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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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(wonders whether this thread is read by the devs)

I'm just slightly confused as to why only some of the 2000gems mounts have footfalls. As it stands, unless you're rich, you're only going to be able to buy one or two of these unless you save up so why would you ever pick the Goaty McGoatface springer skin over another flashier skin like the Primal Spirit Jackal. Give them all footfalls and/or a unique summon effect and you're more likely to see the others be given a fairer chance. It may also encourage people to aim for the whole set.

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A reset Mastery points option, as you have in WvW for ability points.  Once per account, and even as a gemstore item would be fine, but let those of us who used our mastery points in ways we didn't want just to get rid of that obnoxious as kitten popup rearrange them now.  And for the love of all the Six, get rid of that obnoxious as kitten popup!!!!

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I use the right mouse button to steer my character, so using the right mouse to attack makes absolutely no sense.  I have other games that use the right mouse button for steering and have no problem with having the left mouse to attack if no interact is available.  The problem with the shift, specifically the left shift is that it's very convenient as a dodge button, in fact very natural, but with the shift hardcoded as a chat link, no skill can be used while dodging using the shift, or rather it can but results in spamming the skill and activating the chat window during combat.  Another issue is that hiding the chat UI in combat in general doesn't work for the purpose many people would like it for.  Hiding it DOES NOT disable it.  It allows you to be spamming skills in the chat window without knowing it and with no way to really get out of the chat unless esc works, and then you are just guessing that spamming in the chat is the reason you can't move.  Chat maybe should have a read only mode where the player can only read chat and it doesn't interfere with skill functioning.  This way people can read any commands being given by a commander without having to have the chat fully active.  Another thing that would be useful, especially for anyone who clicks on the screen for weapon skills (due to short fingers limiting keybinds or any other reason), would be to have the option, checkbox, to disable the on-screen dodge bar to prevent inadvertent dodging.


Edited by Shroedingers Chupacabra.29
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Couldn't find anywhere else to post  suggestions so not sure if this thread has a specific suggestion context. I think it would be realy appealing if some classes or even all elite specializations for classes had nicer/varied dodge animations. Hell I'd even pay for animations for this. Playing Elementalist/Weaver for the first time and it's a lot of fun, jumping between attunements and triggering traits based on dodge and what not. But it also looks really silly doing the age old 'dodge roll', where turning into a wisp for a second as you 'roll' or blurring with a sidestep etc would look and feel way more impactful. 

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With the release of Virtuoso, I believe it's time to have the dagger added to the 'Phantasm' (unofficial name) weapon set:



There's no better time to do it!


Mystic forge recipe example:

1 Eldritch Scroll 

50 Mystic Coins

250 Orichalcum Dagger Blade

250 Glob of Ectoplasm


The model is already in the game via Phantasmal Rogue. Make it happen A-net.

(Also no reason not to add in Staff whilst you're at it!)


Edited by Obliviscaris.6937
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Lately there was probably some change with targeting.

It seems that earlier, the Next Ally key allowed select nearest items in order, for example - there is a stack of Banners, select one and pressing the key switched to next banner, so it was easy to take all banners. Currently switching order seems changed, after banner other player is selected, need to switch longer to get banners.

Also Next Ally key seems to stopped working on Presents on Snowball Mayhem.

Would be better if the key keep switching from nearest, or maybe add two separate keys for switching - one for characters, second for items.

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Dear arenanet and players,


I was wondering if you are also struggling to the winterland jumping puzzle, I can imagine may players of you find it very frustrating that other people jump together with you, and making you very nervous and make falling mistakes about this matter, well I have maybe a proposition for you, if arenanet can change this matter.

Now if characters jump together especially for the norns & charrs it consumes your character in theirs then you can make more jumping mistakes this way, it's barely visuable where to jump


My proposition is very simple do like the jumping puzzle in Halloween but in winter wonderland =>Make your own character visual and all other players a ghost dot, this way it's so so much better to see where you jump. So other players aren't nervous and do less jumping mistakes (Would be great if arenanet can do something about this, and I know this will help to improve the jumping experience inside winterwonderland 😉 )



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Not sure if anyone mentioned the idea concerning shared gathering slots, but it would be nice if the appearance could be attached to the character as it currently is, but the functionality (including glyph functionality) could be shared by all the characters.  I know doing this QoL improvement doesn't really make sense in terms of the monetization of the game, but it would save tons of time that people waste swapping tools or glyphs through the shared slots and make the game significantly less grindy for some.

