cases.

For the future I suggest you to check the information an item gives you before buying it. As said, asking mapchat already does the job.
Your problem wasn't a UI issue, it was a thinking issue.

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3 hours ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

Unfortunately, you can't do that with trinkets and back items.

I know it's nitpicking, and probably totally unnecessary, but:

You can equip only one back item anyways, so the problem of equiping two of the same unique items doesn't even appear there to begin with.

Edited by kiroho.4738
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The first point in  the op sounds interesting.  I am not sure about all of the scrolling mentioned.

I have encountered two mechanics that sound vaguely similar.

  One was a temporary buff that was sold by a renown heart vendor.  I had thought that the npc was selling a consumable with an hour duration.  The vendor allowed me to buy multiple at a time.  I spent some karma buying 10 and then looked for them in my inventory.  I found nothing, then I looked at my boons and found the buff.  It was only for an hour, buying multiple had done nothing for intensity or duration.  A bit frustrating

The second similar idea are npcs that summon services to a map when you give resources, including gold.  Some of those service npcs have little or no functionality unless you have the proper mastery.  The summoning npc doesn't have a way to check a player's masteries.  It will absolutely allow you to pay for a service npc that won't sell you anything.

Those are my guesses.

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1 hour ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Those are my guesses

Although the OP's post was removed, part of it has been quoted and indicates he/she purchased a service NPC in Eye of the North and lost it when exiting the area because he/she supposedly doesn't own Path of Fire.  That seems debatable as he/she has posted about owning 'HoF' and 'HoT'.  🤷‍♂️

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5 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Although the OP's post was removed, part of it has been quoted and indicates he/she purchased a service NPC in Eye of the North and lost it when exiting the area because he/she supposedly doesn't own Path of Fire.  That seems debatable as he/she has posted about owning 'HoF' and 'HoT'.  🤷‍♂️

Huh it sounds like OP simply ended up in a different instance from the one the service npc had spawned in.   I suppose Op might have returned hours later after the original map had closed.  I can understand thinking that paying for map services should allow a player to access those services permanently.  Though reading that it is supposed to be a group contribution would be a clue that the service is temporary.   It would be kind of Anet to describe the services as, Temporary services, within the ingame description.  Perhaps throw in a line about the summoned service only being for a limited time so the commander had better hurry.

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1 hour ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Huh it sounds like OP simply ended up in a different instance from the one the service npc had spawned in.   I suppose Op might have returned hours later after the original map had closed.  I can understand thinking that paying for map services should allow a player to access those services permanently.  Though reading that it is supposed to be a group contribution would be a clue that the service is temporary.   It would be kind of Anet to describe the services as, Temporary services, within the ingame description.  Perhaps throw in a line about the summoned service only being for a limited time so the commander had better hurry.

From the Wiki:  https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lady_Camilla#Items_offered

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On 4/11/2024 at 11:33 PM, kiroho.4738 said:

Du you have actual examples?

I can give you one from just today.

I've several rare hero weapons in my bank and wanted to upgrade them to their exotic versions (other skin) to free the occupied bank space.
The weapon itself lists what you need to get, like elona wine, some t6 material etc to throw into the mystic forge. So I got all the pieces for all weapons that I knew but I didn't know the gift of heroes. Went to wiki to check where to get it and it said it is discontinued 😆😮😞
Now upon receiving the rare version it automatically unlocks the exotic version at some merchant. Means I didn't need to store them in my bank for weeks/months in the first place.

It wouldn't be so annoying if I wasn't just broke atm (after crafting Conflux and buying the copper salvage tool today).

Edited by Lucy.3728
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10 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I can give you one from just today.

I've several rare hero weapons in my bank and wanted to upgrade them to their exotic versions (other skin) to free the occupied bank space.
The weapon itself lists what you need to get, like elona wine, some t6 material etc to throw into the mystic forge. So I got all the pieces for all weapons that I knew but I didn't know the gift of heroes. Went to wiki to check where to get it and it said it is discontinued 😆😮😞
Now upon receiving the rare version it automatically unlocks the exotic version at some merchant. Means I didn't need to store them in my bank for weeks/months in the first place.

It wouldn't be so annoying if I wasn't just broke atm (after crafting Conflux and buying the copper salvage tool today).

Well, first it's no example for OPs issue of "i scroll and scroll to find the things i need by hovering over them.".

Second your case is no issue of the UI, it's just an outdated description.

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