Even better yet have a glyph vault similar to the legendary equipment one, so that people don't have to shuffle the glyphs around, just select them from a list of glyphs housed in a shared vault.  This could be extended to tools if the shared functionality idea in the above paragraph isn't that easy on the implementation side.  Might be possible to reuse or modify some of the existing leggie vault code.

Edited by Shroedingers Chupacabra.29
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I'm sure this has been suggested plenty of times already so just adding my voice 🙂

For the purpose of "fashion wars" I would like equipment templates to also carry the following settings:

  • Equipment visibility state
  • Outfit visibility state
  • Outfit skin
  • Outfit dye channels
  • Glider skin
  • Glider dye channels

I currently do a lot of button clicking switching between templates - this would save a good amount of time. Thanks!

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When “Hide bags” is selected:

Can each bag’s slots be outlined in some way, so you actually know which slots go to which bag? I like the display of all slots shown without having to minimize/maximize each bag. Every slot is shown. The problem I have is that I use invisible bags, and bags that containers get placed in automatically. I generally use these two bags as my last two bags, and then I organize and place items there Like food etc I don’t want sorted all the time, and materials I am saving up for legendaries/collections. In the hide bags option, I don’t know which slots are invisible or container slots. A simple bolted outline for each bag slots would be helpful and minimal.

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I would like to request tails for other races please.

Such as Tiger, reptilian, and even rabbit.


I personally am only after a feline tail for my Asura.

The Lombax race fits better an asura than charr. He just needs his tail.

It would complete its look.

But I'm sure Role-players would love to have a big assortment of tails for other races.


Can you guys also add the Aviator cap to gem store or other ways of getting it please.

Maybe a B. Lion chest drop at 90% chance in a special week or so.

Maybe add it to B. Lion Statuettes? 

If it is already, could have then more ways of getting the statuettes please?

I really want that Aviators cap.


Thank you so much guys.

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Just some feedback from a new player freshly level 80 on their first character regarding story and mastery points:


The leveling experience in this game is fun and brisk which meant that I was level 80 well before I even finished my personal story. Due to level scaling this was totally fine as zones/dungeons were still fun to play through, however reaching level 80 also meant that experience would start going towards the mastery point unlocks. This is fine except for the horribly obnoxious pop-up that comes up every single time you get experience. Every single time. From anything. This wouldn't be a big deal if dismissing it would make it not pop up again, but it just wouldn't stop. It also covers nearly the entire chat window.


Herein lies the major problem. I am playing this game for the story. I want to play it in order. To get the pop-up to stop, the game expects you to start right into Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire and do the prologue and one subsequent mission to unlock the mastery system. I had to Google around to figure out if I could just skip the plot to avoid spoilers and just click through everything. Fortunately with the expansions it seems I can replay the missions... Except the prologue? Not the end of the world but as a new player this is very frustrating. Especially because if you want to play the Living World Season 2 before moving on to Heart of Thorns... You'd have to deal with the pop-up and get no mastery experience.


Please, ArenaNet, revisit the new player experience. Make the mastery system an unlock as a part of the base game since core Tyria already has mastery points. This is a frustrating and confusing user experience.

Edited by Dannflower.3194
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On 8/26/2021 at 4:23 PM, Imba.9451 said:

As discussed in other threads, I am extremely into the idea of being able to unlock the PvE legendary armor skins without having to craft them. It could work by having a merchant who only sells you, for example, the light legendary breastplate skin for the corresponding amout of LI and some gold, if you already have a legendary light chest piece (either PvP or WvW) bound to your account. This system already exists with awakened weapon skins in PvP.


Currently, there is a huge value disparity between crafting the Raid-Armor and the PvP/WvW armor. People who crafted the raid armor can unlock the other skins simply by purchasing the ascended gear pieces. On the other hand, people who crafted the PvP/WvW variant have to craft a whole legendary set of armor again, without receiving any benefit from doing so - else they can not get the skin.


I think it's unfair for PvP and WvW player to lock them out of this skin, unless they want to invest a huge amount of money again, despite them probably having invested a lot more time in their corresponding armor than Raid players have.

I`m just gonna bump this idea again. Having to craft another legendary set again, just for the skin, without any use for it because the legendary armory exists, is absolutely pointless.

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I recently had 10,000 hours of playtime.
And I remember most of Guild Wars 2's early appearances until now.

In the meantime, this world has undergone many developments and changes.
In the early days, Guild Wars 2 had a lot of people on every map, and almost every map had commanders.

And even if you don't know the events of the entire map, you can learn by following the commander.

The developers who played at that time will probably remember it.
I remember the endless rush of monsters and powerful bosses, and I remember when a lot of people came together to clear an event that we thought would never be possible.


After the event scale limit in Guild Wars 2, the case of a chain event of a group of 30 or more disappeared from the field.

now these appearances have almost disappeared with a few exceptions.

The reason for this disappearance is the decrease in new users, but I think there are several more reasons.

First, the event scale is limited. In the days when the event scale was not limited, 50 to 100 people followed the commander to the chain quest on the map. However, at that time, following this event was too much for the standard PC at the time, and I had no choice but to play in 5~10 frames.

The best graphics card in October 2012 was the GeForce 660, and now the best graphics card in 2022 is the GeForce 3080, and now there are PCs that are 10-20 times more powerful than they were then.

I read an article written by a developer a year ago that it is possible to change the event scale. And I remembered the days when there was no limit to the event scale.

I would like to return to the original Guild Wars 2 that emphasizes the grand and dramatic cooperation.

 Second, the number of Commanders has been reduced to 1/10 of what it was 10 years ago.
So far, meta-events are progressing through the volunteers of commanders.

And the Commander takes effort, know-how, and passion. I want them to be able to motivate more people to take on the commander role, and I want them to be rewarded.
This reward does not have to be monetary.
What I'm thinking of is that it could be a tag with a wider variety of colors and shapes, or it could be a towncloth skin that is no longer available.

That way, I think more commanders will be active like before.

I think Guild Wars 2 will be able to bring vitality once again.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by Joonmo.7523
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Anet could you please move the "Guild Invite" option 1 slot up or down away from "Unblock" in the- right click player- options... I cannot begin to describe how many times I accidentally invited people into guilds by trying to figure out their account name with block-unblock. It would be extremely helpful.


*Edit: Also, the guild invite option should not appear when targeting blocked players in my opinion, makes no sense. You can invite blocked players into the guild by mistake. 



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Allow players to use 'teleport to friend' with mentor tags. Works with commander tags, but not mentor tags.


Allow players to create charged quartz crystals with quartz crystals in their bank. Currently you have to have them in your inventory, and if you're like me, and like to have everything organized in your inventory and deposit all materials all the time, then this becomes extremely frustrating having to go to a bank every time to withdraw them, just to craft the charged quartz crystal.


'Idolatry' achievement and others - show icons on the map where these idols are, or at least have them all numbered with location hints as to where these are - we can't mind read where all these idols are, and this goes for other achievements - I can only imagine how frustrating it would be for new players to try and go for these achievements, knowing there's no clues whatsoever as to how they go about achieving this, and where to find all the idols of Jormag. With every achievement there should be hints, clues, and have objectives numbered, with locations, or some sort of guide, so we're not trying to do these achievements completely blind.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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On 1/1/2022 at 7:09 AM, Dannflower.3194 said:

Just some feedback from a new player freshly level 80 on their first character regarding story and mastery points:


The leveling experience in this game is fun and brisk which meant that I was level 80 well before I even finished my personal story. Due to level scaling this was totally fine as zones/dungeons were still fun to play through, however reaching level 80 also meant that experience would start going towards the mastery point unlocks. This is fine except for the horribly obnoxious pop-up that comes up every single time you get experience. Every single time. From anything. This wouldn't be a big deal if dismissing it would make it not pop up again, but it just wouldn't stop. It also covers nearly the entire chat window.


Herein lies the major problem. I am playing this game for the story. I want to play it in order. To get the pop-up to stop, the game expects you to start right into Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire and do the prologue and one subsequent mission to unlock the mastery system. I had to Google around to figure out if I could just skip the plot to avoid spoilers and just click through everything. Fortunately with the expansions it seems I can replay the missions... Except the prologue? Not the end of the world but as a new player this is very frustrating. Especially because if you want to play the Living World Season 2 before moving on to Heart of Thorns... You'd have to deal with the pop-up and get no mastery experience.


Please, ArenaNet, revisit the new player experience. Make the mastery system an unlock as a part of the base game since core Tyria already has mastery points. This is a frustrating and confusing user experience.

This. Please remove the returning annoying mastery point pop-ups.
To add on the new player experience. Me and my wife came from years of WoW and LOTRO. GW2 core game is fine and offers abit challange. But when we went into HoT we got absolutely destroyed. We are very dependend on other people grouping to finish the maps, especially hero points. And there aren't alot of people. Forget solo-play, thats just for the core game. HoT is not solo-play and new-player friendly. And we still havent reached PoF. We bought everything up to EoD. If only we had known sooner.

Edited by Herzeleid.5427
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When doing the wintersday jumping puzzle, if a large norn or charr is in front of me I wait until they finish and go ahead, because they take up the whole dang screen and I can't see where I'm going. However, I waited too long and then the jumping puzzle finished/reset. I suggest making people either highly transparent, or some form of transparent dot or something, as large players get in the way of jumping.


With the dragon eye infusion box, it's frustrating that you only get one eye as a reward, so it feels incomplete as you can't get both the left and right eye unless you're really lucky and win the RNG lottery from dragonfall with one of the pristine dragon eyes currently costing more than 5,000 gold each - but it is what it is. My main beef with the infusions, however, is that there aren't any WvW option variants. It's all very well to have agony resistance, but what if I don't want agony resistance? I don't do fractals (unless I absolutely have to, for an achievement or skin). I want the Mighty WvW Infusion Stats (+5 POWER with +1% Damage to Guards, Lords, and Supervisors from WvW). Can we at least get an option to combine a WvW infusion's stats with the aesthetics of the infusion? As I don't need agony resistance. This should apply to other infusions too - why is it always agony resistance and fractals stats based? Not all of us do fractals y'know...


Banners placed on the same spot can't be interacted with, so many players miss out of the buffs. Please make it so that banners can't be placed in the same area. Give like, a 100 or 150 range distance between them at least.


Some classes get a 25% run skill, or at the very least a 25% run trait in the build, however some classes don't get a 25% run skill or trait. I suggest, at the very least, providing a 25% run skill FOR ALL CLASSES. Also, it would be nice to see a 'rune' set that provides faster run speed while in combat.


Have a radial circle with mount icons so it's quicker to change out mounts. The main one could be the big icon in the circle, and the other 8 could be located around the radial circle like a compass, so North, South, East, West, and Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest. Being as we'll have 9 mounts with the upcoming siege turtle, this would be a perfect and complete setup for mounts. Just click on the mount icon and you're mounted!

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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What I'm requesting, no, begging for, is another Character Model Limit setting below lowest to simply hide all. And what better time to implement graphics settings than during a graphic back end renovation.


As someone who loves jumping puzzles, especially the current Wintersday one, I've been having a lot of trouble with massive Charr, huge dresses, giant wings, etc, all concealing the jumping platforms which, due to to the nature of collapsing platforms, forces you to run simultaneously and often directly inside of other players. Couple with the fact the game lets you play as an ant-sized Asura and you'll find there's people entirely blinded in these activities, completely killing the fun of it. You can lower the amount of characters currently but due to the random nature of the choice you'll likely always still have some elephantine catman or a huge-winged cash whale obscuring the path. Even beyond the functional aspects I'm sure more performance config would be warmly welcomed by those in the community without the benefit of a decent rig, as even with the lowest available settings mass events can still really chug.


I see a lot of "why would you wanna hide characters in an MMO, that defeats the point" but no, it's an important game-play aid, a performance feature and a means to save several people (especially with smaller characters) a lot of pain. Or at the very least give us a config file with int values, not just enums, even if that would mean having to restart the game. That'd still beat nothing.

Edited by vYv.1483
